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John Wick 2014

Really love how he pull that Chow Yun-Fat face.
Feels like a upgrade of the HK classic bullets fly flicks.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-02-18T02:17:39Z— updated 2023-03-14T04:32:52Z

John Wick, a grieving husband gets a dog as a gift from his late wife. The dog makes him happy for awhile until some idiot thugs come along that is. They don't realize that they messed with an ex assassin. Now John is taking out anyone who was involved.
A film about vengeance for is refreshing and the action is pretty bad ass. I can't wait to check out part 2.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9.5

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Amazing movie. Funny how I actually love it now. I think I only liked it my first time seeing it. Now am a big John Wick fan. The dark humor in great. While I never get tired of Keanu Reeves shooting people in the head.
Which is good since he does that a lot in the John Wick movies. I also love that it's a whole film about revenge for a dog. I found that fresh. Some how it even works.

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Shout by Mounir

isn't that chinesse guy the one from The Matrix (the one obsessed with the key's one)!!

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Classic Action movie
I appreciate Keanu Reeves

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Keanu Reeves stars as John Wick in this action-packed revenge thriller. Former hitman John Wick comes out of retirement to kill the son of a Russian mafia boss after being brutally assaulted by him. Co-starring Willem Dafoe, Adrianne Palicki, Bridget Moynahan, and John Leguizamo, the film has a solid cast; Palicki in particular does a good job at handling the physicality of the fight scenes. And the directing is also well-done, creating an interesting visual style and an atmospheric tone. Though the plot is pretty formulaic, John Wick proves to be a rather impressive and entertaining film.

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The action scenes are just pure adrenaline. So many head shots. Keanu Reeves is a badass. The simple story works and lays the foundation for an interesting world. This makes me want to immediately watch the second one.

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Shout by Deleted


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a really really good old action movie.

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Dear John Wick,

You swept me off my feet from the first action scene. Your story, like a passionate symphony, stirred my emotions. The fight choreographies danced with perfection, leaving me breathless. Keanu Reeves' performance was an embodiment of intensity and vulnerability. My heart beats for you, John Wick. Forever yours.


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The first "John Wick" film was truly groundbreaking. The kind of action fireworks that are set off here are unfortunately nowhere to be found in comparable films today. Keanu Reeves may not be the most versatile actor, but he is perfectly cast in the title role as John Wick. He mows down a lot of baddies without saying much and with a lot of physical effort. The action is consistently comprehensible and perfectly staged.

The story is only secondary, especially in the first installment of the series, and here it is also kept very simple. Only in the background is some worldbuilding that will dominate the sequels. Here, however, the whole thing remains pleasantly subdued. For the innovative action alone, "John Wick" will always have a very special meaning for me.

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This is how you do an action movie. Just the right amount of everything without being over the top. Spot on !

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A film seemingly tailor made for Reeves' particular monotony, this is a straight action film, but makes no pretence to be anything else and is highly entertaining. Once the film is done with garnering as much sympathy for its lead as it is possible to get, this is pretty much one action sequence after another, but the film is very well paced, doesn't outstay its welcome (well maybe just a little) and pulls off some great action sequences, particularly in the first half of the film. Some great black humour and a raft of interesting cameos are interspersed throughout to help sell an intriguing background to the central character and the world he inhabits and Reeves is a good fit for the character.

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Wow! This movie really is awesome! Great fight scene sequences, great story. Love Keanu Reeves! Highly recommended!

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Shout by Cluisanna
BlockedParent2019-03-21T20:18:48Z— updated 2019-05-31T00:50:24Z

God, the beginning (i.e. anything related to Daisy) fucks me up every time. She‘s so cute :(
Anyway, for a guy who‘s supposedly such a good hitman dude sure wastes a lot of ammo. And I don‘t even mean that he misses occasionally, which is fine, and double tap head/chest makes sense too, but shooting someone three times in the chest and then in the head? Or hell, double headshots? No wonder he has to reload constantly.

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Keanu Reeves plays the Liam Neeson role in this slick, sharp, vicious little bout of revenge fantasy. With support work from a whole mess of "I know that guys" and a blow-away effects budget, it's a real riot to watch, not to mention one hell of a tech demo for the masterminds behind the fight scenes.

Like those Neeson kill-em-alls, though, it's as straight as an arrow and shallower than the kiddie pool. In some ways, it's refreshing to just dispense with all the stereotypical origin trappings and get right into the firefights, but at the end of the show it just feels like one long, easy excuse to watch a whole mess of cool stuff without any extra justification. Lust-worthy cars, ferocious weaponry, powerful western-styled physicality, stereo-thumping tunes, magnificent cityscapes, the list just goes on and on.

