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Bodies Bodies Bodies 2022

An A24 dark comedy with Pete Davidson; there’s literally no chance this was going to be bad. For awhile, I was slightly concerned I raised my expectations too high. Then things happen, my opinion changed for the better and I really dug this movie as expected. Check it out. It’s worth it.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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that's a very good movie totally ninja :) :

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So much fun! With an apt concluding twist. Rachel Sennott is magnificent in this (as she always is).

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The total body count is five.

The cause of death is....stupidity.

I wonder if this movie would be funnier on a re-watch with that in mind.

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I loved it. It's straight forward on its surface, but does contain a lot of subtle projections that add layers for cinema lovers to pick up. The humor is on point, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Predictable? A bit, but I'd rather have that than randomness out of left field that doesn't connect.

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Surprise movie, did not read up on anything before watching. Satirical horror/comedy about Gen Z.. Loved it!

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More like Boring Boring Boring

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Well, if I had watched this movie with a satirical tone in mind maybe I'd enjoyed it a little bit (who knows?). But it was a total waste of money and time, to be honest.

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Shout by sweetdeath
BlockedParent2022-08-15T15:31:27Z— updated 2022-08-21T07:48:11Z

Kinda boring. But I am glad Maria Bakalova gets more roles.

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One of the worst horror movies I’ve seen in a long time. Terrible acting, bad writing and just all in all so boring that I almost fell asleep. Not recommended.

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I loved this movie. It's much more than a who done it movie. Although it's not targeted for my age and I don't think it's particularity that special in the making aspect, the message of the movie is so great.

Huge spoiler, ruining the entire movie (read after you have seen the movie):
The idea that everything bad that happened was because they did it to themselves by being rash, prejudging and not thinking was such a great message.

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Great setting. Great cinematography. Annoying AF characters you want dead ASAP. It's definitely satire.

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A fun, tense and chaotic murder mystery slasher with dark comedy. The comedy was effective and the horror elements are nicely done. It's not scary but there's lots of surprising moments and it keeps you guessing. I think it's a great satire on Gen Z and a good addition to the genre. The movie looks good, loved the camera work and the music choices. Actors were well casted my favorite character was Alice (Rachel Sennott) and Greg (Lee Pace). The characters and relationships are very realistic and getting to know all of their stories and intents was a blast. I love that it takes place during a storm it really adds to the mood. Also perfect ending and very unpredictable!

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A stupid weird over dramatized film about a group of young rich kids in their 20's who are partying at a big mansion and play a drinking game that goes array. The game is a type of murder mystery game, that actually turns real, thus leaving the audience on the edge of their seats all night trying to figure out the culprit. What seemed to be a horror thrasher film actually turns out to be a comedy/drama/thriller mix, which is quite strange. The drama that is caused between these characters from all the drinking and drugs is over dramatized and gets annoying. Plus the surprise ending was sort of stupid. A kind of movie for a fun night in with friends, but not worth a $15 movie ticket.

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very cool idea, but somehow it doesnt satisfy.

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Such a stupid movie boring as fuck, and the acting on one girl was real annoying so terrible . the trailer made it seem so much better than it actually was. baste of time dumb movie

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Some parts of this made me cringe and the ending was pretty dumb, but given the vibes of the entire movie, it fit. Overall, it's an okay murder mystery.

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I saw this movie because of online recommendations and because I like mystery and who-done-it movies, but apparently it's just an attempted satirical critique of today's youth. A pretty mediocre critique because the caricaturing is pretty bad. It looks like a movie made by adults criticizing the dumbness of young people forgetting that we were all those dumb young people.

In terms of content, bad characters, bad dialogue and too many minutes of unnecessary dialogues. But the ending is original.

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How much they had to pay for Lee Pace to be in this?

