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Avatar: The Way of Water 2022

As expected of any Avatar movie, the graphics and scenery were gorgeous. They spent a lot of time showing the underground world, and while it was gorgeous it does drag on at times. The only thing that I didn't like, was that it essentially the same plot as the first movie. Despite winning in the last movie, the humans are back and the family essentially just takes their fight from the forests to the water. I still enjoyed the movie. The addition of the children makes for a bit of a plot change, and the action was good. I just hope this doesn't end up being a movie series with the same plot in each movie, just carried out in different landscapes to capitalize on the ability to spend most of the movie showing amazing landscapes.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - James Cameron once again proved his films are spectacular masterpieces. Absolutely amazing.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 7.5

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So, Pandora's once again invaded by humans, including a avatar-ized Quaritch who's hunting for Jake and his family.

Of course, the visuals are stunning... but the movie drags on quite a bit because the story feels recycled and thin, the "everything's connected"-angle very heavy-handed (I'm just saying space whale hunts)... and the family drama predictable. Not sure Avatar needed this sequel (or any that are yet to come).

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Basically a water themed version of the first movie, just dragged out for extra an extra 30 minutes. I think the wow effects of the graphics and CGI had largely been worn out with the first movie so there's actually very little left for this one, the fact that it still has the same paper-thin story line, coupled with the excessive run time (should have been 2 hours make), makes this a watchable but not particularly memorable offering IMHO. There's only so much you can achieve with an endless sea of colour! Just lucky I didn't see it at the cinema.

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How in the holy fuck does Zoë Saldaña not have multiple best actress wins for Neytiri in this film?!

Disney, Feige, Iger, Gunn, and all of the MCU 'creatives' and executives should bow their heads into mud in shame for their pathetic garbage attempts at spectacle films next to any single thirty second clip of this film. Cameron and Co. are making an absolute mockery of every other film utilizing and relying on CGI for its thrills, doubly so for ones that also try to play on your emotions. Disney uses dull, ugly, indirect gray lighting to cover up their low-bid "get it done next week for cheap or you're going bankrupt" CGI contract work, making for ugly, fake, generic, and samey visuals. Avatar, on the other hand, is lush, vibrant, and groundbreaking in every single scene, shot, and frame.

I can't review this, because I just watched three hours of a film that can't be compared to any other film but its preceding entry, and all I want to do now is hunt down whalers and executives from Disney and mining and livestock companies.

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That frame rate got me waiting to pick up the controller and start playing

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What an amazing film! I'd like to echo one of the comments I read on Letterboxd – the story is solid, following a typical linear film structure. However, what truly stands out is the seamless editing, CGI, and the overall craftsmanship of the entire movie. It's a cinematic masterpiece.

This film also showcases how technology is pushing the boundaries of the film industry. Every aspect is visually stunning, blurring the lines between reality and CGI to the point where it's hard to distinguish what's real and what's edited.

Looking ahead, if they decide to create another Avatar film, I hope they can enhance the plot a bit. This one felt somewhat similar to the first movie, with mostly changes in characters and settings.

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视觉效果真棒, watched at 2023-08-02, imported from douban

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The plot is repetitive, very predictable and just bad. Cameron should have stopped to the first one. Also the CGI kinda look outdated sometimes to nowadays standards… not worth 3 hours.

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Beautiful scenes, but a story that’s much more of the same. Then it becomes dull with over 3 hours.

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tbh I genuinely thought it was about Sky people coming back for water because nothing remains of earth but welp this was good too

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loved it:sob::sob::sob:

sully stick together! Also Jake's wive is a bitch, ngl

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Sunday film. Worse than the first one.

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Way better than the original

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The first one was quite good, but this is a very long movie for a plot that is just generic American action man, with blue people.

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The adventures of a traitor to his tribe and his family at a water theme park.

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Gave up before they even got to the water. For that much time investment, we were better off playing FFXVI. The story and characters are much better.

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I feel like I need to watch this again to really catch everything, partly because my daughter was distracting me, but also because there was A LOT going on. The animation and creativity of the scenery was amazing. I don’t love all the violence, but I understand that it is an important part of the plot. Not sure I want to see 3 more of these incredibly long movies, but I’ll watch at least one more.

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4/10. Mostly annoying. 1.:1 human human culture and other uninspired themes. waste of time.

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Gorgeous movie, but writing and story wise it is kinda week, and not really worth the long wait.

