Pradipa PR



Black Mirror: 3x03 Shut Up and Dance

Dumb kid freaked out because he did something indecent and trusted the words of some rando on the internet. Moral of the story: learn some digital security, he (and the other freaked out adults) wouldn't be there if he didn't give away his number very early in the beginning.

But seriously, this episode doesn't do it for me. I don't get people's fascination toward the episode. So the kid was supposed to look at CP, but how do we exactly know this? The webcam doesn't record the screen. Who knows if the hacker implanted the photos and made false claims? There was also no proof that "Mindy" was underage. All we know the guy got catfished into hiring hookers.

Acting is fine, but the thriller is quite bland throughout the episode. People on the screen are anxious but there's no tense. They are threatened by something but I don't really feel the real risk. Perhaps because there's no way to guarantee that the hackers will keep their promise, and turns out they really don't, so there's no stake for me. Just block them and face the risk rather than having to go through all that.

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Black Mirror: Special 1 White Christmas

Quite a well-done thriller with three separate but intersecting plotlines. It started out as an unnerving thriller, transforming into a horror, then into a drama reminiscent of The Entire History of You, before all the plotlines suddenly are knitted together. Like with other Black Mirror episodes, the questions surrounding technology - AI, consciousness, legal repercussions - is a background that only gets a nod (especially with the ending where "I Wish It Could Be a Christmas Everyday", an interesting choice of music) and they leave it to the audience to talk about after the episode ends.

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Great Pretender: 1x01 Case 1_1: Los Angeles Connection

The trick in the first half is fine, but the way Edamura noticed that everyone was up to no good just by spotting the same watch is stretching it. Makes little sense. Let's see how anime-ish (if you catch my drift) this one is.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x06 Girl on Fire

Strong episode. A bit cliched tropes - botched gig, amateur who hesitated, lead messing up, ending with everyone dead - but the execution was well done. There's enough tense, enough mystery, enough grit, and the intro sequence was well done to send Maine off with a bang. Still not sure why the heck they had to fetch Tanaka and what's the point of all those though.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x05 All Eyez on Me

Pretty good episode since the pilot. The action was right, so was the character development and the air of mystery. Like a true edgerunning gig.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: 1x03 Smooth Criminal

Decent episode to introduce the cyberpunk job and how it works in this universe. Pacing is well done, even much better than the game's (Cyberpunk 2077) pacing. Nothing too exciting but not too dull either. The scene with the fixer is kinda on the nose to make some sort of looming threat, however.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x07 The Elder
Star Wars: Visions: 1x04 The Village Bride

The episode really excels in the soundtrack, really brings the classic, fantastical Yuki Kanno feel. The simple flat visuals helps in creating that mystical anime feel. The two match perfectly with the local community theme going on. I like that that the episode depicts the world of Star Wars as a plural one. Not everyone follows the religion of the Force-sensitive; some who do may have their own religion, and here it's called as Magina. Very fascinating. Great world-building.

However the episode suffers from the same issue like most episodes so far. Simple storytelling, and dumb villains. Kinda disappointing seeing battledroids as yet another parody. Too focused on the role of the Jedi as well. Wish they had focused on the Magina believers more.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x03 The Twins

This is TRIGGER's usual Gurren Lagann nonsense that borrows Star Wars props - not even the concepts, just the props because lightsaber crystals and hyperspace don't work like that. Story is the usual TRIGGER's "believe in me that believe in you" thing as well, with nothing novel to enjoy. Which is fine to be honest, but they should've stick with the things they usually do best: the fight animation, which we don't get that much.

