

Sydney, New South Wales

12 Monkeys: 2x03 One Hundred Years
Critical Role: 1x89 Curious Tides

Ashley's flashcards scene is HANDS DOWN one of the best in this series so far! Just 'cos i'm sure we'd all love the timestamp for it, it's from 2:15:13 - 2:33:51 :~)

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One Piece: 10x377 The Pain of My Crewmates Is My Pain! Zoro's Desperate Fight!

wow... an INCREDIBLE episode. didn't think the thriller bark arc would be anything more than just some spooky adventures with a bunch of fights, but this? took me by so much surprise. i underestimated this arc bc it's honestly had more of my all time favourite episodes so far than any other.

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One Piece: 10x353 A Man's Promise Never Dies!! To the Friend Waiting Under the Distant Sky

What a sweet little tie-in with one of the Straw Hats' first adventures, Laboon! Love that they brought it in, shows they can definitely do a little bit of continuity properly.

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Work It

Jumped into this one because of Sabrina, Keiynan and Jordan. While the overall plot is terribly cliche and predictable, it was a cute, fun little movie to watch. Soundtrack is awesome and choreography is pretty damn good, too.

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One Piece: 1x59 Luffy, Completely Surrounded! Commodore Nelson's Secret Strategy!

why does the dragon look like a giant chicken tho :joy:

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Homeland: 1x06 The Good Soldier

The moment Brody looks directly into the camera in his polygraph because he knows Carrie's there... YIKES !

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Mindhunter: 1x10 Episode 10

AMAZING episode, though not exactly a 10/10 from me as I'm left feeling a little unsatisfied with Debbie and Wendy's characters.

Debbie's always challenged Holden in some way, but their getting back together all of a sudden was jarring - it didn't make sense, not without any telling or context as to how it happened, they sort of just... Are around each other again, for some reason.

Wendy's character did a sort of 180 these last 2 episodes, which is a shame, because she's a brilliant addition to the team. I'll admit, the putting out the tuna thing was great, but lead to nowhere ( or perhaps there was symbolism behind it, but I certainly didn't pick up on it ).

The ending scene is exactly what a crime drama / thriller should be all about, and I'm absolutely floored at the phenomenal acting.

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Mindhunter: 1x07 Episode 7

I'll admit that I started this mostly because I miss seeing Anna Torv on my screen... But this show is spectacularly good! It's nuanced, though in a way that doesn't overdo the thriller aspect of the storytelling. I love that the storyline's sink into the depths of the minds of these criminals is more subtly implied with the corresponding actions and behaviour. It's also great to see out main character's micro worlds changing along with the new type of work they've got themselves into.

The most commendable thing I find is that the pacing of each episode isn't rushed, but they aren't dragging it out - they're showing us, giving us analyses, introducing us to all the characters relevant to the cases, but still have time to show us what Ford, Tench and Carr are like outside of the workplace...

After all this, I totally understand why this show has so many good reviews!

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The Resident: 3x07 Woman Down

I can only imagine how hard working back-to-back nursing shifts can be, but honestly? I kind of blame Jessica for getting herself into that mess.

  • She easily could have asked to have stayed at Conrad and Nic's place, since they live close to the hospital.
  • Can't believe I'm siding with Dr. Cain on this one, but she could definitely have called an Uber, too.
  • She could have simply pulled to the side of the road and rested for a little while.
  • She simply could have agreed to have Irving drive her home.

Irresponsible behaviour, if the road had more traffic when she was on it, there would have been many more casualties. That being said, I'm definitely not dismissing the fact that she was clearly over-worked and exhausted, but she knew what she was doing as soon as she decided to get into the car.

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Stranger Things: 3x05 Chapter Five: The Flayed

Awesome episode, but the constant flickering of lights for the last 10 minutes of the episode gave me a bit of a headache.

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Queer Eye: 2x07 Bedazzled

Sean looks a little like Logan Lerman with this transformation!

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x12 The Ones We Leave Behind

Really daring, really out-there episode. For the writers to build Wesley into this very calm and calculating person, his demise definitely seemed very out of character. I'm disappointed about his demise - found him to be a much more interesting character than Fisk. Could have been interesting if Matt and Team DD took down Fisk only for Fisk's right hand man to step in for the next season...

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Supergirl: 4x07 Rather the Fallen Angel

Excellent scenes for Lena this episode, although I'm not too keen on the experiments she's holding, despite empathising with her agenda. I wish Adam could have lived, he had an interesting dynamic - much more than what Lena currently shares "romantically" with James.

