Shouts about...

The Lighthouse 2019

A really interesting, but not for everyone, genre mix thriller / horror / fantasy film with a grandiose harmonizing cast in the form of William Dafoe and Robert Pattinson.

The film was shot completely in 4: 3 black and white format, which corresponds to the earlier 1920s Hollywood films.

Because of this idiosyncratic format, the film appears very oppressive in its entirety, which captures the narrowness of the scene of a lighthouse island very well.

But even this format is not for everyone for almost two hours of film.

Furthermore, the dialogues, which deal a lot with the mythology of the seafarers, are not easy fare. Unfortunately, it is also one of those films that simply put the ending in a completely confused way and leaves the audience with many question marks.

But by and large, the film thrives on the two actors who stand out for their roles perform.

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This movie is a journey into madness. Trapped on an island 2 lighthouse keepers try hard to maintain sanity while drinking, hallucinating and slipping further into the uncertainty of their existence. Beautiful cinematography. A great watch.

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I absolutely loved "The Witch" and was excited to see what director Eggers could do with two great actors and his great attention to detail and obvious talent.
Well, turns out - not much.
"The lighthouse" has fantastic cinematography, set decorations, costumes, and Dafoe and Pattinson are really digging into the material with gusto. The problem is that there's no discernible plot, nothing that happens on screen is particularly interesting, and it builds up to nothing.
Probably the most disappointing movie of the year for me. I hope for his next movie, Eggers pays as much attention to the plot and story as he does to veracity of the setting and the characters.

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It's a difficult movie that perhaps warrants a rewatch to catch on on what one might have missed.

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tommys distorted laugh at the end is so haunting

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Incredible performances. Very unique experiences. I don't know if I'd rewatch it, though, just because it's so anxiety-inducing.

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Fascinating, gothic, and dark. The performances of the two actors make it worth watching (especially Pattinson), but you have to be a fan of films that "reveal little" to fully appreciate it. In my opinion, it has been described a bit too enthusiastically as a masterpiece, but it's certainly an original film to be watched on a stormy winter night.

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I loved dafoe farting. 10/10

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Oh dear God! What the F*** did I just watch?? I honestly can't come to grip with what I just put myself through!
This is just a big ol' bag of turds!
And to everyone who tells me "this is pure art" and "you just don't get the symbolism".
No! This is just one big "weird for the sake of weird" super pretentious failing attempt to copy both Bergman and Von trier. :thumbsdown:

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Shout by 020202

as f*cked up as this movie is, i gotta say, Willem Dafoe.
this man can ACT. and his single shot long ass lines scenes? god. DAMN.

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Insanity, broken spirits, sailor cursing - pure madness. Pattinson’s and Dafoe’s nutty performances were brilliantly convincing.

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this movie is absolutely gorgeous, it's pure visual poetry !

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The Lighthouse is a film that has received great praise, but it may not be to everyone's taste. While the cinematography is decent, some viewers may find the plot too weird and difficult to follow. The slow pacing of the movie may also turn off some viewers, who may find the film overrated overall.

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Maybe it's that I don't understand cinema anymore or I don't look for what I was looking for before and I prefer a cinema that entertains me and that's why it seemed like a real shit movie and I don't care if I see these super moviegoers here saying that it's a masterpiece.

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I respect it as an experience, but it’s lacking that deeper layer that I want out of a movie like this.
Also, for a movie this unconventional, I found it oddly predictable at points.
Still, this is too well crafted (terrific sound, great cinematography), acted and written to neglect.
It’s an effective nightmare of a film, one that’s also quite funny at points, but the subtext is too broad and unspecific for me.


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A superbly made film about madness, isolation, alcohol, a pissed off one-eyed seagull, and farts

A bizarre film in just about every way, from its glorious visual and aural design to its grandiose acting to its jet black humour to its wonderful ambiguity to its avenging angels/seagulls, if you thought The VVitch was somewhat inaccessible, then you'll most likely despise every second of The Lighthouse, insofar as its subtlety, slow pace, and narrative abstruseness will surely frustrate those who prefer their horror in the mould of jump-scares and chainsaw-wielding escaped mental patients. However, if you favour the cerebral, difficult-to-define, and always slightly off-camera terror that was the foundational principle of The VVitc, or if you enjoy the oppressive dread of classic German Expressionist films, then you'll find much here to appreciate.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Shout by Jimmothy
BlockedParent2022-09-23T15:35:10Z— updated 2022-10-05T01:41:54Z

I have not found a movie in a very long time that is capable of creating such a fleshed out atmosphere as The Shining. I am shocked to say that this movie takes that atmosphere and emotion seen in The Shining and amps it up to new levels not yet succeeded sense this movies debut. The score, the lighting and the actors performances are all spot on.

