Shouts about...

Easy A 2010

i love my parents a lot, but if patricia clarkson and stanley tucci showed up i'd have those adoption papers signed within seconds

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Great Intelligence Good Intelligence Andrew Garfield Dave Franco Keke Palmer & More

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very fun movie, miss this type of movie from early 10s and i love emma stone so much

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This is so much funnier than I expected. Amanda Byrnes is aging like fine milk. God I love Emma Stone.

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I had a lot of problems with this movie. I get that since the classic teen movies of the early 80's kids in movies have dialog and confidence that no other teen in the history of the world has had. This movie goes a step further - we're supposed to believe that a hot chick is playing a high school nerd that can't get a date yet she has that same ridiculous confidence. Sixteen Candles worked because it was Molly Ringwald - someone that was completely believable as the quirky / nerdy teen - and not some A List Hollywood Actress.

Speaking of 80's movies, it wasn't bad enough that this heavily-cliched movie was stealing from so many movies that came before it. Towards the end it openly embraced it as if it was some kind of homage. It was just really disappointing to see so many fine actors taking part in this tripe (Patricia Clarkson and Thomas Haden Church deserve so much better). I guess this can be classified as a coming-of-age movie - there have been so many better ones recently. (see here:

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This is actually a very sweet and heartwarming movie. In a very creepy way.

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I like the way this is put together, to see how bad a lie/rumour can go. Also Emma Stone did great in this one!

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Shout by AJ

It has a few laughs... and Emma Stone is always enjoyable to watch in a movie. But other than that... meh. It is another teen comedy from start to finish, including the expected ending.

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I was expecting it to be not that good, but oh how I was surprised. The movie is pretty good even though I don't usually watch these kinds of movies. :D

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Shout by Catherine Michelle

I adore Easy A. I originally saw it at the cinema and found upon rewatching it that it was still as witty and charming as the first time. Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci are just amazing, probably the funniest, most down to earth parents ever shown in a movie made in the US. Emma Stone was born to play the role of Olive and does it exceptionally well.

However, I think it's important to highlight hypocritical general populational issue happening in the film. While Olivie is shown to be 'destroying' her reputation by having sex, the boys that pay her are 'fixing' their own. The boys are seen as victims, or heroes, while she herself is seen as nothing less than a common whore.

Easy A is to the Scarlet Letter as 10 Things I Hate About You is to The Taming of the Shrew.

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Didn't know entirely what to expect from this film, but it was a lot better than I expected. Based on the film's description I knew it was a role Emma Stone would nail - And she did. In fact, she made the film. I couldn't imagine anyone else playing the role of Olive and this film remaining as good as it was. With that said, this film isn't some life changing or emotional journey. It's just plain, dumb fun and humor. So long as your expectations are set in the right place, you will definitely enjoy the film!

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2017-05-04T01:00:02Z— updated 2017-05-13T19:34:45Z

Curiosity lead me to this movie. When you look up Emma Stone, most times, this movie heads her list of films, even though she has an Oscar for another and an Oscar nomination for yet another. And, now I know why. Emma is fantastic, the script is witty, like "10 Things I Hate You" it takes it's cues from a great piece of literature, and when the credits roll, you are smiling. I give it an 8.5 (very good) out of 10.

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just watched it today and its fucking great!

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so funny! I liked a lot.

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If you like teeny movies you will love this one. Emma is just awesome.

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It looks like your average high school movie at first, but don't let it fool you, it's a lot smarter and funnier than that. It plays nicely with the genre tropes, is filled with John Hughes references and Emma Stone just nailed that role. All in all it's very charming and funny and entertaining, and even enjoyable when watched again

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Even though the story isn't really special but the movie was great, pretty entertaining! Emma Stone is gorgeous.

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Easy A was a pretty enjoyable movie. I mean, it doesn't really do anything that interesting, but for a teen comedy, it's fun enough.

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The Scarlet Letter in high school, Emma Stone this Funny, worse the end of squeaks and stops being funny. "Phoebe" from Frieds and "Dan" Gossip girl repeated characters "

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Shout by Deleted

pocket full of sunshine made my life this movie saved my life omg thanks jesus

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this is one of the best high school movies ever

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Not the best comdey, but that was fun :)

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Shout by Deleted

It wont beat Mean Girls as the best teen comedy ever, but a good and nice movie with a nice performance by Emma Stone

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Shout by Deleted

not that good

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Shout by kayak

One of this movies to get closer to your girlfriends while watching. Boys won't miss anything and could concentrate to work on undressing the neighbour on the couch.
Enjoy it. ;-)
Same as "Good Luck Chuck"

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Not the greatest comedy I've seen, but nevertheless very good. Very well written, and carried competently by Emma Stone.

And like the good Major, I really liked the parents.

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Watched it on a recommendation from a friend which was countered quickly by another condemning it.

I thought it was great. Great script. Great acting.

Emma Stone has something about her I can't put my finger on, but I like it.

Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson as divine as the parents.

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I liked it

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Poor movie. The only thing that keeps it interesting is the sight of Emma Stone.

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absolute shit. do not watch under any circumstances.

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It would have been a great movie if Christianity wasn't portrayed in such a twisted way but at the very least, the last 30 minutes turned a little bit when she finally realized her mistake. Cool movie though, cliche but a breathe a fresh air.

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Shout by XmemphistoX

Have to agree, better than expected.

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Realy liked it!! surprisingly good. Dialog is superb :)

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Shout by dvdapex

what's with Bynes' chubby face?

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Shout by JP

her hotness doesnt save this movie

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Better than expected :)

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