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Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
Knives Out

Clues have been laid out throughout the story. The plot knits seamlessly little by little. There is always moments of suspense through the use of silence and character shot. And what makes this movie powerful is terrific performances from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gylenhaal. The ending was bittersweet and left me with feeling of uneasiness. Moral of the story: never take action into your own hand.

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It started with a lot of narration explaining the context. Might be a bit tedious for the first few minutes but as the movie building up its tense I was getting used to it. This is a very long movie (3 hours) and there are lots of moments lumped into the movie, but it all tied up nicely, with some events unsuspectingly leading to another event.

I watched this after Wolf of Wall Street, and I feel a similar vibe (though obviously with many differences): a quest to power, wealth, stardom--and how the guy trying to maintain it ended up with losing everything. The last scene nailed it best, evoking how all his greed resulted in nothing and he has it enough with "that's that".

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This movie is a pure nonsensical action from start to finish. Pure gold.

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Minority Report

Great cinematography, terrific acting and moving story. It is very relatable to today's bigotry to the changes. Though the movie kinda depict Christians in bad terms (with them seem to be the most fundamentalist and destructive), it also shows that even the most "intellectual" ones, the pagans, are not sinless from the guilt of bigotry (shown early in the movie). Under the pretext of "absolute truth", whether it's god or science, anyone can be a bigot, similar to today's debate of the pious vs the godless.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

The movie takes the first half of it to the world-building, and it does that successfully. With a series of events--only minimal dialogue--it shows the kind of apocalyptic world Max lives in. The plot is fairly simple, but the world which plot rests on it is convincing. The war boys culture, resource monopoly, woman objectification, etc. The rest of the movie jams the audience with action-packed scenes while slipping insight into the world through several lines of dialogue and character's behavior.

Some relationship/character-building seem to happen off-screen and seem to be implied, but the progress seems natural that you know something has been going on between them. You can see the development of one of the character where he went from a brash, rash youth to a soft-spoken guy. The last scene seems to put off the suspension of disbelief for a while (on how easy they made the final decision after going on for that long), but it is remedied by the action and the last drama involving one of the supporting character. Very solid composition for a fantasy-action movie.

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Memories of Murder

A slow-burn crime drama sprinkled with dark comedy up until the third act as they are really close to solving the murder cases. The first two-thirds are very characteristic of South Korean film drama with awkward humor paced between drama and thriller mystery, but it never drifted away from the cinematic piece in the third act. The sound design and minimalist score emphasizes dramatic moments; with Bong-Joon Ho giving the third act an intense jolt as everything gets connected and arrived at the powerful climax (the famous train track scene), and, ultimately, a chilling ending that revisits the opening scene with an lingering feeling of bleakness.

"Do you get up each morning too?"

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Pacific Rim

@toke oh wow I've just read this comment. "Evangelion adaptation"? What a joke. It's obvious that this movie does not attempt at all to adapt Evangelion, or even mecha movies. It tries to adapt the Japanese monster film genre. You think where did they get the name "kaiju"?

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The Artist

At first I really thought it was a real silent film! Perfectly done, nicely paced, and weaved around pleasant surprise. Like @Compuesto56 said, this is a perfect movie for helpless romantics. Wonderful.

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Lone Survivor

The movie builds up a tad slow in the first 15 minutes, but once the shootout starts, it doesn't stop pumping your heart. The movie shows a glimpse of how much a hell Afghanistan is - both for the US and for the Afghans themselves.

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Children of Men

It's lovely. I like Juli Baker's characterization, she's a smart girl with great personality.

I always have soft spot for romantic movies though. :s

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American Psycho
Beasts of No Nation

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2016-02-25T16:38:36Z— updated 2016-07-11T18:39:09Z

The lines and dialogues are so powerful, especially in the scenes when Agu (Abraham Attah) reflects on the brutality of the war as a kid. It is most disturbingly heart-breaking when he compares dead bodies under the sun to a scent of "burnt mango". The process of normalizing violence among the African child soldiers can't be captured more grimly without Idris Elba's impressive performance as the warlord The Commandant. The only little thing the movie seems to lack is on Agu's bonding with Striker, but other than that this movie delivers the life of African child soldier astonishingly.

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Look Who's Back

Without any single line of words, this movie's strength lies on cinematographic arrangement, musical composition, and viewer's own interpretation. Ron Fricke done a terrific job (especially on his city nightscape) and Philip Glass's composition is wonderful. However, viewers' unfamiliar with the film's narrative (post-capitalist critiques on technology) might find themselves' confused with a long still-shots, slow-motions, and fast-forwarded scenes the movie delivers. I personally need to take some time to connect the dots between the scenes presented.

