

Toronto, Canada

Devs: 1x01 Episode 1

I get it.. it's super stylish. There's limited dialog, long stretches of music and camera work. And yet it's just a bunch of nonsense. I don't dislike the pilot but it's not one of my favorites even though stuff does eventually happen. Not a lot of it makes sense.

That said the cinematography is excellent. Like Skyline just because it doesn't make sense it does at least look good doing it.

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plodding and dull but I was a kid at the time. There's a lot I probably didn't get back then.

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The Good Doctor: 2x11 Quarantine (2)

Hollar at the Asian dude who literally called out Shawn for literally saying what he's thinking all the time. It's WEIRD and more people would be commenting on it. again and again this show doesn't seem real because not enough people hate shawn.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x03 Power Broker

We can't end every episode with a character reveal. All the people who hated WandaVision for "being so slow". Well this is the show for you because it's basically a marvel movie without any of the recap. If you don't know who everyone is before you started episode one this series is just a mess. SO many people wanted to know if they could watch WandaVision without seeing Marvel movies first and it's so doable with so little information. "She's a witch, he's an android" that's it. TFatWS is so far the opposite. I've seen every MCU property and I'm still barely keeping it straight. I'm sure this will be the most fun for the people who do the entire MCU marathon and having just watched 15 movies going right into this it will feel great but watching it live is still not that good. It's just so hard to care about anything or anyone in this series.

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Insatiable: 1x06 Dunk 'N' Donut

I dunno who did this black girls makeup but I don't like it. she did have a great clap back and this episode's theme is back on track. the cast with the exception of the asian characters are insanely incestuous.

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Inside Man: 1x01 Episode 1

Okay, well that was confusing. The most notable storyline in this episode is the one involving the maths tutor, well specifically the maths tutor and the vicar.

Good lord woman why are you so.... and I struggle to find another word for this but stupid. Just one stupid moment flipped the entire path of the story for a character who honestly was amazing before then.

When you know someone so well why would make the presumptions she makes. Being shocked at CP I get. That's awful stuff I can't imagine. But assuming that Ben your math student is gleefully and casually taking ownership of it is ridiculous. The worst part is that in spite of the fact that his father is a vicar she can't imagine any other outcome than it's Ben's "He told me from his own mouth". Now Harry is also a moron for being unable to explain a simple concept like "it belongs to a parish member" without going through three fumbles. Just explain. How this ended up with her bleeding in your basement is beyond belief.

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Kim's Convenience: 4x03 The Help

Holy wow. I did NOT sign up for this but Kim's Convenience can go toe to toe with The Office (US) for cringe. They be ruining one of my top 3 characters (Janet) with the cringe nonsense she does.

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Ghosts: 1x03 Viking Funeral

Three episodes in this show is different but not different enough from the UK original. Rose McIver has a pretty solid reputation in SFF and I might keep watching because her and Utkarsh are both individually amusing people. The show is just a bit too reductive to carry itself. All the subtlety of the UK show seems to be tossed out.

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Younger: 7x02 It's the End of the World, Worm Girl

just a quick shoutout to the faux Greta Thurnberg. I'm sure Greta as barely a teenage has well intentioned but incompletely formed thoughts on the environment that are probably still worth listening to but this caricature of her is ridiculous.

"She's amazing. Sixteen and speaking truth to power like that?"

The girl said it was literal WASTE for everyone to have a microphone. hahah. She tried to shame everyone for the waste of energy it takes to make ice cubes. Someone introduce faux Greta to the ADA because there's a lot of wasteful things in there that don't NEED to be done but get done because they serve a purpose of making life dignified for people with disabilities. Like maybe people with poor hearing get to hear clearly because microphones exist. I'm only 3 minutes in but I feel like this character is a huge swing and a miss. Even if you don't like Greta this is really unfair.

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Younger: 2x08 Beyond Therapy

Contrary to what the show says HERE is when I say Josh and Liza become "on/off again" relationships. Before they simply broke up and got back together. Here's where they start to toggle. This is the episode where you start to require a scorecard.

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Future Cops

This is why I need to see this movie. https://twitter.com/out_action/status/1205365279074635776

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The Orville: 2x11 Lasting Impressions

This is merely an okay episode for The Orville. So little 6-7 our of 10 basically. There's just not a lot interesting going on.

I have to assume everyone else reviewing these episodes are 12 because I very MUCH remember smoking on TV when I was a kid in the late 80s-90s

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The Family Plan

This felt as derivative as I expected Mr. Nobody (2021) to feel. More roadtrip than I anticipated. There are a few good jokes one of which made me spit out my drink in Act III. I still don't know Valorant but I think they did a mostly decent job of video games in a movie. The boy child is insanely cheesy with his finger guns and the movie acts like this is a special signature move and not something every dad does at breakfast.

The reveal is handled poorly like a man revealing he's a gambler at night. Rather than that the family is in literal life or death danger from a group of people who know exactly who they are and what they look like. I don't understand why writers don't get this. A BIG threat doesn't get usurped by a minor threat. You can't get upset at your husband cheating on you if you're literally about to drown.

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Road House

An excellent balance of action and character. I swore this dude looked and sounded like a younger Sam Elliott and darn it, he was. It's got just enough gratuitous nudity to barely cross over into the gratuitous side. It's got just enough violence to really satisfy your blood lust. Patrick Swayze is bloody charming. Kelly Lynch and Julie Michaels are both good in their roles, their roles just aren't written that strong.

Ben Gazzara is just :chefskiss: as the villain.