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Jake Sully looks like Mel Gibson in Braveheart. Lol

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Amazing visuals
Good action adventure
Good world building
Likable story

Characters 8
Story 6.5
Pacing 7
Visuals 10
Rewatchability Factor 7
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 8
Average Score 7.75

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This movie is certainly pushing the boundaries of modern CGI. Visually it's incredible. But the story was really bland and the movie was unnecessarily long. I had to watch it pieces, there's no way I could sit through this 3 hour snooze fest in one sitting.

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No history, boring to death.

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stunning all the way

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A super boring rehash of the fiesta movie

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I really don’t understand the hype of these movies. After 1 hour i already lost focus. Not really that great but it’s all personal preference

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Great MOVIE!!! Loved it already waiting on the next one…

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I will rate this movie Water(A lot of it)/10

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What an incredible movie. Sadly i did not get to see it in 3D. It is an absolutely stunning movie to see - just beautiful imagery.

It's sad to see how single-minded and revenge driven Colonel Quaritch is. On the other-hand - Cameron got a 2nd chance at filming a Titanic-like sinking of a ship (lol).

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by Deleted

The first half was entertaining, but the second half was outrageously boring at times... no where near as good as the original.

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I have not watched the first film in this franchise as it just didn't appeal to me. However I went to go and see this because a good friend practically dragged me to the cinema but I must say that I am overwhelmingly surprised at how much I enjoyed this. It held beautiful cinematography and told a great story of love and the strength of family. Like all films of this length I do believe that not everything was necessary here and the film could have been shorter but I still really enjoyed this.

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Near to the first film (10) "only" 8 for this movie. Full of history of Pandora, love, action, and left the door open to the next Avatar film. My favorite with Elvis to the Oscar.

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I'm just a sucker for a visual spectacle no matter how boring the story might be. Just close your brain and travel to a different world.

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Visually stunning! I haven't seen a movie that looks as amazing as this one since probably the first Avatar. Please, go and watch it, 3 hours worth spending. And if you have the possibility, IMAX 3D is a must.

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Maybe it's not a revolution like the first part, but Cameron knows how to made a show. The only note I have, sometimes it seemed that it was ripping off Emmerich's "Patriot", only a Gibson is a little blue. ;)

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2023-01-24T19:04:09Z— updated 2023-01-29T01:33:05Z

Is it good? Yes. Is is visually stunning? ABSOLUTELY. But is it a bit too long? Maybe. But just like the first installment, is an experience worth watching in the biggest screen possible. Saw it in 3D at 48 HFR and it was a breathtaking viewing experience.

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The movie is good but the visual aspect of it (specially in IMAX 3D) makes it a great movie to see in the cinemas. The immersion you get from this technology is something very very special.

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One of the best movies 2022!

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Good movie! There isn't as much human acting to judge here, but there's a lot more plot to enjoy, as the focus of the world this time around is the various animals, which not only allows for the worldbuilding to not feel like a somewhat sluggish and tedious screensaver that clashes against the main plot, but rather serves as a catalyst for character dynamics and gives them opportunities to demonstrate their differences from each other, meaning that we not only get far better characters, but some nice development of some of the characters we've seen before.

Still, the plot provides some agonizingly either boring or cringeworthy moments that, while they don't necessarily steal the show, they do take away from the flawlessness and prestige the film would otherwise have.

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Just seen this in 3D at the cinema, it’s such a great sequel, beautifully made and even though it’s a long film, it keeps you entertained throughout :thumbsup:

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Is it pretty to look at? Yes. Saw it in 3D and it was beautiful. That's the only positive thing about this movie. Felt like the movie was basically a 3 hour anti-whaling campaign shot as a video game cinematic.

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Why was this so sad lol ….but it had some satisfying moments

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Shout by Deleted

I was a little less bored than I was with the first. Looking great? Sure. Still a boring movie. Like all of the marvel crap. Looks aren't everything, neither in movies, shows or games.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’:

  1. The original Avatar was fun to watch, but it never really surpassed much more than that. I wouldn’t have been heartbroken if I never saw Pandora again. This sequel changed everything. It gave us so much more. More story. More characters we care about. Bigger stakes. Solid world-building. I’m officially invested in this journey.

  2. Kiri is such a heartwarming character. And I love that Sigourney Weaver is still a part of all this. And her origin still remains a mystery. I’m intrigued.

  3. I love an angry, badass Neytiri. The whole family dynamic angle is very refreshing and compelling.

Bonus Thought: I still need to learn so many names.

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Super good! Fantastic on 3D Ultra laser. Great story, tear jerker. 9.5/10.

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That was so good seeing this movie in IMAX theater.

