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Jennifer's Body 2009

Underrated. Great film, but it’s definitely not for everyone. I personally enjoyed it, but some of the monologues done by Megan fox was weird, like the way she said it was weird.

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Got a lot of nostalgia for this one, watched it in cinemas with my sisters the day before my last exam and I loved it.

It's funny and it has a bunch of good songs, I don't know if I would like it so much if I wouldn't have the nostalgia factor but even then I think it's underrated.

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Fun teen horror for girls (especially gay girls)

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I remember not liking this back then. It's currently streaming on Hulu and apparently one of the films that has emerged as a cult classic over the past years so I figured it's time for a rewatch. It's definitely better this time around. Quite entertaining and campy. I love the homoerotic moments between the protagonist and the antagonist. I really like Amanda Seyfried here. She's likable and gives a realistically tormented performance. That said, everything else is generic. I find Megan's character lacks the depth that Seyfried has. This film also offers very little scares, laughs, and satisfying kills. The satire is kinda wishy washy and the payoff could be better. I get why it has a large following because of the bisexual representation. I just wish the theme is a bit more sharply defined. Still enjoyable nonetheless.

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It's not funny nor scary.

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It's so weird but I liked it even though it's not that great of a movie.

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flawless sapphic comedy horror. must watch

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one of the best movies about Post 9/11 America I have seen

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jennifer and needy are lesbians suffering from internalised homophobia and thats that on that

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I think it's a very underrated movie.

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Jennifer's Body is a fun romp. I remember when it came out and I definitely avoided it because of Megan Fox but also because I don't like horror movies. If I had been sat down to watch it back then however I definitely would have enjoyed it even back then. It's not the scariest movie out there and for me that's a bonus. It does a lot of very interesting things with characters. The hot girl and the nerd girl friendship is common enough it's becoming a trope but in spite of the many times I've seen it before this movie came out and before I actually saw this movie last night I actually like their relationship. The movie isn't about a giant schism between them from middle school they're actually friends and that's interesting. I even liked the ending. I might even watch a sequel to this movie because i think there's room to do things with this world. But I don't need it. I'm completely satiated.

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definitive proof that every popular indie band is in league with satan

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As per usual, Maroon 5 is the cause of all our world's problems once again.

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If I watched this as a teenager I would’ve enjoyed it more

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I cannot believe Amanda Seyfried was casted as the 1/10 in this movie

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Not as bad as marketing has portrayed.
Never gave it a chance because it was sold as a porn movie for kids with Megan Fox. Watching it now it is a great teenage scary movie. Good acting by all the people involved and has a great subtext about girl's relationships and how predatorial the boy's relations with the girls are.

Nice soundtrack and good script with some nicely taken shots. Gritty humor and well-edited. Nothing amazing but a really misunderstood gem. It's sad how the movie is about women being transformed into monsters by the desire of men.

This is not for young men or frat boys, this is a movie for girls made by women and with a great subtext about a girl empowering herself after being discredited by everybody around her.

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Give this movie a try. There's a strong chance that you'll have a very good time.

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Absolutely stupid. Besides Jennifer's breasts there is not a good thing about this flick. As bad as "Club Dread" and then some because this was done AFTER Club Dread...

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Tumblr memes made me think this film was über-gay. It's disgustingly straight except for 2 scenes

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Honestly kinda shit, I didn't get immersed in the story at all and the minutes just dragged by while watching it. Only really watched it because I used to be a fan of panic at the disco and they did a song for the promotion of the movie when it came out

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I just did not enjoy this. I am annoyed I didn't enjoy it. Just didn't give me what I wanted. I think largely in part because its often included and lauded as one of the best horror movies. It was just not scary in the slightest. A wonderful feminist movie, allegorical and all that, but not scary at all.

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it was alright! not as good as tiktok made me think it would be, but still enjoyable.
jennifer check? lesbian icon

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Not so good but not bad it has some nice moments worth to watch it 1x :)

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The horror-comedy Jennifer’s Body is a retched piece of trash from hack writer Diablo Cody. After high school cheerleader Jennifer Check is sacrificed in a satanic ritual, a demon comes to inhabit her body and proceeds to attack and feed on the boys at her school. The performances are universally awful, and the script doesn’t help any. However, Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried attempt to have some fun with the material, and they have a good on-screen chemistry. But with a combination of horrible acting, terrible directing, and pathetic writing, Jennifer’s Body is atrociously bad.

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A fun cheesy teenage movie with awkward jokes

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I don't even know why I kept watching. Actually I did it bc of Megan Fox, she's an ICON :sparkles:

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It was an ok movie. Good to pass the time while on the treadmill.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2023-10-22T15:23:46Z— updated 2023-10-23T22:47:30Z

"Hell is a teenage girl."

A horror comedy that explores themes of female empowerment, coming of age, gender dynamics and female gaze (Megan Fox is the perfect casting choice for this). It also goes into satire territory with these themes. Boy-hungry Megan Fox is killer in the role, for what the movie is she absolutely gets the job done. Although the MVP is Amanda Seyfried's Needy. The relationship between these two is the core of the movie, it's fascinating but also very puzzling—which is the point I think? To show how confusing it usually is. Hilarious dialogue but unrealistic at times. There's a few cool kills but I wish they showed more with better effects. Third act was good (everything in the pool was great) but I expected a little more fun and blood and kills. A good time overall but could have been better with the horror elements.

The Chris Pratt jumpscare totally got me!

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This is like a horror infused Juno with a dashing of Mean Girls. I can see how this movie has accrued a large cult following; every single line feels quotable in some capacity and the movie is genuinely hilarious in parts. I thought this movie was only famous due to Megan Fox's absurd levels of hotness and was marketed purely to appeal to that, but it's actually a pretty competent, funny slasher with undertones about sexuality and friendship. One of the rare movies that manages to fuse comedy and horror and actually worked for me.
That and the cast list is absolutely stacked, I couldn't believe some of the people in it as they were slowly introduced. What a delight of a movie to stumble upon, this will definitely join my yearly horror rotation during October as a nice reprieve when the heavy movies get a bit too much.

"It smells like Thai food in here, have you been fucking?!"
"She's only hovering, it's not that impressive"
"Do you buy all your murder weapons at Home Depot? God, you're butch"

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It was better than expected and feels like a parody of this early 2000’s. We didn’t have that many dumb slang words.

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It was never meant to take it seriously even with the dark and twisted comedy.

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yes, this fear's got a hold on me

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Shout by ibra87

Poor marketing doomed it.. It was pretty fun.. Not a masterpiece by any means..watching it in 2020 it was alright..

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This is a satire about high school stereotypes, sexuality, and demon possession, presented as a light horror flick. The young cast is a "who's who" of young talent most of whom found their way to decent acting careers. Bending cliches and good performances by the leads, make this an amusing watch. I give this film a 6 (light) out of 10. [Satirical Light Horror]

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Beware of terrible indie music! :scream:

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Fun fact: the DJ at the school dance is turntablism royalty Cut Chemist.

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I wasn't expecting a lot from this film. It was a decent film, but I wouldn't watch it again. It's really boring a lot of times and the story isn't anything really special. It defenitely had some really creepy scenes and there were times when the film was actually pretty good.

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