I like that they throw some references to Sequel Trilogy (The Last Jedi) with the Star Destroyer being torn in half. But the climax doesn't stand on a strong enough ground to warrant that extravaganza. For that matter I'd rather watch Gurren Lagann than this. Art style is kinda unique though, I give them that.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: 1x02 Body of the Sanctioned

Good episode. Kickstarted the season and made me curious of what's coming. Fares much better than the Brotherhood version here. The episode shows the consequence of Ed and Al's action to the city rather than just showing them wreaking havoc. It also shows Al as a more empathetic side compared to Ed.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: 1x01 Those Who Challenge the Sun

This is a good episode for two reasons:

  1. As a pilot, this sets the tone directly. Not overdone humor, enough action, and enough world-building. The mechanics is there, brief background of our protagonists are there, and the conflict is there. Ed came off as a reasonable but still haughty/bratty state alchemist. Compare this to the pilot in FMA: Brotherhood which introduced too many characters, etc, which gets confusing.

  2. Compared to the same episode in FMA: Brotherhood, this one explains much better why the priest was beloved by his people. The people are not just blind fanatics mesmerized by miracle, but benefit materially from him. There is also enough character development between Ed & Al with the others so they don't come off as haughty edgy atheists barging to people's door. More time to set the tone and silently establishes the bigger antagonists as well.

The only thing jarring here is the people just have to be brown just because they live in desert lol. Stereotype of very 2000-ish anime.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x03 City of Heresy

Not sure what was wrong with the episode, but the science vs religion contrast feels a bit tacked on, and the conflict as well as the resolution feels really hurried. The citizen seems to be too foolishly gullible to believe the antagonist with no strong reason except 'muh miracles'. The antagonist seems pretty dumb to reveal his grand plan just like that for the plot to keep on going. And, the worst is, Ed sounds like an edgy Reddit atheist with his haughty "god doesn't exist" speech.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x01 Fullmetal Alchemist

Weak pilot. Too many characters introduced, mixed with some out of place humor. Worst is that this episode shows both the state alchemists as unorganized, reckless institution (no plan at all to anticipate attack on central) and the Ice Alchemist as incompetent offender (with all that spectacle he really doesn't seem to plan anything in advance, as he gets beaten by Elric bros).

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The Expanse: 5x01 Exodus

Not the strongest pilot: it branches on each main character's future plotlines, with Holden, Naomi, Alex, and Amos going on their own path. However it sets up the Inaros as quite detestable villains - in case killing Ashford in previous season was not enough. It started with Filip and ended with Marcos. The extras were less convincing, but the space shots - and we got lots of them (Tycho, Venus, Earth) - all are gorgeous.

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Chernobyl: 1x01 1:23:45

As a work of TV show, it's good. It sets up the characters and the theme it wants to talk about. It starts with the aftermath end slowly reveals how the event unfolds to the disaster Chernobyl was.

However the message it tries to deliver, as it seems already obvious from the start, is very problematic: the all-too familiar story of meritocratic individual not being able to fight against the evil of bureaucracies, epitomized in the face of the Soviet state - the episode even has a speech on the need to believe on the Socialist State. This premise is very shaky, as David Graeber has famously written, bureaucracies - and its "evils" - were more prominent within the so-called neoliberal states and even corporations more than back then in Soviet era. Turning the disaster into a fight between heroic individuals also seem all too common for Hollywood who keeps hallucinating for the existence of an underdog superhero.

But let's see how it goes for now.

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Raised by Wolves: 1x01 Raised by Wolves

An engrossing pilot. We see the world through the eyes of Campion, our seemingly protagonist. A world so alien, with a war of the post seem to reaching from behind, that it actually is not much forgotten as it seems to be. We were told to build a civilization anew, free from the clutch of religion that separates us in the past. But with no one else around - how? It is only Mother and Father that have sheltered us so far, androids that are completely different from us, but the closest one we can call as family - persons we trust. When someone eventually reaches us - someone human, more similar to us - they are at the same time so alien that it's hard who to trust.

This episode is a great start to open this series. The mystery, the provocation, the atmosphere - everything, even the violence. Looking forward to next episodes.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x12 FISH NIGHT

Short and simple, not much to be contemplated about, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. The visual is beautiful, love the glimmering neon "ghosts".

