Shouts about...

Suicide Squad 2016

This movie isn't as bad as everyone made it to be. It's so much better than Fantastic Four and you're an idiot if you even think of comparing them to each other.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2015-09-29T15:38:56Z— updated 2019-07-14T19:24:48Z

The Joker and Harley Quinn scenes are perfect and some are straight from the comics. It's just unfortunate that some actors even at their best have such a weak plot to work with.
The villain is like something from a Mummy movie. While the heroes/villains feel out of place fighting her zombie like minions. Even Jai Courtney showing he can do more than play a stiff hero in Die Hard 5 or Terminator Genisys is wasted in this movie.
I mean the actors make a lot of effort to be entertaining and are in good form. They deserved better than shooting at supernatural creatures. Or in Harley's case hitting them with bats.
When you finally get to hear Harley Quinn saying Mr. J. or Pudding on the big screen for the first time. The movie really deserved a better story than Suicide Squad: Zombie Hunters.
Jared Leto’s Joker with his grill, tats and over-acting makes a weak Joker as well. Will Smith has been called a strong point. He’s usual Will Smith though and just phones it in.

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Harley Quinn! Harley Quinn! HARLEY QUINN!

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"The B-list superheroes have been unleashed upon the world, with their very own cult B-movie, and it's quite a lot of fun."

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Shout by Deleted

I really do not regret to saw this Film. But after 15 minutes they started to save the world and I didnt even know why. The only Carakter that helped me trough it was Harley Quinn . The Film was not that bad . I love every type of Dc . And this Film was o.k

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One of the better DC flicks I've seen recently. Margot Robbie and Will Smith make it.

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This movie had some bad things and some good things. Haley was amazing. Margot Robbie convinced me. She understand the character and maded an exelent work. I liked Deadshot too. Will Smith made well what he knows. Amanda Waller was good too. About Joker, I think he coud be more time on screen. I liked, but I can't say how well he really can be. There are the good things.

Screenplay is ballshit, I really understand nothing. I thought the movie kind of boring. I think Suicide Squad shouhd not face villains who want cause mass destruction. I think Suicide Squad should face smaller and specifc problems.

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The misogyny! Also, nothing about the characters or the story made sense. Script and editing completely failed. Viola Davis being bad-ass and Margo Robbie dealing zany one-liners won't make up for this.

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Shout by Jonathan Alpay
BlockedParent2016-08-07T21:55:13Z— updated 2016-12-20T16:11:35Z

The movie was really great. Don't know why there is so many hate online. Special favor for Magott Robie !

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Shout by Deleted

I'm waiting till 5 august :)))

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What a great action packed dark humor film following all/most of the villains from DC as they are given a second chance but first have to complete a dangerous mission under the watchful eyes of the government. The target/villain in is very unique and hooks the audience right in. The character introductions are well done and help with the plot development and audience attraction towards them. Great action/stunts as always.

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Me reading reviews: nah, it can't be that bad

Me after watching it: It really is THAT bad.

(not giving it a 1/10 because some scenes were so bad that they actually made me laugh.)

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Margot Robbie is a great Harley Quinn, hate this version of Joker, he has such little airtime why even have him as part of the story line?

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This movie is dumb fun. I love the dynamic between the Suicide Squad themselves, but the characters aren’t too fleshed out, and some stuff is just stupid. Like the villain, this villain sucks. This movie is fine, but the other Suicide Squad movie is leagues better. 5/10 :star:

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Shout by Diego

Amazing. Fantastic. Messy At Times. Fun Movie. Simple Plot. Funny. Worth Your Time. Worth Your Money. Weak Villain. Great Protagonists. Amanda Waller,Deadshot,El Diablo,Harley Quinn,Captain Boomerang,Katana were all Fantastic. The Plot was simple but it was equally gripping as Harley Quinn and El Diablo's arcs being my absolute favorite.Would watch again.Slipknot was Mind Blowing (literally).Amanda Waller felt like the true villain of the film as she had a very cold and ruthless heart monster.Captain Boomerang made me like him even though my only previous experience was on the flash TV show (never read the flash comics was more of a batman guy).All in all, it was surprisingly funny and goes into my top 5 movies of the year

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Shout by Kaito

This was bad. I don’t mind plot holes or lacking depth as long as this can be a fun ride, but even in this regard it was a huge disappointment and ended up being subpar at best. The actors have no charisma. The dialogue is awful. Especially the Japanese woman was extremely cringe talking anime-like Japanese and acting so unconvincingly eccentric. I guess because Ayer is even worse at writing Japanese dialogue than English she suffered more from this movie's shortcomings.
The end fight was garbage, I guess them bonding a bit is kinda cute but you really can’t care that much when you have all these surface-level characters without any depth. I liked Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, though. Her relationship with Joker was also not bad, Jared Leto overall didn’t deliver as Joker, his performance is weird at best, but in this regard, he also played the part well enough.

