Shouts about...

Suicide Squad 2016

Good movie, something different using the anti-hero as a good guy worked for me,acting was good, great soundtrack,overall a thumbs up.

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the witch girl is also fantastic

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What can ya say??? Falls into the 99% of comic book movies i will never watch much potential yet plpphhhhfffffffrrrrttttt...well at least i made it to the end loved it so take that how ya will

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I know this is a big screen movie, but I streamed it on my 46" TV at home, so the dark action scenes were compromised. A heroic villain team was as plagued with oxymorons as you'd expect and the character development didn't do a lot to overcome the contradictions. Margot Robbie was a standout, and brought most of the humour, but all in all it fell a little flat for me. I give it a 6.5 (better than fair, and not quite good) out of 10.

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Shout by Deleted

It's very boring, it starts well, but the interesting and fun dialogues end and there's a lot of bad mechanics between effects, action and dialogues. They fall into mediocrity and become boring and heavy. Very good actors, and well Marvel title, but the film gave no results

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6/10 bc of viola davis and will smith tbh

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Shout by Deleted

It was an explosively cheesy (in a good way) movie. Kudos to the Director for jamming in such a sense story into the given timeframe. The Joker though enjoyable was take it or leave it for me, and whats with the wierd shoulder jiggle Enchantress is doing when casting her spell? Overall good popcorn summer flick, I would've gone to the theatre to watch it but not sad that I didn't.

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Great movie, all characters were awesome, except the Joker. This gangster style was just awful.

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I don't like this film

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The start of the movie is kind of a mess trying to explain all of the characters' backgrounds and motivations. Only way you would know who the characters are is if you already knew them from the comics. But, once it gets going it's a really awesome movie. I think the editing team on this movie should have had more time to get it right. There are a lot of hard cuts and questionable decisions in the final cut. With proper time and direction this could have had an amazing move and not just a good one.

All in all, I think this movie like Batman V Superman was made way to early in the life of the DCMU. The Universe really hasn't formed yet and all of the movies feel disconnected and are being forced together through obvious thin plot threads with no depth. We need a movie that really starts to build character history. The DCMU is in trouble if WB cannot course correct with WW and JL.

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Shout by Deleted

Not the best of Marvel movies. Would've been better without the Enchantress as the main villain. Her background story was mediocre and didn't deserve all the focus.
Overall not as bad as some made it seem.....almost didn't bother to watch after hearing bad reviews. Glad I gave it a chance!!!!

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Shout by Deleted


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Will Smith as deadshot honestly was the best part of the movie.. (not that everyone else suck.. well Leto did) He had the best lines. "Oh you must be one of those deaf hoes" lmao fave.

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loved it awesome freaking movie

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There is no big deal about this movie, just a sweet looking picture with a sketchy characters you don't really care about and weak plot. Put some jokes in and you got yourself the deal for the average joe. I agree that it is really a crime to call those kind of movie pictures a bad ones, but at the same time I really could not say that this type of movie I like or enjoy or would pay money to watch.

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Lets Go for request the ticket of Suicide Squad Full Movie here ➡ and get bonus free to watch.

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Well it sure wasnt that bad, but it did dissapont me. Assault on Arkham was much better.

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Well it wasn't as bad as you've heard and not that good as you also heard. It was above average for me, loved the Kinnaman and Robbie, hated the Leto as Joker, he wasn't good.

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This movie had some bad things and some good things. Haley was amazing. Margot Robbie convinced me. She understand the character and maded an exelent work. I liked Deadshot too. Will Smith made well what he knows. Amanda Waller was good too. About Joker, I think he coud be more time on screen. I liked, but I can't say how well he really can be. There are the good things.

Screenplay is ballshit, I really understand nothing. I thought the movie kind of boring. I think Suicide Squad shouhd not face villains who want cause mass destruction. I think Suicide Squad should face smaller and specifc problems.

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I have read many critiques saying that Harley Quinn and Margot Robbie stole the show.
My question is:
How can you steal something that is yours?
This movie is so much better than all those bad reviews acclaim. Real DC Comics fans will like this, and generally any comic book lover will like this. Now I'm waiting for Wonder Woman and Justice League!

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Fed up of how disney influences the critical. Great Movie!

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Shout by Galileo5
BlockedParent2016-08-21T01:23:18Z— updated 2016-09-21T05:56:54Z

DC needs to learn how to properly tell a story from beginning to end. This one was funny, had action, good actors, super special effects and likable characters... but plot and pacing were all over the place. It's still an okay movie, not a complete train wreck as some critics will want to make you believe. Still it could have been so much better if DC would focus on telling a story and a strong core, not only making it "look" great.

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Why can't Jared Leto be clean shaven for once?
Ok, that question aside, Harley Quinn was phenomenal!!!!!
The movie is not that good. The whole movie was carried on the back of Harley Quinn and her relationship with Joker. The rest of the characters were all backdrops. Joker was PERFECT, especially in the scene in which he surrounds himself in knives, bullets and guns.

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It starts out awesome, but gets weaker half way. The ending is pretty lame as well and the Joker looks ridiculous. However, Harley Quinn's madness is awesome. Overall, I thought it was good, not great.

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The joker isnt worth all the hype because he is only shown a bit throughout the movie

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This movie has its flaws and lows but Harley makes everything better. For her live action debut alone 10!

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Harley Quinn and Deadshot the best!

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My biggest complaint to this movie is that backstory. There is hardly none, they show about 5 minutes for each character then all of a sudden you are suppose to like them and then there are some characters you get no backstory for but are suppose to like them. I feel like the character development was very poor. There were also some plot things I didn't like/understand but I still think the character development/back story was the worst trait of the movie.

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Not sure why many reviewers didn't like it. Very strong 8 out of 10. Will definitely watch again when comes out on blue ray

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The movie was good. There are good parts for me and bad parts.

Plot: Nothing spectacular. OK-ish
+ Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
- Jared Leto as Joker
Camera: Good
Effects: OK-ish, nothing spectacular
Costumes: really like Enchanters (Cara Delevingne), when she is the crouched dark creature. On other hand, i did not like her as the "clean" Enchantress

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i really enjoyed this movie and not as everyone make it to be, it was funny and very charming dollface.

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Shout by Deleted

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Movie was good, but not great. There were a lot of scenes that didn't quite make much sense. Character bonding was minimal and the development was basically an intro sequence at the start and then the moment when they talk to each other in the trailer in the bar. Furthermore, the CG was pretty cheesy and shit at times. There were moments that kinda OP'd up the Squad itself, especially at the start. And I'm fairly certain that in one scene, one character is not visible at all when they were right there when the fighting started.

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Shout by Dave

This was good. There certainly were some flaws and a few things that I would like to see changed but it was mostly fun. Despite what a lot of people are saying I enjoyed the Joker and an intrigued to see more of him and HQ.

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The humor and the more serious parts weren't balanced as neatly as they could've been but it wasn't too jarring. I don't mind the choice they went with for the big bad and I thought it also made sense for it to be Enchantress. El Diablo was kind of the breakout star in this -- I wasn't expecting to like him as much as I did.

The movie's not perfect but it's still an over all fun ride.

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Oh, this is hard to say but I thought this was to be much better. The movie is very fun, but also it have so many mistakes.

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Shout by Deleted

Decent movie, would watch again. But seriously, not what i expected it to be like...

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Shout by Deleted

I'm waiting till 5 august :)))

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Brand new trailer; this isn't just a little bit awesome at all is it?!

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