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Ready Player One 2018

yes he was good the movie
but tomorrow i will go into my VR world with my new Oculus Quest 2 256GB what this will give ... am very curious about vr and the quality. can someone give me a little tip how it will be in the otherside of VR Oculus Quest 2 256GB ??? someone who also has it of course ...

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The paradigm of material being cut from a book to fit into the run time of a movie doesn't really apply here because next to nothing from it happens in the film. It bares little resemblance to the book at all and is completely shallow for it. Conservatively I'd put it at 10% of the book translated to the screen in a recognisable form.

It should be "Inspired by" rather than "Based on" however I didn't find it that inspired at all. It's unbelievable to me that Cline himself handled the screenplay, at least in part. People that love the film will be thoroughly disappointed by the book, especially the PG-13 crowd the film brought in.

The Oasis itself was done an utter disservice by portraying it as basically just a game, it was so much more than that.


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Good movie that had the potential to be great if it had followed the book. Instead it took The Hobbit movie route and was more of an "inspired by the book" movie. I thought the challenges in the book were better thought out and had a better ending. And since the main character were aged up a few years, it missed the "high school" start that existed in the book. If the movie existed in a vacuum (not based on a book), it would probably get an 8 from me, but looses some luster compared to the book.

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Shout by Chilkara
BlockedParent2018-03-29T06:12:59Z— updated 2018-04-02T18:15:14Z


I was totally engulfed in this film. Everything about it was well done. There was incredible character development, well-executed plot, and honestly an enjoyable world. There were multiple 'Inception' moments and SO many references to pop culture and the gaming world.

I thoroughly enjoyed the commentary on today's culture, and where we are going, taken to the extreme. It was neat to see the players who met online, meet in person and continue being friends, despite everyone being different in person. I really enjoyed that message as a gamer myself. Also funny to see commentary on corporate culture trying to take over any power available anywhere (in this case, a hobbyist gaming community.) Various good messages and insights on what the world has become/is becoming.


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Loved the soundtrack, the CGI and the easter eggs but the film itself was merely OK. A case of far too much hype unfortunately.

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Shout by Ian

this was well produced but makes absolutely zero fucking sense, ever.

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At 1hr 14 minutes you can see Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un on a billboard

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very weak. I did not even finish it. Waste of time.

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A true CGI masterpiece! This was a really enjoyable movie that geeks will love for sure.

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Cool with future technology game and next world maybe is real.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

Should've been called "I love the 70s, 80s, and 90s."

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As someone who read the book some years ago this film was a letdown. All of the key challenges were different and they made less sense. Being a gaming nerd myself I was able to figure out the clues along with the book but the movie they were so abstract it took huge assumptions and leaps in logic to figure out what they were.
The way they used the 1up token especially annoyed me. In the book it was very clear what it was, and that it would be useful but not how or when. In the movie it was a total mulligan and felt pulled out of the ass just for convenience.

The way they conducted IOI's activities as a whole was wrong and the whole movoe I just kept thinking "so where are the f***ing cops in all this?". Yet again, in the book it made sense, but in this film it was just ignored for convenience. They turned an intelligent antagonist into a bumbling shallow one.

It was pretty to watch, and the references were enjoyable. But as someone who originally read (and enjoyed) the book, this is one film I'm fine with not seeing again.

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What a fun movie! As someone who was born in the 80s, i can appreciate all the pop culture references in the movie. Great cast, with lots of laughs. I'll be watching this one again!

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Enjoyable and fun watch with alot of wasted potential imo. I feel like this would have made a better show, even if only one of those single season shows. I feel like there was alot of world building and character development that could have been done, but in movie form the pacing of everything just felt very rushed and this interesting world they created didn't get very fleshed out properly.

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This movie had so much potential. There were fun moments and i remember enjoying it the first time. But this is a long tiring watch that often falls a little flat. I enjoy it somewhat, but it was longer than needed and not super great.