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this movie deserves an Oscar. Citizen Kane is a joke near this masterpiece

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THE 2016


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I'm very glad I didn't fall for the hype when this was released because this was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. The "Squad" is loaded with what are supposed to be villains, but for some reason they are set up as if they are just misunderstood or at the very least dysfunctional.

Deadshot and Harley Quinn are ill-equipped to handle an Earth-ending bad-gal witch and her tentacled brother and their blue lazer-thingy death machine that turns normal people into an army of blackhead covered guys. There was never a time when I wasn't wondering, no...yelling out loud..."CALL WONDER WOMAN!!! WHERE'S BATMAN!?!? TEXT THE FLASH!!!!" Why would you fight these harbingers of doom with a guy that throws boomerangs? Or a tiny woman who carries a baseball bat and wears short-shorts.

Every one of these characters bored the hell out of me, and I haven't even mentioned Amanda Waller and Sergeant Ames. And I was actually embarrassed for whoever thought Jared Leto's Joker was a good idea.

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Rate this 3/10. Pretty awful really. Margot Robbie gets the points.

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Another variation on how the bad guys save the good world. Pretty successful. It is a pity that the Joker is some kind of a mistake in this release.

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Awesome movie, all the actors are incredible

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3 stars but only for will smith, the music and margot robbie.

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This was a terrible movie. It seemed half of the movie was spent introducing new characters. There were some great songs but they were played almost back to back, making it feel like a slideshow. Would not recommend watching.

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Epic hero stuff... I don't make the rules.

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No real substance with this one but it's an ok watch to pass the time.

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This is probably the worst movie I have muscled through in recent years. Margot and Will did their best but this movie stands as a testament to how broken and sloppy DC adaptations often are since the early Batman (West) and Superman (Reeves).

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Note up top: I watched the extended cut, not the theatrical cut, so who knows if that made a big difference. Anyhow, even after all of the terrible reviews, I thought I should give this a watch before I sat down with Birds of Prey and, well... I didn't hate it. The film is really two halves--the intro to the team in the first half and the "mission" in the second half. The first half was really fun, but the second half felt... small... for a superhero/villain story. That and the Joker was completely unnecessary to the whole film. I liked most of the leads--Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, and even Will Smith all inhabit their characters quite well. The action is entertaining enough and the banter passable. There are some truly badass moments for a few characters (especially Davis' Amanda Waller). If the second half of the film had been a bit more engaging, I think this would have actually been a pretty great movie. As it is, it's flawed, but an actually fun watch.

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I honestly did not like the story much. It didn’t have that cohesion with the characters in a background so bizarre. And that’s the only one bad thing I could say about this film. Ayer took a really creative take on how to be economical and yet create sensational mystic events. The squad though is really messed up, but I think that might be intentional, deciding from the fact that all the promotions of the movie used kind of psychedelic neon-driven expressions. So a bit weird cocktail might be his theme all along.

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An incredibly fun comic book film, Suicide Squad is action-packed and full of thrills. In the wake of Superman's death the government puts together a black ops team of super-criminals, including Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, and Killer Croc, to fight the battles that no one else can. Starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Jai Courtney, and Cara Delevingne, the film has an impressive cast that gives some very good performances; particularly Robbie who's outstanding as Harley, bringing a lot of charisma and personality to the role. However, the storytelling is rather formulaic and convoluted. Still, the action is pretty exciting, as are the characters (especially Deadshot, Harley, and Joker). And the soundtrack is extraordinarily well-done, using classic rock to set a campy, lighthearted tone. Suicide Squad, while it has its problems, is entertaining and presents an interesting vision of the DC Cinematic Universe.

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This movie lacks character development and it also makes this incarnation of the Joker a total dirtbag in the process.

What I meant by that was that Jared Leto's performance is just god awful and I'd prefer to see that movie just burn itself in a bonfire.

Warner Bros. made a huge mistake in the DCEU (DC Extended Universe) along with Batman v Superman, Justice League etc.

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It's just completely awful in every aspect, sound, imagem, art direction, character development, worldbuilding, visual effects, editing, rhythm, pace.
It's do awful and bland that it has nothing that is able to entertain me.

