Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Eastbound & Down

Maybe this was funny in 2009.
It's rude, not funny, obnoxious.

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Die Hart

Quite an impressive actors lineup.
Quite impressive how entirely shit this movie still has become all because of the impressive leading man...... who keeps being the same character over and over again. And only manages to become more and more annoying each and every movie.
Probably the only good thing about this movie in the first 25 or so minutes is Nathalie Emmanuel.

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Hidden Strike

seriously wtf - how bad a Mad Max ripoff can you possibly make. After 21 minutes I was basically done....... trying to continu watching, but this.... is.....

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Black Warrant

the movie seems to be as stupid as the name of the movie. calling this a b-movie is a huge insult to all real b-movies.

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Utterly crap movie. Boring. Too many pigs on either side. Extremely political movie, and of course the bad guys are the secret agents bosses. Theres too much focus on the coming-to-be history story of the muslim. Movie could have easily ben 20 minutes shorter. Or more.
Sean Bean is great, but not great enough to save this movie.
Waste of time.

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Swedish Dicks

There is this: it's just not funny. Not at all. I wanted to watch this because of Peter Stormare, but not even he is funny. Watched 3 episodes and it's just .... well, nothing. Cliche after cliche and - again, nothing funny.

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The Old Man & the Gun

Just. Not. Interesting. Perhaps if you're 55+ yourself you might be able to related to mr Redford his character. I cant.

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The Old Man & the Gun

Uh... the movie seems to be as fast as a guy the age of Mr Redford will run. I fast forwarded through the movie actually. This one didnt catch my interest.

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Sacha Baron Cohen is. not. funny.
Rebel Wilson is abolutely terrible.
Nothing about this movie is funny.

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

NOT my type of 'humor'

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Ted 2

The only really good thing about Ted1 was Mila Kunis. And she is not in this one. Not even all the famous faces and cameos can fix that.

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Not my cup of tea. Pun intended. I watched 3 episodes. It didnt get any better. British street tugs in some horror flick for the first episodes and then business as usual. Not interesting for me. I'm not a big fan of British series, time and again it's confirmed. I dont know why I still bother trying. Perhaps I'll try the American version of this series some time.

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tedious. Boring. No more to say then just those 2 words, but the site requires me to write at least 5. So: Tedious. Boring.

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The Fate of the Furious

Where previous movies were either comedy, or just simply cool, this one tries to be serious and all that - it simply takes itself too serious. What the f was up with that execution? And how can everyone just forget Deckard Shaw killed that asian guy in cold blood before? Sorry but its all too much bullcrap for me. And of course the story is bs, action is impossible and over the top and and and... but where this was "fun" in previous movies, I just got more and more annoyed. They should have stopped at F&F 5. That was enough.

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Miracle Workers

Season 1 was weird, but original and I enjoyed it.
Season 2 is..... wtf is this? Seems they want the series to get cancelled. Good that it still gets to a third season, but I hope they really fix their stuff for season 3, because season 2 is simply just not funny and hardly interesting.

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Good Time

What a retarded movie. Nothing even close to interesting. Everything about it feels extremely low budget.

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Miracle Workers

Season 1 was kind of fun. Stupid mostly, but at least Original. I had some doubts about which way it would go, but ok. Overal season 1 was enjoyable (enough).
Season 2 was just plain stupid. Hardly any 'haha' or even a grinn. I just find myself being annoyed with the utter stupiddity and lack of humor. Extremely disappointing. Season 2 also totally changed the premise, no longer Miracle Workers, but just 'retardedness on Earth'. Waste of time. Season 3 came and uhm. Yeah. Whatever. Seriously, who genuinely enjoyed this???

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Seriously wtf. Already the opening scenes near the plane are so extremely stupidly over the top........ not even Rambo in his best days would be doing that sh**. And then the minefield.... and that was not even 20 minutes into the movie. Things got worse from there.
Maybe if they'd made this more into an actual comedy, things would have been better.

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What a retarded movie. Nothing positive to mention about it.
I give it a 2 for effort.... But it's not even worth that.

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Gun Shy

How did such a fine cast ever sign up for such a terrible, terrible movie. There was not a single "ha ha" moment. It's just terribly pathetic behaviour all throughout the movie. One of the most disappointing movies I have ever seen.

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Marvel's Cloak & Dagger

Too much racial stuff and way too much wannebe-political correctness. Add a weird messy story to the mix and perhaps a focus on a viewing audience of around 16-17 and you got a.... really crap series.
I still gave it 3 episodes, but gave up as there was no sign of improvement, not the story picking up any pace.

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Street Fighter

One of the worst adaptions of a computergame ever made.

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The gore and violence was too much for me. I almost never stop watching a movie, but after 40 minutes it was too much crazyness for me. Is this is what they call "arthouse" ? Or just reallife anime? No thanks.

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Ghost Rider

Worst movie with Nicolas Cage. Ever.
And after Dare Devil, this is the worst movie in any way linked to Marvel.
Cheesy lines, terrible script, average special effects.

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Culprits: 1x05 Let Us Sit Bent, and Talk Straight
The Expanse: 5x07 Oyedeng

If only the whole person of Naomi and her entire narrative could just be erased from The Expanse. It would save so much pointless and endless drama and soap. This episode is entirely full of it. Add to that the utter b.s. of flying unprotect through the cold vacuum of space and just surviving with a stimpack - seriously, are you kidding me???
This must be by far the biggest nonsense and weakest episode in all of the seasons of The Expanse. What a waste of screen time.

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The IT Crowd

I tried watching this, but...... ugh. It's dreadful. Ploughed through 3 episodes and found myself only wanting to press the fast forward button. Perhaps a bit too typical British 'humor' for me. But - it's just simply not funny. It's stupid and obnoxious is probably the best one word description for this entire 'comedy'.

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See You Yesterday

Extremely "wannebee" politically correct movie. With an (even more extremely) bad ending. Dont waste your time.
Perhaps if you are 'of color' you'd find some way to enjoy the movie. Then still it has a crap ending though.

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x04 Crazy Diamond

Some other episodes I kind of enjoyed. This episode was really beyond me. Pigs, surrogates, weird relationship dramas.... Nope. Not for me. At all.

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