


Grey's Anatomy: 11x04 Only Mama Knows

I liked the young Alice actress, too bad they already had Sarah Paulson playing this role in the past. Having different actresses play the same character - that's also from the soap opera's playbook. So it's official, Grey's Anatomy is a soap opera :)

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Grey's Anatomy: 11x02 Puzzle with a Piece Missing

I miss Cristina :( I don't understand how the managed to go on for 7 more seasons without her. Gotta watch and see if that's a disaster as I afraid.

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Grey's Anatomy: 11x01 I Must Have Lost It on the Wind

I'm with those who dislike the ANOTHER sister storyline. It's so Mexican soap opera from the 80's.

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Defending Jacob: 1x02 Everything Is Cool

Shout by Evelyn

So, they brought a suspect - and didn't check the contents of his phone? [/spoiler]
This thing is going south SO fast...
And I think this role really isn't good for Chris Evans, I don't feel what a parent should feel in such moments. He's too polished and perfect for the role

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The Tomorrow War

I love how Chris Pratt evolved from a chubby sitcom shtick to this all-american-super-hero, I love all his recent roles, even if they're a bit of a typecast. He's flawed just enough, and equally charming.
I think this movie had the intent to make scientists and people who are interested in it look less like dorks and make smart sexy. And of course - bring up climate change again.
Also, if THIS is the new streaming material, I feel the movie theater concept is going to be extinct soon.

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Little Fires Everywhere: 1x06 The Uncanny

Young Linda's casting was so on point too.

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Little Fires Everywhere: 1x02 Seeds and All

Oh, it's so good. First episode I felt empathetic to the kids, but right now I really feel both Helena's and Mia's pain of accepting that the kid is growing up, perhaps grows apart or even dislikes you.

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Little Fires Everywhere: 1x01 The Spark

Oh, I feel these kids so much, it's so hard growing up with a such intense mothers (they both are in their own way).
Great start, great casting and they all doing their roles so brilliantly, that I don't really think about their previous ones (The Affair, Big Little Lies, Scandal), everything is put down so neatly. I can already see it's going to be a great ride.

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Young Sheldon: 4x15 A Virus, Heartbreak and a World of Possibilities

Such a great episode, loved to see some depth from Billie and George Sr.

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Young Sheldon: 4x03 Training Wheels and an Unleashed Chicken

George Senior is the best TV dad to me :hearts:

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x24 Fear (of the Unknown)

Could have been a good finale of the whole show, TBH. I'll probably keep watching it anyway (I find it hard to dump series after a certain amount of seasons). But would have some kind of break first.

I like the ending of this season, and loved the Zurich scenes, I'd love to work/live there too.
Meredith telling Derek off is also long awaited scene, he was really self-centered this season. It's not only about Mer, the kids have a routine, they're friends with Callie and Arizona, and he can't just drop this without discussing first. So Meredith was totally right to stand her ground here.
I'm ambivalent about surrogacy, but it's reasonable to have it on the show.
And of course, we'll see Amelia kick ass too. So there's something to anticipate, although Cristina's shoes are impossible to fill in.

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x20 Go It Alone

April & Jackson, how unexpected (NOT!)

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x18 You Be Illin'

Alex has a lucrative opportunity he's probably going to pass on again - been there, done that. I hope for a better development for him.
I like Meredith now, although I she was annoying to me at the beginning of the series, so that's a cool evolvement for me.
Liked the medical mystery of Cristina, but in general the plot isn't dense as it used to be, unfortunately. Still entertaining, though. So I can see why this is going still to its 17th season.

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x17 Do You Know?

Oh, I liked this "what if" episode so much, though it kept showing Owen as an unstable and somewhat a douche and showed some toxic dynamic (can't accept her for what she is, can't let her go either).

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x14 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

Shout by Evelyn

Ok, so at least Owen admitted that he didn't actually want children and a normal family after all (meaning he wanted Cristina, period).
So, he basically tortured Cristina for nothing the last seasons.
I'm afraid this realization on her part is going to break them up again, despite this being really irrational (and they're really irrational lately, or maybe it has always been this way)?
Well, at least Owen didn't set up a wedding to realize what he really wants (yes, Kepner and Avery, I'm looking at you!)
I like the narrative that you CAN'T have it all despite what they tell you, family do requires sacrifices, and you can't give 100% at everything, that's an illusion, and it's better to acknowledge that beforehand to avoid burnout later.
I know we all complaining about the series taking a turn for the worst, but I guess it's still a great escapism for all of us, so we'd basically watch it until Meredith is 180 y.o.