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just new FXs. please Cameron, hire some people for the script...

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THE CGI OMG?! Saw on 3d and I NEEDDD to see it again. W loads of 2nd movies it’s just not the same vibe as the first and the first movie is always hard to match but James Cameron (my fav) Nailleddddd it as per usual

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Went to see this in the cinema on Boxing Day. A mistake. So bad that I walked out during the "whaling" scene. I loved the first movie, this one not so much.

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The best IMAX 3D experience I had so far. The movie itself wasn't a masterpiece, but still entertaining.

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At 3hr 19min, it definitely felt shorter. All those people people that say it was a drag, went in with the intent to dislike it. If you go in to be immersed, you will enjoy it. I feel the first half was just establishing shots, and tedious everyday activities. But it was soooo compelling.

I never watch 3d anymore, but I forgot how much depth it adds. Can't really say I noticed the HFR, unlike the hobbit.

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I wasn't disappointed at all. Never thought I would get through the whole 3 hours without falling asleep but I didn't doze off once! #saysalot #thumbsupforme

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Shout by 020202

Avatar The Way of Water was a cinema experience i'll remember for a long time, i finally got the chance to witness this beautiful world of on the big screen and i absolutely loved it

the visuals were absolutely stunning, amazing VFX, the acting was incredible just like the first one, and the fight scenes, especially towards the end, one of a kind

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Watched it in RealD 3D yesterday. Whilst it of course wasn't as good as the IMAX version it was still brilliant which is testament to the quality of the film. Just as good and almost better than the original. An absolute must watch in my opinion!

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How it makes you hate your own species it’s truly fascinating… I hope they make profit and continue the series

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The same structure and main dynamics of the first movie adapted into a family setting. I have to admit I fell asleep towards the end, although just a couple of minutes during the never-ending sea battle. Once you get used to the unquestionable visual spectacle, you are left with a movie that is way too messy and bloated, proposing the same exact dynamics and tropes multiple times without adding anything, all at the service of shallow messages on environmentalism and dated views of family roles. Strange they didn’t have a barbecue in the end like in a Fast & Furious movie. Not to mention all the retcons and ridiculously dated kids' movie tropes they used just to bring back original cast members and build unneeded family bonds between characters at all costs. The more I think about it, the lower my score gets, so I’ll just stop here and leave two stars for the undeniable productive effort.

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It was about what I figured it would be. It’s been awhile since I’ve watched a film in the third dimension and the visuals were very good and I did find the sea environment to be a more pleasant looking environment than the jungle. But that’s most of the positives in this one. Story and acting were mediocre at best and it felt quite stretched with the over 3 hour runtime. Like the first film, I’m sure I will forget all about it in short time.

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the movie is gorgeous visually and cinematography speaking, but the plot has some stupid moments.

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Beautiful. Masterpiece! I probably hold my breath to often during the movie because it felt so real. Love it!

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Despite the criticism it received, I am one of the people who really liked Avatar (2009) and it is part of my 3D film library. Due to the above, I expected that this new film would please me the same. It was not so. From the first minutes I began to be disappointed: the voiceover that tells what happened in the last decade seemed to me a very poor resource for a film like this. The inclusion, in my opinion forced, of the same villain from the first film only ended up disappointing me and understanding that not only would I not like it the same as the first film, but I would like it much less. The visual effects are amazing, the photography is wonderful, and the characters are adequate. But the plot is not up to all technical achievements. Of course: it is quite entertaining, since its more than three hours do not feel like such once you let yourself be immersed in the story.

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Beautifull movie but with mediocre story. 10 graphic wise 8 for the story. Enjoyed the movie all the way but it felt to flat.

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Much better than the first one, certainly should be watched in IMAX, since the views is the main part of the film. The story is as simple as it was in first one, but the blue guys as well as humans are not so flat as their were in previous one. Definitely worth to go to it at least once. Though doesn’t worth to go twice.

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Words cannot describe the experience of watching this movie. Definitely recommend watching it in 3D. For over 3 hours I lived in the world of Pandora and felt a pain in my chest having to leave it at the end of the movie. Will most likely watch it over and over, whenever I get the chance. The wait was totally worth it!

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Just a fantastic sequel to the original and just as good and popular as the original. The beginning was a bit confusing on the storyline as it was a bit rushed and lots of elements thrown the audiences way but I guess the producers just want to get into the main storyline ASAP. Anyway, the main storyline of what the natives life is now with kids, ect is a breath of fresh air until the past catches up but in a surprising way. The filming and acting and plot development is just incredible. Yes some scenes were dragged out as it is a 3 hour film but it’s edge of your seat whole film. Just really well done.