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The visual cinematography is absolutely amazing, but outside of the artistic perspective, it runs very slow and can definitely get pretty boring.

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What a boring movie. I always know this when I start skipping parts just to finish it.
Willem Dafoe was splendid in this. Very good acting, probably the only good thing in this movie. Overall, pretty weak sauce.

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A slow movie, but very immersive and maddening.

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(also its not my 1st language)

rough describes that movie pretty good I think
-incredible acting
-hard to understand accent but it belongs in the movie
-started slowly -but not boring- and then got pretty weird and confusing, but that’s prob intentional ; Tommy going insane
Well made movie but probably not for everyone

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A sterile exercise in style. If it had lasted 15 minutes it would have been a great short film

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This is a pretty overrated movie in my opinion. While watching it I kept waiting to see what it was that people loved so much about this movie but I never figured it out. Not as interesting as it’s made out to be.

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Immersive and oppressive in equal measure, The Lighthouse is an experience that can't be missed. The atmosphere is suffocating, and every element contributes to that. The black and white visuals are stunning, with examples too many to name like the light off the ocean or the uncanny silhouettes of the leads at night. It lends the film a sense of surreality, hyperreality, or both, depending on the scene. There are so many breathtaking, instantly iconic moments in this film, and all bolstered by Dafoe's and Pattison's masterclasses in acting. The way Dafoe can shift from something ethereal, skeletal, and demonic to a pitiable sad old man to a hammy parody and back- or simultaneously!- is something to behold. And Pattison is his equal, slowly revealing more and more of his raw, hair trigger core.

And that's just the half of it. The homoeroticism. The black comedy. The droning of the lighthouse then incorporated and evoked into the score.The amount left to viewer interpretation, thus allowing the film to be so many things at once. These all make up a film that just envelopes you in it, and one that begs you to repeat it over and over again.

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Unique film, about harrowing psychological affects of isolation. Perfectly made via hypnotic cinematography. Stellar performance from cast.

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Honestly, what did I just watch? But okay.

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'How long have we been on this rock? Five weeks? Two days? Where are we?' - Thomas Wake

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What a unique experience. First of all, the landscape, cinematography, and sound design in this film were outstanding. The duo was also fantastic! It's like I could feel the depression they were experiencing and I loved the subtle homoeroticism going on there. My complain is it felt too slow and I kinda lost my interest in the middle. The story, the montage of creepy and strange imagery, I don't fully understand them. This is one of those movies that flow better on second watch.

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This movie is perfect; it has everything one could look for: Lovecraftian horror, mystery, comedy, homoerotism, a bit of gore and roleplay.

Robert Eggers never gave the game away, and there are so many interpretations I can take away from this movie, and I can't land on a single one.

The acting was tremendous, and I loved the accent. Going in, I was scared I wouldn't understand since it stays true to the 1860s, but I was able to get through it with no problem.

I think this movie could've easily been one of the movies that got nominated, but there is so much stigma around horror movies. So many good horror movies have not been in consideration cause of this stigma. I hope horror movies get the light of day in the future.

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My favourite film of all times, its funny, its haunting, it looks beautiful, the score is fantastic, william dafoe and robert pattinson got snubbed. An incredibly entertaining film i cannot recommend enough.

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What a delightful pretty sick movie. Even David Lynch would be jealous at the end.

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It's not mad, it's not horror, it's... nothing. Just stupid. Why waste 2 great actors with this script?

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Eggers is the Terrence Malick of horror. Like Malick, his movies get rave reviews. And I don’t get it. The movies are terrible. I’m missing something. I couldn’t get through first 30 mins of this movie. Unwatchable.

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Just don't watch it. Long, boring and nonsens.

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Shout by P vinod Menon

guess my kind of movie hope it comes to my place in palakkad kerala else have to view it on mobile or some other way

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Shout by Pvm

haven't seen it but guess my kind of movie hope it comes to my place or will have to see it on mobile ect clips of it maybe.

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This movie boring as fuck!

