Shout by kinky
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-04-13T18:38:44Z— updated 2020-04-14T19:26:28Z


Those words, spoken by a thousand voices, as one, froze me on my seat. The best part of this episode, by far, was the return of the fierce, overpowering, ominous Borg... Even if only for a couple of seconds. Now, that's the kind of fanservice I like! And the thought of Seven of Nine as a new Borg Queen... Hmmmm! Delicious! Though I like her the way she is. Too bad what happened right after the return of the Borg, though... So frustrating!

Also, would the Borg really be dumb enough to leave behind a broken cube so that other species could salvage it and learn from it about the Borg, maybe even their weaknesses? Or maybe the Borg consider themselves to be so advanced, perfect and powerful that they don't really give a damn about anything that "inferior" species may be doing about them.

The more I watch this show, the more it feels that they nerfed Picard. Or maybe it's just old age that caught up with him. Either way, that's a captain without his mojo.

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@misnomer Interesting argument about the Borg. I'm not sure I'd say they are dumb but they were already much weaker back in TNG and VOY days. And this is a couple decades into the future and it wasn't really established (or at least I don't remember) the state the Borg are in. In general I'd say people were not so much afraid of them.
But the scene with Seven, that was chilling. But also, like you said, frustrating. And that is my main beef with the show. They build up great moments only to stamp them into the ground the next minute.

@finfan I still have that image of the mighty, frightening and unbeatable Borg in my mind, but maybe their story developed to a point where they're not considered to be a significant threat, anymore. Though I'm pretty sure they gave Janeway a lot of hell in Voyager... But my memory fails to recall what happened during First Contact (which is, ironically, probably my favourite Trek movie, yet my memory isn't what it used to be).

@misnomer it's been a while sinceI watched VOY, too. I think the Borg there were still a bit more serious because the individuality hadn't spread there yet. They killed a Borg queen in First Contact but since Janeway met another one there seem to be more than one.
