Well, seems all these years later Laoghaire is still as insane and delusional as always. I don't know why, but it always catches me off guard. I always expect her to have wised up or something as time went by. Seems she'll forever be the crazy lady. Trying to have the daughter of the woman you hate burned at the stake is somewhat of an overreaction, though. Thankfully, the cray-cray gene skipped the younger daughter.

I can't help wondering if the women Brie and Roger saved will have an impact on the story going forward and on the future. A sort of butterfly effect, if you will. Specially the woman with the baby. I feel like there's a very good possibility she's an ancestor of his or something of the sort (them having the same last name it's a bit pointless otherwise, since he was willing to help her even before he knew she was a Mackenzie)..

I can't wait to see Jamie's face when he meets Brianna!! So excited.

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