


Grey's Anatomy: 8x09 Dark Was the Night

Well, considering the fact that Henry was practically a copy-paste of Danny Duquette, this ending was pretty expected.

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Private Practice: 4x22 ...And to Change the Things I Can

If I could kill off one character in this series, it would have been Violet, she's so entitled, selfish, annoying, makes everything about her, brings trouble on herself and anyone around her. It's good Sheldon is there too to rehabilitate the image of the therapist profession.

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Grey's Anatomy: 7x17 This is How We Do it

Ok, considering Karev is my favorite character (even if I'm in the minority here), i really like this coupling with Trish Walker.

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The X-Files: 9x07 John Doe

Amazing episode, Robert Patrick is an amazing actor. To be honest, I'd watch few seasons with John and Monica as the X-Files agents, too bad people didn't accept them. John is such a deeper character sometimes than Mulder.

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Younger: 2x11 Secrets & Liza

I'm not sure what I feel about the twists in these series, but I think I had the same facial expression as Liza at the end...

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Good Omens: 2x05 Chapter 5: The Ball

I'm just going to say this - Crowley offering Jim hot chocolate justified the watch of the whole season for me.

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Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story: 1x06 Crown Jewels

This was so wonderful, mainly thanks to the actors, they were truly magnificent, and they are so young! Indeed, it makes me want to watch the whole series again, and even read the books, though it's not my cup of tea usually (the regency stories). So touching. I only wonder what happened to Reynolds, whether the king doesn't have his man now?
Also, I wonder if the older version of King Geroge was played by the same actor as in the brief appearance he had in the series? As I said, it really warrants a re-watch, to see the Queen from a new perspective and have deeper understanding of her motives.

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Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story: 1x05 Gardens in Bloom

This episode was soooo amazing. Brimsley's devotion, Charlotte bravery and the ability to stand for herself and her king. And the surprising twist that Lady Dunbary was in love with Violet's father is so touching. I wonder if it'll be revealed to Violet in the next last episode and how would she react to that. It took me a while to get into the series and now I'm sad there's only one episode left. This saga is deliciously done peace of TV history, and I'm already excited for season 3 and waiting for a Benedict season.

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Grey's Anatomy: 17x11 Sorry Doesn't Always Make It Right

Amelia and Link are the best thing on GA right now, I hope the writers won't ruin it.
I loved the resolution of the newlyweds stories from Station 19, it felt right. This woman really is extremely annoying and toxic, and it's nice to see that men can be victims and vulnerable too. Good for Shane, it's better to be alone than with someone who makes you feel insignificant.

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Sliders: 1x01 Pilot

Decided to check out a series I adored as a tween. Glad to see it still looks good.
Funny though, my husband passed by while I was watching, and said "that dude looks like the guy from 'Young Sheldon'" :joy::laughing:
The professor is so sharp. I love this, the 90's humor was so great. I wonder if I make it through the whole series. So if anyone's reading this, wish me luck and persistence!

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Young Sheldon: 6x09 College Dropouts and the Medford Miracle

I don't know if that's funny or sad, but right now I feel invested in all the characters - except Sheldon. But perhaps that was always the point of the show :))

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BEEF: 1x08 The Drama of Original Choice

Oh, I disliked George at first, but now I'm sad about him :disappointed: I hope he's ok, and poor Junie. Sometimes some things are better left untold, I guess (Amy coming clear didn't do anyone any favors).

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x04 It's Raining Men

I wanted Bailey and Ben baby for a while, but this feels kinda overdue, and yes - too much babies lately, the one who writes this definitely has some baby fever.
Additionally, I liked Tom more when he was just the right amount of obnoxious. Now it's overboard and not the cute Dr. House style of the arrogant brilliant doctor, but ego-bruised alpha-pos.
Also, I dislike Hunt's hypocrisy - he took paternity leave to avoid Tom, but wants to make himself look good, really don't like it, he makes himself look so nurturing while being ready to jump ship at any minute (however - I must admit is really hot when he jumps on top of patients, argh).
In general, IMO kids deserve at least one parent who is willing to devote at least a year or two to their well-being. This doesn't shown in this show unfortunately and it portrays a very poor picture IMO. It's like - glamorize the medical professions all you like, but parenting is NOT a substitute position...

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Grace and Frankie: 7x16 The Beginning

Awesome series with a heart-warming finale.
One thing I didn't like is the bit about Bud being a hated divorce lawyer - the problem is not that he does well his job, but the fact that people get divorced, but I can see the logic of not engaging in the negativity while not being that kind of guy.
Robert was so cool about his decline, so is Frankie. Something we can really learn from.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x04 Milk

Evidently, June continues to think she's better than anyone, for no apparent reason.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x02 Nightshade

Serena's baby is not from Fred, right? It's from this agent guy. So basically, If Serena had another man who could've to impregnate her - Gilead wouldn't happen (because I remember her not having a baby was a big struggle for her and partly the reason she pushed for it), because obviously, Fred is sterile, not being able to get nor June nor Serena pregnant.

