

Toronto, Canada

Harlan Coben's Shelter

Review by Chandramohan Kannan
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-08-20T05:08:34Z— updated 2023-09-15T09:25:19Z

Is there a rule in the US that 14 and 15 year olds have to be played by 20 somethings?? Always find that casting paradigm a tad silly...

Regardless, it is nice that the original authors are increasingly finding their way to being creators of show... and so it is equally perplexing to why they would change their own stories for the live motion format... Mickey's uncle Myron Bolitar is a major character in the Harlan Coben universe... why create a new character called Shira to surrogate for him... I'd understand if Harlan had a contract with a different studio, that has exclusive contract on Myron Bolitar and its usage... but here, he gets named and identified as an alum of the school with basketball records... then why replace that character?? Is it supposed to be some sort of misguided gender equality?

Update (Sep 15, 2023): Funnily enough the live motion format moves slower than the literary format of the book... the first 3 episodes could have easily been edited into a one hour pilot... there is nothing here that deserves a 3 episode run... the remaining episodes do pick up the pace... especially given the serious topics (child sex trafficking, adultery, etc.,) the story deals with... however it does itself a disservice by dealing frivolously with too many hard topics in a teenage setting...

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@chandramohan-kannan The pilot wrapped in 2021, the kid was born in 2003, hence 18. The rest of the series finished filming in 2022 so 19 then. That's where the 18 number is coming from.

That said it's a minor point in the face of, as you put it, the general observation. Hollywood parents let their kids do a surprising number of things so I don't think it's limits per se. I do think there's a bigger push for body types. Which is why all these fully developed six-pack abs jock types are played by dudes almost 30 because you need to be that age to get six pack abs like that.

There are also other filming considerations when filming with actual teenagers both behind and in front of the camera that makes it more preferable to film with older actors. In front of the camera they age faster and more. Behind the camera younger actors do have restrictions on their time and how MUCH they can film.

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Ms. Marvel

I think the end credit scene for the show will be Kamala meeting Carol Danvers or captain Marvel in the end and says they will return :joy::joy:

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@rsb_dude I'm pretty sure it's already confirmed that she's gonna be in the Marvel movie.


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What If...?

With the rise of the Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis just becoming Nazis again. And half the country clamoring for the return to the racist 50s when white people could just .. ya know prosper without having to fuss too much with all these non-normal non-white people. You have to figure eventually they would make their kind of show. You'd have to wonder what kind of show would they make? Would they make Archie Bunker but not sarcastic? (Because for those who don't know the fact that Archie Bunker was a racist POS was the joke of the show it wasn't like a documentary)

Well wonder no more. Do you hate minorities? Are you tired of politically correct culture ruining your ability to call someone fat to their face without getting shamed out of a job? Do you think journalists are pansies who have never had a real job trying to shame innocent Americans who are just achieving the American dream that one day you just might achieve yourself? Do you fight taxes against the rich (like the estate tax WHICH ONLY AFFECTS THE RICH) because one day you might be a lottery winner and you'll be gosh darned if you have to pay taxes when you get rich? Then this is the show for you. This is a show that skewers minorities of all types as "abnormal" and "shocking". Watch our cool headed straight white female protagonist just get exhausted and ask "can't we all just be normal tonight"? Watch our popular kids (who are all also minorities exercise their "minority privilege"[1] by threatening to take away innocent college scholarships from white males for violating "esoteric social justice rules that they don't even care about".

Get ready for new Alt-Right memes. Are you tired of Chanty Binx? Oh wait if you're tired of her you probably know her as "Big Red Feminist" Get ready for Heather No 1 memes where she says the things that that man-o-sphere is always saying feminists say. Get ready to hear that body-positive is literally the same thing as fat because literally zero thin people need body positivity. Get ready to mock all types of social justice as our protagonist of white man and white female are here to bring the school's queen bees to their knees. Even the Asian bee.

[1] For the record there's no such thing but if you think there is then you like the creators of this show are both wrong and enjoy this drek

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@guenguer well I sorta expect my review to be appealing to people who claim they don't care about offending people. So have fun I guess

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With the rise of the Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis just becoming Nazis again. And half the country clamoring for the return to the racist 50s when white people could just .. ya know prosper without having to fuss too much with all these non-normal non-white people. You have to figure eventually they would make their kind of show. You'd have to wonder what kind of show would they make? Would they make Archie Bunker but not sarcastic? (Because for those who don't know the fact that Archie Bunker was a racist POS was the joke of the show it wasn't like a documentary)

Well wonder no more. Do you hate minorities? Are you tired of politically correct culture ruining your ability to call someone fat to their face without getting shamed out of a job? Do you think journalists are pansies who have never had a real job trying to shame innocent Americans who are just achieving the American dream that one day you just might achieve yourself? Do you fight taxes against the rich (like the estate tax WHICH ONLY AFFECTS THE RICH) because one day you might be a lottery winner and you'll be gosh darned if you have to pay taxes when you get rich? Then this is the show for you. This is a show that skewers minorities of all types as "abnormal" and "shocking". Watch our cool headed straight white female protagonist just get exhausted and ask "can't we all just be normal tonight"? Watch our popular kids (who are all also minorities exercise their "minority privilege"[1] by threatening to take away innocent college scholarships from white males for violating "esoteric social justice rules that they don't even care about".

Get ready for new Alt-Right memes. Are you tired of Chanty Binx? Oh wait if you're tired of her you probably know her as "Big Red Feminist" Get ready for Heather No 1 memes where she says the things that that man-o-sphere is always saying feminists say. Get ready to hear that body-positive is literally the same thing as fat because literally zero thin people need body positivity. Get ready to mock all types of social justice as our protagonist of white man and white female are here to bring the school's queen bees to their knees. Even the Asian bee.

[1] For the record there's no such thing but if you think there is then you like the creators of this show are both wrong and enjoy this drek

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@moviemankev79 I'm amazing at parties. I've run parties with filthy lyrics and a few parties with clean lyrics but none of that makes that episode anything less than a dumpster fire.

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