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If only Speilberg did this in parts. Part one, part two, and so on. So much went into this, and it's easy to tell. The soundtrack is awesome, unlike the score. The acting is brilliant, especially from Olivia Cooke. The vfx, sfx, cgi, motion capture, and just everything presented was beautiful. The design was just amazing, and seeing so many different eastereggs, it really is a movie nerds type of movie. The story was great but terribly done. I would allow the one-off, non sense scenes, but a good chunk of this made absolutely no sense, and if it did, then it was the epitome of stupid. Like I said, if this was done in parts, it would have been a lot better. I loved the jokes and the hidden messages, but I hated the creepiness. I don't know if it's Speilberg, but some of the ideas, whether it be visually or story wise, made me feel really uncomfortable. Anyway, long story long, it's both a masterpiece and a brain-dead fever dream. Also, I want a ready player two.

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It had a lot of nalstolgic elements.

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Surprisingly really good and really fun. I didn't have any expectations so I was extremely surprised with how hooked I was. I loved all the different references to the different franchises. Really enjoyed this one and will watch it again. 10/10

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I found this to be such a poorly written script, w/ a ridiculous storyline, bad dialogue, and really unlikeable protagonist. The worst part of the film was the ending, where the main characters are trying to clear a pathway to the last challenge, and the main character stands around watching, while they die, instead of continuing to move forward. This happened on at least three separate occasions. Then, when he receives the last key, he and his friends are under real world attack, and he moves as slowly as possible, looking at the key he receives w/ wonder, instead of moving as quickly as possible to save everyone's life. Aside from this, Tye Sheridan was so awful in this, it was like he had never acted before.

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And the prize for most cack-handedly offensive depiction of an autistic character goes to... :trophy:

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1st time wearing the X1 suit is understandable.
but why would the CEO of IOI kept wearing it when going into OASIS?

and no one ever thought of going backwards for the whole 5 years? there are many speed-runners in video games nowadays that will try all different things to try and break a video game just to find a potential exploit.

IOI playing the Adventure game, they know about that game having an Easter Egg (the very first video game that has it), and they're looking for an Easter Egg from the creator of OASIS, but they didn't think they should try to see the Easter Egg?

this movie is an unrealistic portrayal of video game and its players.

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Top 5 flick of all time!

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I rewatched it today.

It's fun, it has some adventure (the searching for the keys) and cool references and even some social criticism. But the story is stereotypical and most of the chafacters are really weakly done.

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Shout by Deleted

artemis carried the gam and slayed.

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Cool movie about a digital universe, how it can be exploited and how it ought to best be enjoyed.

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No idea why I didn't watch this sooner, but it's really fun. The movie is filled with pop culture references and is quite the treat for game/film fans. It can get a little slow at times but is worth the time overall.

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I sat through the first 45 minutes and turned it off. Completely ridiculous. As a boomer that grew up with the creation/expansion of the video game world, and who spent no telling how many hours and quarters in arcades immersing myself in the video game world, I expected something entirely different. Like so many of the review have already stated, this movie "isn't for everyone" and you can count me among that number. I have no interest at all in watching any more of this. Scratched it from my watchlist and won't bother finishing; it was just silly.

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Very well done :clap: nostalgic Movie I highly recommend it :thumbsup:

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Well, As I'm a gamer I don't know how i missed thisssss great movie, For real it's so cool and enjoyed every second of it, So big thanks for who made this gaming virtual masterpiece movie!

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The movie was really fun.
For me as a gamer there was a lot to discover here.

I really liked the idea of the 3 easter eggs.
These created the entire plot of the film and it didn't feel far-fetched. They were secrets like I imagine them in good games.

The plot in the game world was well thought out. On the other hand, I found the plot in the real world to be a bit overdone.
I can imagine that people will eventually live as shown in the film due to their own mistakes, but I can't imagine that there are no more laws and order, whoever sets them. Throughout the movie I wondered if there weren't any police and how big corporations could just kill and blow up anything. But whatever, in the end it all added to the tension.

I'm already saving my money for a full body suit with a microfiber coating in the crotch.

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This movie is awesome!!! Totally based on virtual/Meta/Gaming world. Enjoyed the whole movie. Personal rating 10/10

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Wish I’d switched off after 15 mins when I first sensed this was gonna be bad. No story, no acting as mainly computer graphics, in fact this can’t even be classed as a movie, it was an extended commercial. 1/10.

