Shout by NIghtLcD

Why is Deke still obnoxious?
And why is everybody so helpless?

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When you deliberately make SHIELD act like a bunch of idiotic buffoons, then of course they'll need help from the bad guy. So dumb.

With how much they are dragging it out, I'm sure the reveal as to why Sarge looks like Coulson is going to be incredibly underwhelming. Should've pulled that trigger already, because building it up constantly will just amplify the disappointment when it finally happens.

I will miss Enoch. Can we get rid of Elena and trade in Enoch on a permanent basis?

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Enoch can be so fun to watch, visually alone. Just a great character and actor IMO.

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The shrikes things look like Scrappy Doo inside Mr Bean’s body in Scooby Doo: Spooky Island.
Izel looks like an interesting villain but what’s with that wig??? It looks like the wig from that girl in Lazy town!!
And I hate that they treat Deke as useless, when he was doing pretty good in space 70 years ahead.

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Come on guys, why on earth do you reunite Shrikes together when you stopped them just before they met?

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Shout by kinky

I'm glad that, after last week's dull, failed nostalgia-inducing filler, the show is back to being fun! And this season sure isn't being coy regarding mysterious plotline elements, I'm looking forward to finding out more where this is all heading to, next week!

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Good episode as usual but with a few logical mistakes. So they vented the Zephyr because they needed the cold to kill the shriek but Yoyo and the other agent didn't freeze at all?

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Okay, this was relatively a good episode but still...

yoyo: fire until they are dead
one of the shield jarhead who supposed to be the best of the best comes with a pistol, instead of a goddamn rifle and shoots 4 rounds, stares and dies...

This shitty small details is dooming this show.

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Shout by Robert David Fox

This episode is nuts. I'm really liking how the story was spilt into two: Earth and Space. And finally, they'll all be together soon... I hope.

Things that pump me up:

  • The girl with the red hair. What's her agenda? What is this artifact that she seeks that is missing? (My guess this is all related to Sarge)
  • The Shrike stroryline keeps getting better. Although I'm really curious if Sarge and his crew are bad guys, or are just here to stop the Shrike from taking over Earth.
  • Although Fitz-Simmons are on their way to Earth. I really hope there can still be a storyline about Space (Planet Kitson, Enoch's mission to find the Chronicoms a new home)
  • Yoyo and Mack, will you guys just get back together!!!
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