Pradipa PR



The Expanse

I thought there is no way any producer could end a series as bad as 'Game of Thrones,' but seriously this one is an all time low. I am honestly stunned Amazon let it end on episode 6 and calling it a finale.

Please Amazon stick to shipping boxes, cus my gawd you really know how to suck the life out of art.

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@rundl3 yeah ironically it was way better when it was on Syfy.

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Cowboy Bebop

Shout by Eren Jäger
BlockedParent2021-11-26T23:28:38Z— updated 2022-01-09T09:48:20Z

This is a very unpopular opinion but I really like this series. You could see how much effort they put into it, not only musically but also cinematography. The camera shots were distinctive, outstanding fight choreography and funny dialogues. I know many people would disagree with me since it wasn't purely accurate to the anime... But you have to think of this: If it was a full copy of the Anime, it would be quite boring. Besides, not everything that is animated you can shoot on screen. People always neglect that! Therefore, you have to consider this series as separate from the Anime, then you can probably enjoy it.

For me, I enjoyed it a lot and hope they make a second season despite of the stigma

Edit: Unfortuneately, the second season got cancelled. But there is also a petition for it. So if you want more of Cowboy Bebop, you can support them on the following link:

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@erenjaegeraot35 "not everything that is animated you can shoot on screen"
See Watchmen or Rurouni Kenshin. To some extent, Blade of the Immortal too (although the pacing was terrible).

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The Mandalorian

Season 1 of The Mandalorian started out reasonably well, had a weak middle and finished off reasonably well again.

The show is probably best watched with the understanding that it's part of the Star Wars franchise, and thus is going to be somewhat simple, fun and have predictable outcomes. The show is not going to impress you with complex character development or shocking plot twists, and might even crumble a bit if you look too closely at some parts.

Still, it's enjoyable for what it is, especially if you like the Star Wars universe. You can certainly do worse with other shows and movies within the franchise.

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@archm that's quite considerate of you; I guess I just don't have enough patience (or maybe just disappointed) seeing how this show ended up to be. Especially considering the franchise had some amazing works created before all of this mess. It's very unlikely the show will have twists like the ones you mentioned.

If you want to see Star Wars at its peak, try seeing Tartakovsky's Clone Wars (2003). If you're okay with cartoon. It's made by the same team behind Samurai Jack. For the best storytelling go for Thrawn trilogy (novels) and/or Knights of the Old Republic (games).

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The Mandalorian

Shout by SAH777
BlockedParent2020-12-05T05:48:43Z— updated 2021-05-17T03:15:13Z

can't delete replied to comment

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@sah777 it's shit even for Star Wars fans who are familiar with Star Wars beyond the main movies.

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The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian started out OK, but ended up as some half-baked, lazily written show that exist merely to lure parents to justify a Disney+ subscription. Kids get the usual Disney contents, moms get Baby Yoda, dads get Star Wars nerdy reference. The show almost feels like being made by a bunch of fanfiction writers with familiarity of the setting but zero sense of screen writing.

Nothing wrong with liking it, it's just the show appears to be all style and no substance.

Storyline shows no complexity at all. In fact, most of them are fillers. You can skip 4 of 8 episodes and you'll still understand the story just fine. Characters are completely uninteresting. None of them are developed. None of them had nuances: protagonists are morally good heroes; antagonists are one dimensional evils. The show relies only on a cute muppet and flashy action, but has zero substance. Had a potential great world-building with some details, but they chose to abandon it for rule of cool (and cute).

The "it's Star Wars, so it'll be simple" excuse commonly said by the series' defenders doesn't hold up if you actually consider other Star Wars titles such as Knights of the Old Republic, Republic Commando, Jedi Academy, Thrawn trilogy, the original and Tartakovsky's Clone Wars, and so on. Those titles are known for having remarkable storytelling; something that The Mandalorian doesn't have for its poverty of creative vision.

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@lordmayo Did you intentionally not read the last paragraph? KoTOR, Clone Wars, and Thrawn trilogy are ALL Star Wars titles. ALL don't suck like this one.