A couple of questions: Why and how was Supergirl so unsupervised this episode? How do people not recognise Ben Lockwood's voice and connect him to Agent Liberty? How does Adam not recognise Lena, since she's supposed to be kind of a globally famous person?

There was hardly any Alex ( or Brainy and Nia ) in this episode, which was a bit of a shame - they're the ones that really knit in the episodes together for me. I wish they'd keep to giving somewhat equal screentime towards all their characters... Which also brings me to the point that this show's called Supergirl, but Kara seems to be a lesser character - in this episode, at least.

Also... We haven't seen Russian!Kara in a while... Wonder what she's up to?

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One Piece: 21x1076 The World That Luffy Wants!

So it took Momonuske about 23 episodes to make those clouds and Luffy over 76 episodes to finally defeat Kaido... God, I hope this arc comes to a close very, very soon. With all the dilly-dallying, there were much more enjoyable fights going on.

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Ted Lasso: 2x12 Inverting the Pyramid of Success

Shout by Ki

"I mean, look at it out there. Looks like a Renaissance painting portraying masculine melancholy." :joy:

Damn, you know Nate's been charging up his evil powers 'cos his hair's now fully grey lmao.

Not too bad overall for a second season, but the first is still better, imo. More solid, focused more on the soccer / sport aspect of the show while developing their characters through the scenes between matches. I liked that about the first season, 'cos it felt more original-and otherwise the show feels more of just like your standard drama show, with a bit of the sports sprinkled in there, which this season was definitely leaning towards, especially during the middle. I honestly still don't understand the Beard After Hours episode, and I don't think I ever will.

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The White Lotus: 1x01 Arrivals

Not bad for a pilot episode, but it's... Meh. There seems to be nothing going on for the plot except the hint of a murder from the present day events. Most of the main characters are unlikeable and unrelatable, and even cringey. Classic newlyweds where one of them is from a rich family, two mean girls whose only personality trait are being mean... Nothing new. Good set-up but they're so one-dimensional and too stereotypical right now. I'll give it a few more episodes, hoping it picks up from here.

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Ghosts: 1x08 D&D

There was a battle in this ep, and Thor wasn't in it ???

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Doctor Who: 13x03 Once, Upon Time

this was super messy, but bel and vinder? omg i've had them for one episode and if anything were to happen to them, i'd k word all the writers and then myself :weary::ok_hand:

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Gurren Lagann: 1x06 Sit in the Hot Tub 'Til You're Sick!!

Started to like this show only for it to overly sexualise the girls and then encourage this creepy behaviour on the guys... I get that this was back in 2007 and it's an anime, but I don't care - worst ep so far. I hate it. Totally unnecessary.

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One Piece: 21x1005 The Power of Ice Oni! A New Version of the Plague Rounds!

Ooh, an ending to a 1P episode that was actually kinda spicy... :eyes: :ok_hand:

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True Blood: 1x12 You'll Be the Death of Me

Hoyt: [ I mean, I don't care what nobody says if I met a nice vampire girl, I'd be proud to have her on my arm. ] Does Bill know anybody my age?
next scene, Jessica walks in

Oh, well that's not subtle at all... :joy: Keen to see that dynamic if it ever happens!

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True Blood: 1x10 I Don't Wanna Know

... And we finally get to meet Jessica! I've been watching for more Deborah content and am excited to see where her character goes from here :eyes:

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Chuck: 2x07 Chuck Versus the Fat Lady

Hate to be that person, but Casey was off pitch and didn't sing a high C... He was so close, off by a tone! :sob:

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 7x01 Frank's Pretty Woman

"Can I offer you like a nice egg in this trying time?" :joy:

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One Piece: 19x810 The End of the Adventure - Sanji's Resolute Proposal

Love that Nami helped big time in winning that battle! I feel like she's always been a bit of an underdog because she doesn't have physical strength like Luffy or Zoro, but her wits are definitely the best part about her character.

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One Day at a Time: 4x02 Penny Pinching

Loved this ep, but found it very out of character for Penelope to be having her shoes on, especially when she's laying on the new couch!

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Galavant: 1x04 Comedy Gold

"What on God's flat Earth is going on?!" :joy:

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Galavant: 1x02 Joust Friends

The final joust of the tournament was HILARIOUS. Couldn't stop laughing :joy::clap:

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Walker: 1x02 Back in the Saddle

Only 3/4 of the way through this episode while I type this... I do like the premise of the show, but it's... Very typical CW-network writing. Too much of this family drama and not enough actual action going on within the episode. Makes me wonder what this could've been if it were picked up on another network. I'm pretty much just watching it for Lindsey and Odette at this point.

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