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Gran Turismo 2023

As this is a movie many motor enthusiasts or gamers could be interested in, I really thought they would skip the pathetic gear down and pass the opponent with double speed. So painful to watch. If we know that we win and lose tenths or hundreds of a second by a bad timed gear change or just slight slip on the curbs, they should use those factors instead. Weird…

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What a great movie!
I'd love it, exciting, fun and lots of adrenaline!

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Shout by Nickon

Which steering wheel did he buy in the movie? :P

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It was just bad movie.
It's not for car racing enthusiast as it has many, dumb plot holes regarding racing.
it's not for people not interested in cars cause it's only about cars.
The only thing it is - it's Gran Turismo game and Nissan commercial. Nothing more.

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Saw an early release tonight for Regal Cinema's $5 Mystery Movie and was initially gutted when it was revealed in the theater what it was. Gaming, racing, and cars are some of the only things I have absolutely zero interest in but I ended up loving this!!! Very exciting, very emotional, and seems like they really did justice to the true story of Jann Mardenborough and his team. David Harbour was fantastic in this, as was Djimon Hounsou. A lot of tearjerkers in there! This movie made me wanna be a racing driver, or at least find my brother's old PS2 and start up Burnout like when we were kids. Wasn't a perfect movie by any means, the romance side plot felt forced and out of place and time passed very quickly-- felt strange that we never had scenes of him contacting his parents until much later when he goes pro.

Not a movie I expected to enjoy but have already recommended it to several friends!

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Honestly, this is not as bad as I thought it would be.

The trailers did this movie no favors because I rolled my eyes every time the trailer came on during the previews. You know the lines: "You puked on my lawn", or "I know this track, I've raced it a thousand times!".

It does fall back on familiar tropes in these types of movies and the first half was a challenge to get through. However, it does get better, and David Harbour was great in this.

I hope this is the start of Neill Blomkamp's redemption arc.

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It's a Sony movie for sure. Interesting cinematography styles, but can't commit to any one of them for more than a few minutes. At least they put more effort (read: any effort) into this than they did for Uncharted.

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A video game movie that’s about a true story of someone that played a video game, featuring an actor whose stunt double is the guy that the real story is based on. The premise is both entirely grounded while being nuts. I’m not a huge racing film fan, but this one is really well made and I enjoyed my time with it..cliche narrative and all.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 80% - Would Recommend

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Totally loved it, in my opinion one of the best movies this year. Such an interesting story!

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"Gran Turismo" executed a familiar story exceptionally well. While this may seem like a backhanded compliment, I genuinely mean it as praise. Injecting originality and tension into a well-worn plot is challenging, but this movie successfully achieves it. It's a classic popcorn blockbuster with few flaws. David Harbour stands out, making it a recommendation for anyone who was hesitant before.

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I love Motorsport themed movies. But this was boring. I wish they didn’t stretch the simple story into a 2 hour Nissan commercial. It was great to see Ginger Spice on screen. She was, and still is, my favourite Spice Girl.

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It's taken me a day to settle my thoughts on Gran Turismo. It hits a lot of the sports film clichés (and that's what it is really: a sports film), sure, but they're practically unavoidable in that genre. But, do you know what, I think it's an excellent film, anchored by excellent performances by Archie Madekwe and David Harbour, and Djimon Hounsou is superb in his lesser screentime too. No disrepect to Orlando Bloom there either, but his character kind of just exists, the core of the film is Jann & Jack.

I don't know the true story but I for a moment I feared the dreaded love triangle with Leah Vega, but the film completely sidesteps that trapping and the budding romantic aspect of the film is both lovely and unproblematic, which whilst it doesn't provide tension, is fascinating in its subversion of that usual trope.

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I loved the video game franchise for years. But the acting, the story, and the movie in general are just plain stupid. This is more of a video game documentary, than an actual action racing movie with pros.

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Only negative about this movie is that it is a little too long. Certainly feels a little dragged out however, the plot development is very good and keeps you entertained the whole time. This follows the incredible true story about a young man who wins a chance to become a race car driver, after being one of the best online Sim racers. It is certainly a unique story in the racing world. The casting is very good and you definitely get a good sense for getting to know each key character, which really helps you in. The filming is really cool how it integrates the impact of the video game simulator and real life. Certainly a great watch for this kids generation in racingcertainly would watch it again. Very entertaining.