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Terrible movie indeed:
-Worst Joker I've ever seen.
-Soundtrack makes no sense, it's like a DJ keeps playing songs even though we tell him to stop.
-The tone is all over the place.
-Jokes are weak and cringey.

Goddamn this movie is so stupid.

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Not bad, not bad. With red wine not bad.

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While a couple of the actors seem to ride their reps Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, and Jared Leto more than held their own. Not sure why the extreme disparity between I and everyone else. Dig a little deeper and you'll see mankind playing God as usual.

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I am amused that in an age of technological splendor often muscling out the so-called star and any cohesive plot this phantasmagorical movie somehow actually let the acting and plot have their say-so: under-rated classic.

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Shout by Deleted

Oh dear Lord. That is the worst Joker character I have ever seen and he was hardly in it! Basically bad guys are temporary released from prison so they can fight a brother/sister witch team. This is NOT what I expected but it still fell so flat.

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Wanted to watch this movie for such a long time and now I regret watching it at all. The story was flat and you could anticipate almost every move. Some things as always with kind of super heroes didn't make sense at all. Acting was not too engaging and neither were the special effects. Really disappointing so I should have listened the the reviews…

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just bad, acting, plot and even editing. i mean what the hell with all that abrupt scene transtion.

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Nothing worthwhile in this sick sack of mess, except Chato Santana and Will Smith's Deadshot

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This movie tries so hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy. Its got the music but just not the fun. Will Smith and Margot Robbie are both good. Cara Delevingne and Jared Leto are both bad.

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Shout by Deleted

I really loved this movie. its one of the better movies I had seen in a while.

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i feel bad for will smith. i didnt get a lot of it... idk if that's my fault or the movies. they rly made jared leto look like that and they couldn't give his gf pants

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You don't stand for shit, you ain't about shit. Here's to honor amongst thieves.

I can't believe it took me this long to watch this. Awesome style. Brilliant directing. Amazing script. Badass soundtrack. Wonderful cast. Entertaining from start to finish, not a single dull moment. I also loved how unpredictable it is. With your usual Superhero movies, you know the Heroes will always do the right thing, there's no wondering what if. Here with the "villains", it was the exact opposite, which was incredibly refreshing and exciting. Really really fun movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Go into this movie for the characters only. The plot of this movie was bad. Almost not worth seeing.

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Not my usual type of film at all, but had an urge to watch it for research purposes for my job. Surprisingly it was better than I thought it was going to be!

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Shout by Alaa
BlockedParent2017-05-01T16:24:58Z— updated 2017-09-26T17:19:12Z

didn't watch the movie yet?? ..better you don't.

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I was expecting a lot more. especially when the suposed to be good guys starts shooting FBI to, ... what this???
Suddenly when they start the mission it was a savior mission for the boss. No word said about she having problems. She shoots people cause they where not cleared? wtf who is the bad guy actually?

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Can't watch anytime the joker's on screen. Terrible interpretation of the Joker in my opinion but great movie overall

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I don't understand how the actors were able to dictate the dialogues of this film. Because they are, in majority, just terrible. I honestly feel bad for them. Viola David, Will Smith and Margot Robbie deserved more than this shit.

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Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2017-03-05T14:56:43Z— updated 2017-03-07T10:21:23Z

  • Fun movie for what it is: a superhero comic movie
  • Don't expect a mind blowing plot
  • All the squad combined cannot even scratch Superman so I am not sure how the writers decided to depict this in the movie
  • The comedy side of the movie was good. It made me laugh several times
  • Pretty good VFX
  • A mix of outstanding characters (Harley Quinn - Deadshot - Amanda Waller) and underdeveloped characters (Croc, Joker and Diablo)
  • Croc was a major disappointment. Croc should have been a complete badass character with tons of muscles and almost invincible.
  • The OST aided the movie in many sections
  • Joker's role in the whole movie was a joke.
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Not much of a story but fun to watch anyway.

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This movie could have been great, but when it was tye time of putting all the scenes together i guess they threw them all high above and then grab them as they pleased and put them in that order. I mean, you have so many great stories of each and every one of the characters and you do this with them? I was so sad and disappointed.

I think it's also unfair for Will's and Margot's talents to make such a poor flow with their splendid performances. They deserve better.

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Shout by Deleted

Great , Watch Free Full Movie 2016 , Visit Link :

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To be honest, I can't really understand all the hate for Suicide Squad.'s by no means a great movie. But it sure as hell have some good parts. Two of them are Margot Robbie and Will Smith.

