Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Baby Driver

One of the best movies I've watched in a long time. Highly entertaining and great use of music, where it's not the gangstarap crap like in F&F francise, but cool dashboard classics. I love the smart use of music, like synchronising gun fire and several other activities in the movie. This movie takes all the best from Transporter, F&F, Drive Angry and... well, a bunch of other movies :) The total outcome is mix of it all and in my opinion really worth your time.

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Lucky Number Slevin

Not my cup of tea. Turned it off.

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Sacha Baron Cohen is. not. funny.
Rebel Wilson is abolutely terrible.
Nothing about this movie is funny.

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Going in Style

I really enjoyed the movie. Simple. To the point. At times fun. Enjoyable.

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Ted 2

The only really good thing about Ted1 was Mila Kunis. And she is not in this one. Not even all the famous faces and cameos can fix that.

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The only really good thing about this movie is Mila Kunis (and the chemistry with Mark Wahlberg)... and ok the cameos here and there. But other then that... so-so. This type of humor is not my thing.

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Zero Dark Thirty

I was totally not interested in this movie, but the TV was on and the remote just out of reach, so I didnt switch and... I started to get into the story and got more and more interested. The story grabbed me and I enjoyed the movie. In many ways this feels like a realistic view on how intelligence services operate and try to fight islamic extremists. A good role by Jessica Chastain.

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The Blacklist: 4x12 Natalie Luca

Not anywhere near the best episode... This series has been on the decline for a while now. I hope it picks up again with the spinoff in effect

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I had very low expectations of this movie. Unjustified. It was not a bad movie. Out of all these recent God-myth-movies, this was one of the better ones for sure.

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Disappointing. in 1 word: "poor".

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The previous movies were quite good adaptions of the books, this one was.... definately a lot less good. Still an entertaining movie.

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Felt too much like a M. Night Shyamalan movie, on a low budget. And I dont mean that reference to Shamalamalam in a positive way.

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The Truman Show

Surprising movie; one of the surprises being that Carey is actually a more than capable actor. I didnt expect it upfront, but I enjoyed this movie.

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Chernobyl Diaries

Really not that bad. Apart from the whole Zombie stuff quite a realistic view on what Pripyat looks like nowadays. Not a bad horror movie, albeit a bit predictable :)

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Street Fighter

One of the worst adaptions of a computergame ever made.

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The 5th Wave

Seems to be a kids movie, except for all the explicit gore. A bit too obvious. And all-bullshit. Maybe if they would have not tried to leave an open ending for a sequel, then it would have been a bit faster and more enjoyable. The whole Even Walker-Rambo-character was so way out of place with his "and I chose you and I will kill all aliens because they dont believe in love" really killed it off entirely. But I knew already what was going on with the first look at Vosch. Too obvioooooooous.

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Triple 9

Great 80s style action flick.

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Weird movie. Way overrated. One of Richie's worst. Too much attempts at being a mix of Snatch and Pulp Fiction and not being very succesful at it.

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Death Race

I absolutely loved the old Death Race game on the intel 386DX computer I had in....... prehistoric times. So I was very happy to see Statham in a movie with this title. I enjoyed the movie overal, it's not bad.

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tedious. Boring. No more to say then just those 2 words, but the site requires me to write at least 5. So: Tedious. Boring.

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Plothole galore. Motivation of why many of the main characters do their specific things are very lacking. The movie could have been a lot better. It's not really bad, but it's definitely not a good movie either.

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The November Man

Not bad. Entertaining, but rather predictable. It's basically like watching Brosnan do another James Bond movie, but then just a little less over the top. Not the best movie ever, but I enjoyed it.

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Bridge of Spies

The movie starts very slow, it's mostly a typical lawer-meets-spystuff movie with a lot of talking. Still, I enjoyed the movie. Dont expect for any big time plot changes though, it's almost a documentary.

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Good movie. Really keeps you guessing. At first I thought it would be "another one of those 13 in a dozen" time traveling movies, btu this one was quite different from the average one, it really stands out from the bunch.

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Storage Wars: Texas: 3x28 Moe's Def

really sad this was the last Storage Wars texas, I enjoy Ricky & Bubba, Marry, Victor and to a lesser degree even Jenny and the other occasional red neck a lot more than the regular Storage Wars, where the only interesting characters are Jarrod & Brandi and Darryl. The others there are annoying, like Barry and his friends...

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The gore and violence was too much for me. I almost never stop watching a movie, but after 40 minutes it was too much crazyness for me. Is this is what they call "arthouse" ? Or just reallife anime? No thanks.

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Jupiter Ascending

Ugh... terrible movie. The only thing good about the movie was Mila.
I was already lost when they mistook Mila for her friend (they clearly were looking for Katharine Dunlevy, based on the birth certificate) and then actually, they were actually looking for Jupiter (Mila) afteral. Say what?
The whole story and this incredible cast really had some potential... but.... Mehh.

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I was disappointed by the movie, I expected a whole lot more of it.
Still, it was entertaining, but it was mostly CGI, 3D special effects, more special effects and... well... oh right, there is Scarlett.
that's it.
still. it was some brainless entertainment, good for an hour or so on the couch with my gf

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The Grand Budapest Hotel

Usually I can very much agree with CatyAlexandre reviews :) but this time I didnt enjoy this movie as much. I found it a very strange movie and I stopped watching it, so I did not rate it. I'm afraid I would not be able to do it justice.
For what I did watch I would not get above 5 out of 10... perhaps it's just not for me.

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I guess this is a "love it or hate it" kind of movie. I enjoyed it, it had a few good laughs.
Dont expect an intelligent movie. It's Men in Black meets Ghostbusters and then on steroids.
Probably the worst movie of Jeff Bridges though, his character was simply obnoxious.

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