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POV: All of the metaverse conversations made you rewatch the movie.

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fuuuuuuuck im glad i stopped playing with video games because this is what happens if you are addicted to these games. they gonna suck you in for real.

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It is an amazing movie, I love it. You're not allowed to criticize it in any way.

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I feel slightly inclined to it, mostly from my love for the book. Overall though it was extremely disappointing, everything I loved about the book is barely present if at all, and all I'm left with is a wisp of the original.

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the book is a masterpiece, this movie adaptation gets worse the more I think about it. luckily, I can just reread the book

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It is a fun movie as long as you don't think about it for more than a second.

The rules of the Oasis are made up as the movie goes on, so don't try to reason and just enjoy the references.

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So so so bad, it's a film with a reading age for fourteen year olds chock full of references for fourty year olds. I was embarrassed to be in the cinema for it.

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A quite sensational effort - fantastic effects, excellent plot, brilliant soundtrack. Just full immersion, no sholds barred.

It lacks a little in the final act because it is slightly overlong in getting there.

But Spielberg delivers a winner here, chocked full of Easter eggs for those of a certain generation who remember the 70s/80s/90s pop culture.

As an aside, it looks like the lure of an kactual Oasis is too much to resist and Epic are working on an actual metaverse where we could all meet up and live a virtual life... If it's 10% of how good the Oasis looks, bring it on!


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I started watched the film with 0 expectations and it turned out to be a great movie I personally like the game idea and I thought seeing thought the animation was going to be annoying but I like it
great story, development , its funny and enjoyable movie

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A fun and unique watch but not good enough to watch again.

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This movie was soo good, I always saw it in my feed in netflix and on hbo max I watched it and it was great. what made it even better is how there was sooooo many references to other games/movies like halo, DC, back to the future, ect.

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Pretty good movie.

Probably not worth re-watching ever.

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I was positively surprised by this movie. Initially didn't want to watch but turned out so much better. Especially thanks to all the references to existing games, movies, etc.
Some things were obviously cheesy and as always wonder how much better—or rather, different—the book is, but still great,

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Once you read the book this movie isn’t as good but I still love it, there’s some bad acting and the story gets a little messy at times but seeing this fantastic novel/ one big 80s reference brought to life was amazing. The music/ vfx :thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone4::thumbsup_tone5::thumbsup:

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This is for everyone who played with action figures, played MMOs, or just played make believe. A hodge podge of pop culture from all genres. This was just a fun and gorgeously rendered movie. I geeked out with Chucky going beserk mode.... die hard horror movie fan right here.

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This movie was a very pleasant surprise.

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What a great movie. I really liked the effects. They were well done but not too over the top. The ending teaches a powerful lesson.

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Only wished this was in 3D

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Shout by Deleted

Was not what i was expected, i very very bad, it is so bad cause i cant a rewiew about this movie.

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this is the last movie I've ever watched in the movie theater and it was mediocre at best

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I actually find it cool, though a bit dragged out. But reading through comments here that the book was far better or at least the movie was so different from the book, I made a decision to read the book. Maybe I'm missing out from the real deal. :v:

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I struggled trying to watch this on two occasions, both times getting really tired of all the in-your-face whizz bang. It just tries FAR too hard to be something, and in the process, it succeeds in being annoying. I might give it another go after a few cups of coffee, but I did not care for the pace and the lack of connectedness I felt for any of the characters.

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The movie is not related to the book at all. I have read the book and I found it amazing, right after finishing the book I went to see the movie and I was totally disappointed on how the movie doesn't reflect the book. The plot in the book is awesome but for some reason a lot was changed, the "dramatization" or "they had to fit in" arguments doesn't apply as a reason to not follow the incredible story line in the book.

Anyways, for someone who didn't read the book it might be a cool movie........

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not as good as the book but still ok
worst thing about it : the main actor's acting!

