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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x06 Part VI

What is the point in these ships even having weapons systems? The star destroyer couldn't even shoot a super basic defenceless ship out of the sky! It has been utterly infuriating watching the action sequences in this show.

"I will do what I must" made me cringe. It was like bad fan fiction. The fight wasn't great, though it was definitely better than the fight back in episode 3 of the show.

Reva might just be the most pathetic force user of all time. How the hell did a couple of random farmers hold their own against her? Again, the action in this show has been consistently dreadful - just straight-up bad decisions by the writing team, and laughably poor choreography. Also, she literally just took a lightsaber to the gut hours ago and was left for dead, yet now she suddenly appears absolutely fine walking around on Tattoine? WHAT IS THIS SHOW?

Glad we got the Qui-Gon cameo at the end though.

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This whole series reeked of season 8 Game of Thrones laziness. Undeserved character moments. Characters teleporting wherever's convenient. Disregarding backstory introduced episodes earlier to present the audience nonsensical redemption of villainous characters. There are thousands of great writers and directors. Many of them big Star Wars fans. Shame none worked on this show.

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I usually hate shouty, overly dramatic comments, but this show doesn’t qualify as a professional production IMO. I’ve never seen directing, writing and camerawork this amateurish in a major production.

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Let’s be happy that the series was only 6 episodes

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“Meh” sums it up fairly well.

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Finally a wrap and again a lot of bad bad action scenes and thin script. Disney and Deborah are chokin’ the franchise

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Ben left Darth Vader alive a second time. That's just irresponsible at this point. First time I can excuse due to the circumstances but the second time... come on man.

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Getting sick of all the toxic so called Star Wars fans. I grew up with the prequels, and I actually really enjoy these series.

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Hello there. This ep got me right in the feels

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This brings me back to that classic episode of The Simpson's when Burns had the many monkeys typing away which didn't work out well.

Where oh where are the writers coming from... what did they work on before or was this project passed to a grade 6 class for an exercise?

We get these shows are being pumped out to provide content on Disney+ but the least they could do get some actual Star Wars fans/writers to write these scripts.

Please Don't make the proposed spin off of the Third Sister, don't even consider it. This whole thing just felt like it was phoned in. I'm so glad there was only 6 episodes in this. Such a shame for any Star Wars fans to have to sit through this. The actors could only do what the script provides them. I have sympathy for the actors, it isn't their fault.

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This whole project is an abomination

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If you put all the best parts together, there's a good one hour TV special here.

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I think the worst offence this show committed was calling out Qui-Gon as a little punk arse bitch.

Coz now it's official canon that getting stabbed in the torso by a lightsaber is something you can just walk off, yet he was just too weak to survive it.

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Overall, I loved this show, especially the fight with Vader, it was heartbreaking really, they are great actors, Moses also, I think people with positive things to say should speak up…too much negativity and criticism these days.

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It was not all bad, but I have enough. I don't want any more of this.

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that was a great ending, so happy to see qui gon!

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One of the better Disney+ finales, Kenobi finishes on a generally strong point (though some things from A New Hope may not line-up). The scene where Vader's mask is cut is such a well done scene. I really hope we get a Vader down series.

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I wish that they made the confrontation differ more from Vader and Ahsokas in Rebels.

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This is the most mid show that involves the most ICONIC characters

really disappointed with the overall season.. the fight choreography in this show is one of the worst I've ever seen on any high budget series.. it's like they weren't even trying

overall the show was boring

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So Obi left Anakin barely alive and now Vader as well? Big time sins. Also, what was the point of this show?

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Although many things could've been done better in this show, I like the part where Vader's mask is cut, and they mix James Earl Jones' voice with Hayden Christensen's. That was a creative way to do things.

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This episode made my Star-Wars-loving wife really happy, and that's all that I care about.

I loved the lightsaber fight, and the audio engineering on Darth/Anakin's voice. Awesome.

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Man what a trainwreck this has been. I can’t remember anything this bad. Some thoughts/questions:

:asterisk_symbol: what am I missing, why does Reva want to kill Luke?
:asterisk_symbol: how TF did she survive, and is unscathed?
:asterisk_symbol: it seems like the destroyer just provided constant turbulence to the little ship. for many hours. it was like background noise. kids shows aren’t this unrealistic. coming from Star Trek Strange New Worlds (yes, I said it, I went there — deal with it) this is beyond comical. it’s insulting and a big turnoff. this show in particular has taken the ridiculousness to new heights.
:asterisk_symbol: what’s the point of the show if you know everything that is going to happen? I knew Kenobi wouldn’t kill Vader and it makes no sense and was a pain to watch. I also knew Vader wouldn’t kill Kenobi. terrible.
:asterisk_symbol: the parenting advice. Kenobi is pulling it out of you know where.
:asterisk_symbol: because the show is so bad, even the music seems so cheesy now. it was supposed to be deep and awe-inspiring, now it’s just a reminder of how cheesy the whole charade is.


