I had mixed feelings about this after watching V, but this is interestingly good.It was always a query to get on with Klingon friendliness after watching some TNG, so this is quite nice thing to explore for the final voyage of the OG Kirk crew.

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One of the best of the original cast movies, they ended the run on an up note.

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The swan song of the Classic Star Trek crew. Well, as a group that is. And it was a worthy one.

A really good story inspired by the end of the Cold War era. Co written and directed by Meyer you instantly recognize the step up in quality. No stupid dialogue, no more supposedly funny scenes and finally some Klingon characters with depth. I would put this one on the same level as the second part.

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After the very disappoint "The Final Frontier", this flick is on par with the "The Voyage Home". Only during the middle part it gets a little boring. But otherwise I can recommend this film wholeheartedly to every SciFi fan.

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Good Story but they couldn't resist trying to add funny lines which turns every actor into an idiot. Otherwise great movie.

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After the nearly horrid "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" I found "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" to be a difficult movie to take seriously. The movie was enjoyable as it explored themes like racism and served as an analogy for the strained relationship between the U.S. and Soviet Union. The thing that keeps this movie down is how familiar we have become with the crew of the Enterprise. After the corny but good "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" and the aforementioned disaster that was "Star Trek V" everything that these characters do seems like a cartoon. When they have to get serious and they do get very serious in "The Undiscovered Country" I can't actually take them seriously. The balance of comedy and drama that make up the Star Trek movies and television shows sways too far to the silly side of the equation so when the crew of the Enterprise furrows their brow I just end up chuckling. That's not to say that this movie isn't good it just lacks the impact of the statement it is trying to make.

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Decent sendoff for the original cast.

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It is kind of interesting how Star Trek Enterprise shifted the perception (at least mine) at 1:26:xx where spock forces the mindmelt.

At the time Star Trek VI was made (even the time I first saw it - I was 6 when the movie came out...) it seemed like a good interrogation technique - after watching Enterprise it's basically rape - very uncharacteristic of Starfleet, even in the Kirk-era.

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