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The Mandalorian

Season 1 of The Mandalorian started out reasonably well, had a weak middle and finished off reasonably well again.

The show is probably best watched with the understanding that it's part of the Star Wars franchise, and thus is going to be somewhat simple, fun and have predictable outcomes. The show is not going to impress you with complex character development or shocking plot twists, and might even crumble a bit if you look too closely at some parts.

Still, it's enjoyable for what it is, especially if you like the Star Wars universe. You can certainly do worse with other shows and movies within the franchise.

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@archm saying that "it's Star Wars so it's going to be simple" always sounds like a weak excuse, because Star Wars does have stories with actual good storytelling, like Knights of the Old Republic, Republic Commando, Jedi Academy, Thrawn trilogy or even the original Clone Wars. This show just doesn't have anyone with a creative vision.

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Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon

Very disappointed so far. Seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall hoping something stuck. Four episodes in and didn't care to finish

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@benhanchett not every story elements are Chekhov's guns. That's what makes a world-building: the character is just one person living a world that's moving simultaneously with him - just like real world, you know? Fargo (the series and movie) is similar. So is Blade Runner (the movie, particularly the second). If it's not directly relevant to the character growth, let them stay on background. This is not a Marvel movie where everything, even a conspiracy behind the screen, has to be shoved on your face.

That said, the three last episodes are weak and didn't go the way the likes of BR usually go.

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Altered Carbon

Very disappointed so far. Seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall hoping something stuck. Four episodes in and didn't care to finish

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@benhanchett well, slow-burn is characteristics of cyberpunk, a genre that has existed way before Black Mirror. They turned Season 2 to be some kind of action adventure shit because of dumb Transformer-loving reviews like this one.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Shout by Pro Evo
BlockedParent2022-09-13T16:47:46Z— updated 2022-09-22T09:34:03Z

:joy:This show is deffo made for kids ....

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@4qhdfire @-puma- @productofculture @goodguyjoey not for kids perhaps but it's certainly for edgy teenagers like this comment section suggests

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The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian started out OK, but ended up as some half-baked, lazily written show that exist merely to lure parents to justify a Disney+ subscription. Kids get the usual Disney contents, moms get Baby Yoda, dads get Star Wars nerdy reference. The show almost feels like being made by a bunch of fanfiction writers with familiarity of the setting but zero sense of screen writing.

Nothing wrong with liking it, it's just the show appears to be all style and no substance.

Storyline shows no complexity at all. In fact, most of them are fillers. You can skip 4 of 8 episodes and you'll still understand the story just fine. Characters are completely uninteresting. None of them are developed. None of them had nuances: protagonists are morally good heroes; antagonists are one dimensional evils. The show relies only on a cute muppet and flashy action, but has zero substance. Had a potential great world-building with some details, but they chose to abandon it for rule of cool (and cute).

The "it's Star Wars, so it'll be simple" excuse commonly said by the series' defenders doesn't hold up if you actually consider other Star Wars titles such as Knights of the Old Republic, Republic Commando, Jedi Academy, Thrawn trilogy, the original and Tartakovsky's Clone Wars, and so on. Those titles are known for having remarkable storytelling; something that The Mandalorian doesn't have for its poverty of creative vision.

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@sreecharan93 I tried watching S2 pilot but it still felt like a poo sprayed with strong perfume. Maybe one day I'll try to finish it and see if my opinion changes.

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The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian started out OK, but ended up as some half-baked, lazily written show that exist merely to lure parents to justify a Disney+ subscription. Kids get the usual Disney contents, moms get Baby Yoda, dads get Star Wars nerdy reference. The show almost feels like being made by a bunch of fanfiction writers with familiarity of the setting but zero sense of screen writing.

Nothing wrong with liking it, it's just the show appears to be all style and no substance.

Storyline shows no complexity at all. In fact, most of them are fillers. You can skip 4 of 8 episodes and you'll still understand the story just fine. Characters are completely uninteresting. None of them are developed. None of them had nuances: protagonists are morally good heroes; antagonists are one dimensional evils. The show relies only on a cute muppet and flashy action, but has zero substance. Had a potential great world-building with some details, but they chose to abandon it for rule of cool (and cute).

