Richard Murray


Haarlem, NL


Better than I expected, though there were a handful of times when the brother seemed to disappear, but I guess that's more poor continuity than a story element.

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I like how it looks - the framing and photography choices are mostly good. The quick cut jump scare thing is a bit old, but well done.

The story, though is wafer thin and even then, the supporting cast can't really keep it up. It seems to drag along to the end, which isn't a good sign for a film clocking in under 80 minutes. It may have played better as a 12 minute short.

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Digging Up the Marrow

Self-aware found footage film doesn't make it better in any way. Adam Green is no actor.

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Feels like a rejected TV pilot. No surprises promised, none offered.

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A Quiet Place

It's a really good film, but I find it pretty hard to believe the weakness wasn't found by accident when there were still billions of people in the world.

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Faces in the Crowd

Well, that's not how face blindness works at all. Not being able to recognize someone moment by moment doesn't impact your ability to remember their name or to remember who they are. The whole thing feels like a bad made for tv movie. The cops are charicatures reciting unbelievable dialogue.

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Annabelle: Creation

Shallow characters, forced jump scares, no motivation, no growth, and trope after trope. Uninspired.

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The Happytime Murders

It was... Well, it was. It didn't really live up to the promise, and the credit video was the highlight.

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The Predator

"He grew an exoskeleton under his skin"

And she's a biologist?

Then some shit about how autism is the 'next human evolution.'

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Blood Fest

"The clowns I found on Craigslist"

Amusing, but between the good bits there's some rough low budget bits that seem like they're just not trying 20% of the time. Like one extra take here, 5 more minutes on the effects prep, one more edit...

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The Dark

Young girl works out her demons.

I liked it well enough, but mostly for the main character. Nobody else really matters in the film, and they're all pretty disposable. The overall story is good, if predictable quite early. Something of a traditional fairy tale with the girl lost in the woods.

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Await Further Instructions

Shout by Richard Murray

First two acts fine... Enemy revealed finally and it's.... television?

Or... Something. It's a mess.

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Some Romero films (that aren't this one) aged well.

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Bird Box

I'm willing to suspend disbelief about an evil that kills you when you see it. However, how does this evil not find its way under a sheet or through an open door? Just close the door and know for certain that the evil remains outside?

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Ocean's Eight

Shout by Richard Murray

As a heist movie, it's run of the mill.

  1. Establish the rag tag team of misfits
  2. Plan the main heist
  3. Run into ludicrous technical glitch that couldn't happen in any real world (or that couldn't be easily overcome)
  4. Everything comes together flawlessly
  5. Oh no, the cops are on to the plan
  6. Secret partner reveal
  7. Secret side heist reveal
  8. Where are they now scenes
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Summer of 84

The final act took too long to play out, but otherwise it was a pretty middle of the road, predictable 80s nostalgia piece.

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Final Portrait

I'm not well acquainted with Giacometti's life or work, but this film is an interesting look into a mad man's process.

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The Open House

I don't often shut a movie off this early, but the boring ass, predictable death scene of the loving father with the cut to the wake? Fuck that.

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Last Three Days

The only movie I can think of that has SUCCESSFULLY dedicated a substantial amount of its run time to the "how we met" montage is UP.

This is not UP.

I find myself in the second act, hoping that a meteor shows up and destroys the entire universe of this film. Lukewarm garbage. The characters are shallow, have no believable motivation, and they don't seem to be acting with each other.

Then, very soft ending that just further aggravates.

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The Amityville Horror

I remember this freaking me out as a kid, but it's just silly.

I'm cheering for the house.

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Wire Room

This whole film feels like it's the output of an AI tasked with making a film about law enforcement for a budget in the hundreds of dollars.

Lack of human emotion, sensible motivations, etc.

I mean, there's some acting happening in here, if only accidentally. Kevin Dillon isn't a complete stain, and Shelby Cobb appears more human than anyone else in her half page of dialogue.

