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Poor Things 2023

I could say that it is a very psychological film, obviously it is not for everyone,... I can't say that I liked it but I don't dislike it either, it's difficult to explain, I could say that it is a strange film.

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Pinocchio meets Jolene meets Frankenstein, with an absolutely satisfying ending, middle, and beginning.

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It's as if Anderson, Kubrick and Burton (with a little bit of Tarantino) all were inspired by a Mary Shelly novel.
Thus, it transports you into a fantastical world with all these elements at play.

An amazing achievement in cinema!

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Wow, just wow! It took a few attempts to get through this movie. I just stopped watching at annoying She was in the Black and White scenes (screaming and not making sense the entire time). Then I read the reviews and tried again, but even the amazing graphics, mind provoking ideas, and good acting from Mark couldn’t get me to watch it in 1 sitting.
Emma Stone’s character was so irritatingly annoying, the movie itself was crude just for crude sake, and the writing was just trying too hard.

Honestly, had they toned down everything and gave Emma’s character more of a “voice” (as in a stronger willed personality), this movie could’ve been great. Could’ve matched Clockwork Orange or The Rocky Horror Picture Show

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I think this is THE comedy of the year. And I also consider this is the best performance by Emma Stone. The script is inventive, interesting and entertaining. The story of Bella Baxter, of whom we don't know a lot at the beginning and we can't understand why she is like that, is attractive. As the film moves forward we get the story behind this strange girl and everything becomes more alluring. It is very sexual, but seen through her eyes I did not find it offensive or tacky. The cinematography is great, the production design is inspired and the costume design is ingenuous, very well suited for the characters. Makeup and hairstyling are remarkable as well. It might be a little too long, and that might be its disadvantage.

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What should be the Oscar winner of this year. It knockouts Cronenberg and The Holdovers, as it covers similar themes much better.

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Not for everyone, amazing, great cast, Emma did an excellent job, the development of the film is precious. The story and how it explains many things is incredible. However, I felt there were a lot of unnecessary sex scenes. Amazing cinema experience!

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I know I have to write some words before you can post, but holy crap after 25 minutes I was done, this is really bad silly weaklings movie! Waisted my time but go ahead and waist your time

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Fuck it, five stars.
Far and away the best film of the year, and Yorgos's best too - possibly his 'magnum opus' whatever that means.
Jerrod Carmichael seems like such ideal casting for supporting roles; he's hilarious here and fully nails his character.

I want to watch this everyday.

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An interesting mix of steampunk and Frankenstein. Emma will probably win an Oscar?

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The thing about Poor Things is that sometimes is just a bit too much about everything and nothing at once. But in a way, that is what director Yorgos Lanthimos knows how to do best. Emma Stone delivers, without question, one of the best performances of her career by bringing Bella Baxter to life. Her colorful and visually stunning journey through the gorgeous and surrealist versions of London, Lisbon, Alexandria and Paris is every bit funny, nasty, grotesque, dark, sad and emotional. I love the structure of the entire story, how it evolves with color, by development and world building through Bella’s experiences. As the main character discovers hard truths about the world, we get to know fascinating and bizarre characters all around her, with truly remarkable perfomances of the entire cast. At the very end, is a film about female liberation, sex, love, obssesion and science that may not be everyone’s cup of tea but that is ok for me.

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While pitch-black humor has always been a defining element of Lanthimos' films, his approach has typically leaned towards subtlety and wryness, often paired with deadpan delivery. However, in "Poor Things," there is a noticeable shift towards more straightforward comedy, eliciting laughter from the audience with many moments of humor. Even when the jokes are on the silly and juvenile side, the overall impression is that of encountering a sophisticated work, where the context and, notably, the entire visual and expressive dimension play a crucial role. The runtime could have been more compact (it tires a little towards the end), but we are undoubtedly facing a film playing in a league of its own, capable of fascinating a wide audience despite its quirks and exaggerations. It’s a shame the first part is in black and white, which flattens the stunning visuals and colors of the sets and costumes.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9

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This is your newspaper movie critic's favourite movie. It also is incredibly mediocre. Emma Stone plays well and Mark Ruffalo absolutely tries his best to save this weird piece of cinema. But ultimately it is probably the most blatantly Oscar grabbing, pretentious and in a very annoying way macabre movie I have ever seen. It tries desperately to be artsy and special when in reality there is absolutely nothing of substance behind the whole masquerade of b/w, crazy camera angles and overacting.

Go and watch it if you like fish eye effects and cool face prosthetics. If those two aren't the most important parts of your cinema experience, then it isn't worth to sit through what felt like four hours of repeating sex scenes starring a mentally five year old "woman" mixed with odd, mistimed tries to halfheartedly swoop in some moral messaging.

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This exact same thing happened to my cousin

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This film would be more aptly titled "Poor Ending." Essentially, it endeavors to present a modern, loosely interpreted version of Frankenstein, yet falls short in execution. The narrative seems directionless, lacking a coherent plot and overall story structure. It's surprising that this film has garnered ratings around 80%, as the storyline did not resonate with me. While I admire Mark Ruffalo's work, his role in this film seems ill-suited. Emma's performance, however, was a standout. Unfortunately, the remainder of the film is marred by an overemphasis on cringe-inducing elements, gratuitous sex scenes, and excessive nudity. It caters to an audience that appreciates abundant profanity and nudity. Departing the cinema, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration over the three hours spent watching this film.

