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What Happened to Monday 2017

Shout by lotus_blossom
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-08-24T01:49:40Z— updated 2019-11-04T16:43:17Z

We applaud when the siblings win, though we should cry. We are applauding the worldwide decision to kill the planet and everything on it. Though, it is a good movie that can make you root for human extinction.

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So, this Bureau could kill anyone, anytime, without any explanation or civil outcry? This fact alone bothered me more then the 7 identical twin thing.

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Enjoyable sci-fi thriller with some neat ideas. A little predictable near the end, but otherwise, this is one of the best films yet from the Netflix stable.

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Prior to the release I read several articles comparing this movie to Orphan Black due to the lead roles being played by one actress. That's about as similar as these two get.

Noomi Rapace does a phenomenal job playing the septuplets, as does the filming crew creating a flawless rendition of their interaction. Typically, you can tell the film has been pieced together and the actors, or actresses, don't even look at the correct spot. This was not so with Noomi who not only transitioned well between the 7 personalities, but also pulled off her interaction with, well, herself.

Though there were many predictable elements within the story, there were a number of unpredictable ones as well. This movie certainly didn't pull any punches and transformed an over done story line into an excellent thriller.

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Just your "everyday" sci-fi flick! Half way through I stopped caring what happened to Monday and by the end I wondered what happened to my 2 hours. Hard meh.

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A cool sci-fi thriller that was better then I expected. A cool plot twist and Noomi Rapace was amazing as the main character with all the different versions.

Netflix has a good one on their hands. Action packed at a thrilling pace. Turned out to be better then I expected.

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Eh. Could've lived without having seen this. Decent idea but horribly executed.

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OK movie with a nice idea and creepy, realistic outlook on the world (the part about global warming and the environment). some unnecessary deaths just to provoke some drama and tears. this drop from the third floor in the empty dumpster without any consequences and her still being able to run is just .. meh, this exaggerated stuff annoys me in todays movies

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Great movie, I loved the character building. But the ending just fell apart. What the fuck. I mean I guess this is how this will end. The planet is dying, let's have more children and use triumphant music to do so! Yay! More children! The end felt like they didn't know how to end it, so they did that.

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Started a little slow. Thought it would be another waste of a good idea. It becomes and action movie more than anything, and the story is told with action, so 4he need to develop the story dwindles. There are plot twists that are a little predictable, but it didn't take away the enjoyment and I still was curious. When I first watched Noomi I worried she may be wooden and the whole movie would be dependant on a mediocre performance, but she nails 7 characters. The theme of overpopulation is good and something we probably will have to deal wiy sooner than we think. Close has a good character because on the surface and to most she's evil but she really just wants a better future for those alive and earth. Obviously her actions are exaggerated for the story. Close could have had a deeper character. The world could has been more detailed or atmospheric. Overall suprisngly enjoyable.

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Rapace is great in the multiple roles, she really sells the idea. It's an interesting idea for a dystopian sci-fi thriller. It runs a bit long, but the concept is original enough to keep you engaged.

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this made me really appreciate noomi rapace's acting skills. the plot was a little contrived and the movie requires some suspension of disbelief -- less for the premise and more for the notion that 7 identical siblings successfully hid themselves in said premise -- but all in all it's an enjoyable film with believable characters. i watched with a friend and more than once we were clinging to each other and cheering for one of the sisters.

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Good movie marred by the shallow simple minded treatment of overpopulation. Worth watching but no thinking person can take it seriously.

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Really neat premise and I was captured at the beginning. I ended up getting bored and sitting on my phone for the last half.

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A surprisingly good combination of action and sci-fi, but too many plot inconsistencies keep it from becoming a modern classic of either genre.

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had potential, could've been way better

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Some smart ideas but others not so strong to keep people engage. Started slow and in the mid/last part I think writers forced everything. A 6 just to be fair with production.

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I feel this is a perfect example of a good movie ruined by the last 5 minutes of screen time. I mean, I get that the Child Allocation Bureau was meant to be the Big Bad here, and a predictable one at that, but the writers seem to have somehow forgotten mid-writing that they created a very valid reason for someone to build that organization up. Humanity was facing extinction, and that's not a thing that goes away just because you find out that you've been going about it all wrong. Honestly, that last scene in the Matrix-like nursery ruined it all for me, and I had very much enjoyed this movie up until then. It's hard to root for the Good Guys when they're actually the ones who will bring about the destruction of our world.

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Noomi is a boss...not afraid to show some titty and whip some ass

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 dialogue
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

6 out of 10

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I was Impressed with this one, a smart idea for a story plot.. some good action.... well made.. a good performance from Noomi Rapace... a weeks worth..

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Noomi Rapace is great in this and the action scenes are amazing IMO but outside of that it's a pretty boring and standard sci-fi flick.