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The lightsaber fight is cool and all, but oh so many holes. Why would Vader dump rocks on Kenobi and then just walk away assuming he's dead after all that. Surely he could also sense that he wasn't dead. Even if he couldn't, wouldn't he want to at least make sure?

Then Kenobi leaves the planet and manages to evade the Star Destroyer that is supposed to be in orbit? (But I guess Star Destroyers have always sucked at catching anyone).

Hate the whole notion that jumping through hyperspace is basically instantaneous. It wasn't instantaneous in A New Hope; it's not even instantaneous in this series. So why is he suddenly able to get the Tatooine so quickly?

Still, Ewan McGregor is cool af and I don't really care about anything else.

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This entire series took a giant crap on the original 1977 movie. (I would call it A New Hope, but I remember when it wasn't called that).

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Shout by Agent24

This was a really good final episode of the series. The duel between Obi-Wan and Vader was amazing even though I still feel that too little time was spent on it. I also liked how Reva‘s storyline ended and that somehow she chose a different path than Anakin did and that was a nice opposite to his character. Overall a great episode that also delivered a few amazing cameos. As a big fan of Episode I, the last scene with Qui-Gon Jinn gave me the goose bumps big time.

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All season long I hoped for a more complex story, double layers, witty philosophical debates, unexpected twists, epic pictures, quiet character development. Everything that couldn't be told in the movies but for which a 6 hour runtime series is just perfect. But it's only Star Wars I guess. This show was never meant to be complex. But now that my expectation is out of the way, the finale is kind of enjoyable. It has some great scenery, stage design and fight scenes.

PS: is there an unwritten law that Jedis can't (or won't) kill each other? The sister can't finish off Luke, Obi-Wan can't finish off Anakin, the sister survives Vaders execution per saber (how?????), Obi-Wan is covered under just the right amount of debris to free himself ... Especially Vader's survival is astonishing: isn't he the evil man they tried to kill in all movies?

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A finale doesn't get any more epic, emotional, and perfect than THIS!!! The show took the story into totally unexpected directions AND delivered exactly what I wanted by the end. And again, when Star Wars is good IT'S FUCKING EPIC.

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I loved this finale! It adds so much depth to Vader's character: it shows us that Anakin isn't truly gone, but that Vader is by far the dominant force controlling the Chosen One.

Plus, not only did Kenobi say the thing (his legendary quote from the prequels) but we also saw Qui-Gon's force ghost! I have to admit, maybe his interaction with Qui-Gon could've been deeper, but hey at least we saw him!

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A great ending that shows Obi-Wan returning in all his splendor and also other nostalgic elements for all Star Wars fans.

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So, he let Vader live again. That was just plain stupid.

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Darth Vader is so weak and yet he keep telling ob-wan he can't beat him.....

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This aint it. Timing between scenes and shots within a scene are all over the place. Seems like a lot of cut content is missing. Fights overall are terrible with bad force and saber use. Disney failed again

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Super watchable but I have to admit I’m a little stunned by the degree of this walloping. Without any talk of Ani fulfilling a prophecy I’m surprised the duel ends with no fatalities.

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Sorry, House of Mouse, one good lightsaber fight does not make up for a mediocre series. And Obi, no, you are not "free" and every Vader kill from this point forward is on your hands.

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thank droids, i was not the only one who thought this show was lazy written. Not one once of feelings towards this show.

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i am not your failure obi-wan.. that moment had me crying.. one of the greatest star wars fights easily.

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Clearly the best episodes of this series. But still don't like Reva

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Absolutely loved this show! Seeing Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen back in these roles made my heart so happy. :yellow_heart:

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This show single-handedly inspired me again to give Star Wars another honest go!
The themes and everything

Beru and Owen are a power couple.

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i mean .. i could have played a video game under the same title and been more satisfied.

Thats all this basically was, a video game. with all the force tosses and all

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I cried 3 times. I have to give it a 10. Sorry, those are the rules.

Other stray thoughts: Reva was almost a full on deuteragonist by the end. At times, this felt like as much her story as it did Obi-Wan's, and I liked it.

I loved the bit of the pursuit theme from Empire we got towards the beginning. They needed to do OT music callbacks more often, to get us into the spirit of things, imo.

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Obi-wan had the chance to kill Darth. Now we know Obi is the real mass murder for all the death he causes in the future.

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Solid finale to a mediocre show. 5/10

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Although the show as an entirety scored low, this episode managed to captivate me albeit fractionally. The cameo at the end was lovely. Finally.

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I think this season was a complete mess, but I was happily bawling my eyes out for the final 15 minutes.

In future I hope we can get away from this time period, but if they do another season of this show, I'll be there. Especially if there's less shakey cam and more Williams styling in the score.