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I really enjoyed this movie - and was amazed to find it was based on real life... Never knew about the sim crowd turning into actual real life racers!

Going to dig out my Playstation and play some Gran Turismo 2!

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Dialogues and racing scenes compete with each other for the absurdity crown. The only good parts in this movie are few scenes capturing the racing atmosphere ... and the Kenny G moment.

Everything else about this movie is just like Orlando Bloom's performance: 100% forgettable.

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Of course a movie about racing follows some kind of formula. Of course everything was very cliche and of course we saw all the beats we expect. The underdog, the mentor, the unsupportive parents, the love story, the road to victory, the setbacks, everything.
But also of course I reacted to all the beats how I was supposed to, so there's that.

From a technical view the movie was quite enjoyable for me: Lots of interestting camera work during the races and also the visualization of the gaming aspects had some nice touches. Maybe a bit too long overall but I guess that's how AAA-movies are made today. Not great, not terrible but definetly one of the better "video game movies".

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This movie is riddled with clichés. The characters are unengaging, and I found myself disconnected from them. Even the races were anticlimactic, making the experience a snooze fest. I had hoped that Blomkamp would bring his signature style to this film, but it was sadly missing. I hope this was just a stepping stone for him to return to creating unique and visually stunning movies.

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You take all that Kenny G anger and you unleash it!


If clichés were fake pearls strung out on clunky threads, this would be the longest, cheapest necklace at the races.

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I have never played the game, but a fan of David Harbor.

There were tons of moments where I was wishing this was over. Checked the time half way through feeling I had already watched two hours, but alas had only watched an hour.

Unless you’re a huge fan of the game or the story this is based on I would pass on this movie.

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The film is bad, it doesn't engage, it doesn't entertain. Everything happens too fast, repeating the same formula over and over again. It also has no hype moments where you can get excited about the car.

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Gran Turismo it's an offence against the victims of the Nürburgring crash, racing drivers and motorsport fans in general.

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From watching the trailer I never expected this film to be that good. But this was a real thrill ride and great entertainment,

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A must-watch film. It's based on a true story of how Gran Turismo simulation players achieved their dreams to be a professional racer. If you're a gamer, you'll understand and be able to relate well to the message of this film. Modern video games are not just games; it does teach us skills.

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"Gran Turismo" offers a unique and exhilarating cinematic experience that transcends the typical sports and racing film genre. What sets it apart is its clever utilization of the video game world as a backdrop for a remarkable real-life story. Jann Mardenborough's journey from a video game enthusiast to a professional race car driver is a testament to the power of determination and passion. The film's visuals seamlessly blend the real world with the virtual, immersing the audience in the high-stakes world of racing.

The strong performances, heart-pounding tension, and the underdog narrative make "Gran Turismo" a compelling watch, even for those who aren't avid gamers or racing enthusiasts. It not only celebrates the idea that pursuing one's dreams is possible but also validates the world of video games as a platform for skill development. This film manages to break the mold of video game adaptations and delivers a gripping story that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for both racing and gaming. It's a thrilling ride for everyone, regardless of their prior interest in the subject matter.

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Just another ok movie. They do all the known tricks with the scenario so they’re is absolutely no surprise and the story never really take you. Lazy job. Filmed more as a (very long) advertising for Sony/GT than an actual movie. Does the movie industry has any juice anymore ?!

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The theatre experience was a 10/10. If you have the audience cheering and gasping at many points throughout, you know it was a good film. Yes, there are cliches, predictability and some cringe dialogue…. but sometimes it just works and is fun.

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It had more potential nevertheless it was good. Great racing scenes

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I was pretty nervous as GT is my first game & franchise I was addicted to AND I love Neill Blomkamp. It's the first time I think for Blomkamp to do a non-SciFi movie, so I was really curious about how it pans out. Turns out the movie was great. Really loved everything about it. Also Yamauchi-san's cameo!! Had a huge smile on my face when I saw him.

