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Babylon 2022

Am I the only one who loved this movie?
Sure, it's not perfect. But it shoots for the moon and, in my opinion, mostly succeeds.

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Am I the only one who loved this film ?? I want to thank the cinema gods for this film. It was awesome.

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Boogie Nights by way of Happy Madison productions. A monumental failure in every way.

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Prepare to be disappointed by an utterly exhausting excuse for film, as it squanders the potential of a remarkable ensemble cast, leaving you with an empty feeling and a profound sense of annoyance. This was needlessly long and painfully repulsive.

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Started off great but got confusing along the way. Some scenes such as the snake scene seemed rather unnecessary and over the top and only seemed to contribute to the runtime. Cinematography was great though.

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Babylon is not only a great film but also a great experience to live in theaters. Maybe a bit too long, just a bit, but so appreciable, entertaining...

The 3 main actors are fantastic: Brad Pitt is true to himself : always great, Margot Robbie is brilliant, but let's talk about Diego Calva: what a marvelous performance ! Wonderful screen presence from start to finish and manages to hit the same level as these two fellows. The directing as well as the photography are splendid, it is a feast for the eyes and the story, despite some tiny scriptwriting facilities, is really cool.

And what a soundtrack, incredible ! A very very very good movie. You have to enjoy seeing it in theaters, not sure you can feel such an experience later at home.

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The first part was Babylon and it rocked. The second part was Babble On and...

Like tantric sex: longer than it needed to be and couldn't keep it up until the end, yet Margot Robbie made it worthwhile.

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What the fuck did I just watch? This is the biggest clusterfuck of a movie I've ever watched, it feels like it was written by 20 different people. But no, just damien chazelle. As someone who's seen whiplash and la la land multiple times, this movie is offensively shit. Whiplash and la la land were so tightly written and brilliantly executed, what the hell happened damien? Were you even trying to make a good movie? Did you get tired of screenwriting?? That would explain why the dialogue and writing are so god awful, but the directing and music are still great as per usual. This movie doesn't even really have characters, more just caricatures and mouthpieces for shitting on hollywood. I'd expect this trash from some pretentious art student, not the guy who made fucking whiplash. This movie feels like such a slap in the face by one of the best directors of our time, what happened damien chazelle?

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I think moat people can't do movies anymore without being explicit, then they call it art.
It's just poor and has been done before, learn to tell stories. Waist of time.

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Started watching this and had to switch off, came back a couple of weeks later to finish it. Got to around the 1 hour mark and remembered why I switched it off originally - it's shite. Another one of those over the top movies that don't actually go anywhere.
The opening scene was beyond spectacular however.


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The highlight of this film was the moment I fell asleep.

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Phenomenal movie. Almost everything is on point. Perfect picture of the early days of cinema and Hollywood. The snake scene was over the line. Plus it is a bit too much 3hours for this type of movie. This could have been at most 2 hours and would have been perfect. 9/10 for me.

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Distastefully sinful. It's got drugs, kinky sex and straight-up-shit right in the first 20 mins. I can see why some people might like it but it was too chaotic and uncomfortable to watch for me.

I walked out.

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Gawd, is it Oscars time again? A waaaaaay overly long train-wreck of movie; self-indulgent, pretentious garbage with a massive overdose of shlock-shock that really serves no purpose whatsoever. It's hard to get what the point of it was like AT all, just because you can do things in a movies really doesn't mean that you should. Even at 90 minutes this garbage would have been a struggle but 3 hours!!! Literally the ONLY reason I didn't can this movie after the first 20 minutes was Margot Robbie who plays her part extremely well albeit the character is pretty detestable, like just about every other character. Other than that, zero redeeming factors at all, marked as a 4 merely for some of the acting and sets, otherwise a definite 1 star! Is this the start of Brad Pitt's "B List" career?

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Babylon is a blast! It's a cinematic theme park with each scene its own attraction. This film is not for everyone, but those who can appreciate the chaos will love this adrenaline filled story of cinema, extravagance, and decadence.

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I can't understand how anyone could dislike this masterpiece. It's an ode to cinema, to its history, its ugliness, everything rotten it carries with it, but also everything beautiful cinema can create—the depth, the emotional involvement, the emotions it gives, the masterpieces of cinema and the terrible movies, the actors who sell out just to get by and those who only create works of art. For me, one of the best films I've ever seen.

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If not for Margot Robbie’s skills, this would have been a total waste of time.

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Pretentious crap. That pretty much sums it up. The acting is good.

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There's nothing wrong with this move. There's also nothing great with this movie. The acting is very good, but the movie is very long and could have been told in two hours or less, it didn't need three.