Escapists delight, for John Wick has come to deliver a dream. Cinephiles, well... just sit back and try to let the sheer, celebratory brutality beat your conscience into submission. It won't be too difficult.

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If someone did that to my dog I’d probably be the same. (Possibly with less skill though).

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The best type of revenge

Easily one of my favorite action flicks. The concept and story is very straightforward, the action choreography is amazing, the violence is brutal and Keanu Reeves is born for this role. The beginning of the movie with his dog still gets to me, what an emotional moment. The cement breaking and the night-club sequence are my favorites. The supporting characters are intriguing and the villains are the ones who are afraid which is interesting. Some nice music choices and score. Pacing was perfect, it's always entertaining and never feels slow. Third act and final fight was the weakest part but still enjoyable. A must-watch for action lovers and animal lovers.

Let this be a warning to everyone, my cat is off limits!

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I cannot wait to see the sequel to this. John Wick is a beautiful symphony of art and entertainment; the other worldly use of colour and cinematography combined with sheer balls to the wall action make it one in a million.

The plot is ostensibly very simple but it’s so much more than just a revenge flick. There’s a delicate balance between a father’s love for his son while accepting that his son is a shit and must be murdered by Wick. That’s followed by the need to catch and kill said murderer to avenge the death, while still having respect for the protagonist.

I love the weird yet logical moral code at play, and the surreal world Stahelski builds of people operating on a different plane to us mere mortals.

A dazzling borderline-masterpiece that shows cinema at its very best.

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Feels like an old school action movie yet very modern in its directing and choreography. If you watch it for what it is, you'll love it and enjoy it immensely.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - The John Wick movie was an absolute masterpiece.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Listen I just love these movies. The action, the lore, the cast. It all works for me. What sets the first one apart is it’s simplicity and humility. There’s an appeal to its straightforward plot of two men driven forward by vengeance to an end neither really relish.

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This movie is so stupid, yet hypnotic...

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Shout by Ludwig
BlockedParent2020-04-13T12:57:05Z— updated 2020-06-06T09:41:51Z

Awesome choreography. Insane stunts. Over the top action. And all of that without making it too unbelievable.
I thought this movie would have more story. It's action and only action. The story behind his motives and why Wick is escalating that hard are as important as it is to know how many atoms make up an average dust particle.
So, we're following this badass character at his way of total destruction. And I can't complain on how good it looks.
But if you want some story, or a movie you can easily learn some lessons from, then this one isn't for you. (Well. Let's say the lesson is to never get in a fight with someone op as f.)

The second movie follows directly after the first ends and is also just to satisfy everybody who really enjoys high quality fights. The third movie is directly after the second one and there it starts to get interesting for me, as we learn more about the rules of this world and how Wick came to be.

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Still such a great action film, such a simple story with a rich lore behind it. Having seen it for the third time now, I'm still as entertained as I was the first time which is a good thing! Because I don't mind watching this one again down the road! This time I watched it because of John Wick 3 lurking around the corner.

If you haven't seen this one yet, what are you waiting for. It is a gem with great life advice, never kill a dog of a man like John Wick. Steal his car, wreck his house, insult him, but never, never EVER kill his dog.

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It's that simple. You like Neo...eeh. i mean Constantine... ah, Jesus....Keanu Reeves, or you don't.

I like him and his action style. So the movie gets me right there.
But the Best Thing is the Action and it's brutal way of showing it.

Not the best movie of all time, but it is really entertaining.

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After you finish the film, go back and watch the opening sequence and tell me what happened after that? Did it make sense?

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bs movie

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One thing is clear from this movie. Do not mess with anybody's dog.

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Shout by Deleted

I went to this movie thinking this was a SciFi movie. I was really disappointed when I realized it was an action sequence. but at the end it wasn't that bad. the movin shootin scenes were awesome.

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Ok... The thing is this: Just forget the stupid story with the dog. No... Forget ANY story - it simply has none. BUT this movie is a piece of art in the category of action movies. Think of Kill Bill without any story and add even more coolness. ;)

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Its a mindless action thriller, I didn't feel anything special when watching it but the fight scenes were cool and if you think you will like it than you should watch it. Apparently the second one is better, but I haven't seen it yet, hence me watching this now.

