Why don’t they just transfer the consciousness of Zora to an android like Data and let Zora help rebuild another program for the ship. An AI ship is still dangerous since all crews are dependent on it.

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Raise a hand? That’s speciesist, what if someone doesn’t have hands?

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What the fuck kind of ship and federation is this? Any mofo can jump in with their own opinions. How did this federation survive this long if any subordinate can speak up. Fucking SJW have ruined another show. Motherfuckers!!!!

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That ending was so freaking obvious. Do they have high school kids writing for this show now?

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Wait another gay guy in the show? How are they reproducing?

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I found it very well built, peaking in making the viewers ask themselves what they would do: under fire, do you choose try to communicate, or do you erupt with anger, devil may care with the consequences?

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If I wanted a sentient AI on a ship with that kind of voice I‘d watch „Legends of Tomorrow“ not Star Trek.

If I had it on a star ship I‘m not sure if I’d transfer it to an Android and wipe it clear, at least if there’s the possibility that the ship doesn’t follow orders.

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Why don’t they just transfer the consciousness of Zora to an android like Data and let Zora help rebuild another program for the ship. An AI ship is still dangerous since all crews are dependent on it.

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I feel like the whole plot with Zora in this episode was pointless. The first thing I thought after the last ep was for Michael to say "well zora, I trusted you with my life just days ago, now you trust me with my crew's lives" and they needed an entire discussion about that x.x

Also I'm shocked that Book with his entire plot still believed he could persuade Michael and his speech was eloquent and not emotional, no yelling and stuff. I didnt believe he could do it and he has my appreciation. Still, at the end leaving Grudge to Michael and still saying I love you... I didn't expect that even tho I knew how this gonna turn up from the first moment he talked with Tarka.

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Superb Episode
Yet again.
I can't get enough of
This "Zora" situation,
I frickin love it and it's
So bloody interesting,
I hope they play it out
For the rest of the season.
I agree with
Captain Burnham
and my hand was up.
Books has let me down
And trusting the guy
From far away, yeah
What can possibly go
I never trusted him
From the beginning
and I'm not buying his
story at all,
Lorca 2.0 much
Except this guy is
a frickin genius
in fact he makes the
Smartest man in the room
Look like an amateur.
Every sense I have is
Telling me this guy is
Dangerous and
Michael really needs to
be made aware of him.
This show is so
Fcuking Cool
and ZORA is off
the charts amazing

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Shout by Sabian

Oh my god what they did with Zora was completely and entirely reckless. She knows virtually everything about Human behaviour and the crew from historical records, all media, and direct behavioural observations, where she could easily have shown those "subconscious" images to them just to build false connection, and even Stamets destroyed the failsafe on top of that.

On the flip side, if she does turn out to be a benevolent synthetic intelligence, that'd be the biggest asset probably in the entire galaxy, as she could be a superbrain with every species' data and research, accelerating all scientific progress.

It's also interesting that they use "isolynium" instead of "omega molecules" like the lore shows in Star Trek Voyager season 4 episode 21: The Omega Directive, which describes a similar effect of damaging subspace.

Oh, and that cliffhanger was epic and believable too. Exciting.

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this thing is getting worst season by season episode by episode.. :rage:

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how come I can't watch it

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