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Gran Turismo brings back fond memories of playing the original game, making it a nostalgic treat for fans. While the film is entertaining overall, I felt the writing could have been a bit better, with some dialogue and character development falling short. However, what the film lacks in writing, it more than makes up for in its race scenes. The high-speed action captures the spirit of the game perfectly. Despite its narrative flaws, Gran Turismo delivers enough excitement to satisfy both racing enthusiasts and long-time fans of the game.

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It's almost like a super hero movie.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Honestly, I was very pleasantly surprised about this film.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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It’s a dumb standard Hollywood story pasted on a racing environment.
The usual unrealistic psycho narrative.
Especially the last half hour is horrible.

People who like racing, don’t be fooled into thinking this is an enjoyable racing movie.
Just more Hollywood crap.

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Rough around the edges but pretty solid and gets better as it goes. The last half/third really picks up.

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Actor Orlando Bloom is very much the spitting image of Dick Dastardly.

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The second half of the movie made up for a boring first in my opinion. It's a fun and easy watch, especially if you're a gamer. There's not a lot to work with for Harbour, Bloom and Hounsou, but they make the best of it. I was really surprised to learn about the true story behind this movie.

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Why is it so long for one? For two, why was this allowed to get wasted? The camera work and the mix media from the game, movie, and real life were so genius. I compare this to Ford vs. ferrari, but I can't because it's missing the main element of tension.

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I enjoyed Jann's transition from the gaming world to real racing. The racing scenes are impressive, alternating between the real and virtual worlds, providing a unique vibe. The nostalgia among us fans of the old Gran Turismo game is a highlight, with familiar sounds that make us smile.

But overall, I didn't like the dramatic part between him and his father. There are many clichés in the film. I confess that at a certain point, I could only continue watching because I started doing something else at the same time.

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Initially I was certain this would suck, then I was surprised by the good reviews and now I feel like I watched a good movie, nothing great either but I would have been very pleasantly surprised if I saw this before I heard the positive reviews.

I thought they did a great job at making it interesting, even when the race was still virtual. I think it was a bit long but the ending was very enjoyable. Not something I'd rewatch a lot but happy I saw it.

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I enjoyed the movie cause I watched it with my friend. Not sure if I would've liked it as much if I watched it alone.

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the movie was good. grand turismo wasn't the first racing game I played but I understand how it goes. who knew simulation of game can be possible to achieve in real life

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An incredible true story that doesn't lend itself very well to a movie adaptation. Watching someone play a video game is not a cinematic visual, so everything up through the online qualifier didn't do much for me. The creators do their best to mitigate the issue, adding an almost certainly manufactured running-late/ticking-clock component and throwing in some superfluous CGI overlays to the video game sequences, but these aren't enough to save the unavoidably bland/predictable scenes. It doesn't help that the movie really leans on ham-fisted expository dialogue, with characters constantly verbalizing the stakes at every opportunity. Things do improve once our gamers actually get into race cars, but the on-the-nose Hollywood style storytelling persists, to the point that it makes you question how true elements of the story actually are. On the positive side, the central trio of Archie Madekwe, David Harbour, and Orlando Bloom are all solid, doing their best to sell the often cheesy lines.

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The visuals and scoring are packaged well, and make the story very exciting. So the visuals and scoring are important aspects of the film. The plot is not long-winded so the film doesn't feel boring, even though the pace of the plot is slow.

Even so, the drama presented is very intense, and many aspects of the story are omitted for the sake of a plot that is to the point, for example when they practice, which is shown a lot is when they practice with the car, but the physical training is not really highlighted. Gran Turismo doesn't leave a strong impression once the film ends, just being a passing film.

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This was a good advert for Forza. Entertaining and great race scenes. Story fell flat for me a bit

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An unexpected feel good movie. Good acting and some cool shots.

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For me, was a good movie, and I was a huge fun of gt2

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Small spoilers

My expectations where higher… I am a big fan of sports movies and racing. This movie didn’t get me.. in the beginning you see his family all the time, and bam boem they where gone and magically spawned in the end. There was no emotional band between me and the movie. And that’s very important in movies like this for me. The acting wasn’t good either, only David harbour was good. And djimon hounsou had - great scene before the Le Mans race, in the trailer with his son. That moment and the moment right after the race where David is falling on the ground where the only scenes that touched me. It’s a fun movie the watch one time.

