

Toronto, Canada

The Family Plan

This felt as derivative as I expected Mr. Nobody (2021) to feel. More roadtrip than I anticipated. There are a few good jokes one of which made me spit out my drink in Act III. I still don't know Valorant but I think they did a mostly decent job of video games in a movie. The boy child is insanely cheesy with his finger guns and the movie acts like this is a special signature move and not something every dad does at breakfast.

The reveal is handled poorly like a man revealing he's a gambler at night. Rather than that the family is in literal life or death danger from a group of people who know exactly who they are and what they look like. I don't understand why writers don't get this. A BIG threat doesn't get usurped by a minor threat. You can't get upset at your husband cheating on you if you're literally about to drown.

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Road House

An excellent balance of action and character. I swore this dude looked and sounded like a younger Sam Elliott and darn it, he was. It's got just enough gratuitous nudity to barely cross over into the gratuitous side. It's got just enough violence to really satisfy your blood lust. Patrick Swayze is bloody charming. Kelly Lynch and Julie Michaels are both good in their roles, their roles just aren't written that strong.

Ben Gazzara is just :chefskiss: as the villain.

It deserves it's accolades. I can see why this is a favorite.

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Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain

'We don't deserve that treasure. We haven't struggled for it' - These are words that people who look like them don't say.

The movie is tonally up and down. It feels like a movie out of time in a bad way.Not a good movie but there are a few jokes that are fun. Not enough to really make it worth it though.

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Civil War

I'll probably expand this later, but for now I think the movie was good. The cinematography sound design are all excellent. but I think the hunt was a better movie. I think this movie's attempt to maintain an apolitical stance hurt it. not in the box office obviously. but it makes the movie somewhat of a confusing mess. whereas The hunt while satirical is somehow more clear in its messaging.

I think I heard that. Jesse plemons Cameo was done as a favor to his wife. because no one else wanted to. but having seen the scene, I'm not sure why it's not that bad

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Code 8

Solid film now that I've finally seen it. I think Sung Kang who I do love was miscast as a good cop here. His presence which is super cool and laidback just doesn't fit the setting he's supposed to be in. I'd watch another one.

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Beyond the Edge

So much charisma and the main actor. Even his English dub has charisma.

What the heck is Antonio Banderas doing in this movie? I was so confused. I spent the entire movie asking myself. Is that really? Antonio Banderas. I haven't been this confused by an actor's guest spot since every time I watch Euro trip and I remind myself that Matt Damon is the singer and I'm not just imagining it.

It's a basic heist pretty basic. The confusing bit is the visuals. The visual direction is very weird in a way that I'm starting to associate with Russia

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The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story

Good but could have used maybe 2 or 3 more minutes to get some meat.

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Mea Culpa

Dibs on the light skinned one being evil.

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Outlaw Johnny Black

Not as good as the trailer. Not as good as Black Dynamite. But it was still fun. The biggest problem with the movie ironically is that it focuses too much on things like story telling and character growth. They're all very effective but they aren't the comedic aspects. The comedy is there and it's good when it's there. Also considering it's legacy I was hoping for more meta commentary.

Casting Russell Peters as the native group's Big Chief was a hilarious bit of that. I think the final town fight had clips from other films in it though it's hard to tell. I wish it had leaned in more to how some ridiculous some of the behind the scenes tropes were. At one point I thought the movie was going to end in a giant meta break like The Quest for the Holy Grail.

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Dream Scenario

Well that was an interesting surrealist time. Cage really went in on this one. It was a fun time.

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A Haunted House 2

There is a fantastic joke at the endwhen the vampire next door starts to hypnotize the wife but it's not worth watching the entire movie for. It doesn't even have the legs to stand against the original A Haunted House. Unfortunately it's just empty.

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Fast Five

I mean for what it is it's a lot of fun. They bring everyone together for one bombastic adventure. It's a lot of fun. I completely forgot they tried to give Dominic a new love interest. Oh that's Don Omar.. well Leo and Santos are great comic fun.

I do think it's funny that at one point they have a car race to get a car.. and this franchise is so lost in it's ways even now that they just skip the race. "Let's race car for car" :cut: Next scene with the race over.

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Color me cheesy. This is everything I wanted. Especially after that Rick and Morty episode and good lord so I hate when Rick and Morty "tackle popular culture" because they ruin it in the most hypocritical way possible.

But yeah it's a heist film and it's 100% what I wanted from a heist film. It's not the best I've ever seen but it maximized everything I like about the genre. If you're looking for original or fresh or new. You knew from the trailer this wasn't going to deliver. You knew from the trailer every beat this movie would take every double cross. Every surprise skill. Every fake out. You can see them coming a mile away.

For me. That's exactly why I loved this movie. As one of my favorite show creators calls it.. .Competency Porn. I'm not a fan of the "pornification" of linguistics but conceptually it does work.

