Let me get this straight: Sam and Bucky just got upset about John Walker killing a terrorist.
Didn’t this entire show start with Sam throwing terrorists out of planes left and right?
The writing in this show is just laughable.
Everything happens because the writers want it to happen.
Like literally nothing, and I mean nothing, feels earned or logical.

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What a gasbag filler of an episode?! I really went into the series expecting action on a grand scale, especially considering the huge budget. But then we get this. These are the same guys who were a part of the Avengers who were fighting Thanos and I was blown away seeing endgame, and now we get this whimper. Sorry but this gets worst with every episode for me considering the high expectations and the terrific opening fight sequence in the first episode. The plot is stretched so thin with some seemingly useless side quests. And then towards the end, some corny life lessons shared by the Falcon and Bucky while tossing that Frisbee around..... Sorry if this feels like a rant but I expected more, just my opinion....
Edit: Also who is the villain again? At least I hope there is a good boss level fight sequence in the last episode...

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This episode is a total result of coivd 19 restrictions, just garbage

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Why do writers always make actors speak French when they clearly cannot?! I'm a French native speaker and I had to read the English subtitles to understand what they were saying!

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Funny how most people think this is boring filler stuff, or even dislike the whole show, while I do like it more and more.

For me it seems this is the first time that Marvel puts substance over effects. There is an actually story involved instead of just knitting together CGI shots. Of course there is an agenda in all of this, there is no denying that. But I don't see this as a bad thing.

And I'm looking very much forward to the final episode now.

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I did not go into the second last episode thinking my emotions would be all over the place, but it made me go through a whirlwind of emotions. I got goosebumps from watching this episode.

It’s a perfect episode; while it may seem slow placed, a lot goes on, and there’s a lot of character development at play. I felt like I was watching a different show at times because there would be wholesome family vibes and not superhero vibes, and I'm not complaining; I enjoyed it.

The ending left me wanting more, and I can’t wait for the last episode.

PS- don't miss the mid-credit scene; it's fantastic.

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Why would you need to turn political on this. This episode was a pain to watch. Just paving the way for a black captain America with the focus on being black and not the qualities Steve Rogers showed to the whole world. It's not about being a great human being, but just about the colour of the skin. Allied with a psycho, fallen to disgrace white captain America just didn't captivate me. The worst episode so far.
On a side note, small parts of character building were pleasing to watch

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I’m always feeling like the episode went too fast. The end credits kinda surprise me again. I’m not talking about the pacing of the show. It is great. So great that every episode feels like it’s gone in like 15 minutes. I loved Wanda Vision but it didn’t do that. Am I the only one?

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Talk talk talk talk, empty episode.

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Wow seems like Selina Meyer is Madame Hydra. That's one hell of a promotion :speak_no_evil:

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in this weeks episode
Sam and Bucky fix a boat

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Great episode. Good character development. The scene between Isaiah and Sam was the best part, really amazing stuff.

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"this episode isn't good because it focuses more on the characters" that's the point

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One of the most boring episodes of Marvel studios..Absolute filler

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probably one of the worst Episodes i ever watched. the Plot with the boat and money issues is nothing but riddiculous

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Probably one of the best episodes so far. Character development is what the mcu needs right now from these shows, not an hour long fight scene. Anyone that calls this filler doesn't know what filler is.

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Shout by Aars

At first there was too much John Walker and then there wasn’t any JW and the world was happy again. I liked that we finally got to see Fucky’s dynamic develop and interact, without any outside factors interfering, instead of overwhelming us with JW.
And oh wow Julia! She looks evil and exquisite, can’t wait to see more of her!

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This is so boring !!! 1/10 !!!

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Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2021-04-23T09:36:40Z— updated 2021-07-06T05:07:41Z

It's better than the earlier ones, but it's still got some issues. Look, this show makes me tired, so I'll mention some things quickly because I just want to get to the end of this thing.

  • Isaiah Bradley does what Steve does, only to get erased—wow.
  • Bucky doesn't kill (and might make amends with his old friend?)
  • Sam is still contemplating whether to be Cap.
  • When he's throwing the shield with Bucky, he's fine. But by himself? Nah, he trash!
  • A quick training montage and he's Captain America!

SCORE: 6/10

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I Cannot be arsed to watch this anymore. I don't care what happens to Captain America. Marvel movies are great, TV shows not so much.

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Shout by Deleted

Wholesome bonding episode. Still can't take Marvel property seriously on any serious subject - e.g. race - and it is no different here as the writing is pretty heavy-handed and for the most part not even dramatized, only expound on. For Marvel dealing with drama means two characters talking about it therapy style and articulating their thoughts and feelings, instead of, you know, writing creative situations that incorporate those themes. Still enjoyable because I enjoy Bucky and Sam (and Zemo when he was in the picture) a whole lot though.

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Goodness, the amount of racism in this show is crazy, especially this episode. So much indoctrination.

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Not as good as the other ones, but probably cause it was much longer and there were really a lot of "nothing going on" moments. Anyway, the chapter was good, the relation beetween bucky and sam growing stronger, John looking for revenge and being kind of recluted? by that woman, and finally the anticipation of a final battle. Really hoping to see the last chapter mostly because im dying to see john as US agent and Sam as cap.

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Shout by Deleted

best episode so far imo

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Felt like some parts have been left out. Just my sensation. Good but I expected more.

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Finally a cool episode. It cant be only recycled action all over the place.

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Each episode, it is getting better and better. :thumbs up:
And you all, who want to see actions, it is already blended beautifully in the episodes. Or watch some youtube channels just have only the action scenes ;)

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They should have never started this series with Falcon being perfectly fine killing his enemies and Torrres cheering during all of it. If they never intended to address it.

Themes and conflict with Walker became muddy for no good reason.
It's ok series overall. It's just could have being way cleaner.

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Haters: Marvel is all action and no story. There's no substance.

Haters now: Ugggh why is marvel spending so much time on story I came to see falcon and winter soldier kicking ass!

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Beautiful, pointed without being heavy-handed, and full of all that lovely character development I love. Also: NOT ONE TRAINING MONTAGE BUT TWO MONTAGES. TRAINING AND BUDDY BUILDING. /chefs kiss

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I was missing the action this week, but this was a good episode for character development and setting up what's to come.

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This was a better episode, but still lacks consistency and smart writting. It does bring a lot of closure to the characters, but does it in a way that everything we ever see is closure from closure to closure, and it kind of fails to connect every scene together, especially the main talk between Sam and Bucky.

I think Isaiah's scene is the most powerful in this series, and maybe in the MCU. But, of course, it leads to Falcon accepting being Captain America, and not what could've been a more ballsier development for him.

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Great opening fight. Anyone throwing the episode a one is just a whiner. The music from Civil War final fight being used is great too.
Definitely not just a filler episode. Since it is all about Walker heading towards the Darkside more.
Though things do slow down too much after the beginning.

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Filler? This episode has more character development than all the previous ones! Man, you people really want action for 50 minutes? Also, I'm not surprise white people don't like when characters talk about race. It makes them uncomfortable. Same reaction to this week's episode of This Is Us. sigh

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Best episode so far. The first episode was the boring version of superheroes doing everyday things; this one is that done right. The fight scene at the beginning is probably my favourite scene of the entire show at this point, and while it takes some time to slow down after the craziness of the last episode, you can tell that stuff will go down in the final episode.

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Weakest episode of the series so far unfortunately

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