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I watched it today for the first time. I thought it was a fun movie, with a badass protagonist. Had a good time watching overall.

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Stylish, thrilling, and giddily kinetic.

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You fucked up Theon! AGAIN!

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Cámara lenta para destacar los pocos momentos que deben dejar impresión en el espectador. Eso da idea clara de las capacidades del director. Por lo demás prescindible. Alguna escena de acción interesante.

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Such a mediocre movie, don't know why are you guys obsessed with it

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Wow what a bad movie. Even the action was bad. It was boring and unoriginal. We just watch Wick go and kill everybody, with no class at all. Ruthless. Very disappointed, I was expecting at least a good story to wrap around all the shootings.

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For me, just a bunch of shooting and that ending - why?

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This is a perfect example of believing too much of the hype. I sat there watching this and expected to see something special. It really wasn't even that different. "John Wick" is good, it looks nice and there's lots of action. Keanu is lean and mean, but I just never bought into him being a real bad ass. The bad guys were flat and uninteresting.

Watch a Daniel Craig Bond flick or "Die Hard" again, instead.

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Noteworthy cast, but unfortunately horrible character development, trash plot and really just boring after some time because there are no interesting turns.

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Ok...violence towards children and animals is something I highly despise, and when it's used as a tool to make tension or sympathy in a movie, I usually stay clear of the movie altogether. It has to be done in a certain way for me to even contemplate to watch it, and even then I hate the images and feelings it leaves. I don't need that in my entertainment...

The opening of John Wick is one of those scenes...done right I suppose, but leaves a sour taste and I believe this movie could have been just as good without that particular scene.

Anyway...the rest of the movie is quite good. The fighting scenes are superbly choreographed, and the lighting and mood make it almost "noirish". Most of the movies go by in a flash, as the action and storytelling are fast-paced, with few to no breaks.

The John Wick character works well for Keanu Reeves as it has few lines and is perfect for a "stone-faced" actor with little diversity when it comes to facial expressions... an action movie John Wick works rather well. It's entertaining if you look past the beginning, and works as an evening's entertainment.

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Nice action but the plot is terrible.

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Theme- 10/10
Rewatchibility- 9.5/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 47/5 = 9.4

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For a serviceable action with badass Keanu going on a rampage and killing everyone, it’s directed, choreographed, and packaged in an unexpectedly stylish manner. However, it gets boring surprisingly fast. Despite the abnormous high kill count, it’s pretty much the same exact same routine with little variation. There are also a couple of unneeded plot points slowing things down in the second half.
I can see why it buzzed, but I definitely prefer the more self-aware and playful approach of its semi-companion piece "Nobody".

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John Wick is awesome! An assassin that just lost his wife, gets his car stolen and dog killed. Game on! Such a simple premise, that all of the side characters continually sell scene after scene. John Wick isn't the boogeyman, he is the man you send to kill the boogeyman. Every character in this film knows it and it creates an incredible watching experience!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Awesome action scenes. Loved it. He's such a badass!

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Great cinematography and action, wonderful neo noiresque scenes, humour, engaging fight scenes... I enjoyed it.

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Too much stupidity and too many absurdly bad decisions to be considered a good movie. Action is good, choreographies are great but the character is just too stupid.

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Very very good, how John Wick was geting back on action from retire (it was retire from be a asasisn) and geting back is very good, the action very good, is one of the best movie i ever seen.

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They killed his dog and stole his car... John Wick is legendary.

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Great choreography and production quality meets terrible story.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘John Wick’:

  1. After so much hype and excitement to finally see this film, I was ultimately disappointed.
  2. I was not a fan of the music, at all. I felt it was relentlessly distracting, taking away from the movie more than contributing to it.
  3. I think the pacing and nonstop action is what did it for me. Everything just happened so quick. (i.e. I had a difficult time believing John was upset enough to avenge the dog when he barely had time to connect/bond with the dog.)
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John Wick is a bad ass. That is true. In a completely predictable mediocre action.

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Shout by chair

the action was alright i guess, but the cheese is strong with this one, especially for a russian person. man the russian parts were fucking ridiculous... and i like how that whole shebang happened not even because of the dead dog, but because a guy refused to whimsically sell his car on a patrol station.

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baba yaga haha. so he's basically an old witch that lives in a wooden house on chicken legs? hilarious.

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Decent Entertainer. Could have been better. Good to see Keanu Reeves in yet another action role as a brutal assassin. A bit draggy here and there in parts. Appreciate that the director's decision of doing away with the "customary female lead role". Waiting for John Wick: Chapter 2. Good time pass. Go for it!

