Shouts about...

The Commuter 2018

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Good film. Typical Liam Neeson film.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Action movie on a train.

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The Commuter is a film that is right up Liam Neeson's alley. It's a good thriller with plenty of action and suspense, but it doesn't offer anything particularly new or innovative. Neeson's performance is solid as always, playing a character that is both tough and vulnerable. The movie offers some exciting action sequences and a suspenseful plot, but it's not groundbreaking or exceptional. Although it doesn't offer anything that hasn't been seen before, it's still a good film, and you'll likely enjoy if you're a fan of Neeson.

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Good Movie, not boring at all as many say.

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Did Liam Neeson already star in a movie like this called 'Non-stop', but this time it's a train, not a plane. It's even got the same director, Jaume Collet-Serra.

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A typical Liam Neeson movie, but with that said you know what you are getting and it didn't dissapoint! great entertainment. When will they learn not to threathen this man's family!

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Jaume Collet Sera the most predictable and boring director is back with another boring movie. Maybe he should spend some effort on story-telling instead of his tacky VFX-camera moves and "action for old men".

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It's basically that movie with Liam Neeson on a plane but now it's on a train. Liam Neeson plays Michael, ex-cop who finds himself in a pickle when a mystery woman named Joanna (the ever so lovely Vera Farmiga) offers him money to find a person on the train he takes daily, the catch? This person is obviously going to die once he locates him/her.
The tension was build up nicely, easy to follow plot and of course some action. Classic Liam Neeson film so if you are into movies like Taken and Non-Stop, this is the one for you. I personally watched because I saw Vera Farmiga was in it but was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable I found it.

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They may be running out of ways to get his family. Whats next? A Cruise Ship?

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Liam Qui-Gon Jinn Neeson took the wrong train, but as always he saved the world. ;)

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*Strangers on a Train*

This is a decent action-thriller movie.
A long time train commuter is surprised by a stranger on a train with an enticing offer; after a bad day at the office the commuter is dragged into an ever spiraling dangerous ride. There is danger, suspense and intrigue. Ok so parts of the story may be far fetched but all the players give first rate convincing performances and aided by a distinct feel of realism during the train journey, these factors convinces me the movie deserves a solid. If you like suspense/action movies then you'll love this movie!

My score: 7/10.

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I would say that it was a good movie to watch and entertain. However I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned about waiting for Liam's character to figure out who he was looking for was crazy slow, I figured it out early on and was waiting for him to catch up, it was good but a little to obvious for me.

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Pretty good movie, but I didn’t like the final part.

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This is pretty much a clone of every other Liam Neeson film ever made. Whether its in a plane or a train, the plot doesn't change much which makes each movie less and less enjoyable.

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What you come to expect from Liam Neeson in action movie, thrilling moments, unknown assailants and a the right type of drama. It was better then I expected, and honestly an enjoyable movie. Don't over complicate it, just enjoy it, its just one of those easy movies to enjoy.

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The plot derails in the final third, but for the most part, this is an enjoyable thrill-ride.

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Surprisingly good... a train version of Taken but way better than snakes on a plane :-) Solid 8/10

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Would be an 8 but for the last 25 mins. Almost took off another point for the hokey Spartacus scene.

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Nice action thriller with a simple yet interesting and intriguing plot. Didn't like the ending, otherwise I can recommend this flick.

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Solid Liam Neeson effort. The post credits are one of the coolest designs I've seen.

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Shout by Deleted

I wouldn't recommend anyone to watch this movie! 1/10

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Is it me, or are all of Liam Neeson's movies lately the same plot over and over again? Cop/FBI agent/General bad ass put under some sort of blackmail revolving around his family OR the nation, always ending in general kickassery and loads of explosions? Meh.

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Good movie. Lots of action and some gripping moments. Worth a watch. Enjoy.

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Shout by CinemanicBonkers
BlockedParent2018-05-14T22:40:56Z— updated 2018-09-21T22:35:45Z

Film's are becoming very predictable when you can work out the trains stop in the trailer by It's casting, know the outcome through the film because of the director working with (liam neeson) before on similar films and gets to the point where you can read a trailer by It's cover and I'll never get bored of films that are similar starring (liam neeson) because he always does a good job, shows of a good performance and him and the film were equal all the way through on the right tracks with lots of action, a good plot and that's how I like it. XD

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Shout by Deleted

Did Liam Neeson already star in a movie like this called 'Non-stop', but this time it's a train, not a plane. It's even got the same director, Jaume Collet-Serra.

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Packed with action and suspense. Too many cliches though.

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I noticed that no one in the comments said anything about the end of the movie, literally the last scene, and the last few sentences. I will not reveal anything, but it was this very scene that was (for me) so poorly done, and completely unnecessary. Yes we got some conclusion, but very cheesy one. The film was interesting... I would say that the first half was even very good ... but that last scene... 6/10

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Another action movie where Liam Neeson is on the phone constantly and has to find someone. Some of the sequences are just ridiculous and the it's a bit predictable, but it's still a fairly entertaining action/thriller. I did get a chuckle at some beats in the score being clear ripoffs of the Dark Knight soundtrack.

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The movie is what you'd expect it to be when you see that its genre is Action/Crime, and starring Liam Neeson: plenty of thriller and cool fighting scenes. It's entertaining and enjoybale, at least it was for me. In my opinion it was very well done, however, I thought his family's reaction when they came to him towards the ending was a little "cold", he was almost killed, and was stabbed and the reaction of his wife and son wasn't so satisfying. I don't know, it didn't feel right.
I also liked the ending. Glad he's back to the police department, and I assume he found and arrested Joanna or whatever her real name is.
Good movie, in my opinion.