Robbie was born to play the batshit insane, bat wielding, hotpants-wearing Harley Quinn, and Smith have rarely been this good the last decade. The rest was kinda meh, but I suspect those were written poorly as much as it was bad acting.

Some great fight choreography, but the fights tended to go on for a long time. Kinda took something away from the movie as a whole.

I also laughed actually more than I expected. Some of the dialogue in this one is actually quite funny. Especially between Quinn and Deadshot.

Suicide Squad IS a stupid movie, but the premise of this story is actually so absurd it kinda works in some weird way. If you are at all into comic book movies, give this one a try...

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One of the best movies I've seen in a long time!

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Shout by Jason Stathopulos
BlockedParent2017-01-06T13:18:49Z— updated 2017-01-08T17:24:05Z

This is an entertaining film just don't expect a story or good editing they are a disaster

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Shout by Deleted

Buffffffl The Best film of 2016 for me

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Shout by Deleted

Probably the worst movie i watched in a while.

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This is everything that is wrong in cinema.

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I'm sorry but Jared Leto's "Joker",for me, ruined what would otherwise have been a pretty cool movie. Let's not do that again Warner Bros......

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Shout by Deleted

Suppose it was alright, best part for me was the soundtrack

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Good movie, something different using the anti-hero as a good guy worked for me,acting was good, great soundtrack,overall a thumbs up.

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the witch girl is also fantastic

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What can ya say??? Falls into the 99% of comic book movies i will never watch much potential yet plpphhhhfffffffrrrrttttt...well at least i made it to the end loved it so take that how ya will

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I know this is a big screen movie, but I streamed it on my 46" TV at home, so the dark action scenes were compromised. A heroic villain team was as plagued with oxymorons as you'd expect and the character development didn't do a lot to overcome the contradictions. Margot Robbie was a standout, and brought most of the humour, but all in all it fell a little flat for me. I give it a 6.5 (better than fair, and not quite good) out of 10.

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the best thing about this movie was the post credit scene.

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Shout by Deleted

It's very boring, it starts well, but the interesting and fun dialogues end and there's a lot of bad mechanics between effects, action and dialogues. They fall into mediocrity and become boring and heavy. Very good actors, and well Marvel title, but the film gave no results

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6/10 bc of viola davis and will smith tbh

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I hate when movies try to make me like the bad guys. And how many characters do you want to develop? Because in 2 hours I only got some kinda good insight of Harley and Deadshot! It was as if Katana e Cap. Boomerang weren't even there!!
I hated every each and one of them, except maybe for El Diablo but GUESS WHAT HAPPENS TO THE ONLY GOOD CHARACTER IN THE MOVIE: he dies. Will Smith was good, but Deadshot is really a piece of shit of a character and his love for his daughter doesn't make me like him more. Also I can't understad why he would get so attached to Harley, who acted as a "drunk stripper" all the time...
Also Harley loves Joker and they are MADLY in love, yes, we got that, Jesus! Get on with the plot!

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Shout by Deleted

It was an explosively cheesy (in a good way) movie. Kudos to the Director for jamming in such a sense story into the given timeframe. The Joker though enjoyable was take it or leave it for me, and whats with the wierd shoulder jiggle Enchantress is doing when casting her spell? Overall good popcorn summer flick, I would've gone to the theatre to watch it but not sad that I didn't.

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It was a very disappointing view.

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In the era of hashtags, all I can say is #NotMyJoker

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Great movie, all characters were awesome, except the Joker. This gangster style was just awful.

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I don't like this film

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The start of the movie is kind of a mess trying to explain all of the characters' backgrounds and motivations. Only way you would know who the characters are is if you already knew them from the comics. But, once it gets going it's a really awesome movie. I think the editing team on this movie should have had more time to get it right. There are a lot of hard cuts and questionable decisions in the final cut. With proper time and direction this could have had an amazing move and not just a good one.

All in all, I think this movie like Batman V Superman was made way to early in the life of the DCMU. The Universe really hasn't formed yet and all of the movies feel disconnected and are being forced together through obvious thin plot threads with no depth. We need a movie that really starts to build character history. The DCMU is in trouble if WB cannot course correct with WW and JL.

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Worst movie ever! Boo! Boo!

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Shout by Deleted

Not the best of Marvel movies. Would've been better without the Enchantress as the main villain. Her background story was mediocre and didn't deserve all the focus.
Overall not as bad as some made it seem.....almost didn't bother to watch after hearing bad reviews. Glad I gave it a chance!!!!

