

Toronto, Canada

The Rookie: 6x09 The Squeeze

okay episode. nice balance at least.


Bleh police hear you know a criminal the their first response is to turn you into an informant. What is the value in this for the you?

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The Equalizer: 4x07 Legendary

and we have another after school special episode. considering the environment we're in, it's not unexpected. TV Fields want to talk about it. I wouldn't be surprised if next year we have TV shows talking about Israel Palestine or maybe some Eastern European metaphor for it. This one isn't as bad as the quantum leap one. although I have seen better this one at least matches the tone of the series. so it's very preachy and written like it's test dialogue. but again, the equalizer has a lot of dialogue like that anyway so it fits. it's a little cringe into the little obvious, but that doesn't mean it's not useful and it doesn't really seem to be taking away from the episode flow

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Elsbeth: 1x03 Reality Shock

I gotta stop watching this while working. I had to keep starting and stopping so much I really can't tell if I like it yet. Episode 2 and 3 kinda run together in my head. Unfortunately I'm not sold yet but because I feel like a large portion of that could be due to me. I'm gonna have to give it another two.

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Luther: 5x02 Episode 2

the visual upgrades for season 5 are a bit jarring. It takes a little while to get used to it. I'm not even sure I like it. but the editing and season 5 episode 2 alone, is some of the worst things I've ever seen. I had to rewatch the whole thing just to make sure it wasn't because my internet was stalling and buffering the episode. It is just a mess editing wise in the top. It evens out in the bottom but still

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Luther: 3x01 Episode 1

i think this is the first episode of Luther anyone showed me. It feels very familiar. It's also an awful experience. Everyone is calling him a corrupt cop even his partner in the end but there's no context to whether or not he actually is. Having now watched the previous two seasons the dramatic irony shines through. I still don't like it as much but I can understand it better.

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Tracker: 1x01 Klamath Falls

It kinda says something about jail, that, in this show, this dude is facing being imprisoned. Having already been there, he decides he'd rather blow his brains out than go back. This is presented casually. The show doesn't see this as exceptional, barely noteworthy. The average viewer just understands this. It doesn't need to be explained. That says something kind of terrifying about our society. His crime to go back was kidnapping. It's not like he hurt the kid or killed someone.

It's fine. Nothing special yet. Justin is ruggedly handsome enough. The secondary team is compelling enough to meet minimum standards. We have his weekly tropes of fighting for money now and "Contract becomes legally binding upon success" etc.

If you have a gap in your line up this is competent enough to fight for a spot. We'll see how it looks three episodes in. Right now could go either way.

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The Terminal List: 1x02 Encoding

A much better episode. Fully locked me in now.

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The Terminal List: 1x01 The Engram

Long and draining. Which is a shame because what I did understand I found compelling.

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: 1x03 We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2023-12-28T04:50:01Z— updated 2024-01-22T16:13:29Z

This episode feels like they set it up to be interesting but ended up reductive. But that's just storytelling. I'm not a fan of this particular story. Previously we were told that just because something looks like a monsters doesn't mean it is. It kinda felt specifically like a hint that Medusa was a victim (and she is) in need of sympathy for what happened to her and not revulsion for how she looks. And yet we have Medusa who saves the children and ends up with her head cut off. Almost like we could have just judged her by her monstrous appearance in the first place.

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Ultraviolet: 1x03 Sub Judice

You know for what started as a simple crime procedural. This is spiraling again into some really ethically dark situations. I'm officially calling the pilot bad. It's just a bad episode because these are just fascinating stories.

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Ultraviolet: 1x01 Habeas Corpus

An interesting pilot. Not to attack it but most pilots go for flashing and attention grabbing. This is much more methodically paced. A criminally underused Idris I hope gets more personable later. There's some iffy blocking in some places but it mostly works. It doesn't break credulity or anything.

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: 1x01 I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher

Strong opening for the inheritor of the Percy Jackson curse.

I don't even know if there's a curse or anything but yeah solid solid work. Great adventure vibes and most importantly it manages to stand up on it's own distinct from the previous adaption. I do feel like Percy's mom is getting undersold but the two episode premiere give great confidence that this will be another successful adaption.

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Forever: 1x01 Together Forever

If I wanted to be trite I'd compare this to the infamous Pixar scene that opens up their movie Up but if instead of like 7 minutes it was 30 minutes. Maya and Fred make an interesting couple.

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The Irrational: 1x05 Lucky Charms

Classic cop throwing garbage charges on someone to get information out of them but the cop in that situation is a HERO. She does this in spite of the fact that he's fighting custody battle and would lose custody of his kids. BECAUSE he could lose custody of his kids. Cops will separate children and parents just for funsies. And they portray this as heroic.

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The Irrational: 1x04 Zero Sum

What the?

There's a C-plot line that has Kylie who was working three jobs suddenly define her happiness as finding one job that she can be loyal to. It's so hilariously a transparent anti-"Quiet Quitting" message. They inserted the whole plot line to say that people who work multiple jobs can't find happiness even though they're making more money and so they should quit the jobs and just find one job and be loyal to it.

That is an unexpected level of Copaganda.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x04 Family Secrets

No seat belt, no helmet and I've never heard anyone pronounce Vi that way. What about Vim?

A few other things than this show is have done the same sort of weird tech. I think we're in this weird age where tech issues are represented more accurately, but tech is still represented Awfully. I remember earlier one of the big kings of tech still picks his password to be a date that personally significant to him. No one does that.. especially not the tech elite. I mean men that especially not people who are actually technically literate. The tech elite are a bunch of morons who just have money but anyone who knows any technology know if you don't put your birthday as a password

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Chuck: 5x05 Chuck Versus the Hack Off

one of the funniest murder of the show. I mean there have been some fun murders this season. Real 'final seasons' stuff. But the one here is just so chuckle free.

