


RuPaul's Drag Race: 10x08 The Unauthorized Rusical

Now that this contestant is gone (good riddance), I'd be happy with any of the remaining queens being crowned.

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Canada's Drag Race

Shout by Wynter

I was really looking forward to the Canadian spin-off, but then it was announced that RuPaul wasn't going to be hosting this one. Sorry, but it's just not the same without Ru. Even the UK version got the original panel! I might change my mind one day, but for now, it's a no from me.

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The X-Files: 11x07 Rm9sbG93ZXJz

This episode is awkward. Like watching old people trying to interact with technology. I guess it was supposed to be funny, but just didn't register at all.

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The X-Files: Season 11

Just like with the rest of the show for me, I really didn’t care for the main conspiracy plot/freaky experiment son bit, but I thoroughly enjoyed the standalone, monster-of-the-week episodes. Season 11 started out rough, but quickly found footing, with some episodes feeling like the classic X-files.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 10x11 Evil Twins

I don't know... the challenge is called "evil twin" and the judges are complaining that some costumes are too similar looking. There was nothing twin-like about most of the concepts, except for Kameron's and Eureka's. I get that Kameron's outfits were more Halloween than drag, but I think she nailed the idea. Don't name the challenge "evil twin" if you don't want a good vs evil iteration of the same outfit!

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Fargo: 1x09 A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage

Wow, I’ve never seen such a despicable human being in a show, and I’ve seen some nasty villains.

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The Tudors

Definitely history lite, but very entertaining. I loved the series when it first came out. Seasons 1 and 2 are the best; the quality of the last two diminish quite a bit, in my opinion. Once they were done with Anne Boleyn, it seems like they didn’t know how to spruce up the rest of history, and just went with bland retelling of facts and events. Wives 3-6 had little personality or story to tell.

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Sex and the City

I had to downgrade my original rating. In my early 20s I loved this film, but now I see some glaring issues that become apparent with maturity. The film is entertaining enough, but feeds on the typical melodramatic stereotypes of shallow romcoms that the original show tried to destroy. Samantha's storyline of choosing to be true to herself is probably the only thread still linking this generic cheese fest to the superior characterization of the small screen. Some things didn't age well. I had to pause for a bit to figure out what was wrong with Sam's tummy - still looking. Carrie accusing Miranda of ruining her marriage was just rich too. Women (Carrie, Miranda, even Louise from St. Louis) who must forgive men who jilt them is the kind of backwards empowerment message I have to scratch my head at. I feel like the show that gave so much power and freedom to women, destroyed all that progress with toxic and immature romance drama of the movie. It's not horrible, but it is disappointing to the fans.

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The Queen's Gambit

Good show, but I just wasn’t as obsessed as others. Beth’s drug and alcohol bender was just rough to watch, and not in a sympathizing with the character kind of way, but more of a “I’m kinda over it” way. And while I liked Anya Taylor Joy in other stuff, I thought her acting here was too on the nose. At least the setting and the subject matter of chess were wonderful.

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If you are willing to suspend your disbelief, you will enjoy this very entertaining show. Except that last episode. That was sloppy.

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Bridgerton: 1x01 Diamond of the First Water

Could have sworn the episode would sign off on XOXO, Gossip Girl

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Bridgerton: 1x03 Art of the Swoon

This show is so full of used up, dusty, laughable romance cliches.

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Bridgerton: 1x05 The Duke and I

I think I got lactose intolerance from so much cheese.

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Bridgerton: 1x06 Swish

Wait, what? She's seriously being the righteous one right now?

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Bridgerton: 1x08 After the Rain

It's what the French call, spicy garbage?

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Oprah with Meghan and Harry: A CBS Primetime Special

Gotta love this poor rich people act. You marry into a blatantly racist, rooted in outdated tradition, highly ceremonial family, and then surprised pikachu face because they act exactly the way they've been acting for hundreds of years. The royal family's upmost concern is with the outward appearances, so no, they will never acknowledge your mental health problems because that would not look good for them. Did they not do the same thing with Diana? Hello? Price Phillip's track record alone should have given you an indication of how your mixed race child will be received. Once you exit the inner circle, yep, you are pretty much dead to them. Do you not know about Edward VIII? Again, Diana? Didn't think you had to curtsy to the Queen behind closed doors? How naive are you? If you wanna be married to a prince, that's the kind of shit baggage you have to put up with. Nobody sent you to this marriage at gunpoint. It ain't right what they did to you and your kid, but did you really expect anything different?

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The Abyss

The underwater cinematography is one of a kind, even by today's standards. And the scene where Lindsey drowns and is then resuscitated is alone worth sitting though nearly three hours. What a performance by the entire cast! That said, the ending is bad... like very bad. It's cartoon-y and heavy-handed in its message, and feels like a awkward pacifist cheeseball, which Cameron continues in his overblown Avatar. This man has no nuance.

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DeepStar Six

My feelings about DeepStar Six are colored by childhood nostalgia. It was on a continuous rotation for a couple of months on one of those movie channels, so I watched it probably like a dozen times. Loved it then, and it still stands up well today. Not a lot of substance, but much better than the underwater thriller released the same year - Leviathan, - in terms of character likability.

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I'm fine with movies not aging so well, but the blatant misogyny in this movie was uncomfortable even for me. Some really bad directorial work in places, and odd editing. The creature was cool and puppeteered nicely when it was fully formed. I really enjoyed Peter Weller's and Richard Crenna's acting, but the rest of the cast were awkward.

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Army of the Dead

A great Friday night popcorn flick. Sure there are some things I would have liked fixed up, but did I have a good time? Absolutely!

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x04 Snow in the Desert

I don't get why people love this episode. It has great visuals and the world is intriguing, but there is no story. A banal episode of two outcasts coming together and insta love out of sheer loneliness. I would love to see what they could do with a feature length though.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x03 Pop Squad

A heavy hitter of an episode. Fantastic all around.

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Lupin: 1x10 Chapter 10

Reminds me a lot of Now You See Me in its style. The creators seem to hope that a paced montage, some suave music, and the lead smugly walking away into the sunset will somehow distract viewers from illogical writing, convoluted situations, and convenient resolutions. It’s entertaining enough, but also kind of insulting to your intelligence. The enjoyment will greatly depend on whether or not you are willing to leave disbelief not only suspended, but shoved completely out of the window.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 13x11 Pop! Goes the Queens

The lipsync battles used to mean something.

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Couldn't get over how blatantly "manic pixie dream girl" this movie is, so it soured my impression of it.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 13x16 Grand Finale

That's who we get for the runner-up? Yikes.... They need to stop carrying the queens who coast on loud and obnoxious.

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Woman on the Run

Fantastic dialogue, with majority of zingers delivered by the incredible Ann Sheridan. A very good film noir.

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Drain the Oceans: 1x04 Sunken Treasures

I don’t know how I feel about the entire episode glorifying treasure hunters.

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Sex and the City: 2x18 Ex and the City

What a narcissist lol. Of course in her eyes she was too complicated and wild for Big, instead of batsh*t crazy, clingy, and ultimatum-y Carrie she is in reality.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 14x16 Grand Finale

More than ever, this finale feels like a formality. The abrupt solo lipsync for the crown, the obviously rehearsed closing move by Camden and Willow, the arbitrary top 2 without any build up. I'm happy with the winner and the runner-up but the episode was obviously unnecessary when the winner had been decided even before Ru stepped on stage.

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