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My wife while watching this… “this movie is pure chaos.”

I think that’s the most perfect description of this flick.

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Someone might say this is a very deep movie.

I can only say it is a very dull movie. And boring. It makes no sense. Maybe I dont get it. Probably. But it was painful to watch this whole 3h+ movie. And it doesnt deserve to be 3h+ because all could be said in 1,5h. There was no need to extend this idea so much.

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A few decent/funny scenes, but definitely not a rewatch.

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Masterpiece. All the shots. Sounds. Musics. Camera movements and etc. It is like combining all the stuff from the cinema history into one movie.

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Babylon is a visually stunning film that takes viewers on a creative journey. The movie is not afraid to step outside the box, and it delivers a unique and captivating experience. The soundtrack is particularly noteworthy, adding an extra layer of emotion to an already powerful story. Overall, I loved this film and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and visually stunning cinematic experience.

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3 hours of manic people, obnoxiously loud drums and trumpets, and a whole lot of nonsense in Hollywood‘a latest self-over-indulgence. WHY, JUST WHY!?

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What did I just watch? Literally no idea what the plot was. But it was pretty to the eyes and the music was surprisingly catchy.

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I think this movie made me feel just about everything it wanted me to feel, which is saying something -- it is trying to do a lot!

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I don't care what people thinks
Loved the movie

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The first half of the film is a masterpiece. The other half, starting at the snakebite, is all over the place, with an unnecessarily mawkish film montage at the end. I think dismissing this film is a travesty. This may be the Heaven's Gate of this current generation, but Damien's visually dense scenes are what keep me drawn in. If this was turned into a mini series, and the character development was more focused, this would have had rave reviews and accolades. Alas, this is a flawed masterpiece that should have had some additional script revisions in my book.

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This is a very bad movie!

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9.5

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Movie makers making a movie about movie making and movies. I really underestimated the powerhouses that are Damien Chazelle and Margot Robbie, and even Brad Pitt. The whole cast and crew for that matter because the size of this was insane in both entertainment and quality. Any Tarantino fan would love this for the raw, emotional, unexpecting and wild scenes. The inspiration from so much of 'cinema' just adds to the flavour and spice in dialogue and storytelling if the score wasn't enough. It's impossible not to believe in what this movie expresses. It'll stay with me forever.

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There are several scenes I'd have gotten rid of, if it would have been my decision. I still consider it a great movie because there are well thought scenes with fantastic performances in great settings.

Humor, drama, tragedy and simply lots of love and appreciation for the cinematic arts.

My weirdest experience with Babylon was to "discover" Olivia Hamilton, as Ruth Adler. I wondered where that talent was coming from, her biography left me even more impressed.

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Chaotic but interesting! Definitely worth watching.

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Babylon contains moments of cinematic brilliance, but is ultimately too chaotic, anxiety-inducing, and I Ng (3 hrs!) to be enjoyable. It's a grotesque absurdist take on 1920s Hollywood - think wild sex-ridden parties, underground freak shows, vomit, and multiple death or near-death experiences. Manny - a Mexican immigrant - gets swept up in the system, willingly sublimating his own identity. Margot Robbie plays an It Girl whose Jersey accent means she struggles to transition to talkies. Brad Pitt plays an actor based on John Gilbert whose career and reputation also declined when talkies arrived on the scene, partly due to his effected stage-like delivery. The Artist and Singin' in the Rain also based characters on Gilbert and the latter is directly tied to this film in multiple scenes and storylines.

From Wikipedia: The film polarized critics, who generally praised its cinematography, score, editing, production design, lead performances and themes, but were sharply divided on its direction, screenplay, graphic content, and runtime.

I would not generally recommend this film, but cinephiles will probably want to see it. There's so much amazing footage here, I'd love to see another editor take a pass and give us a more cohesive film.

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It was a good watch, up to that last 15 minutes, which was awesome! I’m about to play that part again.

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Buckle up. This is a film all about excess and that carries over to its runtime as well. At 3+ hours there's a lot here and some of it is spectacular...and some of it isn't. This films opening scene is an epic party scene for the ages and it leads into a high energy take on the wackiness of the silent film era. Honestly, the first 90 minutes are extremely fun, but the latter half of the film I found myself not as connected. The emotional resonance that you're supposed to have with our various leads isn't quite there and I had trouble really caring about the hardships they'd fallen into. I hate to say it knowing how long this already is, but it felt like connecting the first half to the second half of the film could have used some more focus and exploration. What's here is definitely ok, but not quite the full, grand experience it was shooting for.

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If they cut out everything other than the Jack Conrad storyline, this would have been a pretty good, normal-length movie.

