Was it Laenor at the last scene with no hair?
Great episode

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15 minutes of dark scenes not that good. Light a candle my dude

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Why the hell is Leanor still alive? He died in the book, end of story.

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The lighting in this episode was so atrocious. Was that just me?

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One of the best episodes in GoT history :fire:

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This is getting better by the minute and more intense….those 2 are nothing but power together!!!

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grunkle stan voice children fighting? I can sell this!

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I don’t know if it’s just me, but I genuinely do not dislike either Alicent or Rhaenyra. I actually feel like one of the show’s major strengths is that I understand and care for both, even when they’re fighting against each other through so much heartbreak, betrayal and grieve.

Also, I know he has his demons, but Aemond is definitely my favourite from the youngest generation so far.

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young aemond and aegon did such a wonderful job!!

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Now the show is getting a little too spicy. One of the best episodes in both HoD & GoT.

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Shout by ShoMok

First half was boring but the second half made up for it. Highly intense.

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There are not only good guys and bad guys, there are also gray characters.I think the hdr makes it better to see it

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OMG one of the best in THOD yet !

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Not sure what Rhaenyra's game overall was. I mean she takes a dark-haired lover who fathered her 3 children, then she sleeps with Daemon to have a blond baby... and then she has her husband killed (is he or was it a plot within a plot) in order to marry Daemon... we could have had that 4 episodes ago. So WTF?

But of course, we had to add the whole illegitimate children, in-fights among the family, the handicapped whisperer and the slighted lover poisoning Alicent's thoughts etc.

When you boil it down, there's not much of a story in HoD - a convoluted reiteration of all the scandalous affairs of GoT, but unfortunately none of the depth and intricacies...

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I know it's supposed to be nighttime for part of this episode, but didn't they learn from Game of Thrones not to make people squint to see what the fuck is happening on the screen?!?

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The first five episodes are great but the final five episodes are just epic in comparison.

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why the fuck is it so dark?

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Well, it's started. The road to madness

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Rewatching this specifically for the eye scene after watching ep. 10, cannot wait for season 2 and any and all war crimes that befall the Greens.

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The dark scenes were a little too dark but man this episode was amazing. Especially the last 5 minutes with Rhaenyra and Daemon - love the duo

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First 30 mins boring af, complete waste of time (rewatched as literally fell asleep the first time - at 3x speed, hadn't missed a thing) - 2/10.
The rest of it was good, 7/10, overall 5/10.

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Show is nothing but inbred crap!

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What the fuck just happened!!
This episode just blew my fucking mind. I'm not kidding.A solid 10 for this episode.

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My god, Rhaenyra gets more ass than a rental car seat

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The first half of the show just felt like a Staring Contest

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A very well done episode! Enjoyed it thoroughly

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the first episode that felt well written

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this episode gave me back the excitement to see something more, I would usually watch every episode on the dot with it's release but I procrastinated watching this one and honestly, this one was a hit, a little messy at the start, that's for sure but the ending wrapped it up pretty good

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Great episode! My favourite so far.

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Finally a episode thats up there with the original GOT.Now bring me some more.

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Greatest Episode so far until now, The war just started and thing's for sure Gonna be soooooo bad
this is so interesting

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This is the very episode, the very moment that equalled this show to peak Game of Thrones. damn. the ending.

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I'm not convinced by the new actress of Rhaenyra ,,,, and yes I think also it was to dark ....

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Outstanding episode, definitely the best yet. Also, that fight between the kids is probably the best kid fight I've ever seen in any movie or show.

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top-tier entertainment. 10/10

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This was dark, in more ways than one, and one of the most epic episodes of any show to date.

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After a questionnable previous episode, this one has definitely got my attention again. I hope the directors keep in this direction, I can't wait to see what Rhaenyra & Daemon do and the power struggle with Alicent & her father

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ok but i cant be the only one that feels as though this gotta be one of the best eps of not only hod but also got??

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Rhaneyra and Daemon is so wrong and hot at the same time

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One of the better episodes but still worse than any mid-season filler of the original series. I can't get over how bland the cast is (especially the mid-season replacements). So much mediocre acting, so many forgettable characters.

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What an episode! So beautifully written, shot and directed. Rings of Power should take a note from House of the Dragon on how to make a good show.

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My only real complaint about this episode is that it was too dark. I want to see the actors' expressions clearly, especially when we're talking about the amazing Matt Smith, who gives so much of his character's inner world through microexpressions. I understand outside lighting is not a thing in this world, but this is a show, and that wasn't a great editing choice IMO.

Other than that, it was a great episode. I continue to be amazed by the performances of Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke, and I loved the twist at the end of the episode. That is one change from the book that I more than happily accept.

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Great episode but who dimmed the lights?

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Lenny and Carl, together at last.

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I love it! But cant get around the thought I am watching a medieval-fantasy 'bold and the beautiful'-flick ....

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That was tops! Fricking spectacularly directed. And the previous 6 episodes built up to this one so perfectly. I felt everything, often conflicting feelings but I felt both at once. I empathised with everyone, wanted the best for all of them but at the same time understood why they wanted blood and was horrified by how they sought it. Fantastic episode!

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Best episode so far. My favorite.

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Medieval succession is getting spicy!

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the pacing and the plot is good, but the lighting is horrible. can directors learn how to light a night scene decently again?

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At this point there’s not much else to say other than this show continues to impress in virtually every way. Every character is just written so well and the tension between characters is enthralling. We’re gearing up for Targaryen vs Hightower very soon and I love it.

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[I do not believe the rating on this episode... Currently 62%. I do believe we may be having some RoP trolls coming past and dropping bad rating numbers.]

That said, holy crap! What an episode!
We thought there were family issues in GoT... They had Nothing on their ancestors.

Playdates were never so brutal.
Not much can be said about this episode, it has to be seen. I don't want to give any spoilers either. The arc was well done, complex, and makes you wonder, what was planned and who planned what portions and to what was contrived to it's fullness or was extra added unbeknownst to those planning?

The plot thickens and the primary actors played their parts exceptionally well. Never a dull moment in Westeros that's for sure!

There was a hint of Jon Snow coming through where he obviously got that trait. I hope you pick up that within this episode... 9/10

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Great for weird reasons
+The bias towards Rhaenyra is now so bad that it's actually gone full circle and is entertaining with how crazy and stupid the writing is lol. Alicent trying to gouge Luke's eye out in the middle of the room full of people while the kingsguard prevent anyone from interfering except Rhaenyra was fucking hilarious. Daemon and Rhaenyra's relationship portrayed as a loving romantic one is fucking hilarious. Laenor and his lover setting up that cheesy ass skit and then throwing someone else's body in the fire, cutting off his dreads to prove it's him, and then rowing away might be the dumbest and funniest thing I've seen/read in the ASOIAF universe.
+Vhagar getting her new rider
+Kid fight was pretty good Aemond firmly grasping how badass he will become
+Funeral was pretty good
+Alicent and the majority of the actors are great

-Larys being a lil creep
-Aegon being a lil freak
-Helaena getting no character outside of the Kasandra treatment
-Rhaenyra's new actress is kinda mid

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This is the best episode so far. Its the game of thrones and a song of ice and fire in a nutshell. Has tension, intrigues, twists, good acting, good vfx and a godly soundtrack. Thanks to all the producers, actors, eveyone involved in the making of this masterpiece.

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The Real Housewives of Westoros

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This is first episode all season that actually evoked memories of the first seasons of game of thrones. Despite some great performances previously, when this series is done, I wonder how many will look fondly at episodes 1-5 other than curiosites.

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What an amazing episode. This was peak TV.

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