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This is a strange hybrid of a modern visual effects heavy mainstream adventure film with the sensibilities of a 1980s production, and not just in the litany of pop culture references and visuals, but also in the tone which seems to be pitched at an audience that doesn’t not exist anymore - actual children and teens from the 80s rather than modern young audiences or nostalgia-fuelled adults. It doesn’t always work - the stakes seem strangely small and at odds with what the filmmakers are trying to get across to the audience and an ending that comes with a message that reality is as important as the virtual world feels tacked on and doesn’t really convince given what the film has shown. There are some fun action sequences, once the film gets past having to explain how the Oasis works in a clunkily put-together voice-over, and there is a lot of fun to be had in spotting the many pop culture references.

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Fantastic tech demo to show off your home theater. But that's it.

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This is one of the worst movies I've seen in my entire life and I hated every fucking second of it. This was about as nerd culture as a stripper in glasses. Total patronizing badly written, badly acted, terrible looking tee total dog shit. I hated this movie. The porn parody was almost guaranteed better. Hated it.

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A highly subjective my rating, but how could it be different for a kid raised in the 80s and familiar with the alleys of video game culture and the entire pop culture of the last 40 years. :)

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Definitely a great movie, excellent rythm and outstandings visuals. A lot of '80 reminders.

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Too much heavy handed nostalgia. A memories quilt in film form. But not cleverly done. The book, too.

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So I finally got around to see 'Ready Player One' and it was a perfectly fine. It's got some cool set pieces and the first race scene at the beginning was a chaotic thrill ride.

I've been hard on Steven Spielberg recently as I'm not always sure why he directs certian movies, and my perspective still hasn't changed yet.

Tye Sheridan is more indie than a leading man in a massive blockbuster. Great actor, but the directors he's been working with don't know what to do with him. Olivia Cooke entire character conflict with her appearance because of a birthmark on her face was laughable. Like she's freaking gorgeous. It's shameful to see The Iron Giant being turned into a killer weapon despite going against the powerful message in his own movie.

It's bloated, but still pretty enjoyable.

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  • Mindblowing CGI
  • Insane number of easter eggs from movies and video games
  • Great soundtrack
  • Fast-paced and just fun to watch
  • If you are expecting a great plot then this is not your movie
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Shout by Deleted

At least learned that this style of movie is not my cup of tea.

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Shout by Mike
BlockedParent2019-03-11T04:31:59Z— updated 2019-08-20T21:57:28Z

Best movie of 2018! Love the whole concept of online real feel graphics, with out of the box thinking like this there is no limit. Awesome techy look, it's what a sci-fi future could look like too. Top 5 movie of all time for me and my love of SCI-FI. Time to watch it again. ENJOY!

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Plotholes, plotholes, plotholes... everywhere. The more I think of it, the more it falls apart. Does not make sense AT ALL. Plotholes kept on distracting me from the actual movie. Incredibly stupid. 4/10

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Der Film hat einfach alles . Action,Gefühl,Kritik an der Gesellschaft und Großkonzernen,Witz,Story,Wendung,Intelligenz und Kultur. Unglaublich ich dachte heutzutage können keine so guten Filme mehr produziert werden.

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This was a lot of fun: had a great message on friendship and was FILLED with little Easter eggs aimed squarely at my demographic (nerdy 40-something y.o.). There was some silly cheesiness and more than once I felt like there was no way people wouldn't have figured out some of these clues or tricks before... But suspending disbelief just a little, this was a lot of fun and I'd definitely watch it again.

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So I put off watching this movie for a bit. I remember that I wanted to watch it as soon as it came out, but my friends weren't that excited. Life and work happened so I just didn't watch it. After seeing it at home and alone, I can definitely tell you that I regret not watching it as soon as it came out.

The story was set up incredibly well and it actually builds up very nicely. It portrays the reality we're currently aiming for and what that reality could mean. Obviously there won't be an egg hunt at the end of which you'll become immortal, but there will always be those that want to control everything.

I can't say a lot without adding spoilers. This is definitely a movie you should watch if you're into dystopian stuff. Heck, it's a movie you should watch even if you're not and while you're at it, watch it a few more times

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I enjoyed this movie! As a child of the 80s, I can appreciate the pop culture references. Too bad people who hated on this movie couldn't just watch the movie without going in with expectations! There loss on a very enjoyable ride!

