Calum Scott


Scotland, UK


There is a ridiculous amount of self-justification about liking the show going on, in this thread and in general. Almost every person who "likes" it, is quick to point out how they think the premise makes absolutely no sense, but then follow that up with, "... but it's so cool, let's see what they do to explain it." That implies that the writers planned this bizarre setup, in order to give the viewer an explanation for these issues in later episodes.

I don't know how someone can have make the criticisms about the show many are making and then turn around and say it's a good show. If the writers base the show in our physical universe, electricity can't disappear. It is possible to knock out electricity temporarily, and ruin electrical devices with something similar to an EMP. But electricity doesn't disappear forever, it exists all around us, not just in things we plug into the wall. It's a plot hole, from bad writing.

And that doesn't even factor in how apparently none of the survivors are aware of anything that happened in the world prior to electrical technology. Combustion works, because bullets work. Steam power works, because... well because it does. But no one on the entire planet is aware of this. I guess there was a global conference for people with working brains around the time of the incident and they were all in planes when the electricity went out. All the smart people are dead.

Maybe that's the explanation! This show is about what would happen if only stupid people survived. It's Idiocracy with swords!! :)

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The Munro Republic is poor, that's why they don't use steam engines. Whereas later you are introduce to the Georgia Federation which DOES have steam powered cars/boats etc as they are wealthy.

Also no electricity isn't a plot hole from bad writing, it's called science fiction. If you bothered to stick around and see why there was no electricity, you would understand (not writing here for spoilers sake). You know Star Wars had space ships and a death star, is that a plot hole from bad writing? No, it's called science fiction. Just because we haven't invented it today doesn't make it a plot hole if its invented within the boundaries of the story.

Your review sucks.

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The Departed

Is it just me or they really didnt show what happened to the brown envelope Billy gave to Madolyn??

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The idea is that you assume it was Billy's contingency plan, Madolyn opened it, gave it to Dignam and then he went to his apartment to kill Sullivan as expectedly it contained all the evidence Billy held on Sullivan proving he was working for Costello. If you follow this idea, it doesn't really matter the specifics of what was in the envelope.

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I watched the first season before season 2 began and I thought it was pretty good. However, after most of season 2 I have come to realize that it actually sucks and has sucked all along. With only two episodes left of this season I find it a chore just to finish. I don't think I have ever been so angry at a tv show.

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Prison Break finished the story it always intended to tell in 4 seasons instead of dragging on the story for 50. The Shield genuinely is one of the best shows ever made with one of the most satisfying and unpredictable series finales I've ever seen in my life.

Under the Dome had a great pilot but to save money, CBS hired 12 year olds to finish the rest of the season. The Following was the same deal but at least had a better second season, still zero grounds for a 10/10 rating.

9 means I want it on blu ray, 10 means it's struck me in some unique way. I still think Breaking Bad is a fantastic show. As for Game of Thrones, I like it but the constant recasting of characters is just too much to handle -- the casting director seriously needs to learn how to get it right the first time. I don't think any other show has ever been as bad as GoT is with regards to cast continuity. An actor is just as much the character as the writing is.

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I watched the first season before season 2 began and I thought it was pretty good. However, after most of season 2 I have come to realize that it actually sucks and has sucked all along. With only two episodes left of this season I find it a chore just to finish. I don't think I have ever been so angry at a tv show.

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You rate Under the Dome and The Following a 10 but Banshee a 1? Warped sense of quality if you ask me.

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Black Sails

Given what this show is about it shouldve hooked me but I couldn't get into it.

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I can see where you're coming from but stick through it till the final 2 episodes, that's when it gets really fucking good.

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If you like watching fighting & fucking, this show is for you. Not so much if you like good story lines.

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And for everyone else who can see past tits and violence without coveting them, there's another 95% of the series which contains strong acting, engaging storylines and impressive visuals (Banshee actually won an Emmy for their CGI in season 1).

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The Mist

I was surprised to see 3 actors from The Walking Dead in it.

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It's the same person behind both, Frank Darabont.

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The Strain

Love it! Suspense, horror, fantasy. What else could you want for a Fan on this genre?

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Good writing?

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Please change the key art for season nine, it currently season seven's

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Stop spamming the comments. TVDB is responsible for the key art, not trakt.

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Chicago P.D.

Surprisingly quite good, at first glance you'd expect a generic cop show but this one is actually enjoyable.

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Do you need to watch the other Chicago show thing to enjoy this?

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I hate this damn show. Started pretty well. First season had me hook and then the usual happen. The show turns into a circus. The story is unrealistic. Jack is a brute. The plot in all seasons are identical. You can predict what's going to happen in the next 10 episodes in a each season after watching the first 6. The show is prejudice and racist. I swear if I was from the middle of east I would of sued the producer and writer. Jack don't obey the law. He obeys no one. He follows no rules but he gets away with it. He kills and torture people and get away with it. He never lost a fight. He fights soldiers like himself and always win. Like don't they all got the same training you got lol. Like come on. You can ways count on him to save the day. I particular hate stupid plots like this. I am an American and I hate this crap about American shows. The white hero always saving the fucking day business. How about a black or Hispanic or Middle East guy saving the world for once. And stop making people more stupid with his computer geniuses in these shows who seems to know how to do it all. If that was so true than a lot of people who are engineers like myself in the IT field would of been unemployed. No you can not copy an entire data center to a bloody thumb drive. I see these none sense in two many shows. 24, Nikita, alias, etc...they all have this one guy who can do it all. I can believe this crap is coming back.

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Boo cbaptiste, boooo

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Chicago P.D.

Shout by Deleted

Caught me by surprise this one, i am a devoted Wire and Shield fan and this show is up there considering its a NBC show of course.

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Is this seriously up there with the likes of The Shield? That detail alone would get me to check out this show.

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I watched the pilot and I thought it was a sorry attempt to a medieval slash futuristic show. Too absurd to work. A pity this should go on.

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Although I agree this show isn't great, judging an entire series based on a single episode is bullshit.

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Hello Ladies

Shout by Alex

Yeah, no. I couldn't force myself to finish watching episode 4... the character is such a shithead, it was just too painful to watch. I'll rather watch Legit any day which is a VERY similar show to this but that main shithead in there CAN actually be likeable once in a while... or funny... and not just painfully embarrassing.

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I like both Legit and this.

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Hell on Wheels

Shout by Alex

Daaaaaaamn fine start into season 3 but is it really only going to last 6 episodes?!
That's a damn shame if you ask me, but on the other hand I guess we can be glad that we got a 3rd Season at all since it hung in limbo for quite some time...
Either way, glad it's back and hope they can keep it going that strong. :)

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No it's a full 10 episode season

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