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Chuck 2007

truly the greatest, most underrated show of all time. despite its low budget and the threat of being cancelled more than twice, chuck is the ideal feel-good, pick me up show. i recommend it to everyone that asks me for tv shows to watch, and will continue to do so well into old age. after 6 watches, it is still my favourite show, and it’s so rare that i enjoy myself just as much every single time. it has top notch humour, heart wrenching moments, unforgettable characters, and an awesome soundtrack. please watch if you have the chance.

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Still one of my favorite shows, I binge watch it at least once a year when I need a campy/nerdy type TV show to bring a little humor into my life. I admit the premise gets a bit repetitive after a while, but the characters are always amazing. Really wish we could have had a "proper" ending. I personally dislike ambiguous endings although I understand why it might have been done. Still, I would have like the closure that comes after investing so much time into a series.

Anyway, even with all it's faults, it's still one of my top most loved series.

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Shout by Deleted

What's there not to like about this show? Except, yes the ending, but that's common in all shows. Right?

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This show is awesome :) could not stop watching. Too bad is over now.

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Despite I'm a great fan of Chuck and loved the 4 seasons yet, I must say that I was puzzled in the end of 4th season and the things to come, I can't say that I welcome the idea of turning the intersect to morgan however it seems that the screenwriters want chuck to take a rest from this duty....
It will show how it will progress :)

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Season 2 is amazing, Chuck and Sarah really started to click, and there were a few scenes which were my favourite from the show, all time

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Watched more then 120 Series and this one is in my Top 3

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I really should thank my internet for stopping to work for a full week. Because it finally gave me a chance to re-watch my Chuck DVD for the the first time since it aired.

It still is one of my favorite shows with beautiful and loveable characters. Although I still really hate Season 5. But the first four are absolutely amazing.

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Shout by Deleted


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Don't read this and expect a balanced unemotional review! Loved this show, sad it ended and enjoyed every second of it the first time I watched it alone and more the second time with my family. The best show you've probably never seen!

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Shout by Amoenus

Great show but the ending felt even more smudged than in HIMYM...

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One of the best shows in my opinion!

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Agreed, 91 episodes are a bit long for this kind of story. Especially the transformation from a nerd to a high profile spy.
But it was always entertaining. Loved it :)

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Shout by Paul

I wish there had been a sixth season!

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Season 5 had been confirmed before the final episode. But I'm somewhat unsure of how it will play out :x Season 4 was great though :)

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This show.. initially during season one I absolutely hated this show, a protagonist without a backbone, a cliched storyline, the same recycled plot in every episode and an utterly unbelievable and absurd creation called the intersect, gradually though as I reached the season finale of season 4, I realised how Chuck had gotten so near to my heart and I could not finish my day without watching at least one episode of Chuck, then came season 5, utterly dissapointing and boring.. From the midseason finale of the third season right upto the season finale of season 4, this show is an absolute treat to watch but everything becomes so downhill during the last season that I really have mixed feelings for Chuck.

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Grande final, mas infelizmente é como dizem tudo o que é bom tem o seu final, e o final de Chuck foi fantástico

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I'm gonna miss this so much... cried like a baby with the ending. =/

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Awesome show, just keeps getting better and better! loving the guest stars. Wonder who will show up next season?

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Was one of my favorite shows, I'll definitely miss it!

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Pretty fun, it's essentially Edgar Wright for television. The entire set-up is very reminiscent of Shaun of the Dead, except it plays with spy tropes instead of zombie tropes. Mix in some workplace comedy and good characters, and you have one of the most fun shows of its era. A true product of the 2000s that finds a great balance between accessible and alternative impulses. Nothing particularly boundary pushing or challenging, and the way it portrays Yvonne Strahovski can be a bit juvenile in the earlier parts of the show (it very much knows its target audience), but the smart genre fusion going on here keeps the show from becoming too stale or predictable.

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Still missing this serie :( too bad

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Best show ever. Period.

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No words to express how great this show is. Worth to watch from the first to the last episode. It can have you dropping tears and smiling at the characters within the same minute.

You truly get to love the characters and their development is truly incredible.

One of the bests (if not the best) shows I've ever seen.

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Yvonne Strahovski I will drink ur bath water..

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I have watched a lot of tv series, this one is possibly not the best according to scenario or direction, but the simplicity of the scenario and the nerd humour mixed with romance made these series my favourite.

5 years have passed from the last episode, but i still remember these series... And i really hope for a new season in the future, maybe show us the life of Chuck and Sarah in the future?

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I'm gonna miss this so much!!!
The ending was amazing!!!
Hope they are soon to come out new shows which are entertaining and funny like Chuck! :(

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A great show that was great to the very end. A must watch

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So this was a fun watch. Season 1 I wasn't in love with it. It took time for me to fall in love with the characters, and ultimately it felt like this would have been better served as a half hour sitcom. Every episode felt long, relatively rehashed, and the characters weren't developing. Then something changed. Near the end of Season 2, into Season 3 I fell in love with the show and its characters. I appreciated the overarching plots that became increasingly fleshed out, the evolving characters, and the guest appearances were enjoyable. It was a comedy spy show, with a romantic undertone and it really is a show that could work for everyone. While I was harsh with the content and my average is a smidge lower than the user average, I do believe this is a show that everyone should see and there is truly something everyone will latch onto.

