

Sydney, New South Wales

Magnum P.I.: 1x07 The Cat Who Cried Wolf

katsumoto seemed like a robot in the scene where Magnum and Juliet are tailing him lmao he doesn't seem to have have any emotion when he talks... other than that, this is a pretty damn good episode, probably my favourite so far!

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Magnum P.I.: 1x05 Sudden Death

I'm enjoying the show as a whole: storylines are interesting, characters are fun to watch with their individual dynamics, etc, but there's WAY too much narration for my liking. I know this is probably because Peter Lenkov's overseeing it all as an executive producer and all which explains why this show and Macgyver have a very similar feel... But it's excessive! I'd rather be shown than told, it feels like a lazy way to explain things to the audience.

It's just weird, 'cos I really don't mind it with Macgyver - at least, with the premise of his show and it being reliant on the main protagonists' out-of-the-box thinking, it works. It just feels tacky, perhaps even unnecessary with this show, for some reason.

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Magnum P.I.: 1x04 Six Paintings, One Frame

The ending with Juliet fixing Magnum's tie was too cute! There's definitely a bit of chemistry between them, I definitely enjoy their dynamic.

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One Piece: 6x144 The Log is Taken! Salvage King, Masira!

me: don't make any rash connections to fairy tail
also me: freaks out when the salvaging crew says AYE SIR

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One Piece: Season 8

All filler episodes. They're nice, but not stand-out as the first 5 are just solo dedications to the OG team.

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One Piece: 4x103 Spiders Café at 8 o'Clock! The Enemy Leaders Gather!

Mr 1's longline sleeveless cardigan looks SO much like natsu's vest from fairy tail, i YELLED-

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One Piece: 3x87 Fight Wapol's Crew! The Power of the Munch Munch Fruit!

Pretty solid episode with some funny scenes at the start, but I hate how many unnecessary flashbacks we get that I end up skipping ahead and back into the action of the plot.

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One Piece: 3x83 The Island Where Snow Lives! Climb the Drum Rockies!

When Luffy lost his grip and slid down the side of the mountain with his bare feet and hands... All I could think about was it being like fingernails down a chalkboard... Ouch. Glad he made it, tho!

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Stumptown: 1x11 The Past and the Furious

Two words to summarise my thoughts: Inbar. Lavi.

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Stumptown: 1x10 Reality Checks Don't Bounce

10 episodes in, and while it's not sticking to the feel of a procedural, it's definitely leaning towards one.

The pilot was quite unique, especially by storytelling means, but it hasn't hit that sort of benchmark since - Stumptown comes off as any other crime drama show that's ever aired before it. The fight scenes are short, if minimal, and every episode follows almost the exact same structure as the last: Dex gets case, Dexs solves the case, Dex gets into some sort of drama with someone... Rinse, Wash, Repeat.

The cases are interesting enough and the main cast are a great polygon of dynamics. I'll even give some points to the writers for all the great one-liners and witty remarks, though I'm not sure why it's not making me feel as excited as I should to jump onto the next episode. It's a shame, because I love seeing Cobie on my screen again - she was the reason I started in the first place.

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Stitchers: 2x03 The One That Got Away

Cameron giving Kirsten the space and time she needs to figure out her feelings is so sweet... I really do enjoy their dynamic.

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An incredible adaptation to the well-known fairy tale. Lily James makes a sweet Cinderella, and though the root of her portrayal is more emphasised on the girl being being kind even through hardships which is not at all new, she did well to encourage a fresh look into the princess. Every location was thoroughly breathtaking, from the lush, country home to the great king's palace. I especially loved all the colours and vibrance. The music was such a neat tie-in as well - the notes of Lavender's Blue in certain scenes was something that I responded well to - it uplifted everything to an aesthetically pleasing film overall.

I'd give bonus points to Cate Blanchett, whose acting felt almost unmatched in every scene she was in.

I'll admit, I didn't know what I was going into when I first started watching - I know of the story too well. Still, it was enjoyable to watch through to the very end.

