Hmmm, they're starting to drag their feet. We used to have action, this episode was a total bore

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@ramadri This is a science fiction series (Co-Genres: Fantasy, Mystery, Drama, Thriller, Suspense), maybe you should watch an action series instead. This is not "Transformers" (Pseudo-Science-Fiction).

@ramadri I second @jamatiknakmuay… if you're expecting constant action, you're watching the wrong genre.

@ramadri that's what almost made me lose interest in the first season: too much space politics, too little sci-fi. The second half of this season is going back to the boring space politics affair, but the first half of it was an improvement on the first season, much more balanced. All this to tell you that I understand what you mean.

Its production quality is not on par with "The Expanse", but maybe you should check "Dark Matter", as it's more action oriented (while still having space politics around, albeit in a much simpler form).

@jamatiknakmuay yeah, really, unbelievable how someone can watch a science fiction but fails to appreciate the impressive world building this series has taken with Belters patois. If they just want some dudes kicking some stuff or exploding space ships, they can watch stuff like Marvel movies.
