Shout by Reiko LJ

A strong opener for the new season! Super advanced borg Queen... Used the same line as Picard's mother. Is that supposed to make us think it might be her or simply a tactic since his memories would have been absorbed into the collective at one point when he was assimilated.

As for Q at the end there and 'Road not taken', I'm guessing we're gonna get some alternate timeline fun!

I'm still holding out hope for a Seven x Janeway reunion at one point or another. We've established she's queer already. Now stop this nonsensical romance with Raffi and crack on.

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@reiko_lj Is that supposed to make us think it might be her or simply a tactic since his memories would have been absorbed into the collective at one point when he was assimilated.

I think it's the second. I hope it is because, otherwise, it would be to much drama for no apperent reason. Plus, if his mother would've been in the collective all the time, why did he not sense her as Locutus?