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Much of the third act pisses me off, especially when everyone becomes Spartacus.

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Absolute dross of the highest order. Don’t fall for the blurb. 1/10

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It's a typical normal-man-gets-into-impossibe-situation thriller that follows the blueprint for the genre. If that is what you're looking for than that is what you'll get. As long as you don't expect the world out of it you'll be fine.
Oh, and Liam is actually close to being 66 and if you ask me it doesn't show. I'll hope he does some more movies.

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Simple movie, runaway train etc etc.

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Although formulaic in parts, it is done very well. There is a lot of clever film making behind this. If you have enjoyed Neesan's other work, you'll enjoy this.

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When will they learn to stop threatening this Man’s family.

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A great action movie with liam Neeson at his best

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-0.5 / 1 misc (I am Spartacus)

5.5 out of 10

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Dalam film The Commuter, bintang utama Liam Neeson akan beradu akting dengan Vera Farmiga, yaitu pemeran utama film horor The Conjuring dan Patrick Wilson. Sekilas, film ini terlihat seperti film garapan Kenneth Branagh yang rilis pada November 2017 lalu, yaitu Murder on the Orient Express yang bertempat di dalam sebuah kereta serta memecahkan sebuah teka-teki di dalam sebuah kereta.
Film dibuka dengan kehidupan sehari-hari Michael bersama dengan istri dan anaknya, serta kebiasaannya menaiki kereta ke kantornya. Namun konflik mulai muncul ketika Michael dipecat dari perusahaannya yang sudah diabdinya selama sepuluh tahun. Ia pun harus mencari cara bagaimana membayar uang kuliah untuk anak semata wayangnya serta membiayai kehidupan keluarganya.

Pada scene selanjutnya, dapat dilihat Neeson yang bertemu dengan Joanna (Vera Farmiga), seorang wanita muda yang memberikan tawaran aneh yaitu jika ia bisa mengidentifikasi seseorang bernama Prynne di dalam komuter serta menemukan tas yang dibawanya, maka ia akan diberikan 100 ribu dolar. Namun sebaliknya, apabila ia menolak tawaran tersebut maka keluarganya akan terbunuh.

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It's good and entertaining. If you go on a train with Liam Neeson and he gets nervous, run away, it seems that the bad guys have not learned, threatening the family of Liam Neeson, it's bad for your health.

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Non-Stop but on a train. Liam Neeson and a good supporting cast makes it worthwhile though.

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I must admit, Liam Neeson movies are my guilty pleasure. I know, they all kinda use the same formula and all, but I just love the guy. :D So, I really enjoyed this one as well.

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2018-01-31T01:00:23Z— updated 2018-02-01T02:51:26Z

Totally improbable - it doesn't even try to explain how an omniscient villain follows even the most unobserved movements of our protagonist and how she is alway able to reach him on the cell phones of total strangers. However, it is a fast paced, heart racing, tension filled ride and Liam Nelson is interesting to watch as he does what he has done in many other movies. Not a thinkers movie but built for adrenalin junkies. I give it a 7 (good) out of 10. [Crime Action Thriller]

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If you take out all the murder, conspiracy and Liam Neeson's gun with infinite-bullets then the film shows how horrible commuting is. It'll probably make the movie good as well.

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Redefining mediocre. Completely standard action movie. Complete with reluctant hero, a goofy McGuffin and threatened family. 5/10

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Like a daily commute this is fairly routine and sometimes goes too slow, but it gets you there in the end. There are worse ways to kill time than this 90-minute ride.

(Hint: go into The Commuter expecting a suspense film and not an action one and you'll say it's a pleasant way to spend a Sunday matinee.)

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My experience watching this movie was like a 1h45m ride in the train, long and boring. I wouldn't recommended it to anyone. Go watch Non-stop instead, pretty much the same with a different transportation and better pace.

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Shout by Deleted

actually better than I thought it was going to be. Though it's directed by the same guy who directed Non-Stop it is better than that movie for sure.

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Solid action movie, which is what Liam Neeson does best. Some cool shots and a decent story with a few twists make this worth a watch. And who doesn't want to see Liam Neeson punch some people on a train. Also I think its funny that they made Neeson point out that he is 60 years old. He looks like he still has a few of these movies in him.

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Liam “I will find you, and I will kill you” Neeson is back.
This is the kind of movie you’ve seen him do a billion times for the last decade.
In that, it is very similar to Taken, Unknown and especially Non-Stop.

This movie is essentially the final act of Batman Begins, but with the roles reversed.
It’s okayish for the most part, but completely derails (yes, that terrible pun was intended) in its third act (pretty much like every Collet-Serra thriller), where it gets exposition heavy and stops making any sense.
There are two or three camera tricks, one continuous fight scene that was pretty well done, and it’s somewhat engaging due to the mysterious nature of the plot.
At the same time, it’s nowhere near as tense as the aforementioned clone of this movie (seriously, Non-Stop 2: The Unstoppable would’ve been a better title), too drawn out, and has no interesting characters besides Liam Neeson.


^ But hey, it’s January, so that’s not too bad!

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It's alright. A little bit drawn out. I didn't like that the movie is so serious and then towards the end they decided to add humor. Even though it was well placed it made the movie less serious. And the fights - after so many punches, kicks, etc and the characters come out almost unscathed. So don't expect super, super fast paced movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat. And definitely you will not care to see it again. It's one of these movies that should have went directly to DVD.

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It's a typical Liam Neeson thriller. You'll get what you expect, not more but also not less. I was entertained, but it's nothing you'll have to see, even though it has a number of really great actors, some of my favorite (especially also two TV series stars!), whom I really loved to see again. Pretty much similar to Nonstop, though.

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