> Jeffrey Combs
> and Ethan Phillips

I heard Phillips' voice immediately. Yes, I was a bit excited. Yes, I was later disappointed.

It's so fun seeing recognizable real-life products disguised as futuristic sci-fi props. In this episode, it was two bottles in Sickbay that were clearly SIGG brand (and only very slightly touched up by the props crew). Nothing compared to Quark using my family's picnicware glasses every day in his bar on DS9, but still fun.

So there are only 173 Rules of Acquisition at this point in time? A lot changes in a century.

"There are fourteen weapons lockers on this ship." — And none of them should be accessible without any authentication at all. The key word is locker. They're supposed to be locked. Sigh.

Nice touch that they threw in "Do I look like a Menk to you?" as a reference to "Dear Doctor".

So Porthos wasn't affected by the gas? Does it only work on humanoids?

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2 replies

@dgw Only 14 weapons lockers and in Shadows of P'Jem they say they have only 15 Phase Pistols. I guess the rest are EM-33 Plasma Pistols?


OPReply by dgw

@miclaymon Maybe they're really "weapon lockers", as in each locker holds only a single phase pistol!