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Loving the visuals and characters, but the story and plot was not so stunning as I hoped.

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people seems to think highly of this sequel because of their graphics. I do admit it's cool and great cgi, but I don't think the story is good enough. Jake Sully is literally a walking disaster, he bring war everywhere he go and get everyone involved in the process. and the kids, the kids always become the source of their problem and always became burden. this is very cliche, almost every american movie that involved children always goes this way that it bores me.

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Gorgeuous, but 3 hours is so long!

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Shout by Ro

The most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you might grow to love her too much

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CGI is well done.
Anti-colonial message is quite clear.
But none of this new or unique.
Story is as generic as possible.
The original Avatar had novelity factor of its green
screen work, which is now the norm for movies.(Even the original's story was generic.)

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Great visuals, one of the few movies that should really watched in 3D on the big screen. The story was quite predictable. Quite some time of the movie is just fantastic visuals without any importance to the story. Feels like scuba diving - enjoy nature and don't think about anything.

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More supreme than the first, first was definitely overrated to me but this beautiful picture has definitely made me a bigger fan of avatar with it’s outstanding effects & picture and action that just glow start to finish and definitely was worth watching it in 3D.

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James Cameron just went and delivered the most beautiful-looking movie made in history of mankind.

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Visually excellent but the storyline follows many of the same beats of the first movie. If you're looking for something original you are going to be disappointed.but if it's a spectacle that you're after, this should satisfy you.

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Went to the cinema just expecting a movie with awesome CGI and visuals... But i got so much more, the movie was fun from start to end, the universe is so interesting, the characters likeable, and the story while not amazing is good, also, action scenes are INSANE, so much better than the first movie in every regard

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3 hours that felt like 2 hours! I love it, is funny, sensible, emotional and breath taking

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Lol at all the fanboys and girls rating this a 10. It's an 8 at very best.

The middle is an absolute slog, but the payoff is worth it in the end as the final act is fantastic.

Sometimes the visuals are spectacular, other times they're just okay. It's not the huge leap forward everyone is making it out to be. Except perhaps for the ship/sub scenes towards the end.

This movie didn't need to be 3h 15m + trailers. Would have been way better if they cut some of the fat in the middle

Some of the dialogue/characters/subplots seemed pointless during the middle but made more sense once the story came together in the end.

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Visually impressive, the rest is fine

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The story was alright and the visuals were good, and great use of the 3D…

But damn that high frame rate just killed any immersion for me. Some scenes just switch from 24 to 48ips out of nowhere (not even ramping them up, a straight up switch).
Either shoot everything in 48 or 24 (ideally this one) but don’t do this weird up down up down patchwork, I felt like I was on a roller coaster.

If you have an experienced eye for these sort of things, or used to high framerates from games, you gonna want to throw up.

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Lack of good plot and character development was a serious let down. They even had great template to copy it from. What they could have done is to focus on a character and build him up. Or focus on the world building. I am impressed with the world building and creature designs. Excellent visuals.

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Well yes, it's a great movie... but it makes me hate humanity so hard. The "bad guys" are so realistic, I really believe that exactly this will happen if somewhere in the future a similar situation would occur somehow.

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It exceeded my expectations and achieved to capture the same magic as its predecessor. Really loved everything: the story, the CGI, the soundtrack, and the 3D. Epic.

Even though it lasts 3 hours, there were times when I felt like some scenes were cut. Maybe we’ll get an extended cut release.

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I really looked forward to this movie but 3h 10min to watch nice CGI effect doesn't make it a good movie. The plot was flat. There were a few scenes where I was reminded of "Die Hard" and "Ariel". I don't really look forward to the next part.

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I think there was never a part 2...

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I hope whenever this drops in 2018 it does justice to the first one, the dynamics of History, Culture, Spirituality & Social awareness worked great. I was actually surprised that a lot of people said they didn't like it.

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The first Avatar did nothing for me so I almost didn't see this. Very glad I did. Technically this blew me away on a level I only experienced through Jurassic Park and Gravity.

It has everything. Good story. Riveting action. IMAX and 3D like you've never experienced before. Just wow. Thanks, James Cameron.

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the wait has been taking so long so hopefully next year is the one

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somehow frustrated with this movie. a lot of continuity problem. characters poorly developed, overal the plot is a mess. amazing visuals top level special FX. but the plot fails to deliver the well deserved sequel.

avatar1 was really great

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