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Keanu Reeves is more mad than ever...but looks absolutely the same as always. His career can be summed up by his facials expression throughout the movie. In all seriousness...great film. Decent, but overplayed storyline. But, revenge for the dog though? That kept me watching to the end. Thumbs up Keanu, you're not as much of a goner than I thought.

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Shout by Deleted

I went to this movie thinking this was a SciFi movie. I was really disappointed when I realized it was an action sequence. but at the end it wasn't that bad. the movin shootin scenes were awesome.

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Everything an action movie could and should have, despite many clichéd elements, the way everything is done is incredible. The character's charisma is captivating and the whole development is very good.

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Didn’t expect much for plot and got exactly that. Summary: “Revenge”. That’s about it. Turned of my brain and enjoyed the hell out of the great action scenes and had a good time.

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Keanu knows how to play these killers, regardless of whether he is Neo, John Constantine or John Wick at this moment. And even as a futuristic Johnny Mnemonic too. ;)
ps. Anyone noticed how often he plays as John? ;)

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It was a great action flick. Period.

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This is how you do an action movie, hats off. Keanu Reeves' acting is impeccable

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I am a big fan of thrilling action movies but I did not enjoy watching this one. The movie did not feel engaging and I actually felt like I was being forced to watch the movie. I am really surprised that I was left unimpressed by this movie. I really did want to enjoy this movie but nope. Also, Keanu Reeves has a pretty straight facial expression through the entire movie and there aren't really any dialogues.

Here are some things I liked about the movie:
The action sequences, the fighting, cars are all awesome. The electro music really gives the movie a different feel. I love the 'Shots fired' soundtrack, it elevated the badass moment of John Wick in the awesome night club scene.

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good movie full of action 92/100

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A fairly simple story about an old agent coming out of retirement to best people up. The actions is pretty good, and the story is interesting enough.

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I'd somehow managed to get by my whole adult life without watching a single entry to this series, but the time has come to put that period to an end. I can see what all the fuss is about - it's a fun time with some brilliantly choreographed action sequences. Some of the effects used are a little dated or distractingly annoying, but otherwise, it's an all-around solid revenge thriller. I'm unsure how they could stretch this out into another 3+ films, but I'm curious to find out.

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I was peer pressured into watching this. I liked the beginning and the 2 minutes at the end, didn't enjoy the middle so much.

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I love the part where he shot people.

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Like homemade pizza crust: pretty plain but a good foundation for what comes next.

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Shout by FilmHorde
BlockedParent2023-03-23T03:35:42Z— updated 2023-03-27T01:41:36Z

John Wick is an excellent movie with a unique and engaging plot that keeps you hooked from the start. The action scenes are intense, well-choreographed, and a true highlight of the film. In my opinion, it's one of the best action movie series out there, but it still comes second to the Bourne series. That being said, Keanu Reeves gives an outstanding performance and makes the role his own. Overall, John Wick is a must-watch for action movie fans and a great addition to the genre.

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Good action Scenes, plot is decent.

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Pure entertainment, this.

Happy to have finally got around to watching this franchise! I expected sheer enjoyment and that's what I got. 'John Wick' is good fun! It is more hammy than I thought it would be, not that that's a criticism. Some characters duck out surprisingly abruptly too (justice for Clarke Peters!), even when the one who should get taken out immediately somehow manages to stick around for a while.

Keanu Reeves is always a pleasure to watch act. His character is a badass, that's for sure. If I'm being truthful, none of the others stood out to me too much - not in a negative way, just moreso they are all on the same level as each other behind Reeves. Willem Dafoe is the best of the rest, though.

I look forward to checking out the sequels, which I'm expecting positive things from - especially with, presumably, bigger budgets.

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Movie very very good

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Weak adolescent fair with dumb one-dimensional characters and a totally ordinary clichéd storyline. Boring af. Full disappointment how Theon Greyjoy was killed vs GoT - was expecting at least a bit of castration again. Good memories from GoT ... that scene was really awesome

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Action well maded with good energy!

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You know what's deadlier than John Wick? The cars in this movie. Literally not a single airbag went off, surprising that they even reached locations where they die.