I hope the handmaids escaped before June and Nick's squat got there, probably with young Keyes becoming the leader (and later resenting June for abandoning her).
The hardships of those in Canada were very real, and I loved Moira's outburst about June, that was very real. I only missed Luke in this episode.

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Station 19: 2x08 Crash and Burn

Andy going back to Ryan gets really old, It's really time to find him some lady too. The weird tenson with Sullivan in the end - I liked it, but also don't think Andy is a good fit for him, she's too... Childish? I really feel the series doesn't have enough characters right now to play around, so they're going for the obvious. Meh, but Shondaland knows how to keep us watching even when it's lame at times.

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Station 19: 2x02 Under the Surface

Talking in a foreign language so that your superior wouldn't understand you, man, I did it in second grade and that childish even then. Lame. And of course he'd understand. The character is ok, I can see his reasons for trying to reinforce discipline and respect.
But weird situation with Tanner AND Jack, Andy being really stupid - I didn't like it, they're really making childish and incompetent, and her dad - really needy.
Delucca playing matchmaker was also really out of the blue.
Miller was cute, and love Montgomery with his bf, but overall - that was meh, badly written.

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Uncoupled: 1x06 Chapter 6
Young Sheldon: 5x19 A God-Fearin' Baptist and a Hot Trophy Husband

I always feel sorry for George in this series, it's like he really got the worse deal in the family, unlike Marry who finds everything in being a mom and in the church, including man's attention and some rebellion. I wonder when's the thing that made the dad "the villian" (as I remember from TBBT) so hated by the mom and resented by the kids.

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Young Sheldon: 5x10 An Expensive Glitch and a Goof-Off Room

I thought that after coining the "coitus" in previous episodes he'd use it here, but whatever.
Meemaw is really being not nice to Georgie and June, although I can understand her pain if she put all of her savings into this business. Still, she usually knows better and acting more maturely.
Maybe she just feels that June tries to take everything that it hers (Dale, the gambling room, bonding with Georgie) and being jealous.

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American Horror Stories: 1x02 Rubber(wo)Man (2)

Without too much expectations this was quite enjoyable, like a middle ground between AHS and Screaming queens. But I hope that the next episodes will be truly standalone.

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This Is Us: 6x18 Us

Amazing wrap-up, not trying too much, just genuine. Amazing story, and hopefully a real tale about life and death.

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This Is Us: 5x03 Changes

Thanks God, the Randall mom thing didn't take the easy route. Loved everything about this tbh. The Covid thing it's just life, a part of our world history now. I love that they open up the interracial issues Randal had to suppress to fit into the family. Liberal or not, it's just difficult to stand out like that.

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x07 Why Try to Change Me Now

Could someone PLEASE just give poor Owen Hunt a baby please?!
Like, seriously.
Kudos to the actor though, I could just see him saying "AGAIN?!" inwardly when Emilia shouted at him "I DON'T WANT A BABY".
Though as already noted, this drama between them seemed forced, like they don't have any other way to make them interesting anymore (though I wasn't sure about this pairing from the beginning, tbh.)

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x06 Roar

Alex, my beloved Alex! As long as he's at Sloan Grey - everything is right in the world.
Amelia's scene was good, but I wish she'd told Owen, their relationship might derail because of her grieving alone. He might tell her about his sad experience with Cristina and they'll be all cleansed up for a new try to expand the family.

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x04 Falling Slowly

Oh, Alex :( Forever my favorite Grey's Anatomy doctor and character.

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x03 I Ain't No Miracle Worker

Oh, Tucker has gotten so big! Loved the Bad-Cop-Ben routine.
The Mer-Maggie-Riggs story is stupid, as we all agree.
I hope they'll get another guy into this hospital, not enough testosterone for me with the battered Andrew, self-beating Alex, self-absorbed Riggs... Even Owen disappeared this episode.
Give us some drool-worthy guys, dammit.

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x01 Undo

The Sister argument from Maggie was weird... Girl, you're a half-sister she got to know like a second ago, while Alex is basically like a real brother since they've been together like what, 10 years? Lived together, made horrible mistakes together, survived shootings and whatnot, went through losses, etc... I don't think she had to apologize for taking a side of a closer person vs. someone relatively new and her fling (aka Deluca, nice and good guy and all, but still basically a stranger. and she didn't know the specifics yet). You do weird things for family, that's what family is all about, and there's no use in making her feel guilty.
But Maggie is overall a ridiculous character created from almost nothing + cheap soap-opera textbook cliche (someone had a baby and gave it up for adoption who miraculously circles back to where it all started), so I'm probably expecting too much.

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Schitt's Creek: 2x06 Moira vs. Town Council

I actually liked clean-shaved Mutt, he's cute with more facial expressions.
I hope we still get to see him, maybe through some interactions with his parents (writer kind of let go off the fact that he's the mayor's son),

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