

Toronto, Canada


What started off a bit silly ended up being one of the greatest SciFi shows I've ever seen. It's a grand old time.

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What started off a bit silly ended up being one of the greatest SciFi shows I've ever seen. It's a grand old time.

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Kim's Convenience

Hilarious cast, pound for pound I'd put Kims up against The Office for 2nd hand cringe. There are episodes I had to pause and come back to hours later. But I think Kims has some of the funniest cold openings that I'd put up against Brooklyn Nine-Nine which has somehow become the barometer for cold opens. Simu however was right. The characters could have used more growth and there were certainly a lot of room for it that just wasn't explored especially in the final two seasons.

Well worth watching. I think it had a sweet ending kind of a "See you tomorrow" saccharine adorable ending. Not so overly emotional like the ending to the big comedies where you cry as you see these characters off to their big life changes. This is more low key and it kinda works with the nature of the show.

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The Sarah Jane Adventures

There's a single episode I hate int his show. Everything else is perfectly fine.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 5

I love AoS against all odds because I in general hate everything about SHIELD as an organization in comics, movies and even TV. But Season 5 of AoS is one of the best comic based seasons of television even with the flaws it hate on the back end. The show had a premise that was weak featured an organization I hate, and opened with bigger ideas than writing. But honestly it's pretty great as a whole and I have no trouble recommending it to anyone. But I'd be happy if they start prepping for the end properly because I don't want this to go cliffhanger to cancellation.

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Black Jesus

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2021-04-11T04:01:15Z— updated 2023-03-29T16:23:54Z

Black Jesus is an amazing show. I mean they named the nerdy kid from the suburbs Trayvon. Jesus keeps it hood but keeps it peaceful constantly stressing the need to believe in Pops. He's the type of character who will sling a rock to defend the homies but forgive the attacker and heal his wounds and have a 40oz for everyone. He's always entertaining.

Black Jesus contains one of the most accurate portrayals of Jesus of all time. He's kind, he cares about everyone. He biggest super power is that he loves you. You being everyone his homies, his enemies, his homies' enemies. His love is all encompassing even when he chews you out. It's one of the most impressionable and heartfelt series I've ever seen.

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Dollhouse: Season 1

I guess what they say is true. I haven't seen this show in probably a decade. I'm not saying I'm surprised at how problematic the entire conceit of the show is. I remember that being one of the aspects I remember most about the show. I was surprised at how pretentious the show was. It's not awful in that respect but when it shows it's too wildly cheesy. So pseudo intellectual moments just stand out.

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The Tomorrow People (US)

Not as good as the two other versions. But it was... okay at best.

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Death Valley

I don't know what the flying toaster MTV was doing when they made this. But it made me laugh. It's so quotable. I wish it had gotten two more seasons because too long and they would have tried to reach into the lore of the show but with two more seasons would really could have had more fun exploring the premise and the wackiness of the characters.

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The Afterparty

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2022-03-04T14:52:20Z— updated 2022-03-06T00:25:34Z

What a fun time and satisfying conclusion. Heck yeah the murder mystery genre is BACK!

All the twists and turns you want without any of the double crossing you get in the spy genre. All ending in a pretty solid conclusion.

As long as you're not the sort of person who is looking for the killer yourself You can sit back and watch our "bumbling... or is she?" detective do her interviews and drill down to the murderer complete with just enough tangles. I don't mind but I know some people really get annoyed when they can't follow along with the mystery and find the proof themselves. In this case the proof is so inconsequential I refuse to believe anyone would have noticed it on first watch. Yet it's not entirely inplausible that in the telling of the story that inconsistency didn't stick out.

A fun cast, a fun mystery. I mean seriously. How Great Is This Party?!?!?!

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Resident Alien: Season 2

This season starts off with Harry coming back to earth and taking up a new mission. It ends after much revelations and much humor with a shift in every major character towards the otherworldly. And a few new characters as well.

The season has great flow well worth the watch.

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Harley Quinn: Season 1

Wow. What a surprise. This is one of the shows I was least looking forward to. What a surprise. It's one of the most laugh out loud comedies I've seen in years. The pace is frentic without being obnoxious. Kaley does a VERY solid job as Harley. I don't like Pink/Blue Harley. I'm all about the classic Red/Black. So no I don't like her outfit. But ya know what that's so overlookable when you consider the totality of the show. I do absolutely LOVE Poison Ivy's costume. I love their relationship. It's a great season.

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Persons Unknown

ahh and the scene remembers Chadwick. Star of many excellent pieces of media of which this isn't one.

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Mr. Robot: Season 4

I think Season 4 is a good final season. It has the same issues that previous seasons did (minus the particularly unreasonableness of Season 2) but it doesn't do a lot special to end imo. As a final season it does hit a lot of emotional beats that previous seasons can't. There's some really good twists in the last two episodes and a decent red herring or two. It's good TV but it's not what I'd call "Best of" TV. I think this season is overhyped, a little bit not a lot. But a little bit. Even without the hype though it's solid Mr. Roboting with a satisfying conclusion and after Lost I always appreciate a satisfying conclusion.

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It's a really well done show. I just don't care about it. It's nothing they've done wrong. All the parts are there but Loki is just a character who is somehow less interesting than Iron Man or any of the avengers outside of Hulk preMCU. This is like the opposite of Hawkeye where there was a character I didn't like but the show was very engaging and made me care for it. Loki is ostensibly a better show, bigger budget, longer runtime, more big names in the cast but, ehh.

It's all well put together and in the end I just still don't care.

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The Goes Wrong Show

The most consistently laugh out loud comedy series I've ever seen. Every episode has had me bust out in full laughter. It's an utter delight of watching actors miss cues or forget lines or have props trigger incorrectly or often collapse. Something that successfully managed to never overstay it's welcome.