The "it's Star Wars, so it'll be simple" excuse commonly said by the series' defenders doesn't hold up if you actually consider other Star Wars titles such as Knights of the Old Republic, Republic Commando, Jedi Academy, Thrawn trilogy, the original and Tartakovsky's Clone Wars, and so on. Those titles are known for having remarkable storytelling; something that The Mandalorian doesn't have for its poverty of creative vision.

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@seanmsu aw, looks like I hurt a hardcore fan's ego. It's a product, not your life. Don't take it personally, champ.

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The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian started out OK, but ended up as some half-baked, lazily written show that exist merely to lure parents to justify a Disney+ subscription. Kids get the usual Disney contents, moms get Baby Yoda, dads get Star Wars nerdy reference. The show almost feels like being made by a bunch of fanfiction writers with familiarity of the setting but zero sense of screen writing.

Nothing wrong with liking it, it's just the show appears to be all style and no substance.

Storyline shows no complexity at all. In fact, most of them are fillers. You can skip 4 of 8 episodes and you'll still understand the story just fine. Characters are completely uninteresting. None of them are developed. None of them had nuances: protagonists are morally good heroes; antagonists are one dimensional evils. The show relies only on a cute muppet and flashy action, but has zero substance. Had a potential great world-building with some details, but they chose to abandon it for rule of cool (and cute).

The "it's Star Wars, so it'll be simple" excuse commonly said by the series' defenders doesn't hold up if you actually consider other Star Wars titles such as Knights of the Old Republic, Republic Commando, Jedi Academy, Thrawn trilogy, the original and Tartakovsky's Clone Wars, and so on. Those titles are known for having remarkable storytelling; something that The Mandalorian doesn't have for its poverty of creative vision.

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@breezytm there are plenty of good series out there. From something like The Sopranos, to The Boys, The Expanse, Raised by Wolves, etc.

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Altered Carbon

Very disappointed so far. Seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall hoping something stuck. Four episodes in and didn't care to finish

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@benhanchett they explained about clones very early in the season, I think it's in the eps. 1 or 2. Meths (long life rich persons) always have clones, that's why Bancroft (the client) is speaking in his body when he asked Tak to find out who murdered him (his previous same body). That's why they stay the same age after hundreds years. It's the reason Tak dislikes meths, and the same reason crazy moustache guy worships them - they find it unnatural and only rich people can afford it. There's a scene where Tak and the crazy guy are having this exact conversation. Tak's sister only moves her consciousness between clones in rapid succession.

As for the two sleeves at once, are you talking about the way there's two Taks near the end of the season? In that case I agree that's an upgrade, thanks for reminding me. And the show could've explained that sort of upgrade better because it feels kinda forced. Three last episodes are weak, as I said. But the rest are fine.

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Altered Carbon

Very disappointed so far. Seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall hoping something stuck. Four episodes in and didn't care to finish

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@benhanchett they mentioned about Envoy having stronger analytical skills and stronger memories in early episodes, maybe between eps 1 to 4. There's an episode where Tak is shown gazing, piecing the puzzles in his mind. Why and how they became that way is not explained though, and there's no reason to just like there's no reason to explain replicants' superhuman power. I'm not sure what do you mean by sleeves usurped by more tech, because I don't remember any tech upgrades in season 1? The only upgrade is Ortega (the cop)'s arm upgrade because she lost one.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams

Shout by zuretear
BlockedParent2018-03-28T20:09:56Z— updated 2022-10-29T01:16:20Z

Delete del del del del

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@zuretear calling someone moron is original now? Trakt was right flagging your narrow minds as spam

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Altered Carbon

For me season 1 was excellent season 2 is totally boring and did not finish watching

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@bassmanlou thanks to many people complaining it doesn't have enough action

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Pokémon: Origins

Reply by Pradipa PR

Shout by DPO

Really cool! It's really refreshing and takes you back a decade on time.

Too bad the end with the Mega Evolution :(

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Yeah the mega evolution kinda forced on Charizard.

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