I just feel bad for Bruce Willis in these 2022 films. He was being used as a name to lure in producers, and there are so many obvious work arounds to his illness here - lack of two shots, no banter, no shots longer than a couple seconds, no tough words, and no acting needed. A number of very rough dialogue edits from off-screen Willis where they seem to be assembling his lines from single words. Poorly.

Everyone involved in producer roles here should be shunned.

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Gasoline Alley

All the producers working on this seem complicit in elder abuse, turning Willis into little more than a prop. He's so far gone at this point that he can barely put together two words, so they have Wilson there to be his voice for exposition.

Ham-fisted production.

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Devil's Workshop

Why even bother with the B plots except to pad this potentially fine eighteen minute short film into a feature length film? The acting class, the child actor and his girl pals with their sexless dancing? The horror is neutered by a lack of anyone we are made to care about.

Did anyone not see the engravings and know what was going to happen?

Wait. Maybe the AUDIENCE is the victim? That would be a chilling approach.

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The Friendship Game

I wanted to deduct a point for Robbie's haircut. I don't think I did.

The film tries to invoke alternate timelines and possibilities but just doesn't really pull it together for me. I don't regret watching it, but that's not always the same thing as enjoying it.

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Black Adam

"Well, that wasn't as bad as I expected"

No real Rock catchphrases introduced, so that's a plus. The core film is alright. I like that this version of the character, and I would welcome seeing him interact with Captain Marvel (not the MCU one - the Shazam one) as much as with Superman and the JLA.

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The Blazing World

There's some lovely lighting work at times.

The acting's not uniformly horrible.

People appear for no reason, and never return.

There's a reason people forget their dreams - they're boring.

This isn't Buñuel, it's not Lynch. It's art school noise, and it's best forgotten.

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The Wrath of Becky

Well, I didn't call Sean's story correctly when we first met him in the diner. The character felt like a poorly portrayed undercover cop. I was expecting he'd get caught by Becky and beg for his life. His pathetic end, as some weak willed idiot having been sucked into a hateful organisation was much better than I expected.

The first part of the film felt like a bit of an afterthought to try to glue the first film to the action parts here. Elena's death doesn't feel important, let alone an escalation from the attack on the dog.

There better be a third. It's a solid film once it actually begins.

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Mr. Dressup: The Magic of Make Believe

This film wrecked me.

Every story from the celebrities who recounted their own experiences they had as kids, watching the same show that I experienced. Tears on their cheeks, describing what the man meant to them. Interview subjects describing growing up with Mr. Dressup and then having a beer with the man.

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The Hunt

Well, this is fucking stupid.

Netflix synopsis says "In this dark horror satire, wealthy elites hunt innocent ordinary citizens for sport"

It's not all that dark, honestly. There's some graphic death sequences but it's not dark. It's definitely not a horror film. There's nothing scary here, no thriller aspect, and the fights are simplistic and cliche.

I'm not convinced it's satire, either. Especially not of "both sides" as the film's people try to claim. It's not "skewering" "both" sides in any way at all.

The Good Ol' Boy side seem pretty normal and put together. There's a bit of stereotyping in a couple instances, but even the podcaster is more hero than caricature.

The Liberal Elites team is all that seems to be satirized at all.

The only real option I see, is that the film makers are mocking the VIEWERS.

I only kept watching to the end to see if they eventually pull out of the tailspin, but no... they crash. No survivors. (Metaphorically)

There were some decent acting performances, but I think they've all been better in better productions.

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Night Swim

This was close to being a good film. I don't think they nailed down the "evil spirit" well enough -- I think it could have been tightened up a fair bit to make it really spooky rather than just feeling like an old episode of Goosebumps.

The spirit wasn't consistent, for one thing. Its actions were random at best. Every character immediately knew that the Pet Semat... er... SWIMMING POOL was a vampire, and they easily won as soon as the filled in the pool. Anti-climactic, and honestly, did anyone feel bad about any of the injuries or deaths other than the girl right at the start?

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