If the apocalypse comes, beep me.

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Shout by dgw

Heh. The main cast's chemistry is improving. That scene at Bronze was great.

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Starting to get into this more. The action still sucks but I can forgive it.

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In which Buffy tries to have a regular social life.

"i almost feel like a girl."

Buffy's really getting into its groove by this point. There's some great chemistry between the cast. The action is fun. There's enough arch Gothic camp to overcome the sometimes painful 90s delivery. I could watch people run around creeping cemeteries and mausoleums all day.

The singer at The Bronze's outfit in this episode is the most 90s thing ever - and its glorious! And where is this, where there are so many young people dancing with each other to live music? I've never seen that in my life, even in the 90s.

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Owen: You see that ? He tried to bite me. What a sissy. :sob:

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This one feels a bit more familiar but not like the other ones. It has been a very long time since I’ve seen most of them. Love the pager technology. I used to have a beeper like that.

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i would forever choose a man with a tweety bird watch over a guy with a fancy pocket watch.

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Shout by AJ

When this episode aired, the actress playing Buffy was 19 years old, Willow was 23, and Xander and Cordelia, 26. Aren't they supposed to be highschool teenagers? :rolling_eyes:

Fun episode though.

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