The rest of it was filmed by shoving a 4k camera directly up Hollywood's asshole for an hour and a half.

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Margot Robbie is amazing, this movie is not.

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I love the wildness of the early years of Hollywood cinema.

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Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2023-08-01T18:06:46Z— updated 2024-02-08T02:21:21Z

No mention of the Great Depression nor WWII, which is kinda odd, considering how Hollywood studios (Paramount, MGM, and 20th Century Fox) collaborated with the Nazis throughout the 1930s up until 1940.

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This movie could have been so much more with a bit of editing. It tries to be too much of everything, & so sadly fails at it all. The individual stories could have been touching, but they got lost in the Caligula treatment of gratuitous sex for shock value.

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Pretentious crap made for the sole purpose of Oscarbait, being that it is set in Hollywood. I couldn't really cheer for any of the characters and they mostly get what they deserve...eventually.

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What a blast! I didn’t really want to watch it because of the length, but finally during a flight I watched it. Surprisingly it didn’t feel long, there were almost not lengths in it. The actors are fantastic, the story is fine. I really enjoyed it.

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great film...
dunno how this movie got hatred...
margot robbie You're legend

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Fell asleep after a while

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"With time, one must change themselves, otherwise it will be unfittable and forceful change"(Bradd) The story, acting was good with slightly slow pace and lenghty movie. But, a worthy one.

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What a mess of a movie. This movie is all over the place, part great, part frustratingly disjointed and missing the mark. If it was an hour shorter, and I could see it in fewer than 3 sittings, I'd give it an 8... but because it's such hard work to watch, it gets a 5.

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Great film and great tribute to cinema. It suffers from some excesses, but it is really entertaining, even when it is 180 minutes long.

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A sprawling mess with evocative scenes and so many callbacks and references to stars and movie history it boggles the mind. Overlong and tries to be too many genres at once but it is visually rich and sonically explosive. Its ambition was set too high, but it was certainly a ride, like in that ambulance. At times Keystone Cops, and at others melodrama. Sometimes looked too see how much time was left to go, which is never a good sign. Not unhappy I watched it, but one of those that needs no revisiting. Other films have touched on this theme far better and with less of the sledgehammer.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9.1

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The phrase I came up with for the first half is "an orgy of visual extravagance".
Also, one of those movies where I said "What the f***!" multiple times and had to rewind by 10 seconds to watch the scene again.

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I went into this movie fully wanting to love it. And I do really enjoy several sections of this movie, but when it is over three hours there is quite a bit of wasted time here. It is a hard one to totally recommend because I could recommend the first half to some people and the back half to others. Regardless, it is a wild movie. Check it out for yourself to see if you latch on to any of the crazy aspects of it!

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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A wild and sexy adventure through film.

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Shout by 020202

a chaotic movie start to finish, with a bit of a sad atmosphere but at the same time, a joyful ode to old time hollywood, i love such type of movies,
plus, great performances, especially from Margot Robbie
it gets weird, really weird at times, but it pulls you in, and lets you truly feel what Manuel feels towards the end of it, and reminds us of our love for movies

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Shout by maphiagurl

A rollercoaster of enjoyment but toooooo long. They should have ended it right when she walked away. The rest? I just don’t even know what to say. It was like they didn’t have an end and gave it over to the studio’s cutting room floor. It was an 8 and then in the last 10 minutes crashed to a 6.

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A film that's hard to love or hate. A polarizing work that courts debate. Debauchery runs rampant, wild, and free. But a cinematic experience it is, indeed. Potential squandered, an unfortunate fate. No limits or rules, it refuses to conform. Not for the faint of heart, it's clear. But those who relish it, shall hold dear. An unforgettable journey, this much we know. Despite the flaws, it holds a mesmerizing glow.

Babylon (2022): 6/10 (Fair, Above Average)

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I’m usually first in line when it’s about excess, bad taste, and recklessness. And, as expected, "Babylon" managed to entertain, thrill, and even enchant me with its (most probably incoherent and exaggerated) representation of a decadent Hollywood. Then I looked at my watch towards the ending, and realized there were still over 100 minutes to go. The movie goes on for hours playing with characters you would never care about, as they are mere excuses to connect overchoreographed set pieces for no particular reason. The fact that Brad Pitt does his Italian gag from “Inglorious Basterds” for two hours straight should already say something. I should be the one to choke in the closet, to puke on the carpet, to be raped by crocodiles.

However, I feel the movie will stay in my heart somehow, as the individual scenes can be quite memorable.