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A metaphysical universe, guided by cold rationality and maddening empathy, without the need for any morals whatsoever. Brilliant.

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Love. The unconsciousness and innocence of every creature. Absolutely Formidable.

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this was really incredible i am in awe, definitely a must watch

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All the awards nominations are going to bring in the casuals and puritans but audiences familiar with the director's previous "weird" films know what they are in for. It's his most visually stunning film.

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From the start, the crazy story begins and you feel entranced, wanting to understand where it will take you. Enjoyed this from beginning to end. Watching at the cinema was great with some truly laugh out load moments. Emma Stone is great but so ate many other actors throughout. I can only recommend it.

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I vaguely knew what to expect from Yorgos Lanthimos, but nothing prepared me for such treat. This is absolute eye-and-mind feast with bizarre steampunk/art nouveau setting, which reminds me of the best creations of Peter Greenaway. Best movie in last few years, don’t miss it.

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This fucking thing makes me wanna re- sign up to twitter to express my immense gratitude to the filmmakers.

oh it's beautiful, hilarious and constantly superb, but includes a child being abused weirdness

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With 'Poor Things', director Yorgos Lanthimos has created a film that has quite a few similarities with the box office hit 'Barbie'. Both are about women who start out as objects without any self-determination and, in the course of a journey, find themselves and discover their freedom. Both films also impress with fantastic costumes, good performances, and, most importantly, a phenomenal production design.

But, while I enjoyed 'Barbie', this Frankenstein story is in a completely different league. Lead actress Emma Stone delivers perhaps the best performance of her career, and Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe are also great here. The absurd humor worked perfectly for me. I haven't laughed more in a movie all year than I did in this one. And ultimately, the world that Lanthimos creates is one that has never been seen before. It's really difficult to create something "new" in film in the 21st century, but that's definitely the case here.

All in all, I not only give "Poor Things" my highest recommendation, but it is also my favorite film of 2023.

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If you're looking for a cure for horniness then you've found it with this stunningly boring nonsense. Not even Emma Stone can save it.

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Amusing but ultimately shallow. The vaguely woke messaging and casting also cast a shadow over our enjoyment of the film.

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So Emma Stone is playing a grown woman with the mind of a little girl right, so it's fucked up to think that all those dudes who were sleeping with her, were simply fucking a little girl in a fully grown body, is that a 100% right or am I missing something?

I was going into this with low expectations simply because it looked stupid and weird. It was weird but with its aesthetic design, amazing performances by the cast and surprisingly hilarious, overall I found it quite good. Emma Stone is fantastic playing a pretty retard and watching a horny Mark Ruffalo call everyone a cunt was without a doubt the best part.
Knock off about 30mins and it's great for me. Despite enjoying it it's not a movie I wanna rewatch any time soon.
Also, as someone who's British, we tend to laugh at Americans attempting to do accents from Britain, especially from the Victorian era which is never great 90% of the time but they nailed it.

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weird ass movie ... uppity and crass all at once

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Give Emma Stone the Oscar already! What an awesome performance. This movie is so weird but in all the right ways. I loved the cinematography, score, and the costumes were fantastic. It was also great to see Mark Ruffalo play a different character for once! The story is really interesting the only nitpick I have with the film is there’s little bit of a lull in the third act. The ending manages to pick it back up though! I still think The Favorite is the directors best work, but I think it’s safe to put this as 2nd! Will definitely be rewatching.

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Mark Ruffalo is definitely the unexpected star of this movie.

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The Island of Emma Ruffoe.

Like when your little sister is ten times smarter, cuter, and more grown up than you and it makes you love her all the more.

This feminist forward story of a beautiful creature struggling to remake dystopia in her own image is insightful and thoughtful in the sense it's both respectful of the audience and full of thought.

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Visually bold, linguistically rich, and utterly infuriating. Falls on the wrong side of self indulgence. I hated it!

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Shout by Faster, Film Critic!
BlockedParent2023-12-22T08:21:47Z— updated 2024-01-07T06:46:24Z

This film is incredibly well made, with amazing performances and a fascinating story. Loved the humor. Poor Things definitely feels like the Picasso of film. I can't help but stare, but I don't want it hanging in my living room.

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It's a Disney movie for adults.

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I never thought they could make a 2 hour movie with Emma Stone in multiple sex scene's this bad, but they did.

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"A woman plotting her own course to freedom. How delightful."

It's such a fantastical ride. Unhinged, explicit, mesmerizing and hilarious. Emma Stone has serious balls. Casting is perfect. I found myself snapping back into reality throughout the movie, completely immersed. Hugely relatable for women in ways some wont understand (men) :)

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I for one am not watching anything with Emma Stone in it post-Aloha. It take my anger out on the director too for not caring who's in his film.

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Stunning, grotesque, profane and hilarious. The performances are killer, especially Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe and Mark Ruffalo (but everyone is good). Bizarre, yet philosophically thought-provoking dialogue with a playfulness with words. Uncomfortable gender treatment yet that's the point. Sets that look designed by Gaudi. A career high for Yorgos Lanthimos and Emma Stone.

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