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Good just
Obi-Wan goes
God Mode,
and Reva remained
the annoying bitch she
was from the beginning of
this show. What the
Hella was her
Endgame exactly,
I had no care for her
boring story to a one dimensional boring character
who had no place in this
show, how is she not dead,
Lightsaber through the
gut, raps a bit of cloth
round her waste and walks
it off as a flesh wound.
Other ridiculous thing
was that a Star-Destroyer
can't hit a little rebel ship,
utter nonsense.
Once again stuff just
happening just because....
and stuff couldn't happen
because of the original
Trilogy 4,5,6
Well that's when
excellent creative
writing should kick in
yeah who am I kidding,
Now I'm talking nonsense
which fits in perfectly
with the majority of this

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Loved it even more the second time around. The prequel trilogy and it's cast will always be my favorite.

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I thought river was good now… Why did she turn bad again and go after Luke?

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Not a good season finale IMO. I like the CGI, happy endings, and it was a nice adventure but the story has become too unrealistic and unbelievable/stupid.

I LOLed/facepalmed too many times:

  • A tiny ship that cannot be killed by a Star Destroyer (WTF?!? - then again the Star Wars universe never had proper or rather any balancing xD).
  • The Third Sister is still alive (LOL!), decide to kill yet another innocent person/child for revenge, and then suddenly decides otherwise (LOL).
  • Owen's wife being even more stubborn and deciding that two untrained(?) people are enough to stop an inquisitor(/jedi).
  • Obi-Wan promising not to die (as if he could).
  • Vader getting defeated by Kenobi - again!
  • Kenobi failing to kill Vader - again!!!
  • Qui-Gon: I was surprised to hear Liam Neeson's voice - that was a nice LOL at the end <3
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im specifically rating reva here

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How are everyone surviving from light saber strikes through their bodies? First the Great Inquisitor, then Reva

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Despite the fact that the main story lazily peters out 10 minutes in, and that the climax of the episode (nay, the show) is two action scenes in nearly pitch darkness, this episode was pretty alright.

Much like the rest of this show, the best stuff was the Vader stuff, and for as abrupt of a heel-turn Third Sister's arc has been, I like the way it was resolved. I just wish I could see what was going on. The lighting was worse than Solo.

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Good will always win over evil, ‘cause evil is dumb. Or something like that. This was the best episode other than the obvious stupid things that have plagued this show.

I guess Darth’s star destroyer didn’t have any Tie Fighters that could have easily destroyed both ships, and I suppose someone in Empire IT was throttling their firing limit due to budget problems or something.

I still think Moses, Ewan and little Leia were great throughout, obviously Darth was as well, especially in this episode.

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Entirely watchable! Carrie fischer did a splendid job as mocap tiny version of Leia! Incredible work by H.Allen Smith as Vader, how he went from writing “Life in a Putty Knife Factory”, to Josh Starsons stand-in was a •Skywalkerian” summer (if ya know what I mean!). Speaking of which, great job on lighting - we never once saw the boom mic from stage top. Imma exit stage left now but ya’ll to on with your clone wars! Have a gluten free yom kippur!

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So I binge watched all of this and now after seen the last episode, it just felt like a longer in between movie. Much opportunities got wasted and many characters didn't get any depth. We were just rushing from one thing to the next.

Nice connection between Obi-Wan and Leia but they couldn't change to much to edit to intro of episode 4. But I liked how they set up the end so it could float in nicely with episode 4. But still a bit of the mess the whole series, its fan service but not what I had hoped for after seeing the Mandalorian.

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Goodbye, "Darth" ! :adult:

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Like the previous episode, this one really worked and became the series I always expected it would be.

Something went really awry here and I think group corporate interference and re-edit is to blame.

The whole middle section of this series was out of place, god awful and tacked on, IMO, to pad out what should really have been a 3 / 4 episode series or movie.

If you take out the silly initial confrontation with Vader around Episode 3? (and much linked fluff) it all makes so much more sense.

If the fight in this episode was the only one it would have married really nicely the Mustafar duel in ROTS and the Death Star duel in ANH.

I would love to see a Director's Cut (yeah right) of this into a movie that just cut all the chaff.

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Shout by ShoMok

Damn. Even if all that doesn’t make any sense canonically, it really hit home this time. That Fight, the conversation, the goodbye to Leia - wow. And at last Qui-Gon, holy moly. If they only kept that Reva shite out of this story. Vader and Kenobi clashing swords - cut to Reva trying to look "evil" searching for Luke. My oh my what a boring nonsense. At the end it’s no good story telling because why for heaven’s sake would Obi-Wan leave this Monster he created behind AGAIN?! Doesn’t make any sense at all and that's the pivotal point where it shows that the "Lucas Story Group" or what they call themselves don’t care at all about the Original Star Wars.

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This was a great finale. Obi-Wan and Vader fight was awesome with lots of great moments and we're reminded just how powerful Obi-Wan is at full strength. The emotions at the end of that fight were also on point. Not a perfect episode since I think what they did with Reva's character was predictable and a little underwhelming. But the Obi-Wan/Vader side of things was near perfect. Definitely one of the best Disney+ finales.

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