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A whodunit in which I'm completely surprised by the resolution always earns a few bonus points from me. That was certainly the case with "Bodies, Bodies, Bodies", and the twist matched the film perfectly. However, you should definitely be aware that this is not a horror film but a satire in which the Generation Z is ridiculed. Every buzzword that is currently of a certain relevance is used. Although I doubt whether you can still understand this lingo in a few years, it fits very well here.

Even though I enjoyed the film and thought it was well-directed, there were a few flaws. For example, there is no character with whom you can even remotely sympathize. Really, all of them are completely unlikable. Furthermore, the characters scurried through dark rooms with a cell phone flashlight in hand a few times too often for my liking. If you have a problem with people screaming, the film is also not recommendable. Fortunately, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Fun watch. All the dialogue felt like Twitter/TikTok Buzzwords and psychobabble and only manages to pull it off by essentially being a satire otherwise it would have been cringe af.

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The film is sometimes enjoyable but it's nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is - a little like some of the characters in the story.

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An entertaining "whodunit" that actually hides an interesting reflection on Generation Z from the point of view of Generation X, with nods to confinement. Since the connection with the outside world (WiFi) is cut, the story turns towards the horror genre, the terrifying experience of being isolated in a globalized world. Without fear of building its characters on the verge of caricature, it manages to elaborate an idea of society in a posh microcosm.

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Reasonable interpretations and the film in the style of Scream. It has an interesting ending. It serves to pass the time.

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I admit, i underestimated this at first but later found out that it was actually pretty good and was quite a suspense. Splendid storytelling, as it really kept me curious and wondering all throughout. As for the cast, there's definitely quite a few opportunities for improvement, but overall, given their young tenure and limited exposure in the industry, i think they mostly did pretty well.

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Some really over the top millennial cringe moments (by design), but overall it was alright. I wish there was more of a particular character than we got (seasonal depression sufferer. won't know who unless you've seen it so that's not a spoila). 6.3 for me.

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Had high hopes due to the synopsis of the movie sounding interesting but it turned out to be a boring movie. I really wanted to like it. Some teenagers are cooped up in a mansion, too much alcohol and drugs come into play along with some dumb humor (that I personally didn’t find funny at all) and overdramatisation the entirety of the movie while a ‘game’ of ‘Bodies Bodies Bodies’ turns real. Felt like a waste of 90 minutes. Also the sheer stupidity of these deaths had me shake my head.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-09-25T18:21:52Z— updated 2022-10-07T22:23:13Z

I like this new wave of genre bending whodunnits we’ve been getting following the release of Knives Out. It’s really well written and fun, the cinematography and atmosphere are also pretty neat. The acting’s solid, maybe the characters could’ve been a little deeper. Also, as with most films like this, there is some tonal inconsistency; the tense and thrilling moments don’t really hit me that much when you’re throwing in satire at the same time. But I realize that’s also what gives it its unique flavour simultaneously; the way it at times pokes fun at young people who are a little too woke for their own good is quite bold.


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I laugh so hard in the end, gen z kill for mistakes kkkkkkkkkkkk

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A whodunnit mystery which mostly feel like a try hard attempt at gen z satire. It was funny at parts, though. A24 continues their streak on releasing garbage to mid films.

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I wanted to love this so bad but idk I actually felt a bit bored? like it went too long? loved the ending and general vibe and stuff but I just didn't find it super funny/fun and I wanted to so badly. maybe I'll change my mind after a second viewing at some point.

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We are in that transitional phase where the current/older generation is clinging to relevancy by trying to write the voice of the up and coming generation and it is always an embarrassing show of shallow aesthetics. This movie almost has an interesting take on a slasher film but is mostly insufferable.

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Ugh, that movie was a disaster! Sat through 1 hour and 34 minutes of pure agony. Should've switched it off halfway, but nope, I left it on while I worked. I would've had more fun watching grass grow. By the end, I felt like I'd seen it before, but it was so awful, no wonder I couldn't remember it!

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Bodies Bodies Bodies’:

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie try so hard to be relevant and cool.

