G.I. Joe: Retaliation retcons the series and captures the original spirit of the ‘80s television show. When the G.I. Joes are wiped out by a sneak attack, three surviving Joes put together a new team and set out to uncover who was behind the attack. The story is a bit over-the-top, but it works and is told fairly well. However, there’s some baggage from the previous film that weighs this one down. But the cast is solid, and includes Dwayne Johnson, Adrianne Palicki, Ray Stevenson, and Bruce Willis. Additionally, the use of a gritty military aesthetic and the return to the retro look of the animated series sets the right tone. Full of high-energy action, G.I. Joe: Retaliation delivers the entertaining adventure that G.I. Joe fans have been waiting for.

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I recognized one of the filming locations

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Shout by Shaun

Enjoyed it, but didn't like them replacing everyone from the first & killing off Duke right away. Also could've done better, nothing like the first one. Weak on story & The action.

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Horrible. This is like a movie created by a 10 yr old. Just that old formula with no real substance. action, add some bullets, nuclear threat, save the world and ninjas, and some old tough guy actors.

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With good actors and good special effect, G.I. Joe: Retaliation only needs a better screenplay to be a better movie.

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The best of the movie: Adrianne Palicki... period! And even with her, I fell asleep.

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To sum up this film in one word...Meh.

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4 hearts from me, just because Dwayne Johnson, the rest of the movie could be left out on the editing room floor... ESPECIALLY the überlame Bruce Willis...

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Terrible movie I have ever seen.

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The plot was beyond stupid but the real low point for me was when they reduced one of the female characters to a product placement for Fox News. Come on, guys. That fair and balanced line? Beyond tacky.

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Shout by Deleted

Good action.

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Terrible movie. I actually enjoyed the first due to the reasonably well-written and somewhat surprising plot, but this second one they simpl imploded the franchise in order to use wo latecomers like Bruce Willis and Dwayne Johnson..complete crap, I want my two hours back

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Just finished watching this...good movie. Side note, I want to live in General Joe Colton's house when the zombie apocalypse hits... :)

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Literally every scene felt like I've already seen it + I spotted a ton of flaws, so it was pretty boring for me.
There's nothing to see here.

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" Bring back the Matrix!!! " action sequences should not be like in the matrix. want to see the real stuff? check out some HK action flicks. as for the movie... average and forgettable just like the 1st one.

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Poor but not the poorest.
This just goes to show you
Can throw as many huge names
At a movie as you want
But it won't necessarily
Make it great.
For me this one just wasn't
Fun and engaging as the
First one, this just didn't
Have that
Superhero magic of the
I found the plot/story
Very generic and slightly
Boring, it was mostly
Army dudes and guns guns
And oh yeah more guns.
And I thought this movie was
Way to long, definitely started
To over stay it's welcome,
And when you are not as
Engaged as you'd like to be
That time drags round.
With no cool suits
This time round and
None of the original cast
Wanting to return this
Installment is just a
Pale comparisons to
What came before.
Number One
Had great pacing
Never a dull moment
Fun, exciting
Good vs Bad guys
This one was a grind to
get through, very dull
And very
Long, same old same old,
To be honest
It was a good
Rock movie but a
Piss-poor second
GI-JOE movie.

Stop now just stop!

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So...what do you get when you take a just as much stupid as the first movie and then make it take itself way too seriously.

Yeah... You get G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

There's very little left of what actually made the first one fun. More serious tone, more toned down action sequences, and yeah...the lack of returning characters irked me. There is some fun to be had, but the insane and over-the-top action is largely missing. There were some awful decision-making going on when they made this one...

Not worth the time...

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OK - my first Dwayne Johnson action flick! I see his appeal - he's big and strong and has a quirky charm, he's Canadian and fits our national stereotype: nice, neat and polite. So far I'm only aware of him in comedic light fare, and I can only take that in small portions, and this film was a large serving of light fare. I give it a 6 (fair) out of 10, and, I will only be visiting Dwayne Johnson's pics after some large portions of more intelligent, creative and stimulating cinema. [Correction: this was my second Dwayne Johnson movie. Maona is one of my all time favourite animated movies. I stand corrected.]

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Shout by Deleted

If you're looking for a rich, compelling story look somewhere else. If you're looking for a fun time-waster, this is perfect. If you watch it with this in mind, you won't be disappointed.

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Shout by Deleted


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Great movie. Amazing video and sound efects.

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Totally nothing wrong with this movie. I actually enjoyed it! It's just an action movie, don't watch it for the story!

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Good for a random string of okay action scenes, considering I was expecting this it was good.

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if you know what to expect from theese kind of movies you won't get dissapointed.

yes it's nothing knew, everything has been seen before but on the other hand an action movie is what it is. Some have decent story lines others don't. Beside that an explosion is an explosion and a gun fight is a gun fight.

If you don't like it don't watch it.

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Lame story but nice action.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it!

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Shout by Deleted

Typical action movie!

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Shout by Deleted

The firts part was better

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Shout by Will

Is duke really dead, I doubt it.

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Shout by dineth

Great Friday night brain dead movie. Don't expect much - just enjoy the action. Also don't expect to really see fight scenes clearly. It's all zoomed in sloppy filming. Bring back the Matrix!!!

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Shout by Damien

Gotta love Ninja action!

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Shout by Dave

This was so bad that it made the first one seem better.. That's saying something. The whole ambiguous death of Duke. The butchering of the setup from the ending of the first movie. Cobra Commander was worthless in the movie. It was just terrible. To me it came off like they wanted a sequel, Tatum didn't want to do it, but got offered enough to do his one scene. Then they attempted to fix it with "star power" by getting the Rock and Bruce Willis. Yuck.

Read ketu's review.. It's better than mine.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2015-09-24T20:58:06Z— updated 2021-12-09T04:56:32Z

I grew up with the cartoon; the first wasn't great but even felt more like G.I. Joe than this. Duke who should be the leader just comes off as an idiot in the very little scenes he is in.
Then Road Block (Dwayne Johnson) is made the leader of G.I. Joe just for the hell of it. Definitely needs a reboot after this mess.
You also have Bruce Willis actually playing a hero named…Joe. It’s like the screenwriters never watched the cartoon series. Hell, my cousin and I had better stories while playing with G.I. Joe men in the 80’s.
They did attempt a reboot with a Snake Eyes movie but who even saw that film ?

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