It deserves it's accolades. I can see why this is a favorite.

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The Rookie: 6x09 The Squeeze

okay episode. nice balance at least.


Bleh police hear you know a criminal the their first response is to turn you into an informant. What is the value in this for the you?

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Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain

'We don't deserve that treasure. We haven't struggled for it' - These are words that people who look like them don't say.

The movie is tonally up and down. It feels like a movie out of time in a bad way.Not a good movie but there are a few jokes that are fun. Not enough to really make it worth it though.

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The Equalizer: 4x07 Legendary

and we have another after school special episode. considering the environment we're in, it's not unexpected. TV Fields want to talk about it. I wouldn't be surprised if next year we have TV shows talking about Israel Palestine or maybe some Eastern European metaphor for it. This one isn't as bad as the quantum leap one. although I have seen better this one at least matches the tone of the series. so it's very preachy and written like it's test dialogue. but again, the equalizer has a lot of dialogue like that anyway so it fits. it's a little cringe into the little obvious, but that doesn't mean it's not useful and it doesn't really seem to be taking away from the episode flow

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Civil War

I'll probably expand this later, but for now I think the movie was good. The cinematography sound design are all excellent. but I think the hunt was a better movie. I think this movie's attempt to maintain an apolitical stance hurt it. not in the box office obviously. but it makes the movie somewhat of a confusing mess. whereas The hunt while satirical is somehow more clear in its messaging.

I think I heard that. Jesse plemons Cameo was done as a favor to his wife. because no one else wanted to. but having seen the scene, I'm not sure why it's not that bad

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Code 8

Solid film now that I've finally seen it. I think Sung Kang who I do love was miscast as a good cop here. His presence which is super cool and laidback just doesn't fit the setting he's supposed to be in. I'd watch another one.

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Beyond the Edge

So much charisma and the main actor. Even his English dub has charisma.

What the heck is Antonio Banderas doing in this movie? I was so confused. I spent the entire movie asking myself. Is that really? Antonio Banderas. I haven't been this confused by an actor's guest spot since every time I watch Euro trip and I remind myself that Matt Damon is the singer and I'm not just imagining it.

It's a basic heist pretty basic. The confusing bit is the visuals. The visual direction is very weird in a way that I'm starting to associate with Russia

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Elsbeth: 1x03 Reality Shock

I gotta stop watching this while working. I had to keep starting and stopping so much I really can't tell if I like it yet. Episode 2 and 3 kinda run together in my head. Unfortunately I'm not sold yet but because I feel like a large portion of that could be due to me. I'm gonna have to give it another two.

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The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story

Good but could have used maybe 2 or 3 more minutes to get some meat.

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Mea Culpa

Dibs on the light skinned one being evil.

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Outlaw Johnny Black

Not as good as the trailer. Not as good as Black Dynamite. But it was still fun. The biggest problem with the movie ironically is that it focuses too much on things like story telling and character growth. They're all very effective but they aren't the comedic aspects. The comedy is there and it's good when it's there. Also considering it's legacy I was hoping for more meta commentary.

Casting Russell Peters as the native group's Big Chief was a hilarious bit of that. I think the final town fight had clips from other films in it though it's hard to tell. I wish it had leaned in more to how some ridiculous some of the behind the scenes tropes were. At one point I thought the movie was going to end in a giant meta break like The Quest for the Holy Grail.

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Extraordinary: Season 2

A great season as previously. Honestly the only thing that's really unbelievable in this show, is that in a world where everyone gets powers, that Jen is the only one who is trauma blocked. So many people get traumatized by the big and small challenges of life. The idea that no one figured out it was trauma until now is unlikely.

That's honestly my only nitpick with the season. It's a great season. I've read this is one of the best superhero shows and I'd disagree with that. It's not a superhero show. It's a comedy that takes place in a superhero environment at best and even that would be overstating it imo. Unlike say Boko No Hero Academia or Powers there's really no superheroing to be found.

I didn't like all the changes but they're all reasonable. They're all within character and they're all funny. It's eight episodes of great television. I'll see you next year for the third series.

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Luther: 5x02 Episode 2

the visual upgrades for season 5 are a bit jarring. It takes a little while to get used to it. I'm not even sure I like it. but the editing and season 5 episode 2 alone, is some of the worst things I've ever seen. I had to rewatch the whole thing just to make sure it wasn't because my internet was stalling and buffering the episode. It is just a mess editing wise in the top. It evens out in the bottom but still

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Luther: 3x01 Episode 1

i think this is the first episode of Luther anyone showed me. It feels very familiar. It's also an awful experience. Everyone is calling him a corrupt cop even his partner in the end but there's no context to whether or not he actually is. Having now watched the previous two seasons the dramatic irony shines through. I still don't like it as much but I can understand it better.

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Luther: Season 2

A long week. Shorter with some new players but still good works.

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Luther: Season 1

One episode in I thought it was a pretty good show. Two episodes in I was hooked. The cast is great. Idris is of course legendary from the jump. Indira Varma I kinda love in everything. Ruth Wilson wasn't that interesting in the first episode but honestly I was very surprised to see her come back in episode 2. She grew on me rather quickly.

It ends with a pretty strong gutpunch. It knocks Luther back even harder and what a thing it is to see.

I think Bloodlines was a more ambitious show. Bloodlines is a show that took fantasy creatures like Vampires and elevated them in a way that you just don't see.

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Dream Scenario

Well that was an interesting surrealist time. Cage really went in on this one. It was a fun time.

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