That said Carie-Anne Moss's development has been excellent.

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Chuck: 5x02 Chuck Versus the Bearded Bandit

Solid episode with a muted but effective guest star in Carrie-Anne Moss. Morgan develops nicely here.

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Blackout: 1x02 Episode 2

Oh dear the plates are really spinning now. Honestly for a real conspiracy everything's a little too close. Everyone is a little too incestuously related everyone else. It's what's driving the tension here that there's no room to breathe. But for a TV program that's all right.

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Blackout: 1x01 Episode 1

Solid setup. Eccleston was better than I remember. The scale is pretty small which I appreciate. I watch a lot of shows about the world ending. This isn't that. It didn't blow me away even for a small scale show but it enough to reel me in.

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Upload: 3x03 CyberDiscountDay

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2023-11-20T09:39:10Z— updated 2024-02-11T02:54:35Z

The first two episodes had a point and direction. This one doesn't. What happened to the narrative momentum we were building? As a straight up sitcom it was perfectly fine, but as an episode in serialized TV show, even a comedy, this was lacking. Not even a casual nod towards what we're working on. I thought we were trying to shut down Freon but after this episode there's been no movement on that front. Are we still returning uploads? Are we working on locating the server farm? What's going on? The entire episode happened and we have no idea where we're going. The show really doesn't know if we should take it seriously or not and it's things like this that really give you tonal whiplash.

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Upload: 2x05 Mind Frisk

This is when the Season 2 editing crisis hits. It's a very weird episode where you have to infer a lot of what's going on. Ingrid gets a digital baby that seems to age every time she sleeps but it's never explained why. You have to presume she DID agree to do the trial period on an accelerated period but it's never explained. Luke is having his sex dreams of Aleesha stolen from his head and there's some resolution but it doesn't link up to what's going to happen in later episodes.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x01 Homme Fatale

Ugh. I didn't want to watch this. I thought it was a movie when the trailer started but I hit play by accident and it was effective. I got sucked in. A nice bob and weave with the story telling. Obviously a lot of mystery to come up with and a murder that might or might not be.

I can't say know to a locked room mystery. One of us did it is just my jam so hard. I don't have a handle on Darby yet what kind of detective she is going to be but I do have a rough grasp on what kind of person she's going to be and I like her intensity. I think it's going to serve her well though out the series.

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My Lovely Liar: 1x13 The Suspect

Here's what I'll say. I think Jo Jae-chan is an awful choice for the killer. I assumed it was going to be Jo Deuk-chan but I'm willing to accept I was wrong. It just leaves with a crime that was built up but then stumbles into basically "meh". I also just don't see why Jo Deuk-chan would do it. To free his buddy from his ball and chain? I mean maybe. Luckily the rest of the show is still everything I've come to expect from KDrama so that part works.

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My Lovely Liar: 1x08 The Worst Lie

If "I'm so overcome with emotion" was a whole episode. And this is a KDrama at that so they basically start at "Overcome with emotion". Koreans in KDramas spend to much time looking shyly at their feet just so they look up and meet eyes with their beloved. They don't bow to show respect. They rise to show overwhelming emotion.

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My Lovely Liar: 1x07 The Bakery Incident

I don't know how this episode gets topped. I mean all the episodes are like full length movies but that's just KDramas. This one has an excellent emotional ending. And that's on top of the numerous one two punches throughout.

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Jury Duty: 1x03 Foreperson

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2023-10-03T18:09:32Z— updated 2024-02-23T02:43:03Z

it's a lot of hilarious parts in this episode, but James Marsters getting a jump square while reading a script is among the best of the series

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Harlan Coben's Shelter: 1x05 See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me

This man said "I'm going to eat your heart". ahahahahahhahaha hahahahah. Oh my mama that was the greatest thing I've ever seen. That's why I love Spoon right there. That man has heart. He's a little cringe. A little "coded autistic" but the boy had so much heart. and WOW the coach was so slow. The WHOLE GYM stopped what they were doing when the bow was thrown. Everyone stood in shock. Then they started back and forthing and then Spoon came out of nowhere like a ride-or-die beast. Then suddenly now the coach is like "hey ya'll stay apart"

Gotta love a coach who stands by while one kid attacks another and then is like "Both of you in my office NOW" as if to say "How dare you hit him" and also "How dare you stand there in the way of his fist!"

The suspense is building well.

Oh no this ending.... omph. The bit with Billy's Dad hit hard. Hurt people hurt people ehh?

At this point who isn't a secret lesbian.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 4x07 Pine Barrens

Well there it is. The subtext is now text. Still really enjoying this show and the ridiculous antics within it. You crazy kids.

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Harlan Coben's Shelter: 1x01 Pilot

I think this is a really strong pilot in spite of a number of issues. A lot of the dialogue for the teenagers is awful. It's just terrible. Adults don't talk like that. Teenagers don't talk like that. it's trash.

I don't understand in a world after BBC's Sherlock, why we're still depending on the camera to show us the screen of the phone to be able to read text messages. We have clearly established a much better way to show text messages and everyone refuses to do it and I don't understand why. It doesn't just have to be for light-hearted tween comedies. EVERYTHING should digitizing texts on screen. Horror, Drama, Comedy, Mystery, if it's live action you should never force me to look at the screen's display to read anything.

In spite of that, the show ramped up very well. The ending of the show with when the real punches started to come and it really developed effectively. I had so little interest in this show that I kept forgetting why I had it in my wishlist. I'm super stoked I actually started it. Because it did a great job of sucking me in.

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