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The Expanse: 4x07 A Shot in the Dark

A rather slow episode with frequent still shots like Eps. 1, pace picks up in the last 15 minutes though. The portrayal of Chrisjen as politician seems to too in-the-face, wish they could've done it subtler.

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The Expanse: 4x01 New Terra
The Expanse: 3x13 Abaddon's Gate
The Expanse: 3x02 IFF

Watching The Expanse lately gives me a similar feeling to watching The Heroes back then: how little pieces in the universe start to blend and match with each other. The reverend Sorreont-Gillis invited runs a clinic that has to make deals with drug dealers... must be the same clinic where the guy who gave Bobbie her way to beach works at. And now Bobbie/Avasarala meeting up with the Roci crew. This episode has a tense action as well, very nicely done.

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The Expanse: 2x12 The Monster and the Rocket
The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist
The Expanse: 2x04 Godspeed

"You were meant to go to a new sun." I love how this line describes the twist and turn, the way things go in unexpected routes in the whole episodes. From Nauvoo's repurpose to the Eros changing course.

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The Expanse: 2x01 Safe

Great pilot to set up the season. Tension between Earth and Mars thicken. The show plays the factions as rational actors with tactical decisions rather than forcing a moral dichotomy. Holden's crew opens the mystery box that had been the mystery in the first season. There's more character sharing stories and banters with each other. The crew starts to feel like a crew. There is one rather sped-up dialogue between Jim Holden and Naomi, and Mao's monologue about sacrifice also feels a bit too simplistic, but overall it's good.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x06 Human Is

Even if the plot is predictable, the performances of Bryan Cranston (Silas) and Essie Davis (Vera) were stunning that they're able to make up this whole episode, especially with the delivery on the last line. The rather unique brutalist-futurist blend architecture makes the set much more convincing; the tight apartment rooms, linear corridors, and stone walls make for an oppressive environment in a tense Earth where the drama blooms.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x01 The Hood Maker

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2020-02-20T15:14:46Z— updated 2020-08-30T13:04:23Z

This review is for the episode "The Hood Maker". Trakt wrongly named the episode.

Not the strongest one to start the series with. It had some good ideas and a curious setting to develop with, but the world-building and the characters are unconvincing. Dialogues feel a bit artificial and the plot feels rushed to fit the one hour length.

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The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2020-02-12T21:08:32Z— updated 2020-03-11T18:31:00Z

It takes a while, but the show starts to tack on the story on this third episode, and it pays off. The interrogation scene was great, but it mostly stands out thanks to amazing performance by Greg Bryk as the interrogator/Lopaz. The way he talks so confidently is almost oppressive, and the doubt he cast to the team members makes me question the real motives behind the characters. Shohreh Aghdashloo as the United Nations officer Chrisjen Avasarala is also a highlight of this episode, depicting a strong yet doubtful at times woman leader and displaying the ambiguity of system-wide politics.

As we get to explore Martian warship with its own dark red, brooding aura, and traverse through Ceres Station, it is clear that the show has a high production value, almost nearing the level of theatrical film.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

It's far from perfect, especially for a pilot, but this sets the Star Wars tone far better than any Disney Star Wars movie could.

Having Dave Filoni on board as the director may have helped setting this as a Star Wars cinema that actually takes place in a Star Wars universe: recognizable alien species and creatures (rodians, ugnaughts, blurrgs), languages other than English ("Basics" in universe terms), in-universe lore consistency (Beskar steel, Mandalorian culture), settings, and practical effects that makes a lot of sense for Star Wars. Those important aspects that make Star Wars universe convincing can hardly be seen in the new Star Wars trilogy or its spinoff nowadays.

That said, the pacing is a bit awkward. There is not much hook, story-wise, to make the pilot intriguing - unless you're a Star Wars fan with familiarity with the gimmicks. The action leaves more to be desired. Cinematography is quite well-done however. The ending also picks up some interesting turn, in the hopes that it will develop to a story that delves into character's motivation and personal goals (something that Solo tried but failed), just like Lucas' Star Wars that we know.

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Altered Carbon: 1x10 The Killers