Defending Jacob: 1x08 After

If I had not read the novel, I would probably be fine with this ending. The show’s ending is admittedly a kinder one than the book’s but it lacked the punch the novel had. Maybe they did that to leave room for a possible second season but there is just no need.

They should have stuck to the book. Despite it no answering the question of whether Jacob truly killed Ben or not, it still came to a conclusive end. In the book, Hope turns up dead, Laurie saw little red spots on Jacob’s bathing suit. She is very shaken by the whole thing and that is what drives her over the edge. And despite being tragic as hell, it makes sense because Laurie knows that Jacob will probably do it again, so she ends it. Changing it was a disservice to her character.

I know it’s frustrating not to know whether Jacob killed Ben or not but people need to remember that wasn’t the point of the book/show. Defending Jacob explores how far someone would go for their family, and is it more important to stay a good parent or a good citizen. The show puts the characters first and the mystery second, caring more about the themes than who did what.

Overall, it was a pretty solid show. While the writing was sometimes weak and generic, the acting (four great performances from Chris Evans, Jaedan Martell, Michelle Dockery and Chris Evans' beard) and direction really saved this series.

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@cutecruel "and Chris Evans' beard" :joy::rofl:

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SKAM: 3x06 Can't you just say it?

Shout by Alice

”It's not a girl.” I loved that Jonas did not even FLINCH at that and just kept guessing. My heart melted for Isak.

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@pulpfictioning and when he silently says 'Even' and smiles that little smile ♥

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Orphan Black: 4x06 The Scandal of Altruism

Maybe I'm just hardcore in denial but until they show us Delphine's dead body I'm gonna believe that she's actually alive. If I've learnt anything from binge watching TV shows it's that if they don't show you the body, they ain't really dead. TELL us she's dead all you want I'm not listening.

Also did anyone else notice that Krystal referred to Delphine like she was still alive? 'Is she involved in this?' If Delphine was dead, wouldn't she be saying 'Was she involved in this?'

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I'm pretty sure Krystal saved her. She said she saw everything, right? Maybe she saw her get shot, and after helped her. Maybe Delphine is still in some hospital. And I don't remember anyone saying Delphine is dead just that she was shot.
UPDATE: I rewatched the scene when Evie tells Cosima about Delphine, she did say shot dead. But I highly doubt she was there so... But then again wouldn't they clean up after themselves or at least check if she was found dead... hmm.. so many questions. But I still believe she will be back.

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Pretty Little Liars: 6x04 Don't Look Now

Shout by Lauren Hannah

I have one question. Why is Hanna still using iOS 6?

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in pll universe it's still 2012.

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