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Great movie, nice effects and history. Approved! 100%

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Pretty common and standard sci-fi movie from Netflix. It looked really low budget, the actor (all seven of them ) were awful, pretty irritating characters, especially when she was screaming for no reason.

Too long, you can figure out what happened to Monday after a while.

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Written like a YA novel movie but with a sex scene. Feels so out of place.

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A beautiful movie. Definitely a hidden gem.
Noomi Rapace & Clara Read gave an amazing performance.

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underrated bruh, this one is a hidden gem, forget the low ratings, watch it for yourself and then critique the show, it's really good. especially the Sound effects and the goosebumps!

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good fun, if that's the only thing you can see. while there's a break in expectation when the sisters die even after they run off like hell, it's boring to see them dying one by one. the end is kind of dull, you just have to notice the earrings on Monday and Thursday. the beginning is pretty cool, but decays a lot.

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The ending was too happy and Disney style which i personally think a darker and more ... Pessimistic one would've suited it better given the nature of that world, but, it's by all accounts a good movie, fun, predictable in some ways but not boring and it keeps u interested, cool story, the acting deserves an oscar and the production is next level even in 2020, it's flawless but it didn't need to be

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Wow, this might be the best Netflix movie I‘ve watched until now. The story was very original with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. The acting by Noomi Rapace was brilliant as always but especially here were she played seven different roles. That can‘t be easy to keep track of. Overall great sci-fi movie that is a lot better than the rating at IMDb.

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I do not deny that I expected a little more. Practically all the sisters died and it was very... sad?!?
In relation to the film, I found it nice on the subject of action, but I do not deny that it left some points to be desired, in my view. Looking at a futuristic side, I think it's very conquering, especially because of the difference and total class inequality.

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I liked it, great Noomi Rapace, but it does not reach the level of Alec Guinness, in eight death sentences. That bleak future, that use of technology. Hopefully we don't have to come to that

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The scary thing is that I think the Cayman idea fundamentally is what could save the world - but the execution of the idea (pun intended) leaves much fo wish for.
Rapace is doing a good job playing all seven siblings (and Read maybe even more so) - but I've seen Orphan Black and there is no-one I know of who can play siblings or clones as convincing as Tatiana Maslany.

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Shout by Deleted

Great acting by Noomi!
Other than that predictable and disappointing ending. It had potential but in the end just meh. Turned into an action movie. Found myself thinking of scrolling through social media on my phone instead of paying attention to the movie.

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A very good movie from Netflix with some great action unique plot and seven fantastic perfomances from Rapace! Entertaining till the end reccomend it for sure 7.4/10 just don't take too serious some things because this movie is against possibilities :)

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I think this is so amazing movie I love everything part to thia movie super recommend. u need so see this

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Interesting and at the same time intriguing idea. Beautiful performances by the great actress Noomi Rapace. I really like this style of fiction.

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Fantastico questo film, alla fine ti lascia senza fiato. Consigliato.

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Too linear and predictable in its development, and a very sweetened finish

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This is a very entertaining "B Movie", if you can look past the improbability of it all. Great concept and visually well done.

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2018-01-10T01:15:23Z— updated 2019-02-19T17:49:07Z

It is hard to watch this film without comparing it to ORPHAN BLACK, in particular to Tatiana Maslany's genius in playing 12+ clones. However, the only thing this movie has in common with that TV series is that they are both SciFi and they both have one actress playing multiple roles. ORPHAN BLACK was a 10 out of 10 for me, this film is a 6 (fair) out of 10. Noomi Rapace didn't do a bad job but neither her performance or the writer's script gave us sufficient deliniation of the 7 characters. The plot had action but the twists were predictable. (This film is called 7 SISTERS in Netflix.)

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Rapace being weird and a great actress once again... and so Salander wins again! xD

But, seriously, Netflix brings us another enjoyable sci-fi experience.

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Just because there are seven fertilized eggs doesn't mean all of them have to be carried to term (they do commonly freeze excess fertilization in IVF treatment). I'm only about 30 in, but going to call it. Their father was a horrible person who sacrificed his wife and the happiness of all his children rather than abide by the law and be happy with a sustainable solution.

I was right.

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Shout by JoF

Was going to give it an 8 but I presume they all had the "finger job" and I spent most of the film looking for which twin had it and which didn’t. And at the end “the eye” suddenly appeared back in place. Whoops!

But overall it was quite entertaining and for that I will give it a 7.

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what a movie, I really enjoyed every bit of it.

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This will inevitably be compared to Orphan Black. On the one hand, the acting is yards better, but on the other, the story just isn't good enough.

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Very good movie ; a bit like minority report with Tom Cruise :) to be seen without a fail . very good scenario until the end of the movie and nice actors :) Super Noomi Rapace....
a super movie; the siblings idea is great ... I recommend this movie ....if you like sci-fy, action & horrors movies.... Not boring at all a must seen

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Shout by Deleted

100% recommend, thrilling, scary and sad.

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