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Misfits: Season 1

Rewatching Series 1 yet again it's just a standout season filled with characters and situations. It's a theme that will repeat itself throughout the show but these kids aren't heroes. They don't make good decisions. Whether it's Nathan antagonizing everyone with his lack of impulse control or poor broken Simon who will do literally anything for a friend. It's a top notch series with a unexpected ending.

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Atlanta: Season 1

Welp. Been waiting on this for ages and I'm finally dipping into Atlanta. I will say I think the show so far is slightly over hyped. But it's still a well done show. A lot of it doesn't really speak to me directly but I wasn't that dude even when I lived in Atlanta and neither were my boys. But yeah I do get that ATL lifestyle from the show. And narratively it's interesting on it's own merit. These characters like Devi in Never Have I Ever don't make great choices but that's certainly their appeal.

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To describe this hard to follow show would be to suggest it's darkly comic. But it's less comedic and more dark than any description can truly reach. It's tough and confusing but not unfair and not impossible to follow. It's a deliberate show as much as it is as cloudy show. It's great entertainment.

While technically it's based on a comic book comparing it to ANY of the superhero TV shows is unfair. This isn't a superhero show. You don't need to know anything about super heroes to follow along with this show. If you know what a "Mutant" is you're good to go. This is much closer to sci-fi anthology series like Twilight Zone and Outer Limits than any CW Superhero Show or Gotham or any of their ilk.

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The Mysterious Benedict Society: Season 1

A successfully charming period piece about well dressed children and non linear thinking. Heck the only thing that could have made it better was if there was locked room murder to be solved.

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Van Helsing: Season 1

There are some fun highlights in this season but it's mostly a confusing nonsensicle mess that has no cohesiveness to it. Motivations don't make sense. Actions and results don't make sense. No one bothered to try to explain the world we're in and the rule that govern it. It's so bad I was shocked to find out season 5 is premiering soon. I tried multiple times but Season was is worse than so many bad shows I watch. I mean even Z-Nation managed to explain the rules of their world. It was mostly stupid rules but it's not a show that takes itself very seriously so comes off fine. This was just grossly negligent.

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Russian Doll: Season 1

Not the biggest fan of the ending but I also didn't hate it. It was a fun ride and it did something new with the GHD formula which I liked. It added a second person. Talk about co-dependence ehh?

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Reacher: Season 2

Another great season. It really steps up the emotional component of Jack Reacher which isn't something I didn't know I needed, wanted or was willing to tolerate.

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Extraordinary: Season 2

A great season as previously. Honestly the only thing that's really unbelievable in this show, is that in a world where everyone gets powers, that Jen is the only one who is trauma blocked. So many people get traumatized by the big and small challenges of life. The idea that no one figured out it was trauma until now is unlikely.

That's honestly my only nitpick with the season. It's a great season. I've read this is one of the best superhero shows and I'd disagree with that. It's not a superhero show. It's a comedy that takes place in a superhero environment at best and even that would be overstating it imo. Unlike say Boko No Hero Academia or Powers there's really no superheroing to be found.

I didn't like all the changes but they're all reasonable. They're all within character and they're all funny. It's eight episodes of great television. I'll see you next year for the third series.

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Extraordinary: Season 1

I'm SHOCKED these are 30 minute episodes. It felt like an extended webseries. In the sort of light and airy sense. It was a really fun show that managed to successfully showcase a world full of superpowers and really backseat the powers. An enjoyable time and I hope we get a second season.

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Mrs. Davis

As far as single season shows go. This was effective. Giving me but the natural and the supernatural and the surreal all at once. Pacing was great, the characters were fun and true to themselves to the bitter end. Lots of great teams in here. The sisters of the coin. The resistance a bunch of bros who are hyper masculine but somehow not toxic. It's got a good length to it. I could easily watch it again.

It's not exactly what I expected but I was a fan. My major criticism is that ironically the show focused so much on it's human characters that the epynonymous AI character "Mrs. Davis" sometimes doesn't show up for huge chunks of the show. Which honestly IS fine. It's just odd for a show called Mrs Davis. If the show had been named for Simone it probably wouldn't be a big deal. There's a lot of love in this show of all types and that's all right.

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The Lazarus Project

They already made this show. That said I liked it so I'll give this a shot.

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Todd and the Book of Pure Evil: 2x10 2 Girls, 1 Tongue

it's been 10 years and this episode still gives me frission like the first time I watched it. No one should ever make this episode their first episode because it's what was built up to over the previous season and 9 episodes. It's such a great climax. A return of our f avorite high school student. Great musical acting. I love the scene where Hannah sews on the show tongue onto her mouth. Every song hits an emotional high as well as injecting pure Crowley High comedy into your veins (and ball veins)

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Luther: Season 1

One episode in I thought it was a pretty good show. Two episodes in I was hooked. The cast is great. Idris is of course legendary from the jump. Indira Varma I kinda love in everything. Ruth Wilson wasn't that interesting in the first episode but honestly I was very surprised to see her come back in episode 2. She grew on me rather quickly.

It ends with a pretty strong gutpunch. It knocks Luther back even harder and what a thing it is to see.

I think Bloodlines was a more ambitious show. Bloodlines is a show that took fantasy creatures like Vampires and elevated them in a way that you just don't see.

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Loki: Season 2

That was a well paced, well acted, decently CGI'd TV show that somehow I couldn't care less about. Supremely watchable but I just never invested. Somehow I was more invested in Season 1 and I think this might be a slight bump in quality. Maybe. Arguably. They're both very very solid seasons of TV. This one even has an excellent ending

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