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x07 Thriller

Loved the music in this one, but the "Thriller" idea wasn't fulfilled completely, IMO. Basically, we can see that the series are kinda subsiding. But I heard that the second spin-off about the firefighters is great (and I LOVED "Private Practice", so I have faith in Shondaland), so I'll stick around for this. And for Alex, duh.

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Grey's Anatomy: 10x04 Puttin' on the Ritz

I need more Alex in my life, please.

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GLOW: 3x10 A Very GLOW Christmas

Shout by Evelyn

I feel sorry for Alison Brie, her character was just left hanging in mid life-crisis with no closure whatsoever. So sad the show got cancelled by Netflix, and no other network would pick it up now after a year and with being already after its prime.
Really unfair. But the season was so interesting, and I was really looking forward to what's next for Bash and Rhonda and Ruth and Sam, I thought they could actually work as a couple and heal each other in sort of way.

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The Walking Dead: 3x16 Welcome to the Tombs

Good ending, but only if to continue to the next season right ahead :)
I'm looking forward to seeing more of Tyresse next season, and some development in Carol-Daryl front.

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The Walking Dead: 3x02 Sick

Shout by Evelyn

So happy to see Rick showing such leadership. And I hope Hershell will get better.

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The Walking Dead: 3x01 Seed

Shout by Evelyn

I guess Rick really changed during the winter - finally getting mad at Lori. Also, civilians could be at the prison visiting an inmate. And cool new characters, I like Michonne, but didn't understand what's wrong with Andrea. I guess we see a great expansion of the universe this season. I love Hershell, really hope they won't kill him so soon.

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The Walking Dead: 2x11 Judge, Jury, Executioner

Shout by Evelyn

Just like in real life, the most incompetent ones are ruling for some reason. A family of most irresponsible, irrational, entitled, inconsistent of three.
And Rick saying "He followed us" - aren't a parent who isn't busy providing for the family supposed to keep an eye on the kid? Why does Carl runs around unattended, instead of being useful? And why is Lori never held responsible for anything? This starting to get on my nerves. And the last scene just shows that Daryl is the only strong character around. I hope we'll see more of him around.

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The Walking Dead: 2x03 Save the Last One

Shout by Evelyn

Despite doing the wrong thing here (but he wouldn't make it otherwise and Carl would have died so sacrificing Otis was cruel but it was stratigically reasonable), I still feel that Shane is being disregarded by those he love, especially Lori and maybe that's what makes him recentful and we'll probably see more of his ugly side soon. I love this kind of characters - doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

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Mom: 8x10 Illegal Eels and the Cantaloupe Man

Finally, some development on the Wendy front!

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It's Okay to Not Be Okay: 1x12 Romeo and Juliet

Oooh, Kang Tae's look at the end of the episode really gave me a flashback to "My love from another star", such good memories :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:

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It's Okay to Not Be Okay: 1x01 The Boy Who Fed On Nightmares

The shot on the abs of the male protagonist kinda surprised me, I thought it's a no-no in k-pop culture. I guess the west got to them too, so they gave the fangirls something to fantasize about. Not complaining though, I fell for this actor with the "My Love from Another Star" and he's great here too.
Very promising series so far, love the mental health theme, dark childrens' literature, and the camera work combined with the effects were so good. Really excited to go on this journey.

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Private Practice: 6x10 Georgia on My Mind

Charlotte is such perfection, OMG. Loved these dances :sparkling_heart:

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Grey's Anatomy: 9x08 Love Turns You Upside Down

This casting of Neve Campbell is so great!
And the way she talked about family and "having spares" reminded me of "Party of Five," such great nostalgia.
I'm glad "Grey's Anatomy" is giving me more and more reasons not to give up on it.
I'm not too fond of Jo, though (yet). Too bad my favorite character (Alex) never gets a girl I might like (alas, a girl like me :laughing:). Oh well, at least I know I still have few seasons with him.

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Grey's Anatomy: 9x05 Beautiful Doom

Shout by Evelyn

Yep, we all know this by now - whenever a character starts talking enthusiastically about the future, it means they're going to die soon.

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Grey's Anatomy: 9x03 Love the One You're With

Shout by Evelyn

I understand Arizona's frustration, but isn't she's too harsh with Callie? Would she prefer if she'd let her die from sepsis?
I realize it's all about the drama, but sometimes it becomes really irrational, especially for doctors.
Oh, well. I've been told that this is a downhill from here.

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