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So...imagine a huge action set piece where, in the middle of it, one of the protagonists flies into the fight on Serenity, hops off so he can transform into a Gundam to fight MechaGodzilla to protect our other protagonists racing to a destination in a DeLorean. If that sounds entertaining (like it was for my inner 10 year old), you'll get a kick out of this. If you instead rolled your eyes, just stay away. This was a pretty remarkable visual treat, even if the story is so-so (it's one big fetch quest). I had a great time with it, but your mileage will vary depending upon how nerdy and nostalgic you are.

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Beautiful & smooth, action-packed & littered with pop culture references; it's a true Spielberg-fest! Simplified & improved story from the novel with an OASIS convincingly brought to life. Acting is all-around great but characters and the world lacks the depth from the book.

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So much was left out from the book!

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Shout by Deleted

Very basic characters and no description of the post-apocalipse world where they live. This seems to be a dystopic future but none of the central issues - not even the most dystopian ones such as the no-stop connection with Oasis - is tackled from a critical or "adult" point of view: just like a 80's Spielberg's movie.
Too bad... we are in 2018 (a post Black Mirror world) and the public expects these issues to be dealt with more seriously, even in blockbusters.
BTW, too much things happen and too much references to the pop culture: this distracts from the story that at the bottom is... meh

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the characters are very predictable and basic and the story does not give much of itself

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I literally paused the movie at certain points, and recorded my thoughts. I've never done this before, but I somehow felt compelled to do so (which is weird, even I must admit). So, here they are (hiding the spoilers, of course)...

''18:00'' - I want to turn this off
"45:00" - Why am I watching this shit?
"1:01:00" - Am I in high school right now?
"1:17:00" - A little conflict/struggle is doing the movie some good (thankfully)
"1:18:00" - Hearing Lena Waithe's unmodulated voice is so much better
"1:32:00" - The motivating speech got a bit too cheesy
"1:51:00" - The coin was an extra life?? Booooo
"1:52:00" - At least the second time I've seen a cheesy, not-so-subtle product placement for Doritos
"2:06:00" - The movie wasn't great, but I can't say I hated it. (7/10)

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It's a fun movie to watch. Yes, I played games on Atari console before.

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It can be silly at times, like Olivia Cooke’s character thinking a little birth mark makes her hidious. If she pulled off walking around with an oxygen tank in Bates Motel, a little birth mark hardly makes her undateable.
There’s also plenty of corny or cheesy moments. It can drag at times as well. Still, I love the movie. Due to all the Easter Eggs and plenty of intrigue. Also due to a likeable cast.

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It's more expository than it should in some ways, and it ignores others, but it's fun, funny, exciting, nostalgic, works like fiction, dystopia, and action movie. One of the biggest burials of this new generation.

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Amazing direction from Steven Spielberg and scenes straight out of video games!

Despite some plot holes, Ready Player One is a sci-fi action movie that anybody who's ever been a gamer will enjoy!

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Yeah yeah yeah, book worms, we know its different than the book. The movie is still incredibly well done. Easily one of my top films of the year. The opening race scene is my favorite, and I've rewatched that so many times. The pop culture references were spot on too! Good stuff!

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The thing I don't get is why in 2045 they only have pop culture references from 1980 - 2016.

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3 words: Not that good. Nothing special. Nice soundtrack but if you take that have: Not good.
I didn't read the book but I have a feeling that the book was really interesting but this See it or not. Not going to change much for you, IMO. I would give it a 5.5/10 if possible. Rounded up just due to the music.

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Actually it is a great movie, but to be honest I've expected much more from steven Spielberg!

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Cashes in on the current 80s obsession and gaming. I thought people caring more about the avatar VR world was depressing. Focusing on that would have been more interesting. Instead it just normalises a sad future, which tasteless. The pop culture references annoyed me after a while. It was time that could have been spent developing character, the world or plot instead of making the audience either a) remember the past fondly or b) Get a reference. The characters are also very stereotypical. Spielberg delivers a nice looking low blow.

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