Average Season Review: 8.1/10

Recommendation: Must See (For Goofy Romantic Comedy and Spy Fans)

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Absolutely love this cheesy action love spy drama, mostly due to crushing hard on actress Yvonne Jaqueline Strzechowski who changed her name to the phonetically sounding last name Strahovski. Unfortunately she's married with her first child from long time geeky boyfriend. Uhg... Crushed!

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Shout by Gabriela Gonçalves

Cheesy, campy and super fun! Just the way I like it.

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I'm my top 3 TV shows of all time. (top 3 is Person of Interest, Chuck, and Avatar the Last Airbender followed closely by Arrow)
Super funny and love the action. I sometimes go back and rematch episodes for a good laugh and a feeling of nostalgia.
Rating: 10/10

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Shout by Deleted

Best series ever.

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Shout by Deleted

Best ever!

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Shout by Carlo Di Chiara Maggioli

Even if the finale is not at the level of the rest, it's one of my preferred TV series of all times.

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Fun, light, predictable at many times, surprising at a few, quirky, but most of all AWESOME and with a LOT of heart. Chuck is one of modern TV's tour de force and the series finale is a good proof of that.

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After Lost, best series around. I totally recommend this.

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Adoro essa série, vai deixar saudades!

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What an end... too bad its over.

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A light hearted, leave your brain at the door spy action classic. Recommended for a first round. My overall rank was 9 but over time it went down to an 8. Most shows like this get a bit reptitive and it got like this right at the end. If you leave your brain at the door youd love it. If you bring your brain to the show then youd probably despise it.

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Shout by Deleted

The ending was so sad.

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Shout by Deleted

What grown middle aged man doesn't day dream about being a secret agent and having a beautiful CIA handler like Yvonne Strahovski (Killer Elite, 24: Live Another Day). This is pure escapism with good action, funny (Adam Baldwin as the unlucky NSA agent assigned to protect Chuck, with some neat comic touches) and well we all want to be James Bond or Jason Bourne secretly.

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Why does it say that runtime is 60 minutes ? It's 43 minutes, please fix it.

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Shout by Deleted

I enjoyed the series despite the obvious flaws...Repeating storylines and a narrative that felt too often just like treading water. Along the way though, the characters started to get under my skin, even though they were only fleshed out in a lighthearted way to match the whole lighthearted tone of the programme.
There's no denying the chemistry between the players though. The cast is the only reason this show ran as long as it did, but despite that I have a feeling that this won't age well, and in a short time will look very dated.
Good fun. The stories will fade away, but the characters will linger in your memory.

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Why does it say that runtime is 60 minutes ? It's 43 minutes, please fix it.

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Shout by Deleted

One of my Top5 ever. This show was a total shock for me! Never quite expected to have liked it that much.

Seasons 4 and 5 are quite less good though. Wouldn't mind if the show ended halfway through 3rd season.

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Shout by Deleted

Seasons 1-4 were awesome. Season 5 struggled to have a plot and destroyed much of what is enjoyed before by trying to find one.

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Shout by Deleted

Génial !!

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Meilleure série que j'ai vu !! Ne pas prendre au sérieux mais super série

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I finished watching "Chuck" some years ago and I still miss this series so much. I don't even know how I don't died with the ending. I really would kill anyone to see this series reborn.

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Shout by Mauricio A. Fuenzalida Pugin


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Shout by vrakts

Mixed feelings about the whole Sarah forgetting everything but after all I kinda like that the nerd will get the girl once again. Great show.

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Shout by Deleted

Theeee best

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Shout by Deleted

love it

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I do not understand why so much hate season 4. In my opinion, is one of the best!

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Best serial ever!! Action and epic make serial unbealive great!

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Vou sentir muita falta, de cada pessoa do elenco, vai ficar na memória esse seriado! <3

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Shout by Alix Axel

I agree with @imerlin, this used to be a fun to watch show - now it's losing its touch. Writers: please give Chuck a proper RIP.

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Shout by Deleted

some part in season five are awesome!

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yes, season 5 is somewhat confirmed. and i'm terribly sorry about that... :/

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Seasons 4 was extremely bad. Ditched it after completing season 4.

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one of the best TV shows ever quite funny too you should watch at least once in life

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Shout by Deleted

Just love it. Best show ever!

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great show!

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Shout by Deleted

How I wish this show did not end!

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Shout by Deleted

Loved the first few seasons. This smart, a bit clumsy but sweet guy stumbles into a world of espionage. The only "clowns" in the show were the employees at the store. Lately, it seems that everybody in the show is a clown - in one form or another and it is becoming harder and harder to take the serious parts of the show seriously.

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