Calum Scott


Scotland, UK

The Strangers

For fuck sake it was The Purge all over again. Film turned out much worse than expected.

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Law Abiding Citizen

Definitely one of the best films of all time

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National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Love these films, can't wait for the supposed third.

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The Strain

I wish I could say this show is entirely out of character for FX, but after season 3 of American Horror Story.. The Strain feels right at home.

Piss-poor acting, awful writing. The tone of the show is nice and the effects are great but that can only ever be the icing on the cake, not the cake itself. After watching 3 episodes it's clear the cake in this instance is made of shit.

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Whose Line is it Anyway?

Seasons 9 and 10 have fucking ruined this show. I tried so hard to give it a chance but the "celebrity" guest stars with their novelty wearing off after 1 sketch, Aisha Tyler's fake laughing and lack of real comedic banter, the overuse of sketches that should be used sparingly.. it's just a shit-fest of depressing proportions.

I thought they'd improve in season 10, I stayed watching to see if they did, they didn't. I genuinely fucking hate what The CW has done to this show. They can't handle any show past 5 seasons without shitting all over it. Fuck 'em.

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The Purge

I usually like films that everyone seems to dislike, but no. Really annoying to watch. Great idea, awful execution.

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Fight Club

Watched this for the first time recently, only because I've heard so many people go on about it. Surprised me a lot, turned out to be nothing like I expected the film to be and I am so grateful for that.

Amazing story, strong acting and the twist at the end was just brilliant.

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Show was amazing, shouldn't have left season 2 on a cliff hanger.

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The Fades

Never should have cancelled this. Amazing production value, solid cast, even won an award. Sigh.

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The Shield

One of the most perfect television series you could ever see. To this day I have yet to witness a better series finale than the unpredictable, hugely satisfying conclusion this show offered.

I fucking love The Shield.

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Well worth the watch

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Great film, if you enjoy Liam Nesson, and have ever seen Hell on Wheels/Halt and Catch Fire then you'll love this!

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The Leftovers

Fuck yes, HBO renewed The Leftovers for a 2nd season!

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The Raid 2

This is how a sequel is done, by turning everything up to 11. My god that was glorious

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline

Damnit, looks like there's no One-Shot on the Captain America: The Winter Solider blu ray..

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The Kings of Summer

That was amazing

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes

This film is so much better than I remembered. Damn I am so pumped for the sequel.

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The Pact


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The Thing

First time watching, in 2014, and yeah it really holds up well. Glad I finally checked this out.

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National Treasure

One of Cage's best, great film.

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Sex Drive

Caught it on TV, it was a lot better than expected

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Nathan for You

It's like a Canadian Borat. This guy is genuinely hilarious

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Gang Related

Watched 3 episodes, pretty awful and mediocre. Can't see this making it to a second season.

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Happy Valley

This show is absolutely fantastic.

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Rookie Blue

Very addicting, refreshing change from the usual paint-by-numbers police procedurals.

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After just watching the season 2 finale (now series finale I guess..) I've realized that the silver lining of this cancellation is that episode 2x13 works out as fantastic and wholly satisfying series finale. Which was as much of a surprise as this bitter cancellation on FX's behalf.

I'll fucking miss this show. Real, genuine quality. Didn't deserve to be cancelled but Jim Jefferies and co made the most of their two seasons and that'll keep me happy for now.

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They move this to FXX than give it the axe? It can't have been that expensive, it would have been a real gem to have on the FXX roster. I seriously don't understand the reasoning behind the cut.

Great show either way, genuinely gonna miss it. Especially after a fantastic second season. I thought FX was better than to follow NBC's trigger finger but alas everyone succumbs eventually. Just, fuck.

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Solid miniseries. Definitely worth the watch.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

3 episodes in, I love it. Fresh, interesting, and I now look forward to it every week.

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The Chicago Code

God damnit. Such a breathe of fresh air this show was. Not simply another tired cop procedural but a genuinely good show backed by the man himself, Shawn Ryan. Although I'm pissed this was cancelled it still worked out as a really decent mini-series which I'm thankful for.

Also, for those interested -- this is the correct order to watch the episodes:

01 - Pilot
02 - Hog Butcher
06 - The Gold Coin Kid
05 - O'Leary's Cow
07 - Blackhand and the Shotgun
08 - Wild Onions
09 - St. Valentine's Day Massacre
10 - Bathhouse & Hinky Dink
11 - Black Sox
03 - Gillis, Chase & Babyface
04 - Cabrini Green
12 - Greylord & Gambat
13 - Mike Royko's Revenge

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