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A flimsily strung together set of set-piece scenes. Some of them are excellent, but too few, and you don't care about any of the characters. Despite its excessive length, Jovan Adepo in particular seems to have been stuck in as an afterthought (or his role was drastically cut before release). An excellent earworm-y soundtrack, though! Margot Robbie is never not watchable here but her performance as manic pixie dream girl disappointed because it was dialled up to 11, compared to her not dissimilar role in Amsterdam.

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Hollywood loves to make movies about Hollywood. I give the director credit in that he clearly set out to make an epic. That said, he didn't get there. Much of the first two hours of the movie were really, really disjointed. This movie kind of reminded me of The French Dispatch in that I wondered if I was one of the people in that line of business would I have appreciated more? For the most part it didn't work for me despite some really fantastic performances by the leads (particularly Robbie and Calva, although the scene with Pitt and Smart might be the best one in the movie). The part that did work for me was the last 30 minutes of the film. When the movie got past some of the sillier scenes and got down to some real drama things seemed to go a lot better. The movie is ultimately about stars being made and discarded as part of a bigger machine. It's a shame that the majority of the movie doesn't work because the final scenes (the montage) are unbelievable.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Very good movie, but it just drags on for too long…

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Far too long a movie,good in parts.

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Shout by Scortino

A film that is intoxicating in the first half. It sublimely details the excesses of the film industry while spitting on to highlight what really matters, art and the love of filmmaking.

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Starts out exciting and fun but meanders and struggles to keep interesting. Was way too long at 3 hours!

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Not really my cup of tea. First half quite interesting, the second however really heavy to follow, due to some Tarantino's hints and an important duration. The ending however recovers some of the interesting themes outlined in the first half. Either you like this kind of movies, or three hours are too many to stay awake.

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What the fuck four five

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It is a long staging of ideas that are sometimes grotesque and almost always provocative, excessive in their magnificence and voracious in their ability to engulf the viewer. It begins as an ostentatious celebration at a party reminiscent of "Salò or the 120 days of Sodom" (1975) and step by step it takes us down to hell (literally). A love letter to the cinema, but a poisoned dart to Hollywood; a passionate look at fantasy but a cruel portrait of reality, which is reflected in its putrefaction through the images within images. That it begins with diarrheal shit from an elephant is a perfect description of a bombastic movie that contains a lot of shit inside.

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1920s Hollywood seems a lot more exciting than Hollywood of today. Really good movie much better than I was expecting

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Not the disaster we were lead to believe. A major work that you have all failed.

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The movie was okay.
Great realization, cool music and everything but... that was all for me.
A pleasure to the eyes surely and real interesting part of the cinematic history but that's all. The scenario was too much and not enough at the same time, the characters were a bit empty even tho the actors were reallyyyy great
I wanted to love this movie but it didn't really made me feel anything. at all.
I can say I'm disappointed

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It's an extremely twisted and dark take on Hollywood in the 1920s but is an spectacle alright. Every aspect of it, casting, cinematography, sets, and those crazy ass parties are part of the whole cocktail of mess that Chazelle chosed to create. In ways, is a hate letter to the industry but makes an interesting homage to cinema, to the experience of watching movies and the magic behind making them, putting in all the nasty, dark and grotesque side of fame with absolutely no shame.

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I liked it, I agree with someone who said that it was as if the guys from Singing in the Rain had gotten high on cocaine.

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Shout by ed

A good film, with an amazing soundtrack, that captures the chaos of an emerging art-form that was the early life of cinema and film production.

The first portion of the story is all larger than life, with humour, few limits, and opportunity for those willing to take them, the second takes a dark turn, possibly too dark for me, but it's an interesting contrast as the world turns more corporate and controlled, with criminal elements moving in around the edges.

Every new form goes through this cycle of excess and fall, you can see it in the ongoing evolution of social media now, where everyone thinks they can be a star, and the ridiculous status and reward afforded to "influencers" followed by the inevitable crash.

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It's weird to think that Damien Chazelle thought that La La Land wasn't a sufficient enough love letter to Hollywood so he started it once again.

So instead we get Damien Chazelle's attempt at something darker. Something along the tone of Great Gatsby meets Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, so much that he casts Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie.

A lot of this movie works, in some ways it truly capture the struggles of acting and fame, true human pain and the shallowness of Hollywood. The real fragility of the human condition.

But the pacing is weird, the sub-plots often miss in addition to feeling forced. The script lacks direction, which leaves its never ending-pursuit of greater runtime undermining the themes and emotions.

The audience is left to exit with a few nuggets in an otherwise discombobulated mess of what can only be described as artificial psychedelia. The result is less than the sum of its parts.

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I could have given it a 7 but for that massive 3 hours long it was a 6

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trakt, I think Toby Maguire is missing from the cast

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