  2. The story wasn’t awful, but the film itself was bogged down by an excess of [ridiculous] dialogue and unlikable characters.

  3. I feel like I should’ve seen that ending coming, but I didn’t… which gives the movie some points. But I was still left hoping for a bigger reveal.

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It could have been paced a lot better, but the story makes up for it. I can't lie, I did not predict its ending, but I did have it as a guess, that as well as 927 different endings, but I'm glad it ended that way. The comedy was fitting for the characters because they would all die first in a killer scenario. The drama is so funny and well acted out, I couldn't tell any lie from truth. It felt like a 90s type of movie that in 20 years will become an underrated cult classic. The cast and soundtrack were great. I hate that bored in a house song, though.

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This was one of the

worst movies of 2022

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Touted as a horror comedy yet the only thing funny is the very last line. Unless of course you consider the ridiculousness of the plot. It is what it is. I've seen a lot worse.

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The first 30 minutes you get to meet the players. The last 60 minutes is intense with blood and mistrust between everyone . I Didn't see that ending coming. :bottle_popping_cork::hocho: :thinking:

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I thought it was a pretty good "who dun it" kind of movie.

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I’m bored in the movie house, movie house bored.
Every aspect of this movie was as annoying as people who say “like” 20 times in a sentence. The only true takeaway was that I gave it a thumbs down on my app and it won’t recommend shit like this again.

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I dont think I've seen such a unique whodunnit, funny, intense even had a unique twist. The setup was great and really captured what it needed to. Great sound as well I loved the directing

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Someone beat me to my review of Boring Boring Boring. Certain scenes I liked for a bit, but didn’t really find any character relatable or likeable, so hard to give a shit about any of them surviving. It did have a few minutes and scenes that I liked. Lee Pace was the highlight.

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Ok but kind of boring.

Characters 6/10
Story 5/10
Pacing 5/10
Visuals 7/10
Rewatchability Factor 4/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 5/10
Average Score 5.33

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Hysterical. Enjoyably tense and rife with characters suffering from self-inflicted neuroses.

“Bored in a house and I'm in the house bored”

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Pete Davidson should be embarrassed for lending his image and reputation to this load of crap. He was barely in it. Don't waste your time watching it.

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Please let them all die...

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I knew from the start that social media was evil. ;)

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Shout by diar taha

pretty shit tbh one two three

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Shout by anzo

I don't watch horror movie but I liked this one. Great dialogue
+ always nice when the lesbians don't die

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Shout by bleppei

15% funny 85% stupid. The first guy (ofc it’s Pete Davidson) accidentally killing himself and setting off a chain of events honestly just bothered me a bit more than it entertained me

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I really pitied the main actress and Lee pace about being in such a movie while watching it but the end made it like a satarical of a thriller? It really made the whole expirience very different. It's sort of 'you need to hear the story to the end' kind xD

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I did not like it. It was a waste of time for me. I would not recommend it.
Most of the actors played well but that script. And it is developing so slowly.

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Didn’t really get pulled into this one. Concept was decent but unlikable characters prevented me from getting very invested in the viewing.

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Predictable, boring, and the only entertainment is watching that jackass’s death.

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very much of its time, which is hilarious

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This was actually I pretty fun movie once you finally finish it. They sure do a good job at giving the characters the most distasteful personalities imaginable. But it all plays into the movie and what it builds up too!

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Demented rich kids playing stupid game, yelling all the time at each other. Also not even the outtakes are funny.

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Very typical who-dunnit story with GenZs as the main story. The 'twist' was fun too - to make all the killings unnecessary.

Reminiscent of Clue and Knives Out - which is what I think they were going for...

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Is an ok watch. However, too many dumb decisions and convenient plotlines.

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Kind of a B level, Euphoria rip off, vapid rich chicks, thriller. Watchable.

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characters completely insufferable but that's part of the attraction

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The ending makes the movie. Otherwise there’s just a lot of annoying arguing.