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Kitchen Nightmares: 5x16 Amy's Baking Company


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The Blacklist: 6x22 Robert Diaz
The Flash: 6x16 So Long and Goodnight

iris could figure out that savitar wasn't her barry pretty much instantly, but it's been like... more than 5 episodes? which... i don't know, is possibly a couple of months since iris fell into the mirror? and barry STILL hasn't figure it out... smh

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Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist: 1x08 Zoey's Extraordinary Glitch

Shout by Ki
BlockedParent2020-04-13T12:38:10Z— updated 2020-08-15T06:56:11Z

SO many musical numbers in this episode, I loved it! Although I do have to say, it was a little cringey to watch... In a good way, since we're not used to Zoey singing her feelings. I like that they scrapped the usual premise and turned it upside down, it's making for a good variety of episode plotlines within the season.

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Gilmore Girls: 1x17 The Breakup, Part 2
Gourmet Makes: 1x18 Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Doritos

According to Trakt, the runtime for this episode is 25 minutes. It's actually the first 45 minute episode.

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The Con Is On

What the heck did I just watch? The plot is so thin and terrible, characters are awful and one-dimensional at best, and it right off the bat just really make any sense, whatsoever... It's nothing but a couple of 20 second gunfights between two two main characters drinking and getting high, all over 90 minutes of screentime... Which is such a shame given how many great names were in this cast. Honestly gets me wondering what made them stoop so low to accept such pitiful roles in the first place!

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Gourmet Makes: 1x04 Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Kit Kats

Ah yes, the episode with the iconic "I want you to know I can accept zero criticism right now" quote!

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Stitchers: 1x10 Full Stop
  1. Maggie running in, what, five inch ( ? ) heels like that? Especially when she seems to work a lot of the time at her office in the lab and should probably be wearing something more appropriate?

  2. A defibrillator won't work on a heart that's already stopped, so I've no idea how that plan was supposed to work in the first place?

  3. Kyle's eye colour is brown, but Willem ( who plays young Cameron ) has blue eyes... Uhh, what?

Make it make sense :joy:

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Stitchers: 1x09 Future Tense

Ok, I've definitely seen that one person slouched in a hoodie on a wheelchair in SEVERAL episodes, now... Kinda really hard not to miss, at least for me... He's gotta part of the larger plan here, right?

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Harper's Island: 1x13 Sigh
Harper's Island: 1x12 Gasp
Harper's Island: 1x11 Splash

FUUUUUCK! I really hoped Chloe and Cal would be endgame, but not... Like this, ugh !!! :sob:

Despite all this, Chloe's "You can't have me" line is singlehandedly my favourite thing this season.

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Harper's Island: 1x10 Snap

I hope Cal doesn't die.. He's easily one of my favourite characters, as well as Chloe. :'(

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Harper's Island: 1x02 Crackle

How did Cal survive being hung for so long? Surely all that blood would have pooled to his head and killed him even before night fell. And i don't understand why Lucy could have just rolled along the floor? I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but I feel like she could have prevented what had happened if she'd done that... Hmm.

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Imposters: 2x09 The World Needs Heroes. Over.

I sometimes have to go over some of the scenes with Max in them simply because Brian doesn't annunciate his words while speaking really quickly. That scene where Max, Jules and Richie find out The Doctor had an underground bunker was excruciating to get through because I had to rewatch it WAY too many times before simply giving up.

In a better note, that end chase scene was BRILLIANT ( chef's kiss, great cinematography, awesome background music... YES! ) I hope the finale brings more of this faster-paced action that the show's needed. For a while it's just been intel-gathering and laying low, which is great because it paces well for a big finale, but definitely I'm ready for the fireworks that'll bring the show off to a close.

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Imposters: 2x06 That's Enough. Off You Go.

Richie and Jules: go to the Langford cabin to lay low and stay safe
Richie and Jules: leave the front door unlocked

yeah... shit like this makes me so annoyed

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Imposters: 2x02 Trouble Maybe