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Story: 9/10...the underworld of assassins, thoroughly thought out as it would have to be for such a world to exist. Codes. Safe havens. Secret alliances. So fucking cool.
Dialogue: 6/10...they could've done so much more with the theme and metaphor of this movie if they'd spent money on the script. It's fine. But a wasted opportunity to really flesh out the psychology of the film's message.
Performances: 8/10...just about everyone hit the mark with what they were intended to portray. But c'mon. "Mayhem" from whatever insurance company he reps? That was horrible. He looked like he'd accidentally stumbled into a movie scene and they just kept rolling. Brings the whole cast down.
Misc.: 9/10... amazing camera work and editing. Great pacing. Cool as shit fight sequences. And the guy who cannot be killed!
Overall: 8/10...Such a fun ride!

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excellent good flick to watch

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A revenge thriller like no other. Keanu is at his finest on this one and the underground assasins' world introduced on this film continues to evolve and amaze. Prepare for thrilling and also very stylish action sequences choreographed to perfect display. You even have funny dialogue and quotes that made this sleeper-hit into a cult action film trilogy.

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They killed his dog, stole his car, killed his friend, and paid the price. I find it interesting how John would've been killed/died in one or two instances if it wasn't for Marcus, and Viggo crossed the line by killing him. All John wanted to do was kill Iosef for killing the dog that his wife left him. John would've spared Viggo in the end if he hadn't killed Marcus. Fantastic movie.

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This is basically a good action film, not perfect, but totally serviceable. What irked me though, is near the end when he steals some random dog. Might have been the dog of a child with cancer for all we know. I find myself hoping that JW2's plot begins with that dog's real owner seeking vengeance, otherwise I'm simply never going to process how he could steal an innocent dog.

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I never thought that I would both like a Keanu Reeves film and think that he was good in a role. Go figure.

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Shout by Deleted

Keanu Reeves is the top of my A list. Totally crush since I was 12yo lol

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one of my favorite action films ....
less talk and more fight.....
the realistic fights in this movie is nice and the choreography is just awesome ....

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2017-06-25T20:14:27Z— updated 2017-07-01T14:29:48Z

The John Wick franchise has the feel of a 50s graphic novel - it is gritty and dark, and set in the midst of all nature of underground vices, and it is intensely violent. Once you've seen Keanu Reeves character you can't imagine anyone else playing this character, he fully embodies the anti-hero. Glimpses of Bridget Moynahan are convincing of a great love, tragically lost. The puppy, as the last remnant of hope of love remembered, given and received, is a brilliant plot device. I give this a 7 (good) out of 10. Cudos to the directorial and production team for making something new feel like a legend and creating a world with its own rules and ethos. Special mention is also appropriate for a great supporting cast. Spectacular fight choreography!

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Shout by Deleted

Great action movie, love Keanu.

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great action movie, keanu really brings the show up.
I had seen a lot of hype for this film, but was a bit disappointed : this is good, but no more.
great soundtrack, clean realisation and will still give you the chills.
Watch it if you want to spend a good time with guns, blood and badass !

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Shout by Deleted

John Wick builds an excellent world with the titular character becoming an instant crowd pleaser. The action and stunts are very well executed and body count in this movie is incredibly high. No doubt this is a franchise that is built to last with just enough originality.

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Lent this on Google Play and got what I expected: an action flick with a lot of shooting and a mediocre plot (retired hitman John Wick gets back in the game after his dog, which he got as parting gift from his dead wife, is killed by Iosef Tarasov. Wick then decides to take revenge on Iosef and his cronies and when Iosef father, mobster boss Viggo Tarasov, decides to stand in revenges way, his is killed in the final showdown, too).
While the movie is never boring thanks to its fast-pacing action sequences, I doubt that I'm going to watch it again because it just doesn't offer much beside those action sequences (which are done really well and stylish): the characters are rather shallow as is the story.

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don't care if the sequel look bad

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Shout by Deleted

The next level of epic and pure action - genius!

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The action scenes alone forces you to watch. Otherwise a simple revenge action movie. But the action scenes... oh my

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Flashy and stylish action, reminds me of Equilibrium and The Matrix. Has a distinct neo-noir atmosphere, with sleek suite, art deco building, neon lights. sharp colors serve as the background of all the fights. However there's nothing much beyond that, as in the second half of the movie it seems that the plot decisions are resolved too quickly.

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A stylish revenge thriller in which Keanu kicks ass without wire-fu

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I could recommend this movie to anybody, just go and have the best action entertainment fun.

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Finally a new good action packed movie that i can enjoy it with my dumb friends who can't understand English -_-

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Really liked it! Full of action! Image and color very nice.

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