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The Meg

Four out of ten and honestly, better than i thought it would be. For almost 40% of the movie's runtime I thought maybe this wasn't going to be a bad movie. I thought maybe what if they were wrong and this turns out good. Then I was proven wrong. Just like I was confused when Morris did his big speech. I was so shook but I'll admit they got me on that one.

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Maid for Revenge

There are some salvageable parts but the movie is a mess.

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Three Thousand Years of Longing

they had me in the first half. after the first wish it lost all steam

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I Need Your Help
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Yoga Hosers

It's goofy enough. It's just not fun enough. It'll probably get more fun with a second watch. The plot is a mess. Barely comprehensible. I mean there are three different antagonists. The nepo baby kids are... well fine. Johnny Depp's daughter and Kevin Smith's daughter are entertaining enough. Smith's direction is on point. I really like the visual style of the movie in some part (character vignettes) and less so in other (the Bratzi explosions) but with a net positive.

I think the movie just needed to trim off some of the fat and stick with one primary antagonist and really minimize the other two to shadows of what they are now. and even for a goofy throwaway film this could have been something interesting.

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Death on the Nile

While the film-work is clearly advanced. And the changes are.... ehh fine. I think the reveal and the mystery itself was better in the original. I did like the telegraphing captures though. Every time Poirot said "The killer is among us" the camera would briefly cut a shot of the killer. Hilarious because it happened like three times. Knowing what I knew it wasn't subtle but I wonder how it would look if I was unawares.

Russell Brand has never looked better. Like physically he looks amazing and my sister says he should look like this in all of his roles.

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unexpected chuckles. plus you get to stare into Julia Stiles eyes and that's always a plpus

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His Deadly Affair

and then in the end they all made out and it was like WHOAAA and then the dudes in the scene stepped back and they were like WHOAAAA and then the wife totally pulled out a whip and started whipping the other one and she was like ow but also like whoaa. and then the me and the boys were like whoaa.

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The Forger

I remembered liking this and yeah it holds up fairly well. It's a charming little study. Some excellent performances plus there's a sick heist at the end. It's literally everything I could have wanted. Plus there's a hilarious scene with an underage kid and a hooker which sounds worse when I phrase it that way.

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Back to the 80s

it was a fun little music video

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Not bad. Strong performance by Mark Strong. Excellent casting of Taissa Farmiga. She's the perfect type of white girl to straddle the line between abused victim and manipulative perpetrator. Honestly it's almost like she's typecast as that. Even though I could see the ending from the halfway point if not before. It was a fun ride getting there. I wasn't sure after all if it would turn out that way until midway through act three. While it is a bit dark visually. It is nothing that doesn't work with the narrative themes. I respect it most for having an ending that didn't give up. You get an ending that feels closed.

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Blithe Spirit

Reminds me a bit of Death Becomes Her but without the charm or style. Visually it's fine. It has a style of it's own. It's just not a style anyone cares about. It isn't helped by characters I care barely get a handle on. The acting is reasonable but the characters are just odd in the strangest ways. Charles can't seem to understand that yelling at someone he knows no one else can see will make him look crazy and Elvira flips from benevolent to malevolent only in retrospect.

It all culminates into an ending that doesn't really seem to want to say anything.

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The Blackening

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2023-07-12T23:20:52Z— updated 2024-02-23T03:11:31Z

This might be the best black horror comedy since the original Scary Movie. Entertaining from start to finish. With an ending coda that IMO might be better than Get Out. It's not the best movie I've ever seen. Heck it's not even the best horror comedy I've ever seen. But for what it was and where it tried to go. It nailed the landing firmly. I could easily see myself watching and rewatching this. The black talent on the screen were all great. I can't pick a stand out not because any of them felt weak but because all of them felt emphatic. Shout out to Diedrich Bader for perfectly getting the balance of his character on that line between what he appears to be and what little we know him to actually be.

I hope to see more movies like this which for all it's advertising ended up being more casually black than pointedly so. I might drop this down from a 9 after I watch it a few more times but we'll see.

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Awatchable film with characters you love back and new character you fall in love with. Honestly it was a little too close to the rail. It didn't really chew the wicked step-mother angle that way I anticipated. Amy Adams really nails her character again even though it feels like the character had to regress a bit in order to end up where she is in this movie. Maya Rudolph was fun as she always is. An excellent Evil Queen who knows how to rock a ball gown.

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Chang Can Dunk

Thankfully it minimized the cringe section of the script. I stopped the movie after the bet was settled. I was worried when I restarted but it has a nice coda.

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Flamin' Hot

Well as I've seen others done I'll congratulate Eva Longoria for being more than just a pretty face in front of the camera. She did a solid job directing this behind it as well. This is an entertaining narrative about one of our modern Urban Legends. The Janitor who created Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

It's a good movie you feel for Richard and you cheer him on every step as he makes decisions that work for him. Annie Gonzalez's Judy wasn't bad. Kinda empty mostly except when she had to support Jesse Garcia's Richard. There is where she really shined. I think they have pretty good chemistry together. I'd totally watch her in more things.

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Talk to Me

An excellent movie. Saw it in theatres way back when.

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