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Marvel's Jessica Jones

Season 3

Season 1 was great, season 2 was good, season 3 was a bad soap opera. Bad "villain", over-focusing on boring characters, too much filler material, some really uninteresting and poor morality choices and arguments, and lastly a really bad cameo from another Marvel show that I actually couldn't finish watching it was so bad. I had to force myself to finish watching this last season in hopes something dramatically changed.... it didn't.

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Well, at least it was better than the last season of "Iron Fist" and "Luke Cage."

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Tragic how they managed to achieve their first good season with their third and final try.

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A Bitter-sweet Goodbye. This review is overdue because to write it meant I finally had to say goodbye to the JESSICA JONES created under the Netflix's banner. I have really enjoyed this series. The writing has been sharp, self-depreciating and grimly humorous, like it's protagonist. Krysten Ritter has brilliantly inhabited this character. This season was more about what heroism is (or does) than it is about a fight against villainy. As is always true with the series, the struggle is real and the lines hard to define. Even though this season had a slow start (it must have been hard to reset after Killgrave) all the avenues were explored. Great writing, great plot, characters in whom you can invest, a bitter-sweet finale to a series I truly enjoyed. I give this season a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Superheroine]

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It was bad. Oh my god. The plot started after a few episodes. The villain was charismatic as a sock. At least, the cast was good except the bad guy (especially after Killgrave)

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Oh man, this season felt like watching a soap opera. 4/10

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Without a doubt, my favorite season out of this final batch of Marvel Netflix shows. The series continues to dig into these questions of trauma and coming back from abuse, and how that abuse can shape your perspective on the world. I love the dichotomy this season sets up between Jessica’s and Trish’s different approaches to heroism, both rooted in their trauma, but one born out of a sense of rage and anger, and the other out of a desire for justice. It sets up some really compelling conversations that aren’t often addressed within superhero shows. This “ends justifying the means” tactic that many heroes take is rarely called out, so it’s nice y try to see it explored so fully (and with nearly every character) here. I also liked the season’s villain and the ways in which his misogyny is set up as a compelling counterbalance to Jessica’s narrative arc. It’s a really strong season.

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What an irritating and poorly developed character that of Trish Walker (with Rachel Taylor as a bad actress). From being a beloved character in the first season, Jessica Jones' good sister, in the end she's a fuc*** pain in the ass. With what right did she feel in applying justice by her own hand, always believing that she was right without caring what others told her? She's the irritating villain of the season. This series will be remembered only for the magnificent performance of David Tennant and his well-developed character Killgrave. From then on, the series is a shit, with a disgustingly poorly written script.

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This season was weak, but it was stll better than 2nd season. Worse thing about this season and show overall is Trish. Writers made her very irritating and the actress is not very talented. The more time she spend on screen, the less I wanted to watch this season.

This show works best when it's constantly focused on Jessica and not on other character. The show is called Jessica Jones, not Jessica Jones & Friends. That constant focus on Jessica along with her narration and OST made the show feel very special in 1st season. It had neo noir style to it, but all that disappeared in 2nd and 3nd season.

Imo these last two seasons would've been better if they were only about solving more cases, more P.I. work. No big side stories, it's just Jessica doing her best to solve a case with Malcom as her sidekick.

I love this character and Krysten Ritter is just perfect as Jessica. I hope that we can see Alias Investigations again some time in the future.

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Well I can't say this wasn't awful, as I love Jessica Jones and think she is a total badass. But I feel it focused on characters that were not interesting and plain boring. Jeri for example. I just wish she wasn't a character in the show all together, very boring to watch. At first I found Trish the worst, but now that goes to Jeri. Apart from that, Jessica I love you.

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They should had stopped after season 1.

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