This movie had potential to be great..

What did ginger spice in this movie:joy: she was so bad in her acting scenes:sweat_smile:

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Good movie, really quite entertaining c:

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Shout by Khawlah

I was having such a great time seeing good things happen to this kid with “it’s based on a true story” at the back of my head. But then the accident happened, looked it up immediately while hoping it wasn’t true only to find the scene was incredibly accurate and such tragic event did happen. Even though he was cleared, can’t imagine how it must be like having to live with that on your conscious for the rest of your life. Idk why but I couldn’t get past thinking about that for the remainder of the movie.

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This was a fun action car racing movie, with great computer graphics and special effects.

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This is an excellent movie. The entire story is just amazing - I had no idea that this actually happened. Even the facts surrounding the creation of the Gran Turismo racing game is very interesting. The racing part of the movie was excellent as well - better than most other racing movies with big names attached to them. Definitely worth a watch.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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You need to turn off your plot hole detector, lower your expectations (or better yet, have none), dim the brain lights, fasten your seatbelt, expect clichés and maybe you can enjoy the film. Perhaps having a couple of years of terrible movies has helped but I actually got through this thinking I kinda liked it. You may too.

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The best car race movie I've ever seen....heck, might be the best movie I've seen this year also. Gran Turismo has emotion, thrill and suspense. Had me jumping up from the edge of my sit!.... first review comment I'm dropping on a movie, it's well worth it.

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That certainly was a movie about racing cars and excessive Sony product usage. Not bad, but overt cliche and tropes make this feel hollow and a little cheap? Orlando Bloom overacts to the point of comedy, but Archie Madekwe and David Harbour pull their weight pretty well. The stand-out scene here is the inclusion of the Nurburgring crash which I had no prior knowledge of going in. Wild to see a car "take off" like that, and to research the real life clip/story was a fun internet rabbit hole to go down after the credits rolled. Not great, not bad, just fine and mostly forgettable. Was shocked to see Neill Blomkamp's name show up at the end; so this is what he's up to these days. Maybe he's cosying up to Sony so he can helm their inevitable Resistance: Fall of Man adaptation. I'd watch that.

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I mostly agree with Toralf, especially about all those unnecessary cliches.

They also butchered Le Mans’ track layout but whatever… I would know I live less than a mile from there.

Unclear why I liked the movie though, but I definitely did. Maybe I was longing for a car movie?

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Congratulations Jann Mardenborough,He won!:clap_tone1::clap_tone1::trophy::trophy::champagne::champagne::racing_car::racing_car: and also got singer actor name Geri Halliwell from spice girls.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.7

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I don't know how much reality the movie has but it seemed too dramatic and full of movie scenes completely far from reality. Even so, when the races come it keeps you aware of what is happening. I also liked it in a sport where sponsorship is so important, so many real brands appeared giving it even more realism.

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I underestimated this film at the beginning and then I liked it so much after watching it I recommend it to you

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Look, it's good. It's a cool story based in reality and the cast bring more to the screen than you'd expect for what is basically just a kids playing PlayStation contest.

But it feels cheap. Like a cinematography cheapness. If it was made for TV I wouldn't be surprised.

And the racing sequences crucially don't feel very in sync with the action. Take something like Rush where they don't have lots of money and they make it work. Or Days of Thunder even... This... It just falls short for me in the realism stakes.

And I was sat a few seats from a guy who clearly was getting hit by every plot point. All ooohs a d aahs and gasps. So to each their own.

Decent not great.

David Harbour is the real star here. It rides on his performance really.

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This was a great watch in the theatre! Pulled off a much more in-depth story than I was expecting and my whole family, from a 9 year old to a 13 year old, and my wife all loved it! Can't say that very often.

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It transmits well the sensations of driving in simulator and in real life, I liked it.

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I watched speed racer again, to make up for this movie....

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I myself must have put in hundreds of hours in GT1,2,3 on the PlayStation.
I remember doing all the qualification and licenses.
I remember doing the 300 lap races and that took hours.
today I am a professional driver, I always tell my wife, I done all the qualification and licenses, i am a PRO! sit back and relax and let me drive!

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