The lack of dialogue, though, gives the movie more chance to be re-watched, as it presents an open-ended interpretation - which seems to be the director's intention. And if you can't watch it for the narrative, at the very least you can watch it for the wonderful music.

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Mission to Mars

While a bit lacking as a science-fiction movie, it serves as a fascinating hypothetical spiritual cosmic journey.

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The Northman
The Gift

Appears to be another slasher-thriller at a glance, but ends up as completely the opposite. Without trying to spoil the film too much, it plays with the usual thriller tropes you usually see - even with one jumpscare as a nod - but it subverts our expectation middle way. It slowly turns into something completely different, and most importantly it feels humane: not just from mere sound and music as usually horror/thriller does it, but from the awkward conversation, the silent pauses, the worried expression. The three actors' performance make this film.

The ending remains ambiguous as the final reveal is lifted up from its curtain. Some noted that it leaves out the morale question, the sterile intake that puts our protagonist Robyn as not much more than a dressing, but I suppose it seems to give a slight nod to revenge trope, perhaps similar to what Oldboy does: is a revenge, after all, worth the trouble and leave us as a better person?

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The Irishman
Iron Man

One of the few good Marvel solo movies. Robert Downey made Tony Stark in this film, to the point it's hard to imagine Stark being played by other actors. As one of the first superhero movies, Iron Man's origin story still comes of as fresh; even after other origin stories, Iron Man 1 still manages to give us a fresh take on superhero movie as it explores Stark's feat as an engineer, and a less cartoony portrayal of the villain, Obadiah Stane. Marvel has always stepped into the pitfall to making its villains as cartoon villains with childish motives and unbelievable actions; Stane stands out as one among them as his motives seems to be more grounded in reality (motivated by arms race). It is only when Stane resorted to killing Stark that it becomes a bit cartoony, but it's still a good Marvel movie in general.

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10 Cloverfield Lane

This is a film that would be most enjoyable with you knowing the least about it. The title itself is an allusion to a film released almost a decade prior, but even by watching through the film it's not yet clear how the events of the film will unfold. It bounces you back and forth, giving you a reason to believe the protagonist, then to other character, then back again, until all of it reaches the climax and left you with a few words: "god damn it." The ending is a bit anti-climatic, however, with a character finding a newly found motivation, looking toward a sequel.

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The Revenant

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2016-02-07T17:08:31Z— updated 2017-09-16T14:59:23Z

Marvelous acting, mesmerizing cinematography and immersing music. Glass (DiCaprio) lives up his name as "the revenant" as he struggles through the pain and hardship to the end of the movie. The music is particularly impeccable. It's always able to bring me back to the film's atmosphere just by listening to them - the cold, hard, depressing winter, the emotional struggle of survival and revenge.

However the characterization seems to lack a further... depth. We know Glass is so determined and Fitzgerald (Hardy) is cunning, opportunist prick (for Fitzgerald I knew it from the start, exactly when he started to make racist commentaries)--but their characterization stops there. There don't seem enough exploration on their motivations or dilemmas in achieving what they desire; it just feels a bit one dimensional. The plot is fairly simple and predictable, though that doesn't necessarily make it boring. Except for the last 30 minutes where everything seems to be a bit rushed to reach the climax.

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American Gangster

Great movie. Lucas' life is what people in criminology would call as "ethnic succession theory". The blacks were the "representation of progress" that drove away Italians in the crime world. Loved the way Ridley Scott narrates Lucas' life and movies timeline with the progress on Vietnam War.

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The Amazing Spider-Man

There are some stuff I don't seem to find comfortable with this movie. One thing, it could get a tad boring for a while when it's taking on the drama part, especially on Gwen's romantic relatioonship with Peter. The other, is the destined Uncle Ben's death. As @CatyAlexandre has said, it feels a bit rushed for a character that has quite bonded with the viewers for the first half of the movie (especially when compared with Sam Raimi's Uncle Ben). This makes Spiderman seems to lack a clear motivation when he switched the attention from hunting Uncle Ben's murderer to saving the world. The same goes with The Lizard's motivation to turn the world in danger - though I assume he went insane with the serum affecting him.

On the plus side, Andrew Garfield did a good job for a contemporary geeky Peter Parker; confident, funky, and easy-going. I don't really like this kind of Peter, but considering today's audience it's a good shot. Rhys Ifans also did a good job portraying Curt Connors, having a calm, mature doctor while keeping some kind of weirdo vibe. The Lizard's fate as the main villain also seems unusual for a superhero movie - though, looking at the trailer for the upcoming second movie, I could guess why it became so.

Other than that, excellent movie.

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