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Baby Reindeer: Season 1

1x04 Episode 4

I rescind what I commented on Episode 3, this was a whole new level of upsetting. I think it's an important topic to cover, though, heartbreaking as it is.

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This episode was messed up. holy sht

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Definitely took a dark turn which I wasn't quite ready for. Makes it all make more sense now though.

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"Dates and relationships started off in the gutter of what happened. I wasn't interested in love. I had no capacity for it anymore. I just wanted those people to provide fucking answers. As I spurned and alienated every single one of them".

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Nothing could have prepared me for episode 4. It is extremely dark and upsetting. That episode was hard to watch knowing that really happened to author in real life. Episode 4 left me emotionally drained. My brain needed a break.

I have to say up to this moment I was really frustrated with watching Donny making bad decisions with regards to the Martha situation, Donny’s insane lack of boundaries got on my nerves. But in this episode he finally admitted Martha was giving him the attention that he craved, as he said, “Martha saw me the way I wanted to be seen.”

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Ok so this episode turned the show 180 degrees. I feel no sorry or empathy for the guy, he is mentally ill and sexually depraved. And to know that HE is the actual real man it make this show very very sick.
The narration is way to much after the first episode.

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Let's update the trigger warning for really, really hard stuff, this was absolutely devastating :sob:

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It reminds me of the "Lignadis" case in Greece back in 21. Famous director accused of rape and sexual harassment.

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