When you're trying to sleep but your son keeps banging the baseball bat on the floor for no reason

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Other than those final 30 seconds or so, an underwhelming season premiere.

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It looks as though I will be watching this season for more of the same reasons: Veronica, Betty, all too rare appearances by Josie, and the intriguing psychosis of Cheryl.

Why does Jughead have a motorcycle? Where did he get it? When did he learn to ride it?
What's all this nonsense about the ambulance not coming? Why didn't Pop drive Fred to the hospital? Was the whole purpose of that just for the -drama- of Archie swerving all over town?
Why has Hermione Lodge done something of a 180 and not respect her daughter's intelligence and the fact that these "disrespectful" accusations Veronica's making seem to be one of the few things on this show that make a lot of sense?
What happened with Daddy Blossom in the barn or whatever? Is this something I've forgotten or some big upcoming twist?
Why did Fred Andrews have so many overdramatic fever dreams? Could they just not fill the air time? (I do love Veronica's wedding dress though).
Was Jughead not tipped off by the phrase "knock some heads together" that the Serpents methods might be less than peaceful?

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I can finally see why some fans rate Cole Sprouse's acting so poorly. He definitely needs to be more subtle with his angsty sequences.

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Darkest hospital ever.
It's getting progressively harder to remember these are supposed to be high school kids when they act and look like 20-something year olds.
The Scottish wedding was such a weird choice. Bagpipes and kilts? Color me utterly confused.
Also, bat versus gun.I so wonder which one would win
On the bright side, Cheryl is still as much a psycho as she's always been, one of the only things that still keeps this show interesting.

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Your father was still in coma after being shot and what you think the most urgent thing to do is walking your dog?

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What an amazing season premiere, totally awesome can't wait for next week's episode

حلقة روعة صراحة وافتتاحية موسم موفقة، حبيت كمية الغموض بأول حلقة والكشف عن الأسرار حبه حبه مثل ماتعودنا على هذا المسلسل الأسطوري، متحمس حق حلقة الأسبوع القادم

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Haha, bringing that bitch back to kill her, I liked that part actually. She better stay dead.

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Great premiere! I thought it picked up flawlessly from where it left off. Cheryl is a bit off her rocker. It will be interesting to have V's father in town. And the ending...I have to say I hold no sympathy for the pervert. Some may call that karma.

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Wow what a crazy turn of events... cant wait for the next episode! Cheryl is one very intrigiuing character! I must know more about her... i'm starting to think she a witch... or related to or friends with Sabrina Spellman.

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this killer is really scaring me for real lol. this show is getting high

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Wow, what a last scene! :o

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look, I'm actually willing to overlook the poor acting, writing, and everything but the cinematography is way too inconsistent for ONE episode and that's where I draw the line.

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What an amazing season premiere! Loved all of it. We finally saw Hiram Lodge, and i bet he's gonna wreak havoc this season. Also Juggy and the Serpents promises to be a messy and complicated situation. Cheryl's gone crazy now, geez. Can't wait for the next episode.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Having the hospital be done up in a very 1950s Americana style, but nothing else is, was an odd choice.

I was wondering how long they were going to keep teasing "your father's coming back." Glad they got it over with in the first episode. I was expecting it to be dragged out for like half the season, honestly.

I was like oh god, they're really bringing Grundy back? And also confirming that she is in fact a serial predator. But then they kill her off. Weird, but ok.

They replaced the 13 Reasons Why actor for Reggie.

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In which Cheryl doe not know what CPR is, and we meet the Real DILF

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Little bit underwhelming, but for me, that is mostly because Archie isn't my favorite character and it seems that this season is going to be a LOT of him and would love for it to be more about Cheryl and her mom or Alice Cooper because Alice is just fantastic.

Curious to see what daddy Lodge is going to mean for the show. But the intensity needs to be bigger.

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