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I like the movie itself. Many nice shots and very good acting. I did had a issue with the 4:3 ratio. I get they want a classic movie look but for me it's just lost of screen space

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The life of a lighthouse keeper is not a glamorous one! Let this movie be a lesson to you if u were thinking about a career change! A miserable, cold, and mad tale, and also a very good one! Catch it but be warned, u might go a little crazy while watching it!

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My 4 only for cinematography and sound. This is a bad movie not offering anything. Why should I care about an ex-criminal and a sea-dog dive into madness? And since when seagulls eat men alive?

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My 4 only for cinematography and sound. This a bad movie not offering anything. Why should i care about an ex-criminal and a sea-dog dive into madness? And since when seagulls eat men alive?

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This was a violently disappointing film. After what I considered to be a horror masterpiece in The Witch, I was rather eagerly awaiting this period horror piece starring the unlikely duo of Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson, and a mermaid. Unfortunately, I found it interminable.

It’s a movie too obsessed with its own weirdness to provide any payoff worth the viewer’s time. I found the writing to be overwrought and often incomprehensible. On the positive side, the two lead performances are quite good. Still, this movie pales in comparison to its predecessor.

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I don't really know what to say. It was so fascinating. Normally when I watch movies my attention span is very short and I always check how much time is left, but when I watched this I just sat there with my eyes glued to the screen. A movie has to be very good for that to happen.

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At some points, I thought there was just one person and one of his imagination, but at the end it changed. I think they were in a circle. Keep dying and coming back. One broken leg againg and again. Looking to the light and buuum.

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I tried so hard to enjoy this film, but I didn’t.

However, I loved the cinematography and the phenomenal performances from Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattison.

I loved what they were trying to achieve, but it didn’t work for me. There was too much noise, loud and maddening, which only induced a headache rather than any psychological effects.

It’s one of those films you will love or hate. Although, I didn’t enjoy it, my rating is given for the cinematography and brilliant performances.

Sorry to those who loved it.

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The acting was phenomenal. The cinematography was phenomenal, very reminiscent of Orsen Welles. But the storyline sucked. I tried to find something useful in the tale, but it was simply the worst story, no real point. As another commenter said, watching paint dry would have been better use of my time.

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Shout by Lightning13

We as a society really just going to ignore the part where Winslow treated Thomas like a dog, huh?

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Shout by Deleted

It was like„meh"but sometimes is scary

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I don't understand all the hype and rave reviews for this movie. Yes, it was visually stunning. Yes, Dafoe and Pattinson gave superb performances. But everything else...was pretty pointless, meaningless, boring. Watching paint dry would have been a more productive use of my time.

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People are saying such a stupid things here in the comments. There's no magic, chemistry, alchemy or any other dumb things. The film is kinda surrealistic with a great climate and really good actors but boring, stupid and pointless if you're not into this stuff. It's more like a weird dream than a story

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What does this movie want to be? What? I watched it, but I don't know. And i think the filmmaker doesn't know it either.

Great acting from DaFoe and Pattinson and this 1890-Look is on point, but the story is confusing as hell.

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Shout by GigaBerry
BlockedParent2020-02-06T01:42:52Z— updated 2020-02-11T09:03:25Z

Some excellent cinematography. Some great monologues by Dafoe. But mostly, I’m left with a feeling of “What did I just watch...? And why...?”

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The Lighthouse feels like it's somewhere between a weird dream and a bad trip.

Robert pattinson and Willem Dafoe nail their roles as two lighthouse keepers, and very much carry the film throughout. The acting was amazing and the whole story flowed very well.

Definitely a weird one, but would recommend to some people.

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Strange but thought-provoking at the same time. Highlights: cinematography and original score

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Great movie.

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not a bad movie of course, but i guess for a specific taste. i didnt get it but it was really interesting to watch.

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Pattinson and Dafoe's chemistry in this movie is good with Dafoe's performance in this film is superb while Pattinson matches that with his own.

Since the Witch film of Eggers, I always look forward to his future projects and hopefully he will get the best picture award someday in Oscar by using his strength as a horror director.

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In a lot of ways this movie reminded me of The Lobster. In that movie there was a ton to like - a fantastic cast, a unique plot and a willingness to do something outside of what we usually see in today's movies. I wanted to love that movie as I wanted to love this movie although if I am being honest I enjoyed this one a little bit more. Even though we all know where the story was going it was interesting to watch the tenuous friendship between the two works devolve. In the end the story felt a little bit trapped, not unlike the two men themselves.