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by drtrotusk
BlockedParent2016-10-27T18:24:02Z— updated 2019-10-21T12:06:45Z

Why does it have to be so bad? So much potential (as always with these movies), but the end result is just the same predictable, infantile crap.

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Will Smith as deadshot honestly was the best part of the movie.. (not that everyone else suck.. well Leto did) He had the best lines. "Oh you must be one of those deaf hoes" lmao fave.

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loved it awesome freaking movie

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There is no big deal about this movie, just a sweet looking picture with a sketchy characters you don't really care about and weak plot. Put some jokes in and you got yourself the deal for the average joe. I agree that it is really a crime to call those kind of movie pictures a bad ones, but at the same time I really could not say that this type of movie I like or enjoy or would pay money to watch.

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More boring than it has any right to be. Unfocused, inconsistent, and nonstop cliche.

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Shout by Deleted

Lets Go for request the ticket of Suicide Squad Full Movie here ➡ and get bonus free to watch.

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I still feel sad about this movie. I am looking toward watching it again when it comes out on demand, maybe even a hopefully altered addition. As the memories of the movie fade the feeling of defeat i got as i left is still the same and the same i had when i left Batman V Superman (Just not as intense). It had good parts, great little parts even but it also had horribly noticeable faults. My least favourite of the 3 movies. Batman V Superman despite its jumpy nature still had a lot of quality but as a movie this sucked. The characters were fun but the world they were in, the story, ugh.

Man of Steel is still the best film in the new DC Cinematic Universe and Wonder Woman, you are my only hope. (Hopefully i can see more of the Joker one day since Leto seems to have filmed a lot)

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Shout by Deleted


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Honestly the reviews don't do it justice, it's a lot better then I expected. Harley Quinn was on top of her game, Will Smith was the perfect Deadshot and it didn't revolve around him, they didn't do the Joker justice, he would have taken the movie from an 8 to a 10 and it would be amazing.

The action was great, the team came together and they became the suicide squad to take on the bad guys. Really enjoyed it and can't wait to see the right movie with Joker!

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Leto ruined it for me. I don't see the hype about him. Also, the enchantress actress sucks. smh. Don't get me wrong I don't hate it, it was too hyped especially Joker, but he ended up barely intelligible because of his grills.

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You don't need your brain for watch this movie, classical story and kind villain.
Potential wasted.

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Well it sure wasnt that bad, but it did dissapont me. Assault on Arkham was much better.

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Fucking awful...Jarod Leto is BAD as in an awful Joker, Will Smith...are you really this desperate
DC, HAVE NOTHING EXCEPT BATMAN.....the story is weak and actually stupid, as a comic nerd, i felt this film was insulting...the only bright spot was Harley Quinn, give her own film. This film is worse than Catwoman....and that was drek

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Well it wasn't as bad as you've heard and not that good as you also heard. It was above average for me, loved the Kinnaman and Robbie, hated the Leto as Joker, he wasn't good.

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I have read many critiques saying that Harley Quinn and Margot Robbie stole the show.
My question is:
How can you steal something that is yours?
This movie is so much better than all those bad reviews acclaim. Real DC Comics fans will like this, and generally any comic book lover will like this. Now I'm waiting for Wonder Woman and Justice League!

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No tiene ningún sentido la película. Los personajes son totalmente planos y no son nada creibles. Una basura y una perdida de tiempo y dinero.

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Fed up of how disney influences the critical. Great Movie!

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Why did I go and watch this? I went hoping it was not as bad as most people thought it was. Unfortunately, it was as bad. I came away from the cinema feeling very cheated. I found it all a confusing jumble of unfinished scenes, with characters I really didn't care about and with an ending that was laughable. It gets 4/10 and that was purely for Harley, who had the best lines and made me not walk out of the cinema... which, I came close to doing on several occasions. Don't waste too much of your money on this, they have made their money back and that's what the trick was I guess... nice one. I fell for it.

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FUCKING HORRIBLE MOVIE - every single female character just had to be "sexy" and have no substance. Same with the male characters too but they weren't there just to be sexy. The plot was horrible and actually made no sense with so many gaps.

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A movie for people who hate movies.

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Harley AWESOME Quinn!!!
She is my favorite!
The Joker was AMAZING!! (But I wanted more of him)
Amanda is THE BITCH!!
I loved the funny scenes!!
I think it was a good movie.

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