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First few minutes I thought to myself, what is this garbage and why did Lee Pace agree to do it. But it turned out so much fun, loved the way they made fun of Gen Z. Ending was hilarious.

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A beautiful comedy and horror movie Ruined by Peter Davidson. Does lots of young women Behaving Badly towards each other. So much fun

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A fantasy about a bunch of zoomers with no internet.

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Cool rich kids have a party, nobody listens to the others and in the end it was all just a big misunderstanding. I didn't care about the characters, I was surprised and quite taken in by the images and music. You can watch it, but you don't have to.

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What a stupid dumb movie!

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What makes a whodunit like this work is making it so that you could see any of the characters pulling off kills AND wanting to. I never really got those vibes from the majority of the characters, which funneled me towards a few characters and scenarios, the most obvious of them being the eventual outcome. This took away a bit from the enjoyment of watching things play out, but seeing how such vapid characters interacted as the body count mounted was entertaining. Genre fans have seen this all before, but the casual horror/thriller viewer will likely find this as pretty great.

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Thoroughly enjoyed it! It is what i call a genre of "horny teens' horror" where you have teens with sexy clothes,, thongs, and running around with cleavages out, but it was funny, it got you hooked, and the ending was awesome! Never saw it coming.

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This isn't a horror or comedy movie, it's a drama about dumb rich kids.

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Cute horror and all the drawbacks (and perks) that lie in that irony.

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The best thing about this movie is Pete Davidson was the first to die!

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Not the most effective horror comedy, but the way that final reveal made me cackle was worth the watch.

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This is the kind of modern horror movie that dudes will hate because they can't stand the characters. I thought it was fun and well paced.
And the final reveal was hilarious. Definitely wasn't expecting it.

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He is a libra moon that says a lot. Haha.

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Opens with lesbian love. And that didn't even save this trite movie.
Says the lesbian ;)

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I thought this was way better than it had any right to be. The Rich Gen Z satire was pretty on point and not eye-wateringly stereotypical as it's normally portrayed, and there were some genuinely good laughs throughout. It's not going to win any awards or be a genre-defining movie by any stretch, but it's some good fun with a unique, contemporary angle. Good stuff.

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Well plotted and acted, really kept me guessing what was going on. I was glad that the “comedy” was kept to a minimum, despite the film’s marketing. The few real funny bits hit that much harder for it.

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Boring boring boring! There is nothing more to say about this, call me what you want… I just call it what it is for me, if you wanna waste your time go right ahead!

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I loved the end… as in when it was over.

This movie wasn’t good. I laughed once the entire movie, and I don’t think the part that made me laugh was supposed to be humorous.

This isn’t even “so bad it’s good.” It’s just bad. L

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I was quite confused with the movie all the way until the end. Once I got to the end everything kinda fell together and I could appreciate the movie more.

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This was a great idea with very mediocre delivery. There wasn’t nearly enough storyline to develop any attachment to the characters. Most of them were just plain annoying. Plus, haven’t we, as a society, moved on from wanting to watch movies about spoiled rich kids? I almost turned it off just because of that. No one cares anymore. Show me characters with a richer backstory, characters with depth. The only real redeeming quality of this movie was the ending, but it was too little, too late.

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As someone else commented, BORING, BORING, BORING.

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I can't say I am a bit disappointed about this film, I can't really say that there was one thing in particular that I did not enjoy, it just didn't work for me as much as I would have liked. The plot line was fairly predictable, even with the twists and turns. Characters consistently make stupid decisions for plot's sake, even though that is the M.O. for slasher films, I expected a bit more from A24. The slasher elements were barely present, even though I knew that coming in, the marketing still makes this look like a different movie altogether. The comedy was lackluster, I understand it was suppose to be dry social commentary based humor, but I did not really find it funny one bit. Even with all my critiques, I still found this movie somewhat enjoyable.

Score: 65%
Verdict: Decent
Theater Verdict: Stream It

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