The acting was fantastic and that boosted my rating of the film. In the first half Dafoe does the heavy lifting but in the second half Pattinson shows chops that I didn't know he had.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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What the hell is this!?? Bullshit?? Full of nonsense

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Shout by Chris

Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead Winslow! HAAARK!
- Thomas Wake
The “Witch” the Robert Eggers maiden voyage was a dark twisted mind bender that had me intensely lock in on from start to finish. While “The Lighthouse” is cinematically beautiful, shot in 1.19:1 scale to give it the very claustrophobic look and feel. As well as in black and white to give it all the 1800s ambiance. The acting was superb. I just didn’t have the feel of dread and madness I believe was intended. It is a good follow up, but A little bit of a bummer. Can’t wait for his next project.

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Even though i didn't understand it as much as i want i found it great with memorable perfomances from both actors and super cinematography..Super weird and for sure not for everyone but surely i have to see it at least one more time to understand it good.7.6/10

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'... refusal to commit to any revealing detail undoes the goodwill, leaving a thick atmosphere without tangible meaning while blaming madness for lacking cohesion."

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not my kind of movie but the performances are maybe my favourite of 2019

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With more questions than answers this movie makes you want to know more and more with all that strange aura. Great acting, great way to film and great scenes. Robert Eggers is bringing back the great old horror essence.

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Great performance from Willem Dafoe,
I don’t understand everybody commenting on the great cinematography. It’s just been done in the old style of a good black-and-white movie but this is not a good movie

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It's good. Dafoe is brilliant and the cinematography is great. I just feel like it's seriously overhyped, sadly.

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I didn't get it. I wasn't even paying that much attention.

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I think it would work more as a short film instead of a full feature

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could this be the first porn ever to get nominated for oscars?

my fucking mind is blown for how they mixed so many porn categories in one movie AND also made it artsy. They even had one HENTAI scene at some point.

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Watching The Lighthouse is like trying to tickle myself, I know what I'm supposed to be feeling but I know what's going on more than feel what's going on.

And I'm not sure why. The cinematography is breathtaking, the acting is above par (Willem Dafoe shattered my low expectations of him) and the sound scaping is aural sex, yet still the effect the film had on me was more cerebral than psychological, and that's not what I've come to expect from Robert Eggers and A24.

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This is what the hooch will do to you.

"The Lighthouse" was exhausting. The characters sink into total insanity or maybe salty ol' Tom Wake is an evil sea god or something. I really never knew what was going to happen next and that is a rare thing when I watch newer movies.

The grainy black and white look and strange aspect ratio made me feel a bit like I was watching an older film. It takes some patience early as the characters are hard to understand and it starts a bit slow but ends up clipping along perfectly. Most definitely not a boring art film.

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I dig the aesthetic and it is very well made with two great performances from Pattinson and Dafoe but it was so weird I'm not sure I liked it.

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My Review of ‘The Lighthouse’ in 3 Sentences:

  1. I feel like I just watched a two-hour bar fight.

  2. Even great cinematography can’t save a movie.

  3. The farting was absolutely unnecessary.

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Mesmerizing, spellbinding, and strange. Pattinson gives an absolutely breathtaking performance in a film so hazy and rich that I was on the edge of my seat. This is the type of film I can only hope to experience when I go to the theater. A journey into the psyche and into the weird.

I am on board with Eggers and wherever he wants to take us.

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Well, this was a weird movie, to say the least. I didn't necessarily like it or dislike it, but I'm a little baffled at how some reviews and comments that I've seen are so positive, not that they shouldn't be. I may rewatch it in the foreseeable future or the unseeable future and see it in a different light, who knows. The performances of both Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe were captivating, in a way, I guess, but the movie itself wasn't; the way I see it. I'm expecting people, maybe a lot of people, to strongly disagree, which is fine. I, myself, if I were a different person, would too, if that makes sense. I guess I was expecting to be more entertained in a way I'm familiar with, you know? Again, I'd probably see this movie in a different light if and when I rewatch it, whether it's in the foreseeable future or the unseeable future. A 7/10 rating may seem outrageous given how what I just said may come off as opposing to such a high rating, but at